Page 17 of Kidnappping Casey

  “I don’t understand the term.”

  “You are in charge.”

  Casey grinned. “I am? Do I get to order you around?” She tugged the shirt down her body. It fell to her thighs. She eyed her bare legs. “Can I borrow pants?”

  He chuckled. “No. Bound women walk naked in the home but you are covered. I want to at least see your legs, beautiful. It is a fair compromise, is it not?”

  “So you never answered my question. Do I get to order you around?”

  His eyes sparkled with amusement. “What do you wish me to do? We’ll see if I will take your orders.”

  She grinned. Her naughty side flared as she took in his mostly naked body. He was a prime specimen of man. Just looking at him made her want to touch him. Her eyes paused at the front of his pants. She couldn’t miss the bulge there. He was hard again. Her eyes lifted.

  “Open your pants.”

  His eyebrows rose, but a grin spread his lips as he actually reached for his waist and opened his pants. His cock sprang free. She eyed it with a smile. The man was built. She wiggled her finger at him.

  “Come here.”

  He walked slowly to her. She saw desire burning in him as he inched closer. He stopped a foot from her, staring down. The fact that he was taking orders from her was surprising but it really turned her on. He was a big, tough guy but he was doing everything she said. Their gazes locked as Casey slowly sank to her knees in front of him. Argernon growled at her, his cock jerked in front of her face, advertising that he was really excited.

  Casey reached out to stroke the underside of his shaft with her fingers. Argernon’s legs tensed as he braced them. Casey smiled up at him. “Hold really still. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  He groaned. “I won’t move.”

  Licking her lips as her hand cupped his balls, she hesitated. “Spread your legs farther apart.”

  He did it. It amazed her that he was letting her get away with this. He was usually so damn bossy and in charge. She breathed on the head of his cock making it jerk again. A growl rumbled from deep in his throat telling her that he was really turned-on. She licked the head of him, opening her mouth wide, taking him in as deep as she dared without choking. He moved. She jerked away, looking up. His hand hovered by her head.

  “You moved.”

  “I wanted to touch your hair.”

  She shook her head. “No. Put your hands on your thighs. Keep them there.”

  He growled, but did it. His eyes were narrowed. She smiled, turning her focus back on his cock. She opened her mouth to take him inside her again. She stroked him with her tongue while sucking on him. His balls tightened. He was so keyed up she knew he wouldn’t last long. She also knew he really liked this. He became so turned-on that he couldn’t hold back. She knew he was going to come when he started to shake. She released his cock with her mouth to look up at him.

  Argernon looked ready to explode. His eyes were glazed over with lust. Sweat beaded on his forehead and his hands were fisted at his sides. Their gazes met. He was breathing so hard, his sharp teeth showed between his parted lips.

  “Lie on the bed.”


  “Lie on the bed. I want you on your back.”

  He groaned in protest, but he moved. She was amazed again that he was doing it. She watched him kick off his pants completely before getting on the bed. He rolled over so he was flat on his back. His eyes were locked with hers. He was breathing hard, and his cock was pulsing from need.

  She kept the shirt on as she climbed on the mattress after him. She moved over to him, up on her knees. She let her eyes slowly trace every inch of him, before she threw her leg over his waist. She lifted the shirt so her bare ass rested on his lower stomach. His cock was hard against the seam of her ass.

  Using her arm she pinned the shirt up at her ribs. Her eyes locked with Argernon as she reached down, lifting up a few inches from him, to put her hand between her thighs. She was wet. She rubbed her fingers through her lower lips, wetting her finger, to rub her clit. She looked up. Argernon had his full attention fixed on her finger and what it was doing. He started to breathe harder.

  “Do I have your attention, baby?”

  His eyes flew to hers. “Yes.”

  She rubbed her clit faster. It excited her more, watching him get turned-on. His hot gaze left hers so he could watch her rubbing her clit with her fingertip. She reached behind her with her other hand, gripping his cock. Argernon sucked in air loudly, while she positioned him so she could ease down. She moaned as he filled her. Her pussy expanded snugly to accept him. His hands gripped her thighs, a snarl tearing from his throat.

