Page 7 of Off Sides

  All of a sudden, Ryan pulls back and I am bereft. I reach toward him and he takes one of my hands and kisses my fingers.

  "I'm not going to make love to you, Danny." I'm not sure if he says this to convince himself or me. "But, I would like to see and touch more of you. Will you let me?"

  Oh, yes, please, I want to scream but I just nod my head dumbly. I don't think I can even speak a single word at this point as my vocabulary seems to consists of groans and sighs.

  Before laying back down with me, Ryan sits up on his knees and reaches his arms up to pull his shirt over his head. My tongue about falls out of my mouth. His body is even more beautiful than I had imagined. His chest is smooth and defined. His abs are washboard ripped and there is a dark trail of hair that starts just below his navel and dips down into the front of his pants. I reach my hand out and run my fingers through it. Ryan hisses and I start to pull my hand away, thinking I've done something wrong.

  He grabs my hand and holds it there to his stomach. "Don't stop. That felt good. Really, really good."

  Oh, damn. The fact I can make this gorgeous man hiss in pleasure nearly has me swooning.

  I eagerly spring up to my knees and move in closer to him. I reach my hands out and realize my fingers are shaking. I look up at Ryan and he is gazing at me with unfettered desire in his eyes. I place my right hand over his heart and his skin is hot. I can feel the mad thumping beneath increasing in speed and power. Running my hand down his stomach, I lean in and place a soft kiss on his chest and Ryan groans. When my hand reaches the waistband of his jeans, I start to go lower but Ryan pulls my hand away and puts it behind my back, holding it there.

  With his other hand he grips my head and nearly incinerates me with his mouth. Something decadent starts to spread through my body and I want more.

  Releasing my hands, Ryan swiftly pulls my shirt over my head and then pushes me back on the bed. My breath is coming in ragged puffs and I hope I don't hyperventilate. The look on Ryan's face is almost feral and it excites me beyond all measure.

  His gaze rakes over my breasts which are heaving in their B cups and down my stomach. He stills when he reaches my belly button and sees the piercing that is there. It's a simple barbell but one end has an aquamarine crystal ball glittering in the lamplight.

  He runs his fingers lightly over it and then looks at me. "Any other piercings?"

  I shake my head with a shy smile.

  "Good. I don't know if my heart can take any more sexiness."

  I grin, thrilled that he finds pleasure in looking at me.

  Maneuvering until he's kneeling in between my legs, his hands reach the button of my jeans. He looks up at me. "Can I?"

  "I'll die if you don't."

  Ryan pops the button and slowly slides the zipper down. He's no longer looking in my eyes but looking to see what is revealed below. I lift my hips up so he can slide my jeans all the way off and I feel wanton and free at the same time.

  When I am wearing nothing more than a simple white bra and bikini bottoms, Ryan kneels at the end of the bed and just looks at me. I know I should feel self-conscious but I don't. The look on his face is utterly transparent and I know at this moment that I am the most beautiful thing he's ever beheld.

  Ryan covers me with his body and our mouths fuse once again. I feel like I am drowning but I don't want it to stop. I'd happily drown if this is what it feels like. My breathing gets more shallow as Ryan moves his way down my body. Dragging his lips and tongue in between my breasts, he pops the center clasp and peels the material back. Alternating between his tongue and his fingers, he pays me exquisite care. Quickly, I am moaning up a storm but I can't stop myself. I have a feeling that when we finally do the act, I'm going to be a screamer.

  While his lips continue to drink at my breasts, Ryan moves his hand down to the front of my underwear, skimming his fingers over the top. My hips buck at the slight touch and Ryan practically growls over my responsiveness. Making his way back up my throat with his mouth, I cannot be distracted enough when Ryan slips his hand inside my underwear and proceeds to touch me in the most carnal of ways.

  I am beside myself. If Ryan's lips were not licking, sucking or biting mine, I would be thrashing my head side to side. I can feel pressure building inside of me and it scares and excites me all at once. The pleasure is almost painful, yet I must see what comes next. Tears form in the corners of my eyes and then suddenly I'm splintering into a million sparks of light while Ryan's mouth quiets my cries of surrender.

