Page 5 of Kidnappping Casey

  She was clueless how to answer that last part. “You never came across a bear,” she finally said. “They are dangerous and big.”

  “I did not.” He opened his shirt to tear it off his body completely. He threw it at the open door to the bathroom area. “Remove your wet clothing. We’ll shower. I am hungry. They will bring us something to eat. We have brought foods that the other human woman who is bound to my brother eats. She likes them so I hope that you will as well.”

  She shook her head. “Back up.”

  He frowned but took a step back from her. Casey almost snorted.

  “Not literally. It’s a figure of speech. You’re losing me. What implant? What do you mean some of your men came here to find women? Aren’t there any women on your planet? I’m so confused.” She took a deep breath. “And what is your name? I’ve been calling you Bigfoot but you’re not one.”

  He chuckled. “My name is Argernon. My people call me Argis Argernon. Argis is my title and place on my planet. My father leads Zorn. I am second son in line to lead. Do not be intimidated by my place. My father is very healthy and so is my older brother Ral. I will never have to lead my planet. An implant is something I’ll have you fitted with soon but I don’t want to do it here because it would be painful without a healer to insert it. We don’t have one on board currently. It is a small device that will be painlessly placed inside both your ears. That way we don’t need a conis to translate for us. You’ll be able to understand me and any other Zorn who speaks.” He chuckled. “And there are women on my planet. It’s just that some men wanted bound to human women. My brother’s bound made quite an impression on a lot of our males.”


  He pointed. “I think you would call that a computer. Is that correct? My brother’s bound has been working with the translation programmer so humans can understand some different words like our conis to your term computer. Some of it is still being tested but she gave me a few words with the translation. She said they would be useful to test. Computer was one of them.”

  Casey bit her lip. “What other words did she tell you?”

  He grinned. “Clit.”

  “What did you say?” She was sure she had to have heard him wrong.

  “Unis is our word for clit.” His smile spread wide as his eyes lowered to the V of her legs. “Our women have a unis. You call it a clit. That is the part of you that I—”

  “I got it!” Casey flushed as she cut off the rest of that sentence. She remembered too well what he had done to her. “Okay. What other words did she give you to toss out there at humans?”

  He cocked his head. “I think we’ll discuss those words at a later time. I feel dirty and we are both wet with river water that doesn’t smell good. Take off the clothing. Come with me to the shower. I will wash you and feed you.”

  Standing slowly, Casey reached for her clothes. “I have to return home soon.”

  He studied her. “I assure you that you will be returning home soon, Casey.” He smiled slowly at her. “But first I want to get to know you. I want to get you out of those clothes.”

  She hesitated. He was an alien from another planet. She’d made love to him before thinking he was a legendary creature. She got up as she undressed slowly. He might not be a Bigfoot but he was sexy as hell. She wanted a repeat of his touching her. Their gazes locked as she stripped.

  He watched her as he removed his boots and his pants. Naked, she soaked in every wonderful exposed inch of him. Her attention fixed on his middle. Instantly her body responded to his thick arousal pointing right at her showing how turned-on he was. Her inner muscles quivered as moisture flooded between her thighs.

  The bathroom was tiny. She eyed the toilet. It was obvious what it was but it wasn’t the same as the one at home. The shower captured her attention most. There weren’t doors or even a curtain separating it from the rest of the bathroom.

  Argernon chuckled. “I apologize for the lack of amenities but this ship was designed as a jumper. Our women are not warriors so we do not transport them on it. It wasn’t built with female comfort in mind. We couldn’t bring one of our larger ships close to your Earth for worry that your planet’s defenses would pick us up. When the jumper leaves orbit we will meet up with our larger ship that waits for our return to get back to Zorn.”

  “A jumper?”

