Page 9 of Siren in Waiting

  “Was it Bo?” The quiet question suddenly seemed like a landmine.

  “Yes.” She and Bo hadn’t become really close until high school, but he’d always been nice to her. She wanted to be honest, but she didn’t want Trev to think she was pining for Bo. Because she wasn’t. Not anymore.

  His face became serious again, but his hands found her breasts, stroking across her skin. “You know, some men can’t see what’s in front of them. He could come around.”

  “He won’t. He’s having too much fun.”

  “Is that what you’re doing, Beth?”

  She shook her head. “No. I want to find out who I am. I don’t think I can until I figure out this sex stuff. Those books of Lexi’s, they speak to me.”

  There. She’d said it. She hadn’t said it to anyone, least of all Bo. She knew how he felt about it. Though he was a little bit of a hypocrite since he had crazy ménage sex.

  “They speak to you because you’re very submissive, love. You want to please the people around you, but you often don’t know how to ask for what you want. There’s a difference between enjoying a spanking and needing to have a Dominant partner in order to feel complete. You need a compatible partner.” His hands found her nipples again. He twisted just a little. “And if I’m right, we’re very compatible. You like a little bite of pain, don’t you?”

  He pinched down, the harsh flare sending shock waves to her pussy. Yes. She liked the bite.

  “You don’t have to say anything. God, I can smell it.” He pulled her head forward, and now he took control. She felt the shift, the power moving between them. He brought her close and kissed her, his mouth dominating. His tongue thrust past her lips as his hand slipped under the waistband of her dress. He shoved her panties aside, and that clever hand slid across her pussy.

  “Oh.” Mouse squirmed a little at the touch.

  He tugged on her hair. “No. You had your turn. Now it’s mine. We do this my way for the rest of the night. I’m going to touch you. I’m going to find out all the ways to make you come. I’m going to sink my cock inside you, and you won’t be a virgin anymore. Do you want that?”

  She wanted it more than anything. “Yes.”

  “Then be still, or I’ll tie you up. I’ll do that, but this first time, I would rather not.” His hand slipped inside her pussy, taunting her. “You’re wet, darlin’. You’re hot and wet and ready for a cock. Let’s make you even more ready.”

  She couldn’t breathe when she felt a finger push inside her.

  “Fuck, you’re going to be tight. I’m going to be careful with you, Beth. It’s been a long time since I did this.”

  “Took someone’s virginity?”

  He shook his head. “No, baby, had sex. I haven’t had sex in two years. I’ve played around, masturbated until my eyes bulged, but I haven’t done this in a long time. I need to make it good for you because I worry I won’t last long.”

  “Why?” she asked. She needed to know.

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “Because I didn’t really want anyone until I saw you.”

  Her heart clenched. She hadn’t expected his sweetness.

  “Come here. It’s my turn now.” He pulled her down and kissed her again.

  His lips didn’t stay for long. He kissed a path toward her breasts. Mouse let her head fall back. She gave up trying to control anything. She wanted him.

  He licked at her nipples. Mouse had to steady herself, her hands clutching his shoulders. Her hips seemed to move of their own accord. His hand played around in her pussy, and something was happening down there.

  Mouse had masturbated before. She’d even managed to bring herself to climax, but it was nothing like what was happening to her now. Trev’s finger rode in and out of her pussy, curling up inside her as his thumb rubbed her clit in a rhythmic circle. When he pulled her nipple between his teeth, Mouse felt the orgasm begin. It started low in her pelvis and bloomed like a flower opening its petals for the very first time. She’d been able to give herself pleasure before, but this was different. This was a storm crashing over her. Mouse gave herself up. She rode that finger, trying to milk the feeling for all it was worth.

  Trev released her breast, and she slumped forward into his arms. His hand came out of her pussy, and he wrapped his arms around her. She felt closer to him than she’d ever been to another person. She breathed in his scent, felt the heat of his skin. This was intimacy.

  “Darlin’?” His voice sounded a little strangled.