  When I return to earth, Ryan is still gently kissing me. He gathers me in his arms and pulls me close. I am boneless and my heart rate is starting to decrease. I suddenly feel a lethargy overtake me and I cannot keep my eyes open. Before I know it, I'm asleep with my head lying on Ryan's chest.



  I'm driving to Danny's apartment to pick her up for the frat party. I'm excited and nervous. I cannot wait to see her.

  Last night was amazing. It was one of best sexual experiences of my life and I didn't even get off. Watching Danny though--watching her break apart under my hands--was an incredible rush and I know beyond a doubt that when we actually have sex, it will probably shatter me.

  I'm nervous about how my friends will treat her. I know Mike and Carter will be respectful and I even know Mike's girlfriend, Cameron, will be nice--as long as Angeline isn't there to taint her.

  I actually like Cameron. Mike met her our freshman year at Northeastern and they've been together ever since. He's confided in me that he's going to pop the big question on graduation night. He's asked me to help him look at engagement rings in a few months.

  Cameron is the one that introduced me to Angeline. She thought we would be perfect together and we were--on paper. Oh, there was a time when I was hot and bothered by Angeline. What nineteen year old guy isn't around a gorgeous college girl. And in the early months of our relationship, we actually got along very well. Once my parents checked out her pedigree, they fell in love with her and my mom was constantly talking about what beautiful babies we'd make.

  But over time, the shine wore off. I have a theory that when you start dating someone, you are always on your best behavior. As you get more comfortable with a person, you start relaxing your guard and letting your true self shine through. The one thing that rang through too loud and clear for me with Angeline was her shallowness.

  Oh, in our circle she was fine. Angeline comes from the richest of rich in New York City and she is used to the finer things in life. And when people get in her way who are not worthy, she has no problem in letting them know it. I guess if I had to admire anything about her, is at least she's honest to people's face when she says something about them. She doesn't hide behind whispered gossip.

  Our relationship met its demise when one evening, as we were kissing on my bed, I literally couldn't get excited for her. It may have been because just two minutes before she was whining because her daddy didn't buy her a diamond necklace that she wanted, or maybe it was the way she made fun of our assistant coach's disabled son. But something in me just snapped and the attraction I held for her was gone.

  Angeline did not take the break up well. She cried and begged. Then she screeched and threw things at me. Then she cried some more before finally threatening me. It was brutal but once she walked out of my room that night, I felt utter relief and I knew I had made the right decision.

  Here's the thing about Danny. She's seen me at my worst already. I hurt her for no good reason other than protecting my own heart and she forgave me. And I know how vulnerable she is but it doesn't scare me. I want to protect her. In all the months I had been with Angeline, I never had the desire to put her needs above my own, yet that is all I can think about with Danny.


  We arrive at my frat house and we know the party is in full swing because we can hear the beat of the music inside of my car. I open Danny's door and she steps out. She is simply stunning even though she's wearing just a si
mple pair of jeans, a dark green blouse and black boots. Her hair is long with large waves running through it. She's wearing no makeup except her lips look shiny with gloss and I want to kiss them. I pull her to me and instead kiss the tip of her nose.

  "You put every woman on the face of this earth to shame, Miss Cross."

  Danny giggles. "I want to jump your bones too, Mr. Burnham."

  I bust out laughing and pull her in for a hug, rocking us back and forth while our chuckles wind down.

  Kissing her fingertips, I lace mine through hers and we walk in. I take her up first to my room so I can show that to her. I took a few minutes to clean it up, which basically meant I had to throw all of Mike's dirty clothes into the closet. The guy is a complete slob.

  Danny walks around the small room, looking at all of the hockey photos and memorabilia I have. She asks if I have a pictures of my family and much to my chagrin, I don't. My parents aren't the casual-photo type of people.