  “Lord of the Moons. That feels the best.”

  She rode him while rubbing her clit. She was going to come. She knew he was going to come as well. She suddenly stopped riding him, but she kept fingering her nub.


  His eyes met hers.

  “Don’t ever hurt me again, okay? You’re good at seducing me, but I’m no slouch in this department either. Do you want to come?”


  She moved, lifting up and twisting her hips as she slammed down on him, driving him into her deeper. Argernon roared, throwing his head back, clawing at the bed. He came hard, his hips bucked under her. She pressed on her clit crying out as she climaxed. Her back arched at the intensity of it. She collapsed on his chest when the last of the pleasure moved through her.

  Argernon wrapped his arms around her, gripping her ass with both hands. They were both breathing hard. His palm caressed the curve of her backside. A deep rumble of a chuckle came from him. Casey lifted her head to look at him.

  “I take it that you’re not mad?”

  “No. What is a slouch?”

  She grinned. “I can seduce you too.”

  “Beautiful, you could just smile at me and I would want buried into you, deep.”

  “Well, if that’s the case, I won’t ask you to open your pants anymore, or give you a show of me playing with myself while I ride you.”

  “Please do.” He grinned.

  She laughed. “Okay. Only if you follow orders from time to time and ask really nicely.” Sitting up, she removed the shirt. She was hot with it on. “So what can I order you to do next? I have a few ideas.”

  Argernon rolled suddenly, pinning her down under his body. “I would—”

  Their bedroom door opened. Casey gasped. They were both naked. Argernon was on top of her and they were fused together, since he was still deep inside her body. She turned her head. Bara walked into their bedroom gripping a wicked-looking knife. It looked big and sharp. Horror hit Casey as she realized the woman was rushing at them.

  Argernon sighed, not looking. “Gava, never enter our room. Casey is shy about—”

  Casey used all her strength to shove at Argernon. She managed to knock him away from the oncoming woman with the knife, and screamed out a warning. Argernon saw the danger about the time he hit where Casey had shoved him to. A roar exploded from his lips as he gripped Casey. He rolled with her so they both fell off the other side of the bed. It was a hard landing that Argernon took the worst of it since Casey landed on top of him. She heard a cracking sound and stared down at Argernon’s face in. His eyes were closed.

  “You humans think you can just take our men,” Bara yelled.

  Casey got to her feet. Argernon didn’t move and he didn’t open his eyes, but she knew he was breathing. She realized he must have hit his head. She stared across the massive bed at Bara who stood on the other side, knife in hand, growling at her.

  “I was with Argis Ral serving in his household. That human weakling tricked him into bounding with her while he was captured by an enemy.” Bara inched toward the end of the bed, knife fisted in her hand, glaring at Casey. “He gave me to Argis Argernon, and he promised me that he wouldn’t trade me to another household. He was tricked by you. I will not be removed from another household. The house I chose is not an Argis
home.” The woman looked pissed as she moved closer to Casey. “I don’t have my own room. The male is not as good with sex as Argis Argernon. He can’t buy me the things I want, because he said he keeps a budget.” She spat the word. “I want my household back and you can’t be bound to Argis Argernon if you are dead. If he does not like it he will die with you. I will not give up my nice things.”

  Casey swallowed hard staring at the knife-wielding bitch who was obviously totally nuts. Bara was a lot taller and stronger. Casey glanced at Argernon. He was coming around. His leg moved as he groaned. He reached for the back of his head to rub it, his eyes opened. He frowned, exploring the back of his head, as Casey’s gaze flew away.

  Bara wasn’t just a danger to Casey. She was a danger to Argernon. He wasn’t going to let Bara get away with killing her. Casey knew that. Argernon would gut the bitch with the knife she used on Casey if Bara killed her. Casey took a deep breath. She did the last thing the crazy Zorn woman expected. She walked to the end of the bed, watching as Bara moved with her, until the bed was no longer between them. Casey screamed while launching her body at the bigger woman.

