Page 16 of Kidnappping Casey

  Casey stared up at the naked man who was reaching for her shirt. She struggled but he had her pinned from the waist down. The restraints held her arms locked above her head.

  “Damn it, Argernon. Don’t do this. I won’t forgive you.”

  “You said you can’t forgive me as it is. Will this be any more unforgivable than the rest of what I have done?”

  “There will be less to forgive if you don’t do this on top of it all.”

  He had the nerve to chuckle. His grin was wide as he tore open her shirt. His gaze moved down her body. The smile died. “You are so sexy. Your skin is so pale. Your breasts are perfect and I love the taste of them.” He dipped his head.

  Casey tried to twist away, but she couldn’t escape his hot mouth that found one of her nipples. His hands spread wide on her stomach, holding her down, while he sucked and licked at her hardening bud. She tried to ignore the feeling. Argernon sucked harder. She felt it all the way down to her clit. Squeezing her eyes shut, she bit her lip.

  Argernon growled. He tore his mouth from her breast to scoot down her body. He changed positions so he could push her thighs apart. Casey tried to kick at him but Argernon was faster and stronger. He growled at her as his head lifted. Their gazes locked again.

  “Behave or I will restrain you more. I don’t want to risk hurting you.”

  She looked up at the ceiling. His gaze followed hers and he chuckled. She glared at him when he had the nerve to wink.

  “There is nothing there to suspend you from, but I will fix that tomorrow. Tonight I can spread your legs and bind them to the bed.”

  “This isn’t amusing, damn it. Let me go.”

  He nodded. “For now.” He released her thighs to back down the bed. He got off it.

  Casey shut her thighs, glaring at him as he walked for the dresser. He bent, showing her his muscular backside. He had the best ass ever, but she didn’t want to admit that even though she was admiring it. He straightened. Dread hit her as she saw that he held long, clothlike belts. She swallowed as he walked to the bed with intent in his hungry look.

  “What do you have? What are you going to do with those?”

  He didn’t answer her. Instead he crouched by the side of the bed. He was up to something and she knew she wasn’t going to like it. Chewing on her lip, she silently watched him. He was going to seduce her, and damn him, she thought, he could do it. Her body was already turned-on.

  Argernon’s attention was focused on something near the bottom at the side of the bed. She saw his arms move, but not what he was doing. He straightened up, tossing the beltlike rope on the bed. He held the other one as he walked to the other side. He crouched next to the center of the bed again.

  “Argernon? I’m not amused. Damn it, what are you doing? What are you planning?”

  He stood when he finished. He dropped the beltlike rope on the other side of the bed. His intense gaze locked with hers. Casey knew she was in for a losing battle. She saw desire lurking in his eyes. She’d come to know that look well. He wanted her.

  “Amusement has nothing to do with this. It’s a lesson, beautiful. I want you. I hurt for you. We need to be on the same level to understand each other. As long as you hurt, I hurt. As long as I hurt, you hurt. We will find common ground to build up from.”

  He got back on the bed. She kicked at him when he tried to grip her leg, getting in a kick to his chest. He grunted but didn’t get angry as he caught her foot in his large hand. He got between her thighs. Casey was getting pissed off so she yelled out in frustration as Argernon forced her leg to bend. He pushed her knee up toward her chest where he held her like that with one hand. His other hand reached to the side for the belt rope. She struggled but he managed to use the soft material to tie it around her knee. He released her leg. To her annoyance she realized what he’d done.

  “Stop, damn it. I don’t want to do this with you, Argernon.”

  He growled softly as he gripped her other leg. Casey fought but he was just too strong. He carefully held her in place while he tied the belt around her other knee. He released her. Casey bucked her body, cursing at him. He’d tied her to the sides of the bed with her legs spread wide open. She could move her knees up and down a few inches but couldn’t close them at all. It didn’t hurt but she was totally exposed to his sight.

  He was taking the view in. His gaze was fixed on her displayed pussy. She stopped struggling after she realized it was turning him on even more to see her buck and wiggle in the restraints. She glared at him.


