Page 37 of The Guest: Book 2

Chapter 37

  Spies Of The Anti-Government Army

  The snow was floating outside of the window, the atmosphere in the pub was very chilly, it was just after noon, no any business. Shielding was holding the cigarette in his mouth like sucking a lollipop, watched the red light flashing on the cigarette butt attentively, was in the sheer boredom. His that pair of beautiful charming eyes closed to the nose bridge because of this kind of concentration, that seemed somewhat funny.

  The wooden door of the pub was pushed open, the chilly air poured in. Shielding took out the cigarette and put it out, pulled out the chair next to him, looked at the grey hair on the sideburns of that man, “what do you want to drink?” he asked.

  “The liquor.” the bureau chief of the Coastal sat down, said the words directly. Shielding that pretty brows frowned slightly, to this his former teacher, later the guide of his career and the single contact superior, he knew pretty well. He knew that the other party was always carefully, not particularly willing to drink. But he didn’t ask anything, made a snap, called the bartender to bring a glass of liquor.

  “The Tai family seemed to have already contacted with senator Palmer.” the chief was nearly choked by the liquor, he spoke in a soft voice, while he was coughing, “if Palmer could get the support of the Tai Family, the presidential election of next year, his odd of victory would increase a bit more.”

  “The Tai family… has been very low-key, so low-key that most of the federal people have already its existence.” Shielding admitted that actually before he gathered the intelligence for this action, he also didn’t pay too much attention to this once been glorious for numerous generation former royal family. He raised his glass and took a sip, “even their family once possessed the whole federation before, but after all, it’s been over sixty something Constitution Calendars, how much hidden power they still have… incredibly still can affect the presidential election?” he asked.

  “Don’t underestimate the existence of the seven big families, this is the thing that the history of the federation has already proved. The Tai although is the most secret family, but if we get it stochastically right, it should also be the most powerful family among the seven big families.”

  The chief lowered his head, said with a slight worried voice, “perhaps they couldn’t let a person to be elected the president directly, but they could let the campaign opponent of one certain people lose easily.”

  “Destruction is always much easier that construction, I understand this.” the eyes of Shielding were very calm, “but although I always cast the disgusted eyes to the politicians, but I also have to admit, the came from the East Forest Palmer is one alien in the politicians. If in these many years, the moral standard and the steadfast and earnest in his work are all disguised, I have to say, it’s very successful for senator Palmer to play the saint.”

  “You understand what I mean.” Shielding continued, “if Palmer could become the federal President, for the organization, it should be the best choice. At least, if we want to have the peace negotiation, we also don’t need to worry about the federal government, they wouldn’t be unsteady like those previous villains.”

  The chief waved his hand, said, “the moral sense can’t represent anything, in his campaign program and the political practices in these years, Palmer always carefully didn’t reveal any attitude about the four states surrounding the mountains… about the relationship between the federal government and us, what is his actual opinion, nobody knows. If Palmer in the influence of those hawks of the federation in the future, choose to have the strong offensive attitude to the organization…”

  Shielding noticed the anxiety was filled in the forehead of the chief.

  The chief heaved a sigh and said, “now the four states surrounding the mountains, seem to be covered by the joy of that the end of the civil war and the coming of the peace. The senator Medellin that side has been always insisting on the principles of non-violence, in order to keep the unity of the comrades, the organization couldn’t have the adequate preparation for the war. If… after Palmer was elected the President, choose to have the military crackdown to the four states surrounding mountains, I am very afraid, our companions would be completely routed.”

  “The present President is a timid and overcautious incompetent guy, but Palmer is totally different.” chief said with worry, “a came from the miner family President, presumably that he must set up the extremely great ideal when his was very young, the character of this kind of people is firm and persistent, absolutely wouldn’t allow in the federation, especially inside of the Capital Planet Circle, still have organization this kind of anti-government armed forces existed.”

  “But this is just all the advanced worry.” Shielding took a look at the chief and said, “today you risk to meet me with the excuse of getting teacher and student together, I don’t think that you just want to tell me this.”

  The chief shook his head, looked at the snow outside of the window, suddenly said in a low voice, “I just feel that there will be something happened lately, so I come to meet, if there are really something happened in the future, I will delete your file in the first time… besides me, only him in the organization knows that the eagle in the Coastal state is you. You know, he never pays attention to the specific affairs, even you want to get away, the organization also wouldn’t notice… then you could be truly free.”

  This words was very ominous, the two most successful spies, the anti-government army arranged in the federal government, Shielding and the chief had already had the psychological preparation to sacrifice at any time. But when Shielding suddenly heard the words, his eyebrows still couldn’t help to frowned, he looked at his teacher quietly, opened his mouth and said slowly, “freedom… really is a thing that I like very much, but I don’t hope to use your death as the condition.”

