Page 10 of Siren in Waiting

  He needed a drink, but then he always needed a drink.

  Trev looked down at the phone. He didn’t recognize the number. It wasn’t assigned in her phone, so he let it ring. He ignored the messages on his own phone. There would be time enough to deal with all of that tomorrow.

  Tonight he wanted to sleep with Beth and forget everything.

  He walked up the stairs and was pleased to find she had obeyed him at least once tonight. She was naked and waiting in bed.

  Trev slid under the covers and had his mouth on hers before she could speak.

  * * * *

  Bo didn’t like jail. It smelled bad, and the sheriff hadn’t bothered to separate out the prisoners. He was in the cell with the same asshole he’d fought with. Luckily, Brian had passed out long ago, but Bo didn’t really want to be around when he woke up.

  “Hey, O’Malley, you ready for your phone call?” Sheriff Lou Mark yawned a little as though all the trouble had interrupted his very important nap.

  Lou had been the sheriff for as long as Bo could remember. He was edging toward retirement. He filled out his uniform almost to the point of bursting and had been known to play checkers with his prisoners. “Hell, yeah, I’m ready to get out of here.” Bo shifted off the bench that served as Brian’s cot and followed the sheriff out the door.

  Only Bo and Brian had been brought in. Everyone else had either managed to flee or been deemed not dangerous enough to waste space on.

  Bo picked up the phone to dial his brother’s number. Aidan would give him a stern lecture, but he would be here as fast as his truck would carry him. Lucas would be right behind Aidan, making sure he found every loophole the sheriff had undoubtedly left open. And Lexi would come, if only to add much needed sarcasm.

  His family. He could count on them, but Aidan’s wasn’t the number he dialed. His fingers seemed to be more in line with his heart than his head. The only person he wanted to see was Mouse. He wanted to see her sweet face and have her hold her arms out to him. Mouse wouldn’t yell at him. Mouse would fuss over him, and he needed that.

  And, by god, he was going to fuss over her, too. He was done fooling himself. He wanted Mouse, and his friends could go to hell.

  The phone began to ring, and Bo’s heart sped up at the thought of being able to talk to her about this. He was going to tell her as soon as she walked in the doors to pick him up. The county lockup wasn’t the most romantic place to declare his intentions, but he’d made her wait long enough.

  He’d sat in that cramped, stinky cell where he was sure some hobo had recently died and realized that he was being an idiot and had been his whole life. He let other people influence his decisions, and they were people he didn’t even really like. He’d looked down at Brian, who seemed to have some serious problems with sleep apnea, and realized he’d denied his feelings for Mouse so someone like Brian would accept him. Bo had spent so much time trying to fit in that he had forgotten to figure out who the hell he was. He’d only been able to be himself with Mouse.

  The phone switched to voice mail. He pulled the receiver back and stared at it like it was a foreign object. Mouse always answered her phone.

  How mad was she?

  “Hey, Mouse.” He’d leave her a message. He deserved her anger. He’d been an asshole, but she would listen to the message. “It’s me. I’m in a little trouble. I’m in jail, and I really need for you to come down here and pick me up. I know you don’t like to drive, but I’m begging you, baby. Please come get me. I want to talk to you. I have a lot to say. And I went to jail, not Clarissa’s. Jail. No sex in jail. At least I hope not. Don’t leave me too long. I’ll be waiting.”

  He hung the phone up.

  The sheriff shook his head. “You’re in jail and you call Mouse Hobbes to come get you? That girl doesn’t even like to drive. And her car is a menace.”

  His jaw firmed. “A man calls the person closest to him in a time like this.”

  “A smart man calls his brother’s boyfriend who just happens to be a lawyer.”

  “Lucas isn’t Aidan’s boyfriend. He’s his partner.”

  Sheriff Lou groaned a bit. “I got no idea what to call the man. I just know I’m glad you’re a dumb bunny. That Lucas Cameron is smart and mean from what I’ve heard. The last thing I need is a false arrest lawsuit. Not that Aidan is any nicer. I ought to just let them have at that drunk in there. If I didn’t have twenty witnesses willing to testify that you damn near decapitated the man with a pool cue, I’d let you go. I heard all the things the idiot said about your brother.”