  “What is that?” He arched an eyebrow.

  “A person who has sick sexual desires.”

  He chuckled. “My sexual desires are as healthy as they come. What would you like first? Would it be my fingers or my mouth, beautiful?”

  “Don’t touch me.”

  He sighed. His hand reached for the lube container he’d left on the bed from earlier when he’d touched himself. “I think fingers first. You can resist but your body knows who it belongs to. My body only craves you as your body only craves mine.”

  He spread the lube on his fingers. Casey was breathing fast. She clenched her teeth. “Damn it, Argernon. Don’t do this. Please?”

  He met her eyes. “If I don’t you will leave me and I won’t let you go. I cannot.”

  She tensed as he reached for her. She squeezed her eyes shut. She knew he was watching her. His fingers were coated with something warm and wet. He ran his thumbs over her outer lips, spreading her wider. She felt his hands shake. It shocked her that he trembled.

  “You are a pleasure to look at, Casey. You are so soft and pink.”

  Her teeth clenched together harder. His finger explored her slit. He slid his finger higher. Casey sucked in air as he started to play with her nub. She tried to ignore the sensation but the feeling was too good. She’d gone almost four days without his touch. She hadn’t touched herself either. Her clit throbbed at the attention it had been denied. She lifted her chin, turning her head from him, trying to hold still. She didn’t mean to move her hips against his finger as he increased the pressure. They still moved.

  He pushed a finger slowly inside her, testing her. He growled low and deep. “You’re wet. I smell you, Casey. You respond to my touch.”

  “It’s the lube,” she hissed out.

  “No. It’s you here.” He withdrew a finger before he pushed in two of them slowly.

  She bit her lip hard trying to fight the moan that wanted to tear from her throat as his fingers slowly stretched her. He explored inside her as his other finger rubbed at her clit. Her hips bucked when his fingers pressed upward until he found the area inside her that made a moan tear from her lips.

  She was going to come. Her inner muscles squeezed his moving fingers. He jerked his finger away from her clit. His fingers kept moving inside her. It felt damn good as he massaged her G-spot but without the pressure on her clit her climax backed off.

  “Damn you,” she panted.

  “Tell me you want me.”

  She shook her head no. “Never.”

  He growled. “Do you know how long I can make you burn for me, beautiful?”

  “Damn you.”

  He growled. “I need you as much as you need me.”

  He eased his fingers out of her. Casey went limp on the bed. She was breathing heavily. Her body ached and throbbed with need. Argernon stretched over her, his hands coming down on the bed at her sides. Their eyes locked when she looked up at him. They seemed to glow more than normal as passion flared in his eyes. They were breathtaking as he studied her.

  “I need you.”

  “Go to hell.”

  “Wherever this place is that you speak has to be better than where I am now with wanting you and you denying me.”

  He pulled back and she relaxed. The bed moved. She ached and her clit throbbed but she’d won. He was giving up. She took deep breaths trying to calm her body so her sexual frustration could ease. A gasp escaped her lips whe
n two large hands slid under her ass. She lifted her head to watch in shock as Argernon sat on the bed holding her ass inches from the mattress. He slid his legs under her bent ones and scooted closer. She had a bad feeling this wasn’t over and that feeling made her moan with pleasure as he scooted even closer. His hard cock pressed against her slit.

  His eyes met hers. He moved his hips so he was easing into her pussy. His thick cock pressed into her, pushing in slowly, making it feel like it was heaven and hell as her body stretched to accept the thick length of him. She was really wet so he pushed in easily, pressing his pelvis against her inner thighs so he could get as close to her as he could. He was buried balls deep in her pussy before he froze there. Their gazes locked.

  He released her ass. Trailing his hands over her hips up to her stomach, he slid them lower to reach between her spread thighs. “I want to feel your release. I need you and you need me.”