  “Yes?” She would just say yes to everything he said from now on. And she would add that word that seemed to get his motor running. “Sir?”

  He groaned. “Baby, we’ll have time for protocol later. I’m dying here.”

  Mouse sat straight up. She’d forgotten about him. How impolite. She’d had the best sexual experience of her life, and she’d forgotten about him. “Do you want me to lie down?”

  She would let him do just about anything to her. It would hurt, but she would get through it.

  He shook his head. “No, just get out of that dress and let me get a condom on.”

  He helped her up and then sat right back down on her couch. They weren’t going to the bedroom? Trev reached a hand back and pulled the T-shirt he was wearing over his head. He fished out his wallet.

  “I hope these things have a long expiration date.” He tore open his pants, and his cock pulled free.

  Mouse stared. Wow. He was a work of art, and she couldn’t even see his whole body. He was ripped everywhere. Sculpted shoulders molded into a chest she’d only seen the likes of on TV. His stomach was solid muscle and his…Oh, that part of him was gorgeous. Big and thick and long, his cock jutted out of his denims. She got a glance at round, heavy balls before his hand covered the stalk, stroking before he rolled the condom on.

  She stood there, dress at her waist, and prayed she wasn’t actually drooling.

  “Beth, drop the dress.” His voice had gone as hard as granite. “And get rid of those panties. You will not need them.”

  Mouse shoved the dress off her hips, dragging the underwear with it. She didn’t give herself time to think about the fact that she was naked in front of him. He seemed barely leashed. His face was dark and dangerous, but she didn’t even think about calling this off. Her body was still humming from the orgasm he’d given her. She wanted more from him. She wanted him deep inside.

  “Come on.” He patted his lap. His breath seemed to saw in and out of his body. “Ride me. I’m worried I could be too rough. I only want you to take what feels right.”

  She bit into her bottom lip. Once again, he was offering himself up. So many men would have shoved her over and taken her, but he seemed intent on giving more and more. Mouse scrambled to get back in his lap. He caught her before she tumbled into him.

  “Slow, girl. We’re going to go slow.” His lips brushed hers as he settled her legs around his hips.

  She felt the tip of that gorgeous monster at her pussy. She whimpered just a little as he pressed up.

  “That’s pretty.” His hands were on her hips, steadying her, but his eyes were looking down. “Lean back just a little, darlin’.”

  Mouse obeyed, leaning back slightly, and realized what he wanted. He wanted to watch. He wanted to see his cock disappearing into her pussy.


  She pushed down, inch by agonizingly sensual inch. He was big, but he’d prepared her. The slick moisture from her orgasm coated her pussy, facilitating the penetration. He filled her, stretching her pussy. The tight walls felt like they would break, but Mouse wasn’t ready to stop. It wasn’t comfortable, but she wanted it.

  Trev was perfectly still, allowing her to move. She found a rhythm. A little bit down, a little bit up. Each time she took him further and further inside. His hands moved from her hips, tracing a path to the cheeks of her ass.

  “Damn, you feel so good. So fucking good.” Trev’s head rested against the couch. He looked like a decadent dream.

  Finally, after what seemed like forever, her hips met his, and she’d taken him all the way. She felt his hands tighten on her. One left her ass and began to tease her clit. It came to life again.

  “Fuck me, darlin’. I need it bad.” He looked up into her eyes, those dark-blue orbs of his slightly desperate.

  She’d done this to him. Mouse Hobbes had reduced a man to begging, and she wasn’t about to force him to wait. Her pussy protested the use, but her clitoris was more than ready to go. She pulled up and let gravity pull her back down. Trev’s hand pressed on her clit, and she fucked him up and down again, catching the rhythm.

  She went off, her head falling back.

  Trev took over, his body coming up. His hands found her hips again, and he shoved his cock up. She felt deliciously impaled as he pulled and pushed her onto his hard cock over and over.

  He cursed and stiffened, holding her down, forcing her to take every inch as he came.

