Page 36 of The Guest: Book 2

Chapter 36

  The Young People In The GU Shop

  Sheilor should be satisfied, but wasn’t satisfied, the should have excitement also was not that strong as what people widely believed. He took a look at the picture that the black mecha left in discomfiture in the end, just had a smile happily.

  His interest still stayed in the machine maintenance aspect, although manipulating the mecha could really bring him the pleasant sensation, but after all, that was not his life goal.

  The war between the federation and the empire had already come to the end for more than ten years, in the peace became the habit gradually era, Sheilor didn’t have the plan to join the army, of course he didn’t think that becoming a pilot manipulating the mecha would be his future choice.

  Perhaps it was because the encounter boss uncle had and the forced exile he had, and after he came to the Capital Planet Circle, the privileged class such like the Chad siblings that he had seen, let Sheilor has not too much good feeling and sense of trust to the federal government. By comparison with it, actually he had the much better impressions to the anti-government side which was lead by senator Medellin.

  Of course, if the empire flagrantly invaded the federation once again in the future, Sheilor also wouldn’t fled far away just because he detested the government, he would certainly have the obligation as a federal citizen.

  Just in a moment, Sheilor associated his many years later future life with the picture of the black mecha, this kind of absent-minded to him, besides to have the machine maintenance work, was rare to happen. The abdomen suddenly made the very loud sound, Sheilor took a look below with the wry smile, nearly was knocked out by that strong hunger sensation.

  Uncle Fengyu passed on him that set of strange movements and the mysterious power in the body, besides that kind of tremble was too conspicuous, the biggest drawback was, probably the hunger sensation every time after he employed the power. Earlier ran out from the H1 area, the been under the tension state Sheilor, didn’t notice this point, but when he was relaxed at this moment, suddenly felt that the hunger could really kill a man.

  The picture on the light screen was back on the BBS of the school network, a marked red post got into Sheilor’s eyes. He was startled to looked at that obviously was a girl student, with the extremely anthomaniac tone, asked that holding the abdomen to run black mecha prince, to be her dancing partner in tonight’s dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival…

  The key was that the girl also attached her photos on it, so the online comments were all the scolds, mainly were the girls scolding. And the in absolute hunger condition Sheilor, turned off the light screen immediately, held his abdomen and ran out from his bedroom. Once he thought of the face of that girl student, it seemed that he was full just in a moment.

  In the most prosperous business district of the Coastal state, there was a most quiet street. The prosperous and quiet were not contradictory, the so-called keeping quiet in a noisy neighborhood was a kind of style, it represented some certain kind of sending out money ink scent pure and lofty. On this about two hundred meters long quiet street, gathered in the most famous luxury shops of the federation, the elegant decoration but having the polish front, the number was not a lot but everyone had the reserved face customers, all fully showed the attitude to reject the poor far away.

  It was just after the noon, the honor identity, or the rich family property customers all wouldn’t choose the floating snow slightly this time to come shopping. But the in uniform ladies of that called GU famous brand clothes shop, still maintained the very standard smile, held the hands in the abdomen, very politely looked at the air outside, just as if there would show up a spend gold on one throw rich childe.

  Ding dong the crisp sound, that quite have the antique feel little copper bell sounded up at the door, the wearing the fit uniform female service personnel all had the spirit a lift, the smile was even more gentle, to meet go forth. But when they saw that coming in young man, the smile couldn’t help to have a stiff, almost couldn’t hold the always strictly abided etiquette image.

  Because the came in along with the slight snow young man, wearing the student uniform which was very common in the university town. In such a cold weather, still wearing so thin, the cloth was somewhat old, really not like a what the rich. In this world, those like dallying deceitful trick and playing the poor rich childes, these ladies had seen too many. But they also knew it better, those rich childes just like to play, but nobody would like to deliberately give his own body a hard time in this kind of damn weather.