  She gasped as his fingers played with her. A moan tore from Casey. He was rubbing her clit as he slowly started to move his cock inside her. With the sensations of him fucking her while he massaged her swollen nub it was too much. She gave up fighting it. It was a battle she didn’t even want to win anymore.

  A loud moan tore from her lips. Her hips bucked against him. The man knew how to make her respond. She wasn’t going to last. Argernon growled her name when he started to come. His cock swelled, getting larger, as his fingers strummed her clit faster.

  Casey screamed out as the climax hit her. Argernon roared. Her inner muscles slammed tight around him, quaking, as his semen shot deep inside her. Their bodies locked together where they were joined as they both rode the pleasure. Casey turned her head, panting, while her body started to come down from the blissful high.

  “I love you, beautiful,” Argernon almost whispered.

  Hot tears burned behind her eyelids, which she kept shut. She wanted to say the words back. She just couldn’t do it. He’d lied to her. He’d let her walk into the mess his life was without even a warning. Earlier that day a woman had been touching him sexually and two other women had been caressing his body. It didn’t matter if he’d been unconscious and unable to agree to their hands being on his body. The image was still there in her head.

  He slowly withdrew from her body. He touched her thighs, untying the belts from her knees with very gentle hands. She shut her thighs when she was free and rolled on her side away from him. Argernon was silent. He stretched out next to her on the bed. Long seconds passed. Argernon suddenly grabbed her, yanking her into his arms tightly against his body.

  Casey gasped, her eyes opening, as she turned her head to stare at the man who’d just pulled her firmly against him. He held her so close that their skin was mashed together. He was wrapping his larger body around hers tighter. Their gazes met.

  “I love you, Casey. Whatever it takes I will make you know this is true.”

  She studied his eyes. He was a stubborn man. She saw him staring back at her. He wasn’t going to give up and he wasn’t going to let her go.

  “What’s your plan? Keep me tied to the bed and keep making me want you by doing this every damn time you want to have sex with me?”

  He sighed. “If that’s what it takes. You’re my bound, Casey. I will not let you go. You belong to me. I belong to you. You own my thoughts and my emotions.”

  “It’s just your body that is community property, right?”

  He frowned. “You are trying to stir my anger and you cannot. I understand your term. No. My body is not available for other females. My body belongs to you alone.”

  “I’m tired.”

  He nodded. “I know. I was told how you cared for me while I was unable to wake. Rever said he could see how strongly your emotions for me are. It means I know I have a chance of making you forgive me. I will, Casey. I will never stop until you are smiling at me again and you are willing in my arms. I miss you.”

  His words broke her heart just a bit more. She missed him too. An image flashed in her memory of her rushing into his arms that last day before the ship was attacked. He’d lifted her against his body and they’d kissed before they’d started to eat their meal. It had been so perfect that day until that alarm had called him away. She almost wished they could go back in time.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A hot mouth was licking at her. Casey moaned as that mouth sucked and tugged on her clit. She bucked her hips up into the pleasure that was coursing through her body. Two thick fingers slowly pushed into her, stretching her pussy. She cried out as she came hard around those digits that were driving in and out of her. He withdrew them as her body stopped clenching around them.

  Argernon’s body came down on her. He spread his thighs, pushing hers farther apart. Casey opened her eyes. Sunshine streamed in through the bedroom window. She met his eyes, as his thick cock nudged her soaked sex. He was entering her with one fast thrust that stole her breath away. Her arms went to wrap around his neck but her hands wouldn’t lower. Her wrists were still restrained to the headboard. She stared into his sexy eyes as she wrapped her legs around his hips, when he started to drive in and out of her in slow, deep thrusts.

  Their gazes stayed locked together as Argernon fucked her. She moaned, wrapping her legs higher around his waist until her feet dug into his muscular ass. She could feel his muscles flex under her heels with each deep penetration. He rolled his hips, changing the position he hit inside her, and Casey had to shut her eyes.


  “There?” He growled at her in that sexy tone she loved.

