women authors, 504

  École Royale du Chant, 909

  Écossaise, L ’ (Voltaire), 136

  Edict of Toleration, Austrian (1781), 357, 361–62

  education: in Austria, 343, 352, 358, 360

  in Denmark, 652

  in England, 681

  in France, 3, 863, 895, 900, 914

  in Germany, 505–6

  in Holland, 647

  in Ireland, 759

  Islamic, 412

  in Italy, 219

  Jesuits and, 219

  Kant’s theories of, 548–49

  in Prussia, 500

  Rousseau’s theories on, see Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, EDUCATIONAL THEORIES OF;

  in Russia, 432, 453

  in Scotland, 763

  in Spain, 275–76

  in Sweden, 657, 659

  in Switzerland, 644, 888

  see also schools; universities

  Edinburgh: anti-Catholic riots in (1779), 735

  Royal Society of, 763

  theater in, 740

  University of, 763

  “Editto sopra gli Ebrei” (Pius VI), 631

  Eglinton, Alexander Montgomerie, 10th Earl of (fl. 1760), 779

  Egmont, Comte Casimir d’, 883

  Egmont, Prince Pignatelli d’, 883

  Egmont, Septimanie de Richelieu, Comtesse d’ (1740–73), 883

  Egmont (Goethe), 584, 589, 593

  Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, 2d Earl of (1710–63), 685, 702

  Egypt, 21, 411, 415–17

  Einstein, Alfred (1880–1952), 385*

  Eisen, Charles (1720–78), 116*

  Ekaterinoslav, 633

  El Azhar, mosque of, 416

  Elbe River, 356

  Electa, Padre Joaquín de, 299

  Elective Affinities (Goethe), 612

  “Elegy” (Gray), 837

  Elementa metaphysicae (Giannone), 250

  Elijah ben Solomon of Wilna (1720–97), 636

  Eliot, Edward, later Lord Eliot (1727–1804), 796

  Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Bevern (1715–97), Queen of Frederick II of Prussia, 495

  Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1691–1750), Empress, wife of Emperor Charles VI, 235

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 342

  Elizabeth Farnese, see Farnese, Elizabeth

  Elizaveta (Elizabeth) Petrovna, Empress of Russia (r. 1741–62), 42, 43, 67, 428, 430, 431–32, 466, 530, 654

  appearance and habits, 431

  death of, 61, 437

  Jews expelled by, 632

  reign of, 431–37

  selects Peter III for heir, 433

  Seven Years’ War and, 39

  Sweden and, 654–55

  Voltaire and, 137

  Elizabeth of Valois (1545–68), Queen of Philip II of Spain, 592

  Éloge de Colbert (Necker), 865–66,

  Éloge de Crébillon (Voltaire), 149

  Éloge de Richardson (Diderot), 169

  Elysée Palace, 68

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803–82), 551, 658

  Émile (Rousseau), 9, 14, 18, 98, 149, 152, 168, 178–99, 531, 644, 881, 887

  Archbishop of Paris and, 194–97

  atheism denounced in, 183

  attitude toward Bible, 185

  banning of, 190

  breast-feeding stressed in, 180

  burnings of, 280, 643

  clerical attacks on, 185, 189, 192–99, 205

  education of girls, 186

  emphasis on freedom, 179–180

  influence of, 179, 181, 881

  instincts and, 181

  marriage in, 186–87

  models for characters in, 183

  moral instruction in, 180

  philosophes and, 182–83, 189

  physical training in, 180–81

  publication of, 171, 178

  religious instruction in, 182–85

  role of nature in, 180–81

  Rousseau’s earnings from, 178

  unitarian beliefs in, 163

  Ems, Punctation of (1786), 505

  Emilia Galotti (Lessing), 513

  Empfindsamkeit cult, 518

  Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts, et des métiers (1751 f.), 20, 67, 102, 104, 155, 250, 453, 464, 655, 824, 858, 903, 925

  d’Alembert’s contribution to, 123, 132

  attempts to suppress 162–63, 193

  Catherine II’s offer to print, 447

  Choiseul and, 88

  Condorcet’s contribution to, 894

  Mme. Geoffrin’s aid to, 120

  influence of, 94, 220, 280–81, 888

  Malsherbes’ aid to, 861

  on marriage, 97

  publication in Turin, 310

  Quesnay’s contribution to, 73

  Rousseau and, 3, 25, 33

  suppression of, 94, 164

  Turgot’s contribution to, 78

  Encyclopédie des citations (Dupré), 97*

  Endymion (Keats), 810

  Engels, Friedrich (1820–95), 880

  England (Great Britain), 364, 669–842

  agriculture in, 670–71, 680, 682, 816

  alliance of European powers against (1779–80), 713–14

  American Revolution and, see American Revolution; amusements and sports in, 729–30

  architecture in, 747–48

  army in, 686

  art in, 750–58, 888

  Austria and, 277–278

  banking in, 670

  books and bookshops in, 786–87

  Catholics in, 684, 735–36

  clergy and religion in, 64, 142, 684, 735–36

  crafts and furniture in, 744, 748–50

  Denmark and, 713

  economy of, 72, 456, 668–71, 709, 719

  education in, 681

  France and, 39, 89, 669, 713, 761

  Freemasons in, 938

  free trade in, 670–71

  French Revolution and, 683, 721–26

  gardens and parks in, 748

  guilds in, 670

  health and public sanitation in, 728

  historical writing in, 795–808, 815

  Holland and, 277, 648, 669, 714

  Industrial Revolution in, see Industrial Revolution;