  “A small craft designed for speed to transport our warriors from one place to another. Usually this craft is used to transport our injured or to get us to battle quickly. There are only ten living quarters that are private and one crew room they share and it only has two decks. This is the largest living quarter on the jumper that I took from the captain since I’m Argis. I wanted more privacy that is afforded to me on the jumper than on the larger ship we use for distance travel.”

  “And Argis means what?”

  “I told you. My father leads Zorn. Argis is a title of my family. Argis is…” He paused, his mind working, before he shrugged. “It is my family status on my planet. My brothers and I are all Argis.”

  “Do you have sisters?”


  “Are they Argis as well?”

  He shook his head. “Bratha. That is their designation. It means the female of my family. My mother is Bratha Alluwn. Her name is Alluwn. My sisters are—”

  “I understand.”

  He grinned. “Do you understand how much I want you?” His gaze raked down her body.

  Casey’s body responded to the hunger glowing in his eyes. “Yes, Argernon.”

  Large warm hands reached for her, gripping her waist as he lifted her over the edge of the shower stall. It just had a rim to keep the water from pouring out on the floor. The water came driving down like rain instead of from a single stream. Argernon made the flow start by reaching up to wave his hand in the air. He grinned as Casey gasped in surprise at the sudden soaking of warm water.

  “Sorry. I startled you.”

  The water was coming down so she couldn’t look up at him. She pushed her wet brown hair out of her face and lifted her hand to protect water from running in her eyes as she looked at his chest.

  “How do you see?”

  He chuckled. “They aren’t meant for sharing. They are meant to clean up fast. We will wait for sharing our bodies when we get out. Just stand there to get unsoiled. The water will wash us with chemicals in it but do not swallow it or it will make you sick. It cleans your skin and hair.”

  She let the water pour down her but moved closer to Argernon’s body. He moved his hands on her hips, brushing his palms on her skin. One hand left her to wave the air above them to stop the water from pouring down. Casey wiped at her face with her hands so she could look up at him. He tossed his wet hair back. She stared up at his strong features realizing just how handsome he was even if he wasn’t human. As far as aliens went he was damn fine looking.

  “I want inside you now. Close your eyes and do not startle. You will feel heat.”

  He reached over to push on part of the shower wall. Casey heard a click and shut her eyes. She gasped as hot air hit her from above and from the sides. It was like being in a wind tunnel of blasting heat. If someone hooked up fifty blow dryers in different locations it was a close comparison. The water started to dry on her skin. The air blasts suddenly shut off. She opened her eyes to look at Argernon.

  He was grinning. “It doesn’t dry hair but if you push the button enough it will. You do not want to do that though. It will make your skin dry and itchy.” He reached for her again to brush his fingertips over her skin. “You are so pale and soft. Your skin is delicate.”

  Biting her lip, Casey eyed him. She let her teeth release. “Are we going to talk or are you going to take me to your bed?”

  A grin split his face. “Follow me.” He let his hand slide to her hand to grip it. He tugged at her to follow him out of the bathroom. “Let’s go.”

  She followed him back to the sleeping area. It was a big bed, longer than a standard king-size bed bu
t it was just as wide. A muscular arm hooked around her waist as Argernon suddenly spun to face her. She gasped as he jerked her off her feet, just tossing her so she landed on her back on the bed with a bounce. His gaze locked with Casey’s.

  “I saw a monitoring of one of my kind having sex with a human woman. Your sex is slightly different from women of my world. I want to learn everything about your body and I want you to learn about mine. I am slightly different from your human men.”

  Excitement hit Casey. “Okay. I’m game.”

  He blinked and arched an eyebrow.

  “I’m game is a slang term for I want to learn about you. It means I’m in, I want to do that.”

  He chuckled. “Good because we are doing a lot of it.”

  Chapter Four

  Argernon climbed on the bed after Casey. He stretched out his six-foot-five body on the bed next to her. Casey rolled on her side to face him until just inches separated them. She let her eyes slowly scan down his body to take in every detail of his naturally tan skin. She wet her lips. Argernon was totally lickable in her book. She just couldn’t decide where to start.