  Bo turned to the sheriff. He didn’t live in Deer Run, but he’d presided over the whole county for most of Bo’s life. “Most men would be on Brian’s side.”

  The sheriff’s eyes rolled. “You need to get out more, Bo. The world isn’t as all-fired small-minded as Deer Run. And it’s changing. You’ll still find assholes like Brian, but there are plenty of folks who live and let live. Life is way too short to spend your time hating. Besides, I’ve got a sister who lives in Seattle, and she’s a lesbian. She also makes the best chili I’ve ever had. I think the two are connected somehow.”

  Bo wasn’t sure a person’s sexual preferences had much to do with the ability to properly make chili, but he was intrigued by the sheriff’s relaxed take on the subject. “Not many people around here agree with you.”

  “It’s more than you think. The problem is that one or two strong voices shout out the softer ones. I admire the hell out of your brother. He served this country with honor, and no one has a right to tell him how to live his life. Too many people in this town live in fear that they’ll get looked down on. That ain’t no way to live.”

  The sheriff opened the door again. Brian snored loudly and turned over on the cot, showing off the fact that he didn’t mind a little plumber’s crack. Bo tried to shrink back.

  The sheriff laughed a little. “Go on now. I’m not cleaning out the other cell just to spare your tender sensibilities.”

  “I don’t mind if it’s dirty,” Bo said. Dirty sounded better than staring at Brian’s asscrack all night.

  “Nope. In you go. Maybe this way you’ll stay out of that bar. Jail is supposed to be a deterrent, son. But maybe you can sit out here with me for a while.” The sheriff’s eyes lit up a little bit. “Mouse won’t be here for a while, anyway. It’ll take her an hour or two to find enough mice to power that car of hers. We could play some checkers. Hey, do you want some coffee cake?”

  Bo nodded. Anything was better than being stuck in there with Brian. “Sure.”

  The sheriff smiled. “Good. You get the checkers set out of my desk. I’ll go heat up that coffee cake.” He turned to the kitchenette door. Then he turned back. “Hey, don’t you escape or nothing.”

  Bo gave him a little salute. “Wouldn’t think of it.”

  The sheriff nodded and disappeared. Bo found the checkers game and set it up. He pulled up the deputy’s chair. He shouldn’t have to wait too long. Mouse would be here, and they would talk. He would drive that cheap little car of hers back to her place, and they would figure out their future.

  He was going to kiss Mouse, and not on her cheek. He was going to take her in his arms and lay her down. He was going to get inside her and finally make her his.

  He was going to marry Mouse.

  He felt a smile split his face. Something settled deep inside of Bo. He was going to be a husband and someday a father. The idea of Mouse with a baby in her arms warmed him. He would be a good father. He wouldn’t let his son feel alone and adrift. His son would always know that he was there for him. He would never beat the shit out of his son and force him to seek shelter.

  That night he’d gone to Austin to find Trev flashed across his brain. He’d been hurting. Aidan would have killed their dad had Bo gone to him. He’d gone to Trev because they’d been so close.

  Trev had told him to go away because he didn’t want to interrupt his party.

  Mouse had gotten on a bus and come to him. S
he’d cleaned him up and held him. She’d given him a place to stay until his bruises healed and covered for him at school. Bo had made sure he was never alone with his father when he was drinking again. When the bottle had come out, Bo had hightailed it straight to Mouse’s place.

  No, he wouldn’t be anything like his father.

  Mouse had always been his home. He could see that now. He was done denying it. He loved her. He was ready to start his future.

  If she would only get here.

  When the sheriff came back, Bo ate his coffee cake and waited for his girl.

  Chapter Seven

  Trev came awake slowly for once. Usually his morning began with the rude awakening of an alarm clock. His life at The Club had been deeply regimented, beginning with a workout session every morning at 5:30 a.m. Leo would be at his door before dawn, dressed in sweats and sneakers. Trev had gotten used to getting up early.

