Page 18 of Kidnappping Casey

  The woman laughed. She finally turned her attention on Argernon. She shook her head, taking in what she could see of him behind Casey. “It is a good thing you males are not shy.” She made a soft sound with her throat. “Get dressed, please. I do not want to see so much of you.” She spun. “Food is prepared. Hurry to come eat. Your bound is with offspring and needs much food to fatten her up. She is so small that we need to make her bigger so she has an easier time birthing a big, healthy Zorn baby.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Argernon chuckled. “She likes you.”

  Casey turned in his arms. “What is going to happen to Bara?”

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “I hate when you say that. Give it to me straight.”

  He hesitated. “She will be treated for mental instability, and sent to where she won’t harm anyone again. If she refuses treatment and punishment, then she will be sent to a med house.”

  Casey paled. “Oh. That’s one of those places they send women to help sick males with sex, isn’t it?”

  “She tried to kill you.” Argernon’s features hardened, rage burning in his furious look. “If she had been male, I would have killed her with my bare hands for coming after you. It is my right. Even if security arrived, if she were male, I could kill her in front of them for coming after my bound. She is lucky she is female. Death isn’t an option for her. She did this, so do not think about what she has done to her own life. She will be given options of what happens to her. She must pay for her crime.”

  “How is your head? I wish you’d go see Ahhu.”

  He shook his head. “I am fine.” A grin curved his lips. “I am proud of you. You fought well.”

  “I fought dirty. I was scared she was going to kick my ass and kill both of us.”

  He laughed. “You were fierce. You struck without pause and you took down your adversary.” His grin died. “Now do not ever do it again. I will strive to protect you better so you never have to defend yourself. You will remember that you are small and carrying my offspring.”

  Her hand went to her stomach. “I don’t plan on any more fights. I didn’t plan on that one.”

  He nodded. “Where did you learn to fight? Is that common on Earth? Do they train all humans to be warriors?”

  She laughed. “No. I was raised with a lot of boy family members. They liked to pick on me so I learned to fight dirty to get even.”

  Rage crossed Argernon’s features. “Tell me who they are and I will go to Earth to punish every male who has harmed you.”

  She stared up at him. She was dazed when she realized he meant it. He wanted to go to Earth to kick some ass for her benefit. She smiled, reaching up to cup his face.

  “You are so damn sweet.”

  He frowned. “I am not sweet. I want to harm all males who caused you to learn how to fight to defend yourself. I will schedule transportation to Earth to make them suffer.”

  She tried hard not to laugh. “Picking on is, well, no one hurt me. They teased me and they pissed me off, but they didn’t harm me.”

  He growled. “I don’t want to hear about men teasing you. I want to kill men who touched you.”

  She had to fight back another laugh. “It wasn’t sexual. Teasing is making a joke at someone else’s expense that they don’t find funny.”

  He his body relaxed. “I understand. So there are no men on Earth I should go do harm to?”

  “Just my ex-boyfriend and he definitely is not worth it. He’s the guy who sent those two men to arrest me. He’s not worth the time or the trip to Earth.” She leaned against Argernon, smiling up at him. “Besides, I don’t want to go on another damn ship ever again.”

  “Food!” Gava bellowed from the other side of the house.

  Argernon chuckled. “Did I mention she is like a mother? She sounds like one.”

  “You did. I am starving.”

  He released her to dress quickly in a pair of pants. He put a shirt on this time too. “Come, beautiful.”

  She loved it when he called her that. She wasn’t beautiful, no one had ever called her that before, but he looked like he meant it every time he said it. Maybe to Zorn men she was. It was a nice feeling. Gava was waiting for them in a dining room. They sat down to a heavily filled table of food. Halfway through the meal, a buzz sounded.

  “What was that?” Casey looked around the room for the source of the sound.

  Argernon stood up. “Someone is at the front door. I will get it.”