  He fell back against the couch. His arms pulled her close, cradling her to his chest. She could feel the harsh rise and fall as he dragged oxygen in. The thunderous beat of his heart filled her ears. His hands moved across her back, soothing. His cock was still tucked inside her body, joining them together.

  Mouse felt more peaceful than she’d ever felt in her life.

  There was a slight creak and then a mighty groan.

  Trev shouted as he started to roll, taking her with him as the ceiling opened up and rained down on them.

  Chapter Six

  Trev covered Beth as he rolled. He twisted his body, taking her with him in an attempt to avoid being impaled by a hundred long-dead antlers as they crashed toward the floor.

  He put a hand on her head, covering her so he took the brunt of their fall. They hit the hardwood floor with an audible crash.

  The floor shook as the hideous chandelier crashed into the sofa right where their bodies had been. Had Trev not moved, and quickly, he could plainly see that Beth would have been killed, her lovely, giving body impaled by the horns. His heart raced, and it had nothing to do with arousal this time.

  “What happened?” She lay still beneath him, her hushed words a testament to her anxiety.

  “The chandelier fell. It seems to have taken a good portion of the ceiling with it.”

  “I’m going to have to fix that.” She clutched his shoulders.

  He was weighing her down, his big body covering her smaller one. Talk about getting caught with his pants down. His cock was pressed against her pussy, and the damn thing didn’t seem to understand that they had almost been killed. It was already getting hard again because Beth was right here. So much for not being aroused.

  “How old did you say this house was?” Trev asked, wondering what else was going to go wrong.

  “Really old. And I didn’t exactly have an inspection done.” Her face had contorted sweetly as though she knew she was in trouble. “It was an impulse.”

  He rolled off of her. “You bought a whole house on an impulse?”

  “I’ve always loved this house.”

  “Even though it was supposed to be haunted?” He’d had the holy crap scared out of him by Maudine Bellows as a kid. She was one mean old lady.

  “I’m going to check to see if anything else is going to come down on our heads.” Trev couldn’t help but kiss her before he pushed off her body and got to his feet.

  Damn, he hadn’t even gotten his pants off. He pulled the condom off and managed to find a box of tissues. He rolled it up and tucked himself back in. He caught sight of Beth scrambling for her clothes.

  “Don’t.” He’d wanted her first time to be on her terms, and with all the sweetness she deserved. He’d managed to keep it fairly vanilla. She’d enjoyed the experience and hadn’t been too uncomfortable. Now it was time to start putting this relationship on the proper footing. He knew what he needed out of a relationship, and it wasn’t vanilla.

  Relationship. Eight hours in this town and he was in a relationship. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but it was the truth. Taking Beth Hobbes’s virginity meant something to Trev. It meant that for the time being, he was responsible for her.

  “You don’t need clothes when we’re alone.”

  “What?” She clutched the yellow sundress as she gingerly stepped around the damage.

  He reached out and pulled it away, fisting the material in his hand. “I said you don’t need clothes.”

  Beth’s mouth came open as she shot him an incredulous stare. “Trev, we nearly died. I don’t think we should be talking about my state of undress.”

  Because she didn’t understand. “Begin as you mean to go, Beth. We need to start getting the rules in place. You and me alone equals you naked. Now, where’s your bedroom? I want you to go and wait for me in bed. I’m going to check this out and make sure we don’t need to call anyone out tonight.”

  Her head shook slightly. “I don’t think there’s anyone to call. There’s no emergency chandelier repair in Deer Run.”

  Trev gave her his best “badass Dom” stare. He’d perfected it over the last two years, and he’d been told it was sure to send every sub in a two mile radius scrambling to do his bidding.

  Beth took a step back. “Fine. But no one will come out at this time of night. And I don’t think it’s a good idea to call someone anyway. They might get the wrong idea about what’s been going on out here.”

  “What’s the wrong idea, darlin’? That we managed to shake the house so hard with our fucking we brought the roof down?” He actually kind of liked the idea. If it hadn’t almost killed them both.