  He moved again to hit the same way inside her. Casey frantically nodded and clung to him with her legs. Her fingers wrapped around the chains that moored her to the headboard, hanging on for dear life. The hair on Argernon’s chest brushed her nipples making her moan louder with the sensory overload. When he lowered his face and kissed her neck, nipping at the skin along her shoulder with his sharp teeth, she lost it. She came hard again, her muscles clamping around Argernon. He groaned, biting her a little harder as he jerked deep inside her as he came.

  “That was so unfair. I wasn’t awake.”

  He released her skin with his teeth with a chuckle. “I can never be fair where you are concerned, beautiful. I will do anything to keep you here in my arms where you belong.”

  Casey met his eyes. He was amused. She couldn’t help it as she smiled back at him. “You’re not off the hook yet, baby.”

  He chuckled. “You are not off the…” His head rose and eyed her wrists and then looked back at her. “The headboard yet.”

  “So that’s your master plan? Keep me chained to your bed, seducing me, until I forgive you?”

  He grinned. “Will it work?”

  “Is there food involved and a shower?”

  He laughed. “Yes.”

  “Let me go.”

  His smile died. “Never.”

  She studied his intense expression and the stubbornness in the way he looked at her. “I meant let my wrists free. Please?”

  He studied her. “Will you try to run away from me? I won’t let you out of my sight if I release you, and if you get willful, I will install a hanger over the bed. I’ll have to lower it so your feet touch the bed this time.” His voice dropped to a deeper tone. “You know I will.”

  “I know you will. Right now I’m just hungry and I want a shower. I am not plotting to escape. Not yet anyway.”

  He laughed as he slowly lifted off her, withdrawing from her body. He rolled away to get off the bed. Casey turned her head watching him grab something off the nightstand. Their gaze met when he reached over the bed to her hands. He freed each wrist. She rubbed them as she sat up. Argernon held out a hand to her.

  “We’ll shower before we eat. The new house helper should have arrived first light this morning. You will like her. She was a longtime friend of my mother. She will wear clothing in the house. I know you will appreciate this. Her name is Gava. She finds humans fascinating. She and Ariel get along well.”
  Casey sighed. “Where did she come from?”

  “My father’s household.”

  Casey flushed. “She was with your father? They were lovers?”

  He shook his head. “Her bound died recently and she was staying at my father’s house until she could find a new home. When a bound dies, his family or his friends take his women into their household to protect her until she can find a new home, or if she is old, until she dies. My father has a full house, and Gava loved her bound. She wanted no other male in her life, so coming into our home is perfect for her. She is very fond of me and I am very fond of her. We get along well.”

  Casey frowned. “How fond?”

  Argernon laughed. “She is like a mother, and I am like the son she imagined. She gave her bound two daughters, but no sons. You will meet her and feel no jealousy, Casey.”


  He chuckled as he helped her up. He kept hold of her hand as he led her into the bathroom. They showered together quickly. Casey brushed her teeth as she watched Argernon shave. They grew hair on their lower jaw that they shaved off. She’d realized that when Argernon was injured and hadn’t been able to remove it. She almost missed the hair there. It looked good on him. He smiled as she watched him.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I liked the hair along your jaw when it grew out. It looked very sexy.”

  He laughed. “Only very old men let it grow. I’m a warrior. We keep our faces clean of hair to show we are respectful of our elders.”

  “Is that a Zorn custom?”

  He nodded. “Zorn males who do not shave are…” He hesitated. “Not respectful and do not follow the laws well. Most of them end up locked up for crimes.”


  He nodded as he brushed his teeth. He gripped her hand leading her into the bedroom. He pulled on pants and handed her one of his soft black shirts to put on.

  “I will buy you clothing. It will take a few days, but Gava will shop for you.”

  “What does Gava do here? What will my responsibilities be?”

  “Gava will do the shopping, the cooking and the cleaning. She will tend to your needs and make sure you are not lonely when I am not home. You can help her if you wish.” He glanced at her. “You are my bound. You are to be pampered and you are house lead.”