  He patted his teacher on the shoulder, said in a soft voice, “I am really tired in these years, constantly send the intelligence back to the surrounding mountain four states, but at the same time, still have to look at Medellin that old bastard keep leering to the federal government, I feel very uncomfortable in the heart… but teacher you should know it clearly, I can persist to today, that is because I agree with the idea of the organization, this world really needs some changes, but the organization never will put the assassination and the terrorist attack, which would likely spread to the civilians, as the combat way… I just hope that this concept could keep going.”

  Shielding leaned back to the dermal sofa, lit a cigarette, in the smoke he said slowly, “if one day, the organization go against this principle, then I also have to break away from the organization, even if perhaps I would meet the killing chase.”

  “What do you want to say?” the chief frowned and looked at his proud disciple, “whether it’s about the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival? What have you found?”

  “I just don’t understand, why the organization would care about the adult ceremony of that prince so much… that senator Medellin sent that know nothing little girl here, I would understand something faintly.” Shielding flipped the ash a bit, said calmly, “the seven big families are the people had the biggest vested interest, I don’t think that the Tai family will have the possibility to cooperate with us. Under this kind of circumstance, cost this huge price to obtain this intelligence, what is the point indeed?”

  “You think that the organization will use the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival to have the assassination aimed at that prince?” the chief said seriously.

  “Yes, besides this, I couldn’t think of any other possibility.”

  “The organization seldom to have the assassination action aimed at the federal public figure, because this would greatly damage the image of the organization.” the chief looked at Shielding in the eyes very sternly and said, “moreover the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival is held in the university town, there are too many innocent citizens… your such a speculation, itself is the disrespect to the
organizational belief.”

  “I don’t trust anyone, except you.” Shielding didn’t give up his own inference in his teacher’s stern eyes, “and if the organization really want to have the assassination action aimed at the successor of the Tai family, you and I know nothing about it at all, that can only explain that we must be that part going to be abandoned.”

  “You can’t persuade me, because the organization assassinate the successor of the Tai family, it doesn’t bring any benefit to our cause.”

  “Expose and criticize the crimes the seven big families had in the history, itself is the doctrine of the organization.” Shielding narrowed his eyes slightly, “and just like what you said earlier, the Tai family has already contacted with the senator Palmer, you also analyzed that the senator Palmer could draw close to the hawks… in that case, why the organization wouldn’t get rid of his biggest help before he can become the President?”

  “The Tao family seven generations more than only this heir.” Shielding kept analyzing calmly, “if we said that this family is the most horrific existence in the federation, but in a certain way to see, actually it is also the most fragile existence. As long as this heir is dead, this family will be broken apart because of the problem of vacant succession.”

  The chief kept silence for a long time, he suddenly wanted to meet Shielding this student today, actually also because he had some doubts about the actions of the organization in the most recent period. No matter the senator Medellin, or those decisive big shots inside of the federation, all had the necessity to show nicely to the Tai family and the successor of the Tai family. But only the resisted the federation for decades anti-government army, didn’t have the reason to care for the trace of the successor of the Tai family, unless big shots of the upper lever in the organization really have some thoughts.”

  After the long silence, the chief opened his mouth and said slowly, “but have you thought it over? In the Coastal state of the federal Capital Planet, want to assassinate the prince of Tai family, this basically is a mission impossible to be accomplish… even there are some militants in the organization, but I think that it shouldn’t have that many fools.”

  “I believe in this, even I also spent several months, then confirmed the exact location of that prince, that could explain the strength and caution of the other party.” Shielding shrugged his shoulders and said, “I just hope that you would be careful a bit more lately… pay a bit more attention to the people and intelligence come from that side.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” the chief drank up the rest of the amber liquor slowly, asked with the slightly red face.

  “Tonight will be the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival, I will go there to watch myself, no matter who the organization there sent over here to execute this plan, I will let him fail.” the tone of Shielding was very calm.

  “You this is against the organization.”

  “I also don’t hop that there will be this kind of thing happened, but if the organization really want to do this behind our two people’s backs… without the trust, only the shameless use and the silence us afterward, then I wouldn’t be the people of the organization any more.”

  The chief heave a sigh, looked at this normally very lazy, but floated the cold light like the knife at this time young officer, “perhaps we just think too much, perhaps tonight the dancing party is just a vanity fair ball of the rich children, or perhaps the upper lever of the organization really just want to change the thinking, tried to contact with the real power class of the federation, in order to seek a more gentle future.”

  Shielding frowned slightly, laughed, raised the glass and toasted to the other party, “if so, that will be the best. The intelligence last time said that there is a very strange rule in the adult ceremony of the Tai family, if we want to get in touch with that prince, we don’t have that many girl students in the organization like what the senator Medellin has… although I am also beautiful, but I am a man after all, right?”