  Casey watched him walk away hoping that it wasn’t going to be another pissed off ex-house helper. One visit from Bara was more than enough. In seconds, Ariel and her husband walked into the dining room. Ariel looked angry, and so did her large husband, who was glaring at Argernon.

  “Are you all right? I woke up and realized you hadn’t come to the house. We went to the medical building but they told us you left last night so we tracked you down here.” Ariel shot Argernon a dirty look. “Someone bribed the guards to bring you here instead of to my house. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Argernon?”

  He grinned as he sat back down. “I am guilty. I made them bring my bound home to me.”

  “It’s all right,” Casey said softly.

  Ariel’s eyebrows shot up as she hugged her rounded stomach. “Really? You both made up?”

  Ral chuckled. “I told you that it would be fine.”

  Ariel shot her husband a flirty look. “If he’s anything like you, she didn’t stand a chance.” Ariel sat down, glancing at Gava. “May I? I’m always hungry. I swear this baby eats three times what I do so I go around in a constant state of starvation. If it wasn’t for the workouts I get I’d be as big as this house.”

  A smiling Gava made a heaping plate to set it in front of Ariel. “Zorn offspring are like that to women. It must be a boy.” Gava shot both men a grin. “Their appetites in all things are extreme and they can’t get enough from a woman who holds them in their bodies.”

  Casey almost choked on her food. Ariel chuckled while shooting her a look. “Get used to it. They are blunt like that. It’s a common thread to joke about what horndogs Zorn men are.”

  Argernon frowned. “What is a horndog?”

  “You.” Ariel pointed to her husband. “Him. It means you can’t get enough sex, and you always want it.”

  Argernon grinned as his eyes went to Casey. “I am definitely a horndog then.”

  Ral chuckled as he took a seat next to his wife, stealing a piece of fruit from her plate. She winked at him, obviously amused. Love shone in the way she looked at him and it was clear that he was just as crazy about her.

  Casey eyed the couple. They were starkly contrasted. Ariel was small where her husband was big. Ariel was pale in coloring where her husband was deeply tan. They were happy together, and very much in love. She caught the way they looked at each other. Her gaze went to Argernon. He was watching her silently.

  “What are you thinking?” His voice was soft.

  She shook her head. “It’s nothing worth sharing.”

  “I always find myself wanting to know what you are thinking.” He frowned.

  Ral chuckled. “Get used to it. Your life has changed, Brother.” He grinned at his wife before turning his attention on Casey. “We aren’t used to this kind of relationship with women. Zorn women are quiet and they keep to themselves. Women socialize with other women. Most socialization happens between males and females in the bedroom. Even there not much conversation is exchanged. Human women interact with us on all levels. You speak to us and keep our interest.” His gaze went back to Ariel. “I want to spend all my time with my Ariel. She engages me in every way all the time.”

  Ariel grinned. She winked at Casey. “In all ways. I’m almost terrified when I think of how many kids we’re going to end up with. Birth control doesn’t work with them. Their semen, I’ve been told, gets around every form of birth control they try.”

  “What about condoms?”

l chuckled. “Explain to Argernon what one is. Watch this. It’s amusing as hell.” She shot her husband an amused look. “Don’t say a word.”

  Ral laughed. He popped another piece of fruit in his mouth just grinning as he gave a nod of encouragement to Casey. His eyes flew to his brother expectantly.

  Sighing, Casey faced Argernon. “A condom is a stretchy soft material that fits over your cock from tip to base that catches your seed so it doesn’t enter a woman. Do you understand?”

  Argernon snarled. He stood up looking shocked as he stared at Casey. He shook his head as he backed up. “NO!”

  She was stunned at his reaction. She’d expected something funny. This wasn’t amusing. Argernon looked horrified. He was staring at her like she had just asked him to cut off his own nuts, and with a rusty knife, to add insult to injury. She frowned, shooting Ariel a dirty look.

  Ariel laughed. “Tell her why you won’t wear a condom.”