  A grin split his lips. “How am I different from your human men?”

  “Your features are slightly different.” She reached over to trace his nose with her fingertip lightly. “Definitely different there. You have sharp teeth and your lips are thicker. Your bone structure is stronger and more pronounced.”

  “Am I attractive to you? I find your nose to be attractive for a bump.”

  Casey laughed, nodding. He definitely was attractive to her. “My nose is a bump?”

  “Definitely.” His eyes went to her breasts. “I love your pale skin.”

  “Aren’t any of your people this white?”

  He shook his head. “Never. I like that your body is much softer to look upon than our women.” His hand spread on her slightly rounded stomach as he rubbed her skin there. “You are very soft to touch as well.”

  Casey let her hand drift down his cheek, continuing slowly down to his chest, his stomach, to finally stop at his hip, letting her eyes follow her hand as she let her palm caress the head of his cock.

  “You are bigger here than a human.”

  “In size? Aren’t your men built like us? Am I thicker or longer than your men?”

  She hesitated. “The head of your cock is larger than a human’s. You’re bigger everywhere than any man I’ve ever been with, but they were smaller guys to be fair. Your tip is thicker but you thicken again a few inches down to the base of your cock. It feels amazing.”

  That brought a chuckle from him. “That would explain how tight you are. You almost hurt me but it feels wonderful. You are perfect and feel incredible inside.” His grin died as hunger made his eyelids narrow. “You are softer inside than any woman I have ever taken.”

  “What is the difference?”

  “You don’t have rough ridges in your voltia. You are soft and the sensation…” He growled, moving closer. “I want you again. Your scent calls to me when you are aroused. I love how you taste. You flavor better, Casey. I inhale you when you want me and I have never been harder or hurt more to be inside a woman.”

  She had to remember to breathe. She guessed voltia was their word for vagina. Her nipples tightened with his words, her pussy flooded with need, the memory of him between her thighs when his tongue had stroked her clit was a strong aphrodisiac. She couldn’t wait long. She wanted him now.

  “Let’s stop talking and get busy.”

  “Busy?” He rolled, suddenly pushing her on her back. “Does this mean you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes.” She gripped his rock-hard cock between them feeling him throb in her palm. Soft skin covered a steel-hard erection. “Please, Argernon. I want to feel you.” She spread her legs wide open as she tugged at him to move there.

  He didn’t take any additional urging to climb over her to settle his larger body into the cradle of her thighs. Their eyes locked when he adjusted his hips, pressing his thick cock against her wet sex. He pushed in slowly. Her body resisted the thick, blunt head at the first press against her but Casey just lifted her hips to take him, spreading her thighs more to help open herself wider to accept him. The sensation of him pushing into her, stretching her, made her moan in pleasure. It was pure bliss as he filled her, sliding against all those wonderful nerve endings.

  “That feels so damn good. You feel like heaven.” She paused. He probably didn’t know what that term meant. “Nothing has ever felt better than you do inside me.”

  “Casey,” he growled. “I am trying to refrain. Don’t get me too turned-on or I am afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  That got her to grin. “Hurt me?”

  He didn’t smile back. “I am much stronger and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  An image of him fucking her hard and deep surfaced in her imagination. In the cave he’d lost some of his restraint in the end while they’d been going at it. It had been a heaven and hell that she wanted to experience again. Her inner walls gripped him tighter with need. She wanted him like that. Fast, hard, unrestrained and wild. His cock almost withdrew from her completely, causing more wonderful sensations. A moan tore from her.

  “I think I can take it, Argernon.” She wiggled her hips. “Give me what you’ve got.”

  A growl tore from Argernon’s lips as he drove into her hard and deep. The sudden thrust made her throw her head back in rapture, her fingernails digging into his shoulders, as a loud moan tore from her lips. Argernon froze, buried deep inside her. He started to slowly withdraw.