  Casey saw shock widen the woman’s eyes as she realized Casey wasn’t backing away, but instead was attacking. Casey tackled the woman, grabbing for the arm with the knife with both hands, as their bodies slammed brutally together. They both went down in a heap. Casey landed on top of Bara. She knew Bara got the wind knocked from her by the loud gasp as they hit and Bara’s face paled considerably. Casey didn’t hesitate for a second. She lifted her knee, ramming it between Bara’s thighs hard.

  The woman screamed a second later. Man or woman, Casey knew that fucking hurt. The knife dropped from Bara’s fingers so Casey could shove it away. The knife slid under the bed. As soon as Casey realized it was out of Bara’s reach Casey turned her attention to Bara’s face.

  Hauling back her fist, Casey punched her in the nose with everything she had. Pain shot up Casey’s arm, but she hauled her fist back to hit Bara again. She saw blood. Bara screamed. Casey grabbed a handful of the woman’s hair to use it to ram her head into the floor. With her other hand, she again punched in the face.

  Two large hands grabbed Casey around her torso. She was pulled off the screaming Zorn woman under her. Casey jerked her head around to stare at Argernon. He pulled her back into his chest while backing up. His hold on her shifted so he was wrapping his arms around her hips and her breasts. He hugged her to his body, while he backed both of them across the room, away from the woman on the floor.

  Bara curled into a ball where she lay, sobbing, between cries of pain. Her nose was bleeding and both of her hands were cupping her groin. The sound of pounding boots penetrated Casey’s brain about the same time that Argernon cursed, spinning them both around. He pinned Casey to the wall. His body almost smashed her there. She could see over his shoulder when she turned her head to look over her own.

  Four Zorn men dressed in black rushed into the room. They looked at the woman on the floor before their stares jerked to Argernon. The man with red hair snarled.

  “What is happening here?”

  Argernon growled. “That was my lead house helper until she went to another home yesterday. She did not like that I bound to a human so I no longer had a need for other women in my home. She came here with a knife. It is under the bed where it slid away during the fight. She attacked me and my bound with threats of death. She no longer had a right to be in my home. She trespassed.”

  The redhead’s gaze flew to the woman on the floor and then back. His body relaxed slightly. He frowned as he met Argernon’s look. “Did you have to damage her so much, Argis Argernon? I understand your anger, but she’s female. This is unacceptable.”

  Argernon sighed. “I hit my head. I was stunned. It was my bound who fought her.”

  The man’s look flew to Casey. Shock hit his features. “Present her for inspection.”

  Argernon growled. “She’s bare. That is why I have her here to cover her body from sight.”

  The man nodded, examining the room. He walked to the dresser to get a shirt. He walked back to Argernon. He put the shirt on Argernon’s shoulder, draping it there. He turned to nod at the other men. Two of them took a step closer to Bara, guarding her, but they turned their backs to Casey and Argernon. Argernon lowered Casey to the floor to help put the shirt on her, tugging it down her body while staring into her eyes.

  “Am I in trouble? She had a knife.” Fear crept through her. She didn’t know their laws. “Are they going to arrest me?”

  Argernon shook his head. “Just do as he says. I’m here, Casey.”

  She was shaking as she stepped around Argernon. The four large Zorn officers turned slowly to study Casey. The redhead was obviously in charge. His gaze went down her quickly with a frown. He addressed Argernon.

  “May I, with respect?”

  Argernon jerked his head. “Yes. Hold still, Casey. He is checking you for injures or markings to support that you were in a fight.”

  She tensed as the big man approached her. He stared down at her. She saw he was still unconvinced that she’d fought Bara, by his disbelieving look. He hesitated a few seconds before slowly lowering to his knees. They were almost eye to eye. He held out both of his hands with his palms out.

  “Please put your hands in mine.”