  Early-morning light filtered through the filmy curtains that covered the window panes. It was a soft, white-and-yellow light that made everything seem gauzy and slightly unreal. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was ancient, but it seemed to be working. 7:30. He let his eyes drift closed again. There was no hurry to get up this morning.

  Trev turned and smiled as he felt soft, warm flesh against his body. Beth shifted in her sleep, the sweetest whimper coming out of her mouth as she curled into his body. Her head found his chest, her hair tickling his skin.


  Damn, he was in deep. He’d planned on introducing her to some bondage once he’d gotten into bed with her, but as soon as he’d kissed those sweet lips, he hadn’t found the discipline to do anything but fuck her again. After he’d rung a couple of orgasms out of her, he’d come for what felt like forever. He should have fallen straight to sleep, but he’d found himself sitting up and talking to her.

  He sighed and brushed her hair back from her face, feeling a sweet sense of peace. He hadn’t felt this calm and happy in a long while.

  He wasn’t due out on the O’Malley Ranch for a couple of hours. There was plenty of time. He could sleep for a while and then get up, and he and Beth could make breakfast and talk some more.

  Damn, he liked her. She was smart as a whip and had a sweetly sarcastic sense of humor that wasn’t obvious on the surface. He was going to enjoy the next year.

  He had just settled back down when he heard the door downstairs squeak. His eyes flew back open. He was going to fix that door first thing. He gently eased away, reluctant to let her go, but god only knew what critters would wander into the house and set up a nest if he didn’t go and secure the door.

  Stretching, Trev looked back at his sleeping lover. She was turned on her side, her hands close to her face. The sun kissed her porcelain skin. How had she stayed a virgin for so long? She was tempting as hell lying there with those soft breasts and round hips. She was perfectly fuckable and so giving that she would be a perfect sub to the right Dom.

  Was he the right Dom?

  He’d never had a sub before. He’d trained and practiced, but deep inside he wondered if he would ever take a permanent submissive. He certainly hadn’t expected one so soon. With his track record, he wasn’t sure he should. What if he dove back down into that hole he’d spent years in? How would he take care of her? He wouldn’t. He’d never been a violent drunk, but he’d been horribly neglectful. He couldn’t think of a worse thing for a Dom to be.

  He wouldn’t go there. He wouldn’t give in. Not today. Tomorrow would come, and he would have to make the decision all over again, but he was going to be okay today.

  Voices. He heard soft voices talking deep in the recesses of the house. They were muffled, but there was no mistaking it. This wasn’t the raccoon or the wind. Every nerve went on full alert. Who the hell was in Beth’s house? Whoever it was, they were about to find out that Beth Hobbes had a keeper who didn’t appreciate early-morning visitors.

  Unless they’d brought coffee. Damn, but he could use a cup of coffee.

  He slipped on his jeans, careful not to wake his sleeping beauty. Who the hell thought to call her Mouse? Her beauty was quiet, but there was nothing mouselike about her.

  The floor creaked under his feet, groaning as though it truly resented having to bear the weight of someone walking on it. This house was going to fall in on itself.

  “Well, that’s his truck out there. I just wonder how he ended up here.” Shelley’s voice floated up to the second floor.

  He sighed. He’d forgotten to call her after he’d stomped out of the house in a fit of anger. Had she and Bryce been looking for him all night? That should have put his brother-in-law in a great mood.

  “You said this was a woman’s house? I can come up with a scenario on how he ended up here.”

  Leo? What the hell?

  Trev took the rickety steps two at a time. “Shell? Leo?”

  His mentor stood in the living room looking down at the ruined chandelier. He looked slightly out of place in the old house. He was dressed in perfectly pressed slacks and a dress shirt. Which was odd, because Leo was fairly casual. He tended to prefer T-shirts and jeans when he wasn’t in his leathers. Leo had apparently dressed up for the occasion. Leo Meyer was thirty-five, and despite the fact that he was an inch or two shorter than Trev’s six foot five, there was no way to miss the commanding nature of the man. Leo had been Trev’s keeper those first few months. The fact that he was here now made Trev nervous.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Trev asked, striding into the living room.