  Casey eyed Argernon. He still looked pissed off and insulted. He met her eyes. “When Zorn males are young—”

  “Teenagers,” Ariel chuckled. “Really horny teenagers.”

  Argernon took a deep breath. “We have little control over our sexual urges at that age. If left unchecked a younger male will…” He sighed, staring at Casey. “He will spend most of his time issuing self release. He will never learn to control his sexual desires.”

  Ariel laughed again. “They’ll jerk off until they can’t walk, and get dehydrated, from what I’ve understood.”

  With a sharp nod, Argernon glared at Ariel and then met Casey’s eyes. “In order to teach males control, and so they don’t self release over and over all day long, we are fitted with what sounds like what you mentioned. It is tight and with no room for release. If a male releases into one then it is painful because there is nowhere for the release to go.” He cleared his throat. “It is very painful.”

  Casey stared at him. She didn’t laugh. That wasn’t funny. “Why let them do that to you?”

  Ral sighed. “We need to learn control over our bodies. It is hard to go to training, or do anything productive, if all our males are self releasing constantly.” His eyes shot to Ariel. He smiled. “I learned control fast but some males…” his eyes went to Argernon and laughed. “Did not, did you, Brother? How many times were you found on the floor of your room in pain?”

  Argernon growled. “Shut up.”

  Ral laughed. His eyes went to Casey. “It was many, many times.”

  Casey stared at Argernon. Sympathy for the teenage boy he must have been, welled in her. “Why didn’t you just take it off?”

  He sighed, staring at her. “Because if tampered with, they give an even more painful shock. They are only removed for bathing and urine release, with an adult Zorn present to make sure that is all that is done. Three times a day, young males are allowed sexual release. I wanted more.”

  “I’m hoping for a girl,” Ariel chuckled.

  Casey nodded. “No shit.” Her eyes went to Argernon. “There’s room in condoms for release and they don’t hurt you. They just catch your seed.”

  He shivered. “I will never wear something that embraces me like that.” His eyes narrowed on her. “You embrace my cock.” He grinned. “Very well. I will wear you often.”

  Casey blushed. She was a little stunned that he’d say something that forward in front of other people.

  Ariel laughed. “Get used to it. Like I said, they are very blunt.” Ariel stood up, giving a smile to her husband. “Let’s go home. All is well here.”

  Casey watched the couple go. She could have begged Ariel to take her with her, but she remained silent until they were out of sight. Argernon was silently watching her. She turned, studying him back. A slow grin spread his lips.

  “You did not try to escape.” He sounded smug.

  “Would you have let me go?”

  He shook his head. “You are my bound, beautiful. I will never let you go.”

  “Why would she want free?” Gava looked at Casey with a frown. “Why would you not want bound to him? He is much desired on Zorn. He is Argis. Many Zorn women would beg to be his bound.”

  “It’s a long story,” Casey sighed. Her gaze went to Argernon. “You’re still not off the hook.”

  He chuckled. “And later you still will not be off the headboard.”

  Gava stood. “I do not want to know.” She started to clear the table. When Casey rose to help her, Gava shook her head no. “You remain with your bound. You are in the beginning stages of your new bond. Enjoy the time together.” She disappeared from the dining room.

  “You heard her.” Argernon moved to Casey. “Let’s go enjoy our time together.” He held out his hand.

  “Gee, I wonder what you want to do.” Her gaze lowered to the front of his pants. The man was hard again. She looked at his face when she stood up. She put her smaller hand in his. “Are you ever not turned-on?”

  He chuckled. “When you are not near me I am not aroused unless I am thinking about you. I want to take you outside right now. You have yet to really get to enjoy Zorn.”

  “That’s true. When we arrived I was chasing after you to the medical place and when I left there it was dark.”