  The chief laughed ha ha, “our moral quality would never be so bad.” after a moment he calmed down, said with a smile, “the upper level of the organization has the latest instruction, order you to try every possible means to contact that prince.”

  “Shit, why do you just say it by now.” Shielding was in a daze for a moment and then scolded it out, “it looks like that it shouldn’t have any problems for the dancing party tonight?”

  “Or still should be a bit careful!” the chief patted him on the shoulder.

  “Then I am leaving first, I have an appointment with a friend, has been late for a long time.”

  Shielding walked in the snow, in the quiet street of the Coastal state, walked to the direction of the clothes store. But after he didn’t walk too far away, he frowned slightly, took a look at the watch on his wrist. He pushed open the cover on it, just saw a line of words shown on the hidden display screen.

  “Don’t worry about the dancing party, because he came, the address is…”

  Shielding was in a daze, could contact him with this kind of way, only that just left teacher, that the surface identity was the FBI director of a bureau old guy. Obviously that this old guy also just received this intelligence, when he transmitted it to him, because he felt abnormally happy or excited, then he would say it so lack of standardization.

  Shielding was stunned to see that line of words, looked at that “He” word in it. Suddenly he felt that the thing was really so absurd, he still mentioned him earlier in the talking with his teacher, then he had already come?

  Just why he would come to the Coastal state, how dare he would come? If really he came to here, it looked like that the attitude of the organization to the dancing party, would really be in favor of peace, because the organization couldn’t let him come to take the risk.

  The snow fell on his long eyelashes, Shielding forgot to whisk it off. He couldn’t believe to look at the words on the watch, thought of that big shot he was about to meet, couldn’t help to feel a burst of palpitation.

  Every spy has his own code name to facilitate the single line contact, Shielding his own code name is Eagle, the code name of his teacher is Liquor. Shielding also knew some colleagues arrested by the federation unfortunately, such like the had already sacrifice the Swallow and the Crow… there are so many spies famous because of the code name in the human history. But in period of this Constitution Calendar, the most fierce spies almost all came from the anti-government army of the four states surrounding the mountains. Because on the top of the spy system of the anti-government army, there was a code name “He” character.

  He was the number two character of the anti-government army, the chummiest comrade-in-arms of the leader of the anti-government. In the eyes of Shielding these people, he was the very amazing professional-- the existence of this kind of high level leader, incredible the federation didn’t have the enough identity information and data about him all the time.

  The anti-government army had already resisted in the four states surrounding the mountains for many years, but it’s incredibly that there was nobody in the federation knew, what the number two character of the other party exactly looked like. Just by this point, that had already proved his greatness.

  In the light snow and the breeze, Shielding couldn’t help to make a chills, thought of that he was going to pick up that person right away, and then… attend the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival? He came to the Coastal state, of course for meeting that prince of the Tai family, just what contents the anti-government army could talk with the Tai family?

  Even the seawall busted in the front, Shielding still could maintain the calm in the heart and the lazy smile on the face. But when he knew about this intelligence, he still couldn’t help to have his mind shook a bit.

  For the last several years, he obtained a lot of the federal intelligences for the anti-government army, helped the people in the four states surrounding the mountains, not only could survive successfully in the
battles, but also help the moderates of the anti-government army to seek a large number interests in the local elections.

  Could say it this way, he was the most successful spy of the anti-government in the last few years, but when he was about to face the boss of the boss of his direct boss… faced that nobody had ever seen the face “He” Shielding didn’t have any confidence.

  To ensure the absolute safety of He in the Coastal state, and also arranged him to meet that young man in the dancing party of the Bi-moons Festival, the huge pressure let Shielding to wrinkled up his eyebrows in a flash.

  This kind of pressure also let him until after walked into the clothes, then found out the abnormal situation over there. Heard the specific contents of conflict over there, just needed to take a glance, Shielding had already guessed the purpose of that group of rich men and women, he narrowed his eyes slightly, walked directly to there, said to the still drinking the coffee Sheilor, “ready to go?”

  Although Sheilor took that group of men and women as the air, but actually he was also somewhat angry. When he found out that Shielding finally came, couldn’t help the breathed out a sigh of relief, he stood up and asked him, “do you want me to accompany you to try the clothes?”

  “No need.” Shielding narrowed his eyes to take a look at those people, a flicker of indifference revealed in his eyes, “manager, how many pairs of shoes in the store? I will take them all.”

  That group of rich men and women, earlier were just having the conflict with Sheilor, at this time saw the coming of the companion of that boy, just ready to have the outburst in advance, but didn’t expect that Shielding would have the outburst in advance incredibly.