  Leo’s eyes narrowed. “Well, you disappeared on your first night alone. Your sister was very concerned. She called me at midnight last night. I drove down to help her look for you.”

  There it was, that voice Leo used to let Trev know he’d fucked up royally and had better get straight. It was the same voice the Master Dom used on subs, and a part of Trev actually wanted to snarl a bit at his mentor. He would never let another man use that tone on him, but Leo had earned a lot of patience from him.

  He turned to Shelley, genuinely remorseful. She’d gone to bed by the time he’d taken off, but it was obvious that her asshole husband had told her, and probably put the worst possible spin on it.

  “Shell, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “Bryce said you left.”

  Bryce had basically told him to get out. After Shelley had gone to bed, Bryce had been right there in his face, telling him how he was going to ruin his sister’s life and reputation. Bryce had gone over everything Trev had done wrong. In the end, he had walked out rather than put his fist through Bryce’s face.

  “I thought it was best. I shouldn’t have come down early. I should have waited until the foreman’s house was ready for me.” Only then he wouldn’t have met Beth. If he hadn’t come down a day early, Trev doubted he would have left the ranch for several weeks. At first, living on the ranch seemed perfect. It was almost like a halfway house. There would be eyes on him all the time. He wouldn’t have a chance to fuck up. But now he wouldn’t have a chance to see Beth. He didn’t like that thought. “It’s best if I stay away from your husband, sis. He doesn’t like me, and I don’t want to come between the two of you.”

  Trev didn’t have to come between Shelley and Bryce. Leo was doing a damn fine job of that himself. Trev couldn’t miss the heat between his sister and Leo. It was a palpable thing.

  Shelley’s face fell. Tears clouded her eyes. “Bryce said something nasty to you. I just knew it. He drove you to drink. The son of a bitch.”

  Leo’s arm went around her shoulder. He pulled her close. Shelley leaned into him like it was utterly natural to find comfort in the Dom’s arms. “He’ll come back with me. We can start over if we have to. It’s a little setback. This is nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart. I’ll take care of it.”

  Trev rolled his eyes. They had made a big drama out of a little thing. Well, sleeping with Beth had actually been a big thing, but it had nothing to do with his sobriety.
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  “I didn’t drink.”

  Leo looked up over Shelley’s head. “Really? You found yourself in a highly stressful situation and you didn’t drink? Then where exactly did you spend the night?”

  Trev wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. He was an adult. He didn’t need to account for his damn whereabouts. Except that he’d earned this treatment. And he knew that Leo wouldn’t accept anything less than honesty.

  “I started out at The Rusty Spur.”

  Shelley’s hands tightened around Leo. The Dom soothed a palm down her back. It took everything Trev had not to roll his eyes and tell them to get a room. He had to admit, they made an attractive couple. Leo whispered something in her ear that had Shelley nodding and standing up straighter.

  “It’s all right, Trevor. We can get you back in rehab.”

  He longed for a day when rehab wasn’t mentioned at least twice. “I didn’t go in. I sat out in the parking lot and thought about it, but I didn’t go in, and I didn’t drink anything stronger than a French roast. Now, if you two are done with the much-appreciated intervention, I need to see if Beth has any coffee. Though I doubt the electricity in the kitchen works.”

  Shelley’s head came off Leo’s massive chest. “You didn’t drink?”

  “Nope.” They might not believe him. “I was perfectly sober. Do you need me to pee in a jar?”

  “Well, what did you do all night?” She huffed out the question as though flummoxed by the problem at hand.

  Trev smiled, remembering exactly how he’d spent the night. Beth had been a luscious distraction. “Beth.”

  Shelley’s mouth dropped open. “You slept with Mouse?”

  Trev growled his sister’s way. She threw up her hands as though conceding the point.

  “Who is Beth?” Leo asked. “And why is there a deer herd on the floor?”

  His mouth tugged up in the one-sided smile he always used when particularly proud of himself. He’d used that smile when he’d won the championship and when he’d signed his pro contract. He used the smile now because this achievement was just as significant in Trev’s new world. “She’s my submissive.”