  She was shaking, but she put them in his gentle hold. He stared at her hands. She had blood on them. Her right knuckles were damaged where she’d hit Bara a few times. The man released her hands. He visually scanned her from her toes up to her forehead. He was still frowning.

  “Do you have any other injures?”

  “I don’t think so. I took her by surprise. She didn’t expect me to tackle her. She probably expected me to run away, instead of at her.”

  The redhead’s eyebrows arched up. “You leapt at her?”

  “I threw myself into her as hard as I could, to knock her down.”

  The man cleared his throat, looking astonished. “Explain how she was injured please.”

  Casey sighed. “I slammed my knee into her crotch. It hurts regardless of what sex you are. I…uh…punched her in the face until she dropped the knife, and slammed her head into the floor, because I knew if she got up before I disabled her, that she’d kick my ass. She’s a lot bigger than I am. I only had surprise on my side.”


  “Um, her…” Casey turned, looking at Argernon for help. “What do you call it?”

  Argernon bit back a laugh. “She hit Bara’s sex with her knee.”

  “Thanks.” Casey met the redhead’s eyes. “That’s what I did. She wanted to kill me. She threatened to kill Argernon. He already had a head injury when we came here and then he hit his head again when he rolled us off the bed. It knocked him out when we hit the floor, managing to avoid Bara stabbing us on the bed. He needs medical help.” Her glance went to Bara who was still whimpering, curled in a ball on the floor. “And so does Bara. I might have broken her nose. I felt something crunch.”

  The redhead climbed to his feet, staring down at Casey. He looked at Argernon. “I heard human females were weak. She’s little. Her bones are so small and…” He shook his head. “Amazing.”

  Hands touched Casey. Argernon pulled her back into his arms, curling his naked body around her back to hold her close. She looked up at him. He was grinning at the redheaded officer.

  “She is smaller, but fierce. There is a lot more to human women than you would think.”

  The redhead grinned back. “I will remove the intruder from your home.” His grin died. “She tried to kill you. Do you want to press full charges, Argis Argernon?”

  Argernon’s grin died. “I do. She poses a threat to my bound. I won’t have that. She knew how to sneak into my home to attack us in our bed. Make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  The man nodded. “Do you need medical?”

  “I’m fine.”

  Casey frowned, looking up at Argernon. “You need to see
a doctor.”

  He sighed. “I am fine.”

  She shook her head. “Fine. I’ll wait until you fall down, and then a doctor can look at you when you’re passed out cold. Of all the stubborn, stupid things men do.”

  He chuckled as the redhead gasped in astonishment. Casey frowned up at the redheaded man wondering why he looked that way. His gaze was darting from Argernon to Casey and back. He looked confused.

  Argernon laughed. “They are very willful. It is very amusing. She is a pleasure in all things. I could not resist her.”

  The redhead backed away slowly. He nodded, but he looked uncertain. “I would train her better, Argis Argernon. Otherwise she might rub off on our women. They would all try to tell us what to do.”

  Argernon looked at Casey with a sparkle in his eye. “You would be surprised at how pleasurable it is to follow a woman’s orders in the bedroom.”

  She grinned at him. He had really liked her telling him what to do when she’d seduced him. She tore her gaze from his as the men lifted a still-crying Bara from the floor. Two of them carried her out. The other man crawled under the bed to retrieve the knife and all of them left. An older woman rushed into the room next.

  Casey stared at Gava. The woman was six feet tall, had to be eighty, if she was a day, judging by the wrinkles on her face, but was in amazing health. Age hadn’t bent her back or softened her firm body. From the neck down she looked forty and a good forty at that. Her silver hair was long, nearly reaching her knees, and she wore men’s pants with a man’s shirt that hit her waist. The woman rushed toward them both.

  “Are you all right? I called for security when I heard what was going on. She tied a cord from my door to another to lock me in my room. Thankfully, I have an alarm in there. I was worried.” The woman seemed to not notice or care that Argernon was naked. All of her attention was on Casey. She smiled. “You are very attractive.”

  Casey grinned. “Thank you for getting help to us. Thank you for the compliment.”