  Everything in the store was very expensive, if said that he would buy all the shoes in the store, how much money that would cost? Although these noble identity people in the field all had this kind of financial capacity, but nobody would do this kind of like nouveau riche thing.

  The man who wanted Sheilor to take off the dress at first, looked at Shielding with a mock and said, “please keep performing.”

  But Shielding ignored him totally, directly pulled that pretty manager to checkout. The female manager had seen those liked to flaunt wealth freaks before, but she still felt that requested to pack all the shoes… really was somewhat weird. Sheilor was dumbfounded to follow behind him, he asked, “where do you have this much of money?”

  “Do you have a back card?” Shielding said.

  Sheilor had a wry smile and lowered his voice to say, “there are still several hundred thousand left, a pair of shoes will cost thousands over here, it’s not enough to buy all of them.”

  Shielding had a smile extremely kindly, patted him on the shoulder and said, “my brother, you still didn’t know how much the limit of your that card… it can be overdraft, and the limit is very amazingly high…”

  Sheilor took out the Three Forest United Bank card which uncle left to him, and then couldn’t believe his eyes and very distressed to see the charged successfully, at this moment, in the store all the… shoes were belonged to him.

  Today the performance of the female was really amazing, she looked at Sheilor smilingly, gave the bank card back to Sheilor with both hands, “hope to see you again.”

  Shielding told the other party a certain address, asked them to deliver all the shoes to there the afternoon after. And the patted Sheilor on the shoulder, in the gaze of the store employees, walked out to the outside of the store proudly.

  When they walked by that group of rich kids, the man said with a sneer, “originally there are really a lot of stupid asshole in the Coastal state, incredibly would still play burning money this kind of no taste thing.”

  “Stupid bitch, who you are talking about?” Shielding didn’t keep the silence at this time, he turned his body around with a smile, looked at that man and said, “I am just curious to want to know, a group of stupid bitches bought the full dresses, but even don’t have a pair of shoes to match with… when the time go to attend the dancing party, that will be a what kind of diverting scene.”

  All the people were distracted for a moment, and then got angry immediately, they just understood at this time, this wearing the crumpled suit guy would be such blackness incredibly.

  In the empire, it’s heard that the place custom-order the dress wouldn’t absolutely make the shoes, and the mix and match also was a kind of very laudatory style. However, in the federation… this would be a thing never work…

  “The time is not early now.” Sheilor raised the wrist watch and took a look at it, said very cordially, “I hope that you still can get all the things ready before the dancing party in time, there are still a lot of stores on this street, you guess whether I will buy all their shoes or not?”

  Walked in the snow, thought of earlier the wonderful expressions of those rich kids, Sheilor couldn’t help to laugh up loudly. He knew nothing about the etiquette of this kind of upper class of society, but he also could guess, Shielding this trick, surely would let the other party feel very painful. At the next moment, the smile on his face became the helpless distress, he looked at Shielding next to him and said, “this much money, how could I pay it back?”

  “You idiot, they deliver tomorrow afternoon, you cancel the deal tomorrow morning.” Shielding didn’t even take a look at him, very despised to say, “I said that you this guy is too honest, bullied by that group of people, didn’t even know how to talk it back? Even don’t know any dirty tricks, how could you live in this society?”

  Sheilor scratched the back of his head, waned to say that he had already said a few mean words, but he just had a smile and said, “I just used to fight, not used to talk.”

  Shielding was distracted for a moment, thought of that match between Sheilor and that military special soldier in front of the nightclub, couldn’t help to laugh out loudly on the famous brand street.

  “I still have something else to do.” in a corner, Shielding stopped the footstep, looked at Sheilor and said with a smile, “probably tonight the dancing party I also have something else to do, you go to play by yourself… maybe you could get that Charming back.”

  The pressure of the spy life was always huge, previously had known the coming of “He”, Shielding would go frivolous a bit habitually, vented the anger for Sheilor, also reduced the pressure for himself. But since He was coming, Shielding knew that it’s impossible for him to accompany with Sheilor tonight.

  Sheilor could tell the share of heavy in his smile, associated it with the voice in the phone earlier, frowned slightly and asked, “you… whether have some troubles?”

  “Big trouble.” Shielding had a wry smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, “let’s go.”

  Outside of the central fountain in a very busy food and drink square, he was biting a sausage, while he was waiting the coming of that most mysterious spy chief. He was complaining the synthetic meat taste was not that good in the heart, thought that whether he should ask his teacher to get some more wild animal to eat?

  Just at this time, a man walked to his side and asked him, “delicious?”

  Shielding looked back, then… saw a look very wretched middle-aged man, was staring at the sausage in his hand, the eyes were shining. He was distracted for a moment, then handed the sausage to him subconsciously.