  “I am sorry I hurt you.”

  She shook her head, opening her eyes. Her legs wrapped around his waist to lock him in place. “That didn’t hurt. It surprised me but it feels amazing. Do it again.”

  “Are you sure?” Concern showed in his gaze.

  “I’m not fragile. Trust me.”

  He withdrew from her body, forcing her to release him from her legs wrapped around his hips. He pushed up to his knees to stare down at her.

  “Roll over then and give me your ass.”

  “Wow.” She swallowed. “Uh…I think you’re way too big to go there.”

  He tilted his head, frowning at her. “I want to take you that way.”

  She blinked. “You’re kind of thick for that. I’d be game but it would take some time to work that in and we’d need lube.” Her gaze flickered down to his impressive hard-on. “Lots of lube.”

  Argernon’s frown deepened as confusion flicked across his features. “You’re ready for me.”

  She bit her lip. “Are we both talking about anal sex? Do you know what that is?”

  He shook his head. Surprise hit Casey. They didn’t have anal sex on his planet? That was just weird. After a quick glance at his thick-headed cock she couldn’t say she was disappointed that he wasn’t going to go there. He was too damn thick to do the anal thing with her without some pain involved in stretching her. She slowly rolled over to get on her hands and knees. Turning her head, she smiled at him over her shoulder, wiggling her ass at him in invitation and pushing it up higher since he was a tall guy even on his knees.

  “Like this?”

  “You make me so hard,” he snarled at her.

  He dropped down on her body, caging her under him as he braced one hand on the bed to hold his weight, his free hand guiding his cock to her. He pushed into her pussy slowly. Both of them groaned loudly as he worked himself in deep.

  “You are so hot, wet and tight.”

  “It feels really good from this side too,” she moaned as he moved in short thrusts that teased her. Her fingers clawed his bed. “Please fuck me hard and faster.”

  “My pleasure,” he growled.

  His free arm hooked around her waist, anchoring her so she couldn’t move as he hammered her rapidly and deeply. His hand shifted, cupping her from the front as his palm rubbed against her clit. Flesh hit flesh as her ass hit the front of his hips. Casey couldn’t think through the rapture she
felt as his cock pounded away at her. Something wonderful was building, her muscles tensing, as she hovered on total ecstasy.

  “Oh God!” Casey panted. “Oh God! Don’t stop.”

  “I couldn’t if I tried,” he snarled.

  Sharp teeth gripped her shoulder. Another snarl tore from Argernon, muffled against her skin locked between his teeth, his hips powering into her even faster. Their bodies slammed together. Her vaginal walls clamped down tighter on his driving cock.

  Casey screamed as she came hard. Sharp teeth released the tight hold on her shoulder as Argernon threw his head back. A roar tore from his parted lips, his body quaking over hers fiercely, his hot semen blasting inside Casey while he emptied his release into her. His hips slowed their movement until he wasn’t moving anymore.

  Casey collapsed her shoulders to the bed, her ass in the air since Argernon had his arm braced around her hips to hold her in place. She panted and fought the urge to pass out from exhaustion. The man had fucked her within an inch of her life and she knew it. A smile twisted her lips. He was still planted inside her. His hand moved so his fingers explored her clit. It made Casey jerk a little since she was oversensitive.

  A chuckle sounded from him before he slowly withdrew from her body, his fingers sliding away from her clit. Casey missed the feel of him inside her body. The arm holding her up gently released her. Argernon collapsed on his side next to her so he faced her. Casey let her ass lower as she shut her legs to slide straight out on her stomach on his comfortable bed. She rolled on her side so they faced each other. Their gazes locked together.

  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life,” she admitted with a grin. “You’re amazing and I almost feel like thanking you.”

  Argernon grinned. “It was the best for me as well and I do thank you. You have made me very happy.”

  Casey chuckled. “So do you go around saving women from getting arrested often?”