  “Yes. That would be the idea I am trying to avoid. And then there’s the problem that apparently I am no longer allowed to wear clothes.”

  “Which won’t be a problem because you’ll be waiting for me in your bedroom.”

  “They’ll still know you’re here.”

  He felt his face flush. He hated that. She wanted to hide him? He couldn’t blame her. Maybe he’d jumped the gun thinking they had something going. But he had to point out a few facts to her. “Honey, everyone knows you left The Rusty Spur with me. I suppose we can come up with something, but every person in this town is going to think you’re seeing me.”

  Her face softened. She stepped close. “I didn’t mean that, Trev. I don’t care if they all know. I just didn’t want someone walking in when it’s still, you know, it’s so obvious that we…”

  He grinned and brushed his lips across hers. The room was a mess. Clothes had been tossed aside. It still smelled like sweet sex. “We’ll wait until we’ve cleaned up to call. Now go on to the bedroom. I’ll take care of this.”

  He could see how she fought not to cover herself. Her hands moved restlessly at her sides, but Beth managed to hold her ground. “It just seems funny that I’m naked and you have your jeans on.”

  He was starting a relationship with a woman who didn’t understand D/s at all. She was submissive as hell, but she didn’t understand what was required. He was going to have to have a talk with Lexi about those books. They apparently needed way more instructive information in them. “Me Dom. You sub. Sub’s about to get spanked if she doesn’t obey her Dom.”

  “Fine.” She turned on her perfectly formed heels and strode toward the stairs. He got his first good look at her ass. Heart-shaped and perky, that rear end was just about the finest thing he’d ever seen. Trev’s cock twitched again. He loved the curve of her shoulders and the graceful hourglass of her figure. He was utterly obsessed with the sweet length of her spine and the dimples just above her cheeks. Her skin was perfect and creamy.

  He wouldn’t be happy until he’d fucked her ass. No way. He wanted all of her.

  For the first time in a very long time, he was looking forward to the near future.

  He looked at the ruined sofa behind him. The hideous light fixture had actually punctured the sofa and embedded several horns into the old velvet. He couldn’t fool himself. It had been a close call. Trev pul
led the heavy chandelier out of the sofa and moved it the side. He was careful of the electrical plugs and the crushed glass.

  Twenty minutes later, he was pretty sure this house should be condemned. The doors creaked and shuddered when he opened them. The floor under his feet wasn’t perfectly solid in places, and he was pretty sure there was a raccoon in residence. Now the second floor would be dangerous to walk on after the chandelier incident.

  And he wasn’t going to be able to get Beth out of here. She’d lit up when she talked about turning this old place into a show home. She’d sunk every dime she had into this project.

  He was going to have to learn about home repair because he foresaw a bunch of it in his future.

  One year. He had one year with her. He knew he wasn’t good for anyone long-term, but maybe he could help Beth over the year he had. He didn’t even try to tell himself that it wouldn’t last a year. The trouble would be walking away from her when he left for Colorado.

  She’d felt so good, and it hadn’t just been her silky-smooth body. It had been all about her trust and the sweet way she’d submitted. He’d gone easy on her because she was a virgin, but starting tomorrow, she would become his submissive.


  Years of training and he’d never taken a submissive. He shouldn’t take one now, but he couldn’t deny her. He’d had a primal feeling in his gut the minute he’d seen her. He should have walked away, but he’d never been great with the whole self-denial thing.

  And now he had to deal with Bo O’Malley. Despite the fact that his former friend wasn’t Beth’s boyfriend, he was still a part of her life. And Trev had a feeling Bo wasn’t going to like the fact that she was with him now.

  He heard a phone ringing. He picked up Beth’s dress, and two cells dropped free. His and hers. Hers was an old phone. It was cracked and looked like it probably didn’t work half the time. She needed a new one. That would be the first order of business once he had his paycheck in hand.

  He thought about the ten million coming to him in less than a year. It staggered him that once he could have bought Beth a house many times over. Now every dime he had coming had to be spent on securing a future that didn’t include football.