  Before we walk out, Danny sits on the edge of my bed and bounces up and down a few times. I look at her quizzically and she gives me a saucy wink. "Just seeing how loud it squeaks."

  "You're rotten, you know that?" I ask.

  "I know it."

  Back downstairs, I get us each a beer and we make our way over to Mike. He and Cameron are talking to Carter.

  As we approach, I put my arm around Danny's waist to make it clear to anyone and everyone that she is with me. I told Mike I was bringing her tonight, and he in turn told Cameron to be on her best behavior. But Carter is definitely surprised.

  I make formal introductions and we all make small talk. I had told Mike that Danny was a music major which gives him something to talk about with her as his mother is an executive in the music business with Sony. I sit back and just enjoy watching Danny's naturally effervescent personality win Mike and Carter over. When Carter steps away to get another beer, he punches me in the shoulder and snarls in my ear, "You're a bastard for getting her before me."

  I grin at him. He doesn't need to tell me how lucky I am.

  Cameron is being polite and actually engages Danny in some small talk about Julliard. Then to my surprise, she asks Danny about her piercings because she was thinking of getting her belly button done. That leads to a fifteen minute discussion about piercings that actually leaves me a bit nauseous about the whole thing. I'll admit I'm a wuss.

  The evening was going better than I had expected. All of my friends and teammates are being very nice to Danny, which isn't too hard once they get to know her. Again, she could win anyone over.

  At one point, I get called away by Carter who wants me to help him get one of our drunk fraternity brothers up to bed. He apparently vomited his guts up and was passed out in the downstairs bathroom. Danny assures me she is fine hanging on her own.

  When I return, my stomach churns because I see Reece Malone talking to her. And he is all up in Danny's personal space. I can tell by her posture that she doesn't like how close he is and unfortunately, I can tell he is drunk. I know I will have to handle him with kid gloves so he doesn't make a scene.

  Coach had an "intervention" with me and Reece the other day, and basically demanded that we kiss and make-up. Under Coach's glaring eye, we had to shake and grumble apologies to each other. It did nothing to cool the animosity between us but at least we were putting on good appearances.

  I walk up to where they stand and I notice from my peripheral vision that Mike is walking over to join us. I decide to play casual so as not to incite Reece. Walking up beside him, I clap him on the back and say, "Hey, man. How's it going?" I even manage to plaster a smile on my face that I hope doesn't come across as fake as it feels.

  Reece looks at me skeptically but then sticks his hand out to shake. I grasp it and give it a quick pump, then immediately step over to Danny. While I am all for being nice to Malone to avoid a confrontation, I still want to make it clear that Danny is mine. Looking down at her I see relief in her eyes and my blood instantly boils because I know he must have said something to make her uncomfortable. I place a quick kiss on her temple then turn back to Malone. His eyes narrow at me.

  "So, you ready for the opening game next week?" God it's painful trying to make conversation with this guy.

  He doesn't respond but turns his gaze back to Danny. I can see understanding dawn on his face. "Hey, you're the girl that works at the diner, right?"

  I feel Danny stiffen beside me and before I can launch myself at him before he says something hurtful, Mike is there pulling Reece away. I hear Mike say, "Hey, Malone. I need you to come over here and settle a bet between Carter and me over who the leading goal scorer was in the NHL last year."

  I take a deep breath in and let it out. My blood pressure starts coming down and I turn to look at Danny, ready to apologize.

  "That guy is a fucking, asshole," she says before I can say a word. Then her face instantly colors red and she has a sheepish grin on her face. "Oops. Sorry. I normally don't use that word."

  "Did he say something to upset you?"

  She shakes her head. "He was just drunk. No worries."

  I start shaking my head back and forth with a smile on my face. Danny isn't stupid. She knows Malone is the guy that had called her a whore and yet she's standing strong. I'm not sure if this girl ever lets anything get her down.

  I lean down to kiss her. "You're know that?"

  She gives a little moan of appreciation against my lips. "'re my... boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend."

  "Yup. Still a turn on." And I kiss her more deeply.