  He walked her through the house, but instead of heading for the front door he headed toward the back. She wondered where he was taking her but then she saw the glass doors he walked her to and slid them open. The view of the city below was vast. The house sat on a steep hill, so she could look down the sharply slanted lawn to see a lot of Zorn. She noticed the tall, white walls enclosing the obvious backyard below them. She let her eyes take in the view.

  Zorn really was a red planet. The vegetation she saw wasn’t green. It was all reds, purples, and blacks. The sky was a pinkish red. The city was mostly white buildings that looked rounded and curved in structure. She was far enough away that she couldn’t see people or much detail but she bet it would be pretty at night with lights below. The grass was a soft rusty red that shocked her a little with its color. Zorn definitely wasn’t Earth.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s stunning and strange,” she said honestly. “It’s really different from Earth.”

  He nodded. “I was on your Earth, remember?”

  She looked up at him. “I remember in great detail.”

  He chuckled. “I liked your blue and green water where it ran deep.”

  “I liked the cave behind the waterfall on your sleeping bag.”

  His grin curved more. “I was trying to give you a rest, but I don’t believe you need one since your thoughts are on our first joining.” He turned her to yank her against his body. “I want you.”

  “Let’s go inside.”

  He shook his head. “No one is here. Gava will not interfere.”

  “Its broad daylight and we’re on a hill, Argernon.”

  “I am aware.”

  He went to his knees, tugging her down with him. They faced each other on their knees. She stared up at him. The guy turned her on. “What if Gava walks by the windows?”

  “She won’t watch us. Sex is very natural here, my Casey. She will avoid the windows.”

  Biting her lip, Casey stared into Argernon’s striking blue eyes. She loved him. After Bara tried to kill them both, it made her realize the woman hadn’t loved Argernon. She wanted what he could give her financially. He hadn’t broken anyone’s heart by getting rid of his house helpers. He’d just hurt Casey by having them in the first place. Argernon reached up to cup Casey’s face with his hands.

  “I love you, beautiful.”

  She smiled. “I love you too, baby.”

  “Turn around.” He released her.

  She went to her knees to get a better look at the view. Argernon moved behind her, spreading his bent legs so they were on the outside of hers. His warm body pressed against her back.

  One of his hands cupped her stomach only to slide lower under her shirt, moving it out of his way. His fingers slid between her thi
ghs. Casey moaned as he played with her clit. Argernon lowered his head so his mouth could tease her throat.

  “You’re more beautiful than the view. I can never lose you, Casey.”

  She pressed her ass back, rubbing against his hard cock trapped in his pants. He groaned as she wiggled against him. “I’ll forgive you for everything and stay here with you forever if you do one thing.”

  His hand froze. “What? Name it, Casey.”

  She smiled as she turned her head to look up at him over her shoulder. She met his sexy eyes. “Swear to me you’ll never touch another woman but me for the rest of our lives together.”

  He nodded. “I swear. You are all that I want. You are all that I need. You are everything to me.”

  “Will you occasionally take orders from me?”

  He smiled. “Yes.”

  “Then open those damn pants and fuck me.”

  Argernon chuckled. “Do you want me fast or slow, beautiful? Tell me.”

  She bent over, placing her hands on the red grass of Zorn. “Slow at first and then fast. That’s how I love it best.”

  He growled at her. “You are perfect for me.”

  She tossed her brown hair out of the way to look at him over her shoulder again. “Play with my clit while you fuck me and you’ll be perfect for me.” She grinned at him.

  Argernon shoved his pants down. He entered her slowly. Casey shut her eyes reveling in the feel of the man she loved. Yeah, she could do this for the rest of her life happily if she had Argernon. Muscular arms slid around her. A hot hand slid between her thighs. Argernon’s finger rubbed against her clit as he pushed into her deep. Being bound to Argernon was sheer pleasure.

  He started to move. Casey moaned. “Love me, baby.”

  “Always, beautiful.” He chuckled. “And often. Very, very often.”

  About the Author

  I’m a full time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

  I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when your write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love it when I sit down at my computer desk and put on my headphones to listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.