Page 6 of Kidnappping Casey

  He frowned. “Why were they arresting you? I am familiar with this term. On Zorn it means you have broken laws and are taken to be judged for punishment if you are found guilty. I want you to tell me everything.”

  “I told you I dated the wrong guy who slept with another woman. Last week he had those two deputies you rescued me from, arrest me. They handcuffed me, took me to Don’s office, and after they left he…” She flushed a little. “He wanted me to be with him again. I told him off. He started pulling down my pants and said some really awful things to me. I fought and screamed. He was going to force me to have sex with him but he had to let me go when his deputies burst into the room. He sent them back to arrest me again.” She shivered. “This time he might have not been stopped. Thank you, Argernon.”

  Anger made his mouth twist into a tight frown, intense blue eyes burned with rage. “I can understand wanting to be inside you desperately, but to force a woman is inexcusable. I had heard you were a monogamous species. He was aware of this? That being with another woman sexually would make you not want him anymore?”

  His words stunned her. She swallowed. “Not all humans are monogamous but most of us are and yes, he was aware. I take it that your world isn’t?“

  Dread of what his answer might be made her stomach clench. Not that it should matter to her but the idea of him with another woman bothered her. He was from another planet. That whole ‘take him home with her’ idea was already blown to hell. She knew she was going to lose him and she didn’t want to. Depression hit her hard. She wished he had been a Bigfoot in need of a home. It wasn’t like they could enter into a lasting relationship now. He’d go back to his home planet.

  “My world is different. Our males are highly aroused often. Do you understand what I say?”

  “It means you have a high sex drive.”

  Argernon nodded. “Our women can’t handle one of our men alone. Most men have two or three women in his home under his protection. We only bound with one woman. She is the one we favor the most and share our seed with to have offspring.”

  Casey had to shut her mouth since it had fallen open. She didn’t like what he was saying and reminded herself it was a good thing they weren’t in a long-term relationship no matter how much something inside her rebelled at that statement.

  “How many times a day do you have sex?”

  He shrugged. “I like five times a day every day.”

  That was a high number but nothing Casey couldn’t handle. Hell, the guy was amazing in bed. “Why can’t your women handle that?”

  “Our women are different than you physically. I have read the medical reports that were collected on a human and they have the ability to enjoy sex many times in a day. Our women get sore and do not enjoy the sex after two times in a day. Their unis swells and is uncomfortable after sex. Their unis is inside their bodies and not on the outside like your clit is.”

  “Wow.” Casey let the information sink in.

  “That is one of the reasons so many of our men wish to bound with a human female. Not only can you match us for sexual desire in a day but you enjoy sex in many positions that are not enjoyable to our women. What they do not know is how amazing touching you is, how you are different inside, and by the Lord of the Moons, you feel amazing.”

  Chuckling, Casey grinned at him. She reached out to let her fingertips explore his muscled chest. “That goes both ways.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You are aroused again, aren’t you?” His nose flared. “I want you so much I hurt for you. Can I take you now?”

  Lowering her eyes, Casey was amazed that Argernon was hard again. She ran her hand down his body to grip his hard shaft near the base, gliding her palm upward to the larger mushroomed tip. She brushed her thumb pad around the rim of the tip in a slow circle. Argernon softly groaned as he rolled on his back.

  “Please touch me, Casey. Your hands are soft and pleasure me greatly.”

  Casey straddled Argernon’s thighs. She used both hands to explore his balls, testing their heavy weight, and taking notice of the fact that there was almost no hair there. She released him with one hand, sliding it up his shaft toward the thick tip.

  A hard nickel-sized patch of skin on the top of his cock was ridged along the upper side. Argernon whimpered when her fingers explored it. His large body jerked under hers. Casey froze. Her gaze flew up to his face.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  He shook his head as his gaze locked with hers. “That’s my hais. Feel the harder area? I would compare it to your clit from the way you react to me touching you. It is the most sensitive area on my cock.”

  Casey ran her fingers over him, exploring every glorious inch of Argernon. He shivered under her soft touches as she cupped his balls with one hand and rubbed his cock with the palm of the other over the head. He had little pubic hair but lots of chest hair that trailed down his front to his waist. Argernon shivered again.

  “I need inside you. I can’t take the teasing.” The words came out in a raspy tone.

  Casey was thrown on her back in a heartbeat when he sat up. She gasped in air as his body came down on her smaller one. He pinned her, using his knees to spread her thighs wide open, and entered her without warning. Casey moaned, gripping his shoulders, wrapping her legs around his hips, and pulled him tighter against her. He stretched her inner walls with his thickness, filling her in one slow drive of his hips.

  She cried out in bliss. “You feel so damn good.”

  Argernon rode her hard and fast. He shifted the position of his hips, lifting her body higher by wrapping an arm under her ass to elevate her. He braced his other arm on the bed to lift his upper body off her chest. She had to release his shoulders. Her hands instead ended up gripping his driving hips. If it were at all possible Argernon moved faster and harder, pounding into her over and over.

  Casey came furiously, pleasure exploding in her as his hips slowed. He groaned as his cock pulsed strongly against her vaginal walls, semen flooding her inside as he came. Opening her eyes, she watched Argernon’s face. He almost looked like he was in pain with his mouth open to show off his sharper Zorn teeth. His beautiful blue eyes were squeezed shut with his head thrown back. The pained look passed to one of peace when his eyes slowly opened.

  A smile touched her lips. “That was…” She wasn’t sure what words would cover the amazing experience of having sex with Argernon.

  “I know.”

  Casey caught her breath. She was getting too attached to Argernon and she knew it. She hesitated. “Why did you bring me here?”

  Slowly withdrawing from her body, his eyes looked anywhere but at her. His features hardened, all emotion wiped from his face. He moved away from her to stretch out on his back next to her on the bed then turned his head and met her eyes.

  “I don’t understand the question.”

  Casey turned on her side facing him. She hadn’t missed his reaction to her question. “Why did you take me from the cave and bring me here to your ship?”

  He hesitated. “I didn’t want our time to end.”

  She didn’t want it to either. She swallowed. “I have to go back in two days, Argernon. I don’t work until then but day after tomorrow I have to be back at noon. That’s twelve o’clock during the day Earth time.” She suddenly laughed. “Earth time. Boy, does that sound funny to say. I’m still in shock that I’m on a ship of some sort and that you’re not from Earth. How weird is that?”

  He didn’t smile back. Instead his blue eyes narrowed and seemed to harden. “We need to talk about that, Casey.”

  “We are talking.”

  He hesitated before reaching for her. One of his hands cupped her hip, his large, warm fingers curled around her hipbone to grip her firmly. “I’m not taking you back.” He said the words softly.

  Casey let his words sink in. “Excuse me? What did you say?”

  He sighed softly. Bright blue eyes glowed at her with intensity. “I’m not taking you back. You know about us. The moment
I heard you running through the woods I made a choice to save you. Those men didn’t really see me. You thought I was a Bigfoot. They will probably think I was one as well. You know the truth—that I am not something that can be explained away. My men want to find women on your planet and we can’t do that if your people are aware of our existence and our desire to visit. We aren’t looking for a war and we don’t want to fight with your people but we do want some of your women to bound with. I am not taking you back.”

  Shock hit Casey hard before anger flared. “You have to take me back. As much as I’ve enjoyed this…” She waved a hand between them. “I own my home, have a job, and I have friends. Not many friends, I admit, but I have a life and it’s mine. You have to take me back, Argernon.”

  He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “I wasn’t looking for a woman to bound with and I hadn’t even considered it until I met you. I didn’t pull out of you at the end of sex. I planted my seed in you, Casey. I bound to you. You are mine now and I’m taking you back to Zorn with me. I will do my best to make your life happy. You will love Zorn. It is a beautiful planet. My brother’s bound is human and she loves living there. She is happy and you will be too. I will commit to making sure you are content.”

  Casey was too astonished to speak for long moments. He was taking her to another planet? He looked dead serious about it judging from the stern expression on his face. She’d wanted to take him home to keep him. Now he was informing her that he was taking her home to keep her instead.

  Rolling away, she jerked out of his hold to get to her feet. She paced his small room, shaking her head wildly. She glared at Argernon when she stopped walking.

  “No way in hell. You have to take me home. You can’t just adopt me and take me home like I’m some damn pet. You can’t take me from my planet. It’s kidnapping and I won’t go.”

  Argernon flinched. He slowly climbed off the bed as well. He kept a good four feet between them. Regret shone in his eyes. “I am sorry, Casey, but I bound you. The sex was too intense and I did not expect my overriding desire or the fact that I couldn’t bring myself to pull out of you. There’s something I should tell you.”

  “I am going home, Argernon,” she said softly, firmly. “You can’t keep me here.”

  He blinked a few times. “I can keep you and I will. You could be carrying my offspring, Casey. We are breeding compatible.” His gaze lowered to her stomach. “Even now my seed could be taking root.” He looked into her eyes. “I can keep you. I am only sorry that you are so distressed to stay with me. I was hoping you would be pleased.”

  “Pleased?” She gasped. “You’re kidnapping me from my life, Argernon. I have a home and a job.”

  He took another deep breath. “Now you will have a new home that you will share with me. Your job will be as my bound. I will cherish you and protect you. I will feed you and care for you. That is your new life.”

  “You son of a bitch!”

  Argernon frowned. “I don’t understand. In my language a bitch is a female animal in mating drive.”


  His lips twisted into a grimace. “My mother…” He closed his mouth. “Insults are your human way of dealing with anger. I understand. It doesn’t change anything. I am sorry you are upset over this. I was hoping you would be glad.”

  Chapter Five

  Casey was locked in Argernon’s room and she was considering committing murder. He had dressed, given her a large shirt to wear and food. He’d left her alone hours ago to brood. She’d tried to get the door open but it wouldn’t budge. She only had access to his room and to the bathroom. She had found a dagger-like knife that was now stashed under the pillow on the bed.

  He’d brought her some kind of fruit plate with some cooked meat. She had no idea what kind of meat it was but it wasn’t like anything she’d ever tasted before. It was like some kind of long strip of steak that was tangy and delicious. The fruits had been terrific, though strange looking. The drink he’d given her was red—its taste similar to fruity flavored water.

  Rage boiled inside her as she paced. Argernon couldn’t kidnap her to take her to another planet. She’d had sex with the guy. Admittedly, it had been great sex, but that didn’t mean he could keep her like a pet. Sitting down hard on the bed, she tossed her wet hair over her shoulder. She’d figured out the shower when he’d gone. She was furious with him and she didn’t want to smell like him or sex so she’d washed all traces of him off her body.

  Argernon left her right after dropping the bomb about keeping her. He’d said he had duties to perform. What in the hell did that even mean? What did the guy do besides going around having sex with a stranger and kidnapping her after the fact? Casey burned with fury that she refused to let go of, because if she let it go she knew the fear would grip her.

  The thought of being taken to another planet where she’d be at an alien’s mercy terrified her. She didn’t know Argernon at all besides how amazing he was at fucking her. For all she knew he could be abusive. Hell, she thought, she’d known her ex-boyfriend Don better. He’d been a cheating bastard, a liar, and in the end had used his job to almost rape her. What horrible character traits was Argernon hiding from her that she’d discover down the road? The fact that he was a kidnapper wasn’t lost on her either.

  The door slid open suddenly, startling Casey. She glared at the tall alien as he entered the room. Argernon studied her as he paused inside the door that shut firmly behind him. The door worked fine for him. Obviously the pad to open it needed his handprint. Argernon watched her with caution radiating from him. His gaze left her glare to glance around the room. His attention returned fully on her.

  “How many weapons did you find?”

  Casey swallowed hard. “None. I wish I’d thought of that.”