  She laughs against my mouth and I have an overwhelming and sudden urge to yell out to the world that Danny Cross is my girl. All I need now is a caveman club and I will be complete.

  It's getting close to midnight and we need to leave. Danny has to be to work at Sally's early. We purposefully didn't drink that much tonight since she has to work and I am driving. We make our goodbyes and I am pleased when Mike and Carter both lean down to give Danny brotherly hugs. They have welcomed her into the fold. While Cameron doesn't give her a hug, she does shake her hand and tells her how nice it is to meet her. That's at least a start.

  Just as we are approaching the door to leave, we're brought up short by Angeline who steps right in front of me and plasters herself to my body. She throws her arms around my neck and is hanging on like a leech. I have to release Danny's hand so I can peel Angeline's tentacles off of me.

  Holding her wrists, I push her back away from me and I instantly see that she's drunk. When I release her hands she starts swaying back and forth.

  "Come on, Ryan. That's no way to treat an old friend." Her words are slurred and I'm afraid she's going to fall over. Which might be good. At least we can step over her and make our way out.

  I sigh. "If you'll excuse us, we are just leaving."

  Despite how drunk she is, she moves surprisingly fast and steps in our way as we try to walk by her. Turning her beer goggled eyes to Danny, she focuses on her. "Hey, I know you. You're that waitress from Sally's."

  Danny sticks her hand out to Angeline. "That's right. I'm Danny Cross. It's nice to formally meet you."

  I'm amazed. Danny is actually trying to be polite to her. She has more self-control than I do. Angeline just looks down at Danny's hand and curls her lip up in a snarl. "As if I'd shake hands with someone like you. And before you think you are all high and mighty, just know that Ryan's infatuation with you is just a passing thing."

  Angeline is still swaying back and forth but she looks tremendously pleased by what she has said to Danny and is waiting to see if her venom hits the mark.

  I see red and I open my mouth to lay into Angeline, which I know will be useless because she's drunk. But Danny gives a small shake of her head and I hold my tongue. Instead, Danny just takes my hand and gives Angeline a polite smile. "Well, it's nice meeting you but I have to get going. I have work tomorrow."

  Danny walks around Angeline and I, of course, eagerly follow.
Angeline just stands there dumbstruck that she doesn't get a rise out of Danny. And really, she should know better than to try to dual wits with Danny. Danny would chew her up and spit her out if she had it in her to do so.

  As we walk toward my car, our hands clasped and gently swinging back and forth, I'm silent.

  "Is something wrong?" Danny asks.

  "No. Actually, everything is just right. You're amazing you know. You completely charmed my friends and even though you had every right to punch Angeline in the face, you were polite to her. You are a class act, toots."

  "I had fun tonight. Thank you for inviting me. I really like Mike and Carter. I can see why you are friends with them. Even Cameron was really nice."

  "It was fun tonight. But you know what would be even more fun?"

  "What's that?" she asks.

  "Making out with you in my car when we get back to your place. You know, to see how foggy we can get the glass?"

  "That does sounds like fun. Count me in."

  By the time I walked her to her door, I couldn't see anything outside of my windows.



  I think I might be on the verge of completely losing myself in Ryan. While our time alone has been like a fairy tale, I'm surprised how much fun I had the other night with Ryan and his friends. Everyone was really nice...well, with the exception of Angeline and that creepy teammate of Ryan's. I shudder when I think about the conversation I had with Reece Malone. He wasn't very subtle in making his moves. I had been standing by myself, sipping a beer when he had approached.

  "It must be my lucky night, finding the most beautiful girl here all by herself," he had said with oily charm. I could tell he was drunk or high by the hazy look in his eyes and deliberate way he was trying to talk.

  I smiled at him politely and took another sip of my beer. I've had to deal with my share of suggestive lines by drunks and I knew it was best not to even engage.

  Swaying slightly while he peered at me, he stepped very close and I could smell the liquor on his breath. He leaned in and whispered in I'm sure what he thought was a super, sexy voice, "I have about twenty different ways I can make you scream."