Page 2 of Fluff Gang Tales

  When they dig it up,

  And see that they don’t harm it

  Or its precious roots do cut.

  If they lift it very gently

  Then plant it in a pot,

  After Christmas it won’t die

  As happens such a lot.

  They bring the little tree back home,

  And trim it up with glee,

  Much later in the garden

  Replanted it will be.

  The Blizzard

  Happy in Nelliphant’s garden

  Herbert was having a snooze

  When Pengi came running towards him,

  ”Come in, there’s no time to lose,

  A warning has just been given,

  A heavy snowfall’s on its way,

  In fact they spoke of a blizzard.”

  ”No thanks”, said the Hippo, “I’ll stay.”

  He snuggled back down in his hollow

  And happily does off again.

  Pengi ran back to the others

  Just as it started to rain.

  The rain soon turned to a snow storm,

  And the wind it got up as well.

  The friends watched out of the window,

  As bigger and bigger flakes fell.

  When at long last the blizzard it ended,

  Out in the garden they found,

  Where once had been Herbert’s puddle,

  There now was a snow covered mound.

  They dug away in a panic,

  And Squiggle she started to weep,

  Till they found that under the snow drift

  The Hippo was still fast asleep!

  Peebee Builds An Igloo

  The weather had turned very cold; the snow lay thick and white.

  Pengi thought it wonderful and such a lovely sight

  Peebee loves the snow as well, and said wouldn’t it be nice

  If they could build an Igloo; a little house of ice.

  She showed them what they looked like; all made of big ice bricks

  They cut them out just like she said, it didn’t take two ticks.

  The little house was finished and Pengi crawled inside,

  She called to them to come and see, “It’s warm and dry,” she cried.

  At night the Gang went back indoors, but Pengi begged to stay

  And so she did, for two whole weeks, till the snow it went away.

  Tuppy And The Frozen Pond

  Tuppy was out walking,

  One cold and frosty day,

  Looking for something to do,

  For Tuppy loved to play.

  He found a little stick of wood,

  And chewed it for a bit,

  Then tossed it far along the path,

  And chased right after it.

  The stick it slid along so fast,

  For the ground was white with frost,

  And Tuppy slithered after it

  Until a bridge he crossed.

  He tossed the little stick again;

  It landed way beyond

  The pathway side - indeed it fell

  Onto a frozen pond.

  Tuppy started after it,

  He was about to go

  Onto the ice without a though

  When Peebee shouted, “No!”

  She grabbed him tightly by the tail,

  Before the ice could crack,

  ”It wouldn’t take your weight,” she said,

  ”Come on, I’ll walk you back.”

  The Talent Contest

  A travelling concert came to town,

  A contest they did run.

  The Fluff Gang thought they’d enter it

  And join in all the fun.

  Puscus Cat was sure he’d win,

  His voice was fine and strong;

  And hour on hour he drove them mad

  Practicing his song.

  Pengi knew some magic tricks she thought that she might do;

  Fang was good at dancing

  And ball balancing too.

  Nosirus could play the harp,

  While Kerry played the drums.

  Herbert thought he’d tell some jokes,

  And some very clever puns.

  The day arrived, excitement rose,

  Then came the big surprise,

  When Nelliphant the bagpipes played

  They awarded her first prize.


  About the author:

  Rosemary Peel is an established author of several published works. She particularly enjoys writing for the young, newly confident reader. However her children’s stories are also perfect for youngsters who still prefer to be read to rather than doing it for themselves.

  She also writes contemporary adult romances, poetry and astrology books.

  If you enjoyed Fluff Gang Tales you might like to check out some of the other children’s titles by the author

  The Blackbird That Couldn’t Sing

  PC Mouse

  Honk The Donk

  The Butterfly That Lost A Spot

  They Aren’t Real Grandma

  A Prickly Problem

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