  The fact let them more confirmed that this young man didn’t have any purchase ability was… while this young man was walking to the inside of the shop, he was also looking at the price tags on the clothes with a kind of staggered expression. The most incredible thing was, in his hand he still held three deep-fried dough pies, which was only could be bought on the small booth in the university town… the most made the store employees hard to bear thing was, these three deep-fried dough pies had the same notch, obviously this young man ate these three deep-fried pies at the same time, and swallowed so much just in one bite…

  The poor starved like this, entered the famous by rare clothes shop, could it be said that he would come in to buy anything? The on duty manager had her face changed slightly, but still had a smile to that young man, and then motioned with her eyes a female employee to go forward to serve him. Although she was not very willing, let the deep-fried dough pie smell on this young poor student to ruin the light perfume smell of the store, but nobody could deprived the right that the poor could stroll around the store, she also couldn’t, but only could think a way to let this perhaps come in to avoid the snow young poor student.

  “Sir, do you need anything we could help?” a female employee asked in a soft voice.

  The staring at the price tags on the clothes in a daze Sheilor came back to himself, suddenly noticed that this delicate and pretty employee, had her eyes not that eye-catching to slide on the deep-fried dough pies which on his hand, then he found out his improper behavior, he had a smile with apology, “I am sorry, too starving.”

  That female employee had a smile with difficulty, didn’t say anything, but her expression had already faintly shown the unwelcome meaning. Sheilor couldn’t help to have a sigh in his heart, silenced for a moment and then said, “I come to pick up some clothes.”

  “Pick up some clothes?” that female employee was in a daze slightly, somewhat couldn’t believe her ears. The order to make clothes of the store was very expensive, this young poor student affirmed that he didn’t come to the wrong place? She repeated it once subconsciously, “Are you sure?”

  These three words were very impolite, even the good temper Sheilor, the eyebrows also frowned up slightly. The on duty manager over another side also knew that her subordinate made the mistake, walked to this side in a hurry, tried to ease the atmosphere. But Sheilor just shook his head, “Shielding ordered two sets of suits, please bring them out to let me take a look.” he said.

  This was the first time he walked into a place really belonged to the wealthy people, especially when he thought of that these two sets of suits would cost him tens of thousand dollars in a moment, Sheilor thought of that only three hundred something thousand dollars left in his card, then he was in a daze.

  Heard the words such like what that female employee said, anybody would get angry, but Sheilor wouldn’t care for it at all, after all it’s not those dramas in the channel 23, could it be said that he would really take out the gold card, bought all the clothes in this store, let these female employee feel ashamed, had the love feeling to him?

  Playing the ringer surely would feel good, but the problem was the he really didn’t have that much of money, Sheilor thought with a forced smile. Then he took over those two sets of clothes, took out that bank card, and was ready to pay for them.

  At this time, the on duty manager and that female employee had already apologized repeatedly, and the rest of the fe
male employees in the store also drove the stunned meaning off their faces successfully, just felt that there were more and more weird things in this world.

  “The fitting room is inside over there, please come with me.” the on duty manager didn’t took over that credit line was not low bank card. She just asked Sheilor to go with her to the inside, left not trace to take a look at the in his hand deep-fried dough pies, which were bit into the crescent by him, said with a smile, “do you want us to wrap up your food right now first?”

  Looked at that spunky young man in the floor mirror, Sheilor felt somewhat satisfied with this dark color suit. He adjusted the collar position carefully, slanted his head a bit, and took a few more looks, the got rid of the keenly feel heart a little bit.

  This set of the lightly bright dark color suit was very fit, Sheilor also didn’t know how the store could do it, he could only admire the eyes Shielding this FBI agent, incredibly he could remember his figure so clearly.

  “It’s very suitable for you.” in order to make up the mistake her employee made, the female manager accompanied all the way personally, she gave the comment very shortly and politely, let the people feel cheerful in the heart when he heard the words.

  “I am still waiting for another friend to try the clothes.” Sheilor held back the looking to the outside of the window eyes, said to this female manager.

  The female manager had a gentle smile, pointed to a quiet area on a corner of the store and said, “you can wait over there for your friend, our store would prepare some cakes and coffee, you are welcomed to try it.”

  Sheilor had a smile, the mood became a bit better, walked over there. Of course he wouldn’t be against to have the free food, he still felt very hungry at this time anyway.

  The female manager had already accompanied with him to walk to there, her mood was very as well. She didn’t expect that the temper of this young man would be so good incredibly, although earlier her employee made such an impolite mistake, but the other party also didn’t make a play of it.

  The thing made her feel even better was, although today the Coastal state had the snow slightly, the weather was so awful, but it just passed the noon, several groups of customers had already shown up in the store, it seemed that today’s sell performance should be very good.

