Page 1 of Fluff Gang Tales

Fluff Gang Tales


  Rosemary J Peel

  Copyright 2011 Rosemary J. Peel

  Fluff Gang Tales

  Meet The Gang

  There’s Nelliphant and Squiggle

  Pengi and Nosirus,

  Kerrry the Koala,

  And a cat that’s called Puscus,

  Peebee and little Tuppy,

  A crocodile named Fang,

  Herbert Hippopotamus:

  The members of the gang.

  They are the very best of pals;

  They ‘re always found together,

  Come wind, or rain, or hail, or snow ;

  No matter what the weather.

  The Wedding Invite

  There’s going to be a wedding,

  The gang are so excited

  For Puscus is to be Best Man

  And they are all invited

  Everything is well in hand

  The cards are in the mail;

  The cake’s been made, the presents bought

  And Squiggle’s curled her tail.

  Wedding Day Finery

  Puscus wears top hat and tails,

  Nelliphant’s in blue,

  Fang’s coat and hat are yellow,

  And Kerry’s dress is too.

  Tuppy’s got a new collar

  Of which he’s very proud

  Herbert’s turquoise waistcoat

  Is really rather loud.

  Pengi’s picture hat is red,

  Her mini skirt is fawn

  Nosirus has blue ribbons

  Round her neck and on her horn.

  Squiggle has an enormous hat,

  With holes cut out for ears

  While Peebee wears a long silk scarf

  On which to dry her tears.

  Tuppy Takes Flight

  While standing at the bus stop,

  One rainy, windy day

  Tuppy was surprised to see

  An umbrella come his way.

  He reached right up and grabbed it

  As it went floating by,

  When suddenly he found himself

  High up in the sky.

  The bus stop was below him;

  His friends there he could see.

  He waved to them and shouted,

  ”Yoo-hoo, just look at me!”

  They were amazed to see him,

  And rather worried too.

  In fact they really couldn’t think

  Just what on earth to do.

  But suddenly the wind it dropped,

  And Tuppy floated down,

  Just in time, for the bus arrived,

  So off they went to town.

  The Tricycle

  The Fluff Gang are out shopping

  When Squiggle gives a squeak

  And stares in a shop a window

  So the others take a peek.

  What’s caused all the commotion?

  They really cannot tell

  There are toys and games of every kind

  And lots of books as well.

  “Look at that red bicylek”

  Calls Squiggle with a sigh,

  ”It’s bicycle not bicylek,”

  Says Peebee in reply,

  ”Not only that, it has three wheels;

  A tricycle, my dear.”

  No matter what,” sighs Nelliphant,

  ”It costs too much I fear.”

  Squiggle’s Birthday Surprise

  On little Squiggle’s birthday

  The gang came round to tea,

  With cards and lots of parcels

  And a cake with candles three.

  They told her that she should’t peek,

  Put her tail across her eyes;

  Then took her to the garden,

  For a wonderful surprise.

  ”Oh, it’s the red bicylek!”

  She cried out loud with glee

  ”You are the very best of friends

  To get it just for me.”

  Herbert’s Hollow

  In Nelliphant’s garden

  After a flood,

  Had left a big puddle

  That turned into mud,

  She came with a large brush to sweep it away,

  When Herbert the Hippo begged,

  ”No, please let it stay,

  I’ve waited so long for somewhere to wallow,

  It’s just what I’ve dreamt of a dirty, big, hollow!”

  A Visitor For Kerry

  Kerry’s so excited

  She hardly can sit still;

  She’s up and down and roundabout,

  An on the windowsill.

  Pengi’s in the garden

  Picking her some flowers,

  And getting rather wet because

  There’s still a lot of showers

  Tuppy’s on the doorstep

  Keeping a look out,

  When suddenly a car pulls up

  And Tuppy gives a shout.

  Nelliphant helps out their guest

  Without a great to-do,

  As Kerry runs to greet her friend,

  called Katy the Kangaroo.

  The Picnic

  It was a lovely day for a picnic

  And so the decided to go.

  Kerry packed up the basket,

  And tied it up tight with a bow

  Katy was leaving tomorrow;

  Her holiday was at an end.

  Kerry wanted the day to be special

  To say goodbye to her friend.

  But where to go was the problem,

  They lived so far from the sea,

  Though they all love to build sandcastles.

  Then Tuppy said, “Come, follow me.”

  The place that he took them was perfect;

  So sheltered with plenty of sand,

  As Kerry spread out the tea cloth

  She said with delight, “ This is grand.”

  They had a wonderful picnic

  Down by the fourteenth green,

  And the sand-pies they made in the bunker

  Were simply the best ever seen!

  Nelliphant And The Caravan

  Nelliphant decided that something must be done

  To stop poor Kerry feeling sad and cheer-up everyone.

  She had a very good idea and told them of her plan,

  Then set off with her money to buy a caravan.

  The Gang was so excited as they waited for their friend,

  Thinking of the lovely times together they would spend.

  But hours past; she didn’t come. They got in quite a fuss,

  When suddenly came Nelliphant in a double-decker bus!

  ”The caravans were far too small, “she said with great big grin,

  ”But this is just the very thing, so come on, chums, get in!”

  Spring Bank Holiday

  The Gang had worked hard all the week,

  To make their bus so gay,

  And now they were to try it out

  On the Spring Bank Holiday.

  Nelliphant she took the wheel,

  With Squiggle by her side

  The rest of them, they squeezed up tight;

  No room was left inside.

  A shout went up as they set off

  For two days by the sea,

  As Herbert played his mouth-organ,

  They sang along with glee.

  They found a spot to park the bus,

  Not too far from the sand,

  And many happy hours then

  They frolicked hand in hand.

  At last they clambered in their beds,

  Without a lot of fuss

  And soon they were a-sleeping

  Inside their cosy bus.

  Nosirus And The Robin

  Fang was in the garden, clearing
out the weeds,

  While Nosirus was planting some little summer seeds,

  Standing by the greenhouse something did she see

  A stripy tail a twitching, high in Squiggle’s tree.

  Nosirus felt angry; for it was Puscus Cat,

  And it didn’t take her long to see just what she was at.

  Hidden in the branches there was a robin’s nest;

  Squiggle’d told her yesterday, and Puscus heard she guessed.

  She charged about the garden, nostrils flaring wide;

  ”Get out of there, you naughty cat, and don’t pretend to hide

  Puscus climbed down sulkily, “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He wiped his whiskers with his paw and gave himself a preen.

  He sunk away with tail held high, without another word,

  While Nosirus she looked around, searching for the bird.

  She wasn’t good a climbing trees and got quite in a tizzy,

  Clinging to the branches and feeling rather dizzy.

  When the nest she spied she heaved a sigh; the little bird was there,

  So were her chicks, quite safe and sound - although they’d had a scare.

  From that day on a watch was kept to keep the cat at bay,

  Until the robin’s little chicks grew big and flew away.

  Bluebell Wood

  Squiggle’s very favourite spot

  Was down in Bluebell Wood.

  She liked to go there frequently,

  Whenever that she could.

  Sometimes she went there by herself,

  And simply sat a while

  Beneath the leafy canopy,

  On luscious bluebell pile.

  One day when sitting on her own,

  She heard a sobbing sound,

  ”Hello, who’s there?” she called out loud

  And quickly searched around.

  Behind a tree a rabbit lay

  It looked so very frightened;

  A wire snare around its neck,

  Which every second tightened.

  Quick as she could poor Squiggle worked

  To free it from the snare;

  The little thing was shivering

  from such a dreadful scare.

  When it was free, she cuddled it,

  ”I’ll take you home,” said. she.

  ”I want my Mum,” the rabbit cried

  ”But I am lost you see.”

  “Don’t worry dear, just come with me;

  And I’lll take care of you,

  Nelliphant will find your Mum,

  She will know what to do.”

  So Bobby Bunny joined The Gang

  And soon was very chummy.

  He lived with them quite happily,

  Until they found his mummy.

  When Puscus Lost His Voice

  Puscus has a splendid voice;

  He really loves to sing.

  So when one day his voice he lost

  It was a dreadful thing.

  He couldn’t make a single sound,

  Though his mouth was open wide.

  So Nelliphant the doctor called,

  Who took a look inside.

  “It’s Laryngitis,” said the doc,

  ”He’ll need to stay in bed

  And take the medicine till it’s done,

  Remember what I said.”

  They got poor Puscus into bed;

  He looked so very grim.

  So Squiggle gently stroked his head,

  While Peebee read to him.

  They gave him honey on a spoon,

  And in a day or two,

  ”Meow!” he called, “My voice is back,

  And just as good as new!”

  Tuppy Gets Into Trouble

  The jingle of the ice-cream van

  Came drifting down the street,

  And Tuppy rang out merrily,

  The ice-cream man to meet.

  Now Tuppy had a little plan,

  He thought was very funny,

  How to get himself an ice,

  Without spending any money.

  The children queued up by the van;

  There was no sign of Tuppy,

  But when a little boy ran by,

  Out jumped the naughty puppy.

  The little boy he dropped his ice,

  Which Tuppy gobbled up.

  When suddenly a trunk came down

  And picked up the wayward pup.

  Nelliphant she was so cross,

  That she could hardly speak.

  She grounded naughty Tuppy for

  The remainder of the week.

  The Puffling

  Pengi went out travelling

  Far across the sea.

  She went out on a fishing trip,

  To catch some fish for tea.

  She caught some fish,

  But more than that,

  She brought a big surprise,

  When she came back, indeed her friends

  Could not believe their eyes.

  From underneath her jacket there flapped a tiny wing,

  And very, very, gently, she took out a small puffling.

  She put it down upon the floor,

  “The poor thing’s lost its way.”

  ”Then you must come and live with us.

  We’d all love you to stay”.

  That’s how a puffin joined The Gang,

  Petunia is her name.

  The baby puffling is so sweet,

  They’re all so glad she came.

  Nelliphant’s Plan

  Nelliphant sat thinking, pondering what to do

  About the baby puffling and the little rabbit too.

  They both seemed very happy, but she knew they mustn’t stay

  Yet how to find their mothers when they lived so far away?

  She knew they must be worried, they may even think them dead,

  Or wandering alone somewhere, not safe and sound instead.

  Then suddenly it came to her; it was a perfect plan,

  And quickly she set off to find a helicopter man.

  She had some leaflets printed with photos, big and bold,

  They said just where to find them and their sorry story told.

  The ‘copter man, he flew them way over Bluebell Wood,

  And dropped the leaflets down to earth as quickly as he could.

  Another trip he had to take, way across the sea.

  He few to Puffin Island, and did the same, you see.

  Nelliphant was happy as she waited for a call,

  So she could tell both mothers that they’d found their babies small.

  Bobby Bunny Goes Home

  Bobby was excited; he bounced about with glee,

  For he was going home today; his mother soon he’d see.

  Peepee washed and dressed him and Squiggle combed his hair.

  She made him eat his breakfast and drink his mild with care.

  “Be careful not to spill it, I don’t want to be mean,

  But when your mummy sees you, I want you to be clean.”

  There came a knocking at the door, cried Bobby, “It’s my Mum!”

  Indeed it was, but much more too; all the family had come.

  The room filled up with rabbits of every shape and size,

  They each hugged little Bobby, with tear drops in their eyes.

  ”We thought that we had lost you; that you were gone for good!”

  They said their thanks to one and all, then went home to Bluebell Wood.

  Summer Sports Day

  The Fluff Gang hold a sports day in summer every year,

  They have a picnic afterwards with buns and ginger beer.

  There are prizes for the winners and lots of things to do,

  With stalls where you can buy things and a little fun fair too.

  This year they had a special race where they had to climb a tree

  And touch a ribbon at the top then come back down, you see.

  Three of the Gang they entered, each thou
ght that they would win,

  As they lined up with the others, all had a happy grin.

  Kerry was the first to start, she could climb trees very fast,

  But Puscus quickly passed her;. poor squiggle started last.

  But she wasn’t really worried, for squirrels live in trees.

  Whilst the others struggled downwards, she just ran back down with ease.

  Dear Squiggle was the winner and all had to recognise

  When going up and down a tree, then squirrels take the prize.

  Good News for Petunia

  The mail has brought a letter from far across the bay,

  It’s come from Mrs. Puffin, who’ll soon be on her way.

  She’s coming for Petunia and thanks them for their care,

  She says she cannot come at once, in two weeks she’ll be there.

  She has another puffling, that’s only just been born.

  As yet she cannot leave him and must keep him safe and warm.

  She says to tell Petunia, that she has a baby brother,

  And send her love and kisses from her loving Dad and Mother.

  Swimming Lessons

  The Gang had all gone swimming,

  Peebee decided that

  Everyone should learn to swim,

  Even Puscus Cat.

  Pengi said she’d help her

  To teach them how to swim,

  And Fang said that he’d show them how

  To glide along like him.

  Kerry was quite nervous,

  But said that she would try,

  While Nosirus in water wings

  Went gently floating by.

  Tuppy splashed along with glee,

  Doing the Dog-Paddle,

  When Puscus thought the time was right,

  To do a quick skedaddle.

  But Nelliphant wound round his trunk,

  And laughing cried, “Not yet,

  In you go, you silly cat,

  High time that you got wet.”

  Nosirus Goes to Ballet Class

  Nosirus just loves to dance, to ballet class she goes

  And practises for hours on end to stand upon her toes.

  She’s rather plump, it must be said, to be a ballerina,

  In frilly skirt and ballet shoes, but she really can’t be keener

  Her teacher is so very kind, though the other pupils titter,

  They help her practice at the bar. They know she’s not a quitter.

  A ballet show the class put on and Nosirus she danced,

  The audience they clapped and cheered to see such elegance!

  The Christmas Tree

  The Gang has gone to Bluebell Wood

  To find a Christmas tree.

  Squiggle thinks she’s seen one,

  That will fit perfectly.

  She asked them to be careful