  influences on German culture, 507

  Ireland and, 671, 759–62

  Jews in, 635, 684

  labor unions in, 679–80

  land enclosures in, 670–71

  literature in, 518, 786–95, 808–42, 889

  lusty vigor of, 733

  manners and morals in, 682, 707, 728–34, 786

  music in, 223–24, 368, 746–47

  natural resources of, 671

  navy of, 40, 57, 669

  opera in, 223–24

  pauperism in, 684

  periodicals in, 786

  population of, 43, 684

  Portugal and, 259

  prisons in, 737–38

  prostitution in, 731–32

  radicals in, 704

  riots in, 700, 735–36

  Romantic movement in, 170

  Rousseau in, 209–14

  Russia and, 432, 456, 458, 460–61, 700, 713

  ‘salons in, 729

  Scotland and, 699, 762

  skepticism in, 734

  slave trade and, 693, 732–33

  social classes in, 669–71, 676–82, 684–85, 706, 728, 732, 734, 814–16

  Spain and, 273, 277–78, 390, 669, 713, 761

  Sweden and, 713

  taxation in, 686

  theater in, 695–96, 739–43

  Turkey and, 363

  urbanization of, 670–71, 681

  Voltaire and, 144, 881

  War of the Spanish Succession and, 669

  women in, 728, 730–31, 787

  EMPIRE OF: command of the seas and, 669

  expansion of, 57–59, 63, 669

  French rivalry, 39, 57–59

  see also American colonies; Canada; India

; FOREIGN ALLIANCES AND AGREEMENTS: with Prussia (1756 f.), 39–40, 46, 53, 60–61, 432

  in Quadruple Alliance (1718), 278

  with Russia (1755), 39

  GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS IN: Bute ministry, 698–700, 702–3

  conflict of George III with Parliament, 687–88, 697–701

  corruption in, 707, 733, 848

  democracy in, 681, 706–7

  development of parliamentary government in, 683–84, 709, 718

  Fox-North coalition ministry, 715, 718

  Grafton ministry (1768–70), 700, 703, 705–6, 710

  Grenville ministry, 700, 709–10

  legal reform in, 736–38

  Newcastle ministry, 698

  North ministry, 700–1, 706, 710–14, 761

  Pitt the Elder, de facto ministry of, 700

  Pitt the Younger, ministry of, 718–19

  political structure in England, 683–87

  Rockingham ministries, 700, 703, 710, 714, 761

  Shelburneministry, 714–15

  see also names of British monarchs

  SEVEN YEARS’ WAR (1756–63), 798

  aid to Frederick II, 50, 53

  declares war on France (1756), 43

  diplomacy leading to, 38–44

  dismissal of Pitt the Younger, 46

  England’s naval growth and, 669

  expansion of Empire and, 57–59, 63

  naval operations against France, 42–43

  peace negotiations, 62

  regiments in Hanover, 47–48, 50

  results of conflict, 63–64

  English America, see American colonies

  English East India Company, see British East India Company

  English Palace at Peterhof, 468

  engraving, 750

  Enlightenment: American Revolution and, 867

  in Austria, 343–46

  in France, see Encyclopédie;


  French Revolution and, 898–99

  in Germany, 507–8

  Herder’s critique of, 569

  in Italy, 220, 230, 250–51

  Jews and, 637–42

  Kant and, 531

  Pope Benedict XIV and, 246–47

  in Portugal, 269–70

  response of papacy to, 246–47, 316

  in Scotland, 764–78

  in Sweden, 658–62

  in Switzerland, 645

  Enquiry concerning the Human Understanding (Hume), 536

  Enquiry into the State of Polite Learning in Europe (Goldsmith), 814

  Ensenada, Zenón de Somodevilla, Marqués de la (1702–81), 279

  Entführung aus dem Serail, Die (Mozart), 395

  Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes (Fontenelle), 427

  Epaminondas of Thebes (418?–362 B.C.), 52

  Epée, Abbé Charles-Michel de L’ (1712–89), 905

  Éphémérides , 78

  Epictetus (50?–120?), 730

  Epicurus (342?–270 B.C.), 251

  Épinay, Denis-Joseph Lalive d’, 35

  Épinay, Louise-Florence Lalive d’, nee Tardieu d’Esclavelles (1726–83), 35–37, 118, 390, 656, 892

  aids Mozart, 392

  death of, 893

  early life of, 35

  Grimm and, 35–37, 156–57, 159–61, 449

  Rousseau and, 4, 5*, 18, 26, 36–37, 153, 156–61, 884

  salon of, 907

  visit to Geneva, 159–61

  Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (Pope), 878

  Épître à Boileau (Voltaire), 136

  Épître au Cardinal Dubois (Voltaire), 148

  Éprémesnil, Jean-Jacques Duval d’ (1746–94), 947

  equalitarianism: Helvétius’ belief in, 141

  Rousseau’s support for, 141

  Voltaire’s opposition to, 141–42

  see also communist theories

  Erasmus, Desiderius (1466?–1536), 806

  Erfurt, 606

  Erivan, