Courtrai, 361
Coustou, Guillaume II (1716–77), 107
Covent Garden Theatre, 695, 740, 815
Cowper, Theodora (fl. 1748), 810
Cowper, William (1731–1800), 735, 810–13
attempts suicide, 810, 812
attitude toward England, 812
death of, 813
early life of, 810
lives with Unwin family, 811–13
opposes slave trade, 730
religiosity of, 811, 813
retreats to Huntingdon, 810–11
writes The Task, 811–12
Coxe, William (1747–1828), 472
Cracow: Prussians capture, 491
University of, 485
crafts, 748–50
“Cranes of Ibycus” (Schiller), 599
Crawshay, Richard, ironmaster (fl. 1780), 672
Creation, The (Haydn), 376, 380
Crébillon fils (Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon; 1707–77), 97
credit societies, 500
Creech, William (1745–1815), 763
Créqui, Renée-Caroline de Froullay, Marquise de (1714–1803), 189, 908
Crespi, Giuseppe Maria “Lo Spagnuolo” (1665–1747), 245
Crete, 411, 414
Creutz, Count Gustaf Philip (1731–85), 660
Crewe, Master, 753
Crewe, Frances, nee Greville (fl. 1776), 752
crime: in England, 733
in France, 903
in Italy, 319
Crimea, 459–60
Russian conquest of, 430, 459, 461
Turkish domination of, 411
Cristofori, Bártolommeo (1655–1731), 221
Critic, The (Sheridan), 696
Critical Review, The, 786
Critique of Judgment (Kant), 543–44
Critique of Practical Reason (Kant), 540–43
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 531, 535–40, 640, 808
influence of Rousseau on, 518
Croce, Benedetto (1866–1952), 254
Crochallan Fencibles, Scottish club, 776
Crompton, Samuel (1753–1827), 673
Crompton’s mule, 673
Crosby, Brass, Lord Mayor of London (fl. 1771), 707
Crousaz, Madame de, 805
Crozat, Mlle., see Choiseul, Duchesse de
Crozat, Pierre (1661–1740), 235, 466
Crussol, Madame de, 118
Cruz, Ramön Francisco de la (1731–94), 296
Cugnot, Joseph (1725–1804), 70
cuisine, French, 99
Cumae, 327
Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of (1721–1765), 48, 50
Cunha, João Anastasio da (1744–87), 269
Curchod, Suzanne, see Necker, Suzanne
Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st Marquis Curzon of Kedleston (1859–1925), 420
Cüstrin, 53
Cuvillier, Charles-Étienne (fl. 1780), 53
Cuzzoni, Francesca (1700?–70), 223, 232
Cyrus the Great, King of Persia (r. 550–529 B.C.), 22
Czartoryski, Prince Adam Kazimierz (1734–1823), 479
Czartoryski, Prince Alexander Augustus (1696–1782), 473, 479
Czartoryski, Prince Fryderyk Michal (1695?–1775), 473, 479
Czartoryski, Prince Kazimierz (d. 1741), 473
Czartoryski, Isabella, nee Morstin, 473
Czartoryski, Konstantia, see Poniatowski, Konstantia
Czechs, see Bohemia
Czernichev, General (fl. 1762), 61
Czestochowa, oath at (1768), 481–82
Daily Universal Register, The, 786
Dalberg, Johann Friedrich Hugo von (1760–1812), 579–80
Dalberg, Wolfgang Heribert von (1750–1806), 571–72
Dalin, Olof von (1708–63), 659
Dalmatia, 411, 415
Damiens, Robe :-François (1715–57), 67, 91
dancing: in Egypt, 416
in Spain, 291–92
in Vienna, 345
Dannecker, Johann Heinrich von (1758–1814), 523
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 242, 750, 793
Danton, Georges-Jacques (1759–94), 916, 939, 955
Danube River, 356
Danzig, 472, 483–84
Daquin, Pierre-Louis (d. 1797), 147
Daran, Dr. Jacques (1701–84), 152, 200
Darby, Abraham I (fl. 1754), 671
Darby, Abraham II (1750–91), 672
Darmstadt, 518
Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord (1545–67), 779
Darwin, Charles (1809–92), 880, 889
Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802), 617, 734
Dashkova, Princess Ekaterina Romanovna (1743–1810), 439
Dashwood, Sir Francis (1708–81), 702
Daun, Count Leopold von (1705–66), 40, 53, 59
in battle of Hochkirch (1758), 54
in battle of Kolin (1757), 47
captures Dresden (1758), 54–56, 60
occupation of Silesia by, 51
Dauphiné, Estates of, 948
Davenport, Richard (fl. 1766), 211–12, 214, 882
David, Jacques-Louis (1748–1825), 117, 331, 912–913
Davies, Henry E. (1757–84), 802
Davies, Thomas (1712?–85), 780, 786
Day of Tiles (1787), 947–48
Dayer, Edmund (1763–1804), 750
deaf and dumb: school for, 905
sign language for, 636
Deane, Silas (1737–89), 867–69, 922
Debussy, Claude (1862–1918), 381
Declaration of Independence (1776), 868
influence of, 899
Rousseau’s influence on, 891
Declaration of Rights, Paris Parlement (1788), 947
Declaration of Rights, Virginia Assembly (1776), 872
Declaration of Rights of Man, French National Assembly, (1789), 642, 872
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The (Gibbon), 746, 764, 786, 800–4, 806–8
criticism of Christianity, 801–2
evaluation of, 806–8
expanded to cover Byzantine Empire, 803–4
Gibbon replies to critics of, 802
importance of, 808
influences on, 801–2
scholarship in, 807
scope of, 807
success of, 800, 805
Deferrari, Palazzo, 227
Deffand, Marquise du, see Du Deffand
Defoe, Daniel (1659?–1731), 31, 182, 485, 730, 842
Dei Pugni, 320
deism: in England, 734
in Germany, 507, 528
De l’Allemagne (Staël), 604
De la Monarchie prussienne sous Frédéric le Grand (Mirabeau fils ), 501
De l’Esprit (Helvétius), 162, 324
Delft, 646, 749
Delhi, 419
Delille, Abbé Jacques (1738–1813), 121, 878
Delinquente honrado (Jovellanos), 296
Della tirannide (Alfieri), 337–40
Demetrivs. (Schiller), 605
democracy: American Revolution and, 872
Burke’s early views on, 690
in England, 681
Goethe’s distrust of, 622–23
Johnson’s opposition to, 833
oligarchy and, 142
Rousseau’s views on, 28, 32, 173–74
Vico’s theory of, 252
Voltaire’s views on, 142–45
De Mundis sensibiles et intelligibiles Forma et principiis (Kant), 534
Denis, Marie-Louise, nee Mignot (1712–90), 98, 132–34, 148, 874, 876–79
passim, 907
Denmark, 438–39, 649–53
clergy and religion in, 649, 653
drama in, 650–51
economy of, 652
education in, 652
feudalism in, 649, 653
French subsidies to, 89
Italian opera in, 224
Jews in, 635
in League of Armed Neutrality, 457, 713
literature in, 649–52
nbsp; Poland and, 480
population of, 649
reaction led by Guldberg in, 653
reforms of Struensee, 652–53
reign of Christian VI, 652
reign of Christian VII, 652–53
reign of Frederick V, 652
slave trade abolished by, 649, 653
social classes in, 649, 653
Sweden and, 654, 663–64
trade treaties with Russia, 456
Den svenska Argus (periodical), 659
Denys le Tyran (Marmontel), 105
Deputy’s Return, The (Niemcewicz), 486
Derbent, 419
Russian conquest of, 470
Derby, Edward Stanley, 12th Earl of (1752–1834), 726
Derby, potteries at, 748
De rerum natura (Lucretius), 691
Derwentwater, Sir James Radcliffe, 3d Earl of (1689–1716), 728
Derzhavin, Gavril Romanovich (1743–1816), 464
Descartes, René (1596–1650), 251, 294, 532
Description of Denmark and Norway, A (Holberg), 650
Description of the Torso in the Belvedere (Winckelmann), 328
Deserted Village, The (Goldsmith), 753, 813–15
Desfontaines, Pierre-François Guyot (1685–1745), 149
Desmoulins, Camille (1760–94), 915, 919
calls Parisians to arms (1789), 961–62
Duc d’Orléans and, 955
as Freemason, 939
Desnoiresterres, Gustave (1817–92), 879
De Statu Ecclesiae et legitima Potestate romani Pontificus (Febronius), 504
Detroit, French forts, 57
Deux Amis, Les (Beaumarchais), 922
development and return, Machiavelli’s law of, 253
Devin du village, Le (Rousseau), 24–25, 101, 164, 852, 883
Devonshire, Lady Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of (1757–1806), 753
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th Duke of (1640–1707), 235
Dewey, John (1859–1952), 888
De Witt brothers, 143
Deyverdun, Georges (d. 1789), 803, 805
Dialoghi sul commercio dei grani (Galiani), 75, 251
Dialogues: Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques (Rousseau), 171, 885–86
Diamond Necklace Affair (1785), 941–43
Diario de los literatos de España (periodical), 280
Diario de Madrid, 302
Diary (Burney), 333
Dichtung und Wahrheit (Goethe), 503, 613
Dickens, Charles (1812–70), 738
Dictionary (Johnson), 786, 820, 823–25
Dictionnaire (French Academy), 824, 878
Dictionnaire de la musique (Rousseau), 25, 154
Dictionnaire historique et critique (Bayle), 10, 13, 326, 557
Dictionnaire philosophique (Voltaire), 144, 267, 630
Diderot, Denis (1713–84), 18, 24–25, 73, 104, 108, 175, 182, 208, 250, 280, 370, 435, 464, 485, 559, 567, 636, 641, 824, 842, 882, 908, 910, 920
d’Alembert and, 892
American Revolution and, 867
on ancient art, 110
antimonarchical views of, 95, 897
atheism of, 183
biological speculations of, 147
bones stolen from Panthéon, 880, 893
Catherine II and, 446–50, 462–63, 466, 893
Chardin and, 112
on Choiseul, 88–89
death of, 893
defense of parlements, 93–94
deference to royalty, 176, 897
description of, 34
dramatic theories of, 104
eroticism of, 596
ethical views of, 903–4
on Fragonard, 116
French Revolution and, 940
at Mme. Geoffrin’s salon, 120
Gibbon and, 798
Greuze and, 112–14
Grimm and, 34
on Index Expurgatorius, 316
influence of, 230
later years of, 892–93
Lessing’s admiration for, 509
love for Babuti, 113
on marriage, 97
as most German of Frenchmen, 793
musical theories of, 100–01
nature and, 169
at Mme. Necker’s salon, 908
in Ossian controversy, 768
Pigalle’s statue of, 107
plan for university, 892
on Mme. de Pompadour, 69
on religious burials, 893
Richardson and, 136, 169
Rousseau and, see Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, DIDEROT AND;
Sterne and, 789
trip to Russia, 892
on Vernet, III;
Voltaire and, 876, 892
writings of, 31, 101, 103–4
Didone abbandonata (Metastasio), 240, 254
Dieppe, 944
Diet, Polish, 472, 485
dissolves Permanent Council, 487
factional conflicts in, 479
first Polish partition and, 484
“Four Years’,” 487
last (1793), 490–91
liberum veto of, 473, 476–77, 480–81, 484
structure of, 487
yields to Catherine (1768), 481
Diet, Swedish, 654
Diet of Augsburg, 176
Diniz da Cruz e Silva, Antônio (1731–99), 269
Disadvantages of the Feudal Rights, The (Boncerf), 929
Discalced Carmelites, 294
Discourses (Reynolds), 748
“Discours sur l’économie politique” (Rousseau), 32
Discours sur les arts et les sciences (Rousseau), 20–24, 32, 94, 168, 171, 177, 179, 887, 891
Discours sur l’origine… de l’inégalité (Rousseau), 28–32, 80, 94, 171, 174, 177, 887, 891
Discurso sobre el fomento de la industria popular (Campomanes), 287
Discurso sobre la educación popular de los artesanos y su fomento (Campomanes), 293
Disraeli, Benjamin (1804–81), 725
Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von (1739–99), 374
“Diverting History of John Gilpin, The” (Cowper), 811
divorce in England, 732
Dmitri I (the “false Dmitri”), Czar of Russia (r. 1605–06), 605
Dnieper River, 430
Dniester River, 430
Dodd, Dr. William (1729–77), 830
Dodington, George Bubb (1691–1762), 702
Dodsley, Robert (1703–64), 786, 794, 814, 819, 821–22
Doge of Venice, 229, 231, 331
Dohm, Christian Wilhelm (1751–1820), 642
Dohna, Count zu (fl. 1758), 53
Doig, Peggy (fl. 1761), 779
Dolgorukaya, Natalia Borisovna (1714–71), 428
Dolgoruki, Ivan Mikhailovich (1764–1823), 428–29
Dolgoruki, Vasili Lukich (1670–1739), 428–29, 458
Dominicans, 275
Dominus ac Redemptor Noster (Clement XIV), 318
Don Carlos (Schiller), 572–73, 592
Don Giovanni (Mozart), 342, 376, 388, 396–97, 402
Don Giovanni Tenorio (Goldoni), 404
Don River, 430
Don Sylvio von Rosalva (Wieland), 553
Donizetti, Gaetano (1797–1848), 245
Donna di garbo, La (Goldoni), 242
Donne, John (1573–1631), 810, 842
Donner, Georg Raphael (1693–1741), 345
Dorat, Claude-Joseph (1734–80), 884
Dos de Mayo (1808), 307
Doughty, Charles Montagu (1843–1926), 412
drama, see theatre
Draper, Elizabeth (fl. 1767), 790
Draper, Sir William (fl. 1769), 706
Dresden: beautification of, 476
Jews in, 639
in Seven Years’ War, 45, 54–56, 60, 502, 552
Treaty of (1745), 44
Dreux-Brézé, Marquis de, see Brézé
Drone, The (Novikov), 464
Drouais, François-Hubert (1727–75), 111, 120
Drury Lane Theatre, 695, 696, 740
, 741, 742–43
Dryden, John (1631–1700), 842
Du Barry, Comte Guillaume (fl. 1768), 86–7
Du Barry, Chevalier Jean (1723–94), 86
Du Barry, Marie-Jeanne Bécu, Comtesse (1743?–1793), 86–88, 90, 656, 910, 921, 942
d’Aiguillon and, 93, 853
Choiseul and, 88, 89
Marie Antoinette and, 88, 848
Pajou and, 109
relations with Louis XV, 85, 86–88, 95, 845
Voltaire and, 87–88, 875
Dubienka, battle of (1792), 489
Dublin: education in, 759
theater in, 740
du Bocage, du Boccage, see Bocage and Boccage
Dubois, Guillaume, Cardinal (1656–1723), 148
Du Châtelet-Lomont, Gabrielle-Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, Marquise (1706–49), 26
Duclos, Charles Pinot (1705–72), 18, 31, 35, 73
Du Deffand, Marquis, 122
Du Deffand, Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise (1697–1780), 31, 118, 122–25, 353, 447, 656, 875, 906–7, 923
d’Alembert and, 123–25
death of, 907
description of, 878
Franklin and, 869
on individuality of English, 733
late years of, 906–7
Julie de Lespinasse and, 122–23
Voltaire and, 135, 138
Walpole and, 125, 794–95, 906–7
dueling, 732
Duenna, The (Sheridan), 696
Du Hausset, Mme. (b.c. 1720), 95
Dumesnil (Marie-François Marchand; 1711–1803), 102
Dumonceux, Monsieur (fl. 1748), 86
Dumouriez, Charles-François (1739–1823), 481
Dunkirk, 361, 944
Dunlop, Frances (1730–1815), 777
Dunning, John, Baron Ashburton (1731–83), 714
Du Peyrou, printer, 206
Dupin, Mme. (1706–95), 16, 18, 118
Dupin de Francueil, Claude (1715–87), 16, 18, 24, 35
Dupoirier, Citizen (fl. 1801), 103
Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre-Samuel (1739–1817), 72, 75, 78, 863
on free trade in grain, 859
Dupré, P. (fl. 1759), 97*
Duquesne, Fort, 57
Durante, Francesco (1684–1755), 254, 334
Durão, Salvador (fl. 1758), 264
Durazzo, Count Marcello (fl. 1754), 368
Du Rollet, Marie-François Gand-Leblanc, Marquis (1716–86), 370, 371
Duru, porcelain sculptor, 108
Du Ry, Simon-Louis (1726–99), 525
Dusaulx, Jean-Joseph (1728–99), 883–84
Dutch East India Company, 646
Dutch republic, see Holland
Du Tillot, Guillaume-Léon (1711–74), 312
East Prussia, Seven Years’ War in, 48, 49, 53
Eberhard, Johann (1739–1809), 507
Écho et Narcisse (Gluck), 373
Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792–1854), 505
Goethe’s conversations with, 555–56, 559, 581, 600, 603, 607, 609, 612, 618, 620, 622, 625–26
on Goethe’s corpse, 627–28
as Goethe’s secretary, 625–26