  Snorting, Argernon edged around the room, keeping some distance from her. He watched her closely as he moved. “I assume that an angry female with intelligence is spiteful, Casey. Hand over the weapons that you found. If you harm me it won’t do you any good. There are over a dozen men on this ship who will not let you leave. We have left your planet’s orbit and have docked with our ship. There is nowhere to escape to.”

  “You are lying to me.”

  “I do not lie. It is a useless endeavor and not honorable.”

  “So kidnapping a woman is honorable?”

  He frowned. “I did not plan on this, Casey. I went to your woods to visit your Earth and seek out your wildlife. I’m a hunter by nature and I wished to explore. I never counted on seeing you running from those men or saving you.”

  “You took me to the cave. You planned that.”

  “I wanted you but that was after I had rescued you. You drew me. You still draw me. I want you right now. No woman has ever made me feel as you do. I can’t resist you.”

  Casey’s eyes flew to the front of his tight black leatherlike pants. He was clearly turned-on. The outline of his thick cock was unmistakable. He was definitely not lying about wanting her. She jerked her gaze up to his face to glare at him.

  “Too bad for you I’m not some brainless slut who sees a big dick and forgets everything to fuck a man. Let me go, Argernon. I want to go back. It’s been fun, well, up until you told me I couldn’t go home. I’m not something you can just take home and adopt. I’m a person and I have a life.”

  “Hand over the weapons you found in my quarters.”

  Glaring at him, she stood up to move around the bed so it was between them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not a warrior. I’m a woman. Let me go home, Argernon.” She decided to change tactics. She softened her voice. She wasn’t above a little begging. “Please?”

  He arched an eyebrow. “And what if you are carrying my offspring? Our seed is very aggressive. That is why on my planet we only give our seed to our bound. Controlling who we planted our offspring into was impossible otherwise. Every time one of our scientists came up with a form of medication that prevented it, our seed overcame
it. We are a very sturdy race. Zorn seed planted into a human woman will even take root there. My brother brought life to the human womb of his bound.”

  The color drained from Casey’s face. “If you knew this then why the hell didn’t you pull out? Hell, that doesn’t work anyway, does it? Women get pregnant all the time that way.”

  “Pulling out before our seed spills does work with Zorn. Only our seed after climax is viable for having offspring.”

  “Then why didn’t you pull out of me?”

  He was frowning. Argernon sighed as he let his arms drop to his sides. His hands brushed his thighs on his sides, rubbing his legs nervously. His intense blue gaze locked with Casey’s.

  “I was unable to resist. I seem to have little to no control when I am inside you.” He paused. “You are an anomaly.”

  “Look who’s talking,” she muttered. “Fine. You’re obviously an advanced race. You flew this ship here. You have all kinds of shit I can’t even identify in this room. You are obviously more highly developed in technology than my people are so give me a test and if I’m not knocked up then let me go.”

  He frowned. “Your terms are…strange. I think I followed what you said. I do not want to give you up. I am keeping you if my seed took root inside you or not. I bound you, Casey. I did learn one Earth saying from my brother’s bound.” Bright blue eyes narrowed. “Deal with it.”

  “You son of a bitch!” She wanted to slap him.

  “I must admit to you that your insults do not reach their intended result. I do not feel offended by that remark you have used twice now.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He grinned suddenly. “With pleasure.” He reached for the front of his pants.

  “No! That’s not what I meant. It wasn’t an offer or a request. It… Oh hell.” Casey was furious. “Keep your pants up. No way am I letting you touch me again. ‘Fuck you’ is an insult. It means something bad, you big, alien jerk.”

  Argernon’s fingers froze over the front of his pants. He softly growled at her. “I want you and you want me. I understand that you are infuriated and I even understand that you feel I have somehow betrayed a trust by keeping you. It doesn’t change the fact that I have bound you and you are mine now, Casey. I am taking you home with me. You will like it. We can fight about this but in the end the result will be the same. You will live in my home as my bound.”