  As the manager of the store, of course she knew it clearly that tonight would be the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival. But the rich children among those students had already ordered their full dresses long ago. Today suddenly several groups of customers showed up in the store, but just didn’t know what kind of reason made them in such a hurry.

  “The time is urgent or not, it’s nothing to do with me, I just hope that you can do it for me.” a cold and proud voice sounded in the store.

  That was a group of young men and women picking the full dresses, the talking one was a young man about twenty years old, his companions all picked their full dresses well with good luck at this time, but only he didn’t pick the suitable garment. If ordered the full dress in the store, it’s needed to do it a very long time in advance, everyone knew about this clearly, but the time was really urgent, so he has some worry.

  The manager went over to meet him, explained a few words, but still couldn’t get the understanding of the other party, couldn’t help to heave a sigh in the heart.

  When this groups of customers came into the store, she had already known that these were the people in the VIP list. But she just couldn’t understand, why these bit shots, normally only would show up in the Capital District or the first big city New Jersey, why today would show up in the Coastal state at the same time.

  Sheilor was sitting on the sofa, having the cakes, drinking the coffee, enjoying the spring-like heating, and waiting leisurely for Shielding. He didn’t pay attention to the troubles over there, because that didn’t have anything to do with him. But he didn’t expect, the trouble found him in the next moment.

  “This friend, your figure seems to be similar to mine, I like your this suit very much, I have some emergencies tonight, take it off, I will pay you ten times of the price.”

  Sheilor was stunned to look up, saw that young man was looking at him and said with a condescending tone. Sheilor was always willing to help people, but he wouldn’t be a bitch, especially this guy spoke seemingly peaceful, but actually had a kind of taken for granted and finger-wagging meaning in his heart…

  So Sheilor lowered his head, directly took this man as the air.

  “Your this man is very impolite,, we are talking to you, but you dare not to take a look at us incredibly.” another dressed up like a princess proud girl frowned and said, disgusted to look at the kept eating and drinking on the sofa Sheilor.

  Sheilor frowned slightly, he just thought that life was not the TV dramas a moment ago, how come he would always hit into this kind of inexplicable things? He looked up, looked at that not ugly, even somewhat pretty proud girl, said seriously, “this girl, your figure is pretty similar to my girl friend’s, she should like your this dress very much, and we also have some emergencies, take it off, I will pay you twice the price.”

  That man was willing to pay ten times the price, but Sheilor was just willing to pay double the price, the same words stabbed back just like this. That explained that a gentle and composed character young man, occasionally to be mean, also had the quite strong lethality.

  Heard the words, that group of young men and women all were dumbfounded at the same time, seemed to not expect, there would be somebody talking back with this kind of calm and sarcastic tone. That pretty proud girl, even got mad and had the angry fire in her eyes.

  Sheilor looked at her and that man by her side, gently he said, “I know this is a very impolite request, so I take it back.”

  His point was quite clear, what you did like this was very impolite, either you took it back, or you would just become the air in my eyes.

  “You are going to attend the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival?” that man looked at the on the sofa Sheilor coldly, “we also will go, perhaps we would meet again then, but I repeat it again, you really don’t want to take off your this suit, in exchange for ten times of the compensation, and my forgiveness to your disrespect earlier?”

  Sheilor didn’t expect that the character of these people would be bad to such a degree, thought of the Chad siblings he met in front of the nightclub, thought that probably these so-called born with the silver spoon people, would be all this impolite. The other party also would attend the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival tonight? A routine dancing party of a university, why would these guys, obviously not the students of the Pear Garden university, also come to join in the fun?

  “You guys are rich people, I am just a poor man.” Sheilor looked at him and shook his head, “you probably won’t see me in the party, as to the disrespect… I forgive you for the disrespect you did to me earlier.” he said.

  This sentence came out, the atmosphere in the field became more strange, that group of young and rich men and women looked at the sitting on the sofa Sheilor, as if they were looking at a monster. Sheilor still lowered his head drinking the coffee, but he was cursing why Shielding would choose a damn place like this, he had to come into a nonhuman clothes store, met a group of nonhuman people.

  This thing was nothing to do with Shielding, it’s just a chance encounter, of course this group of people would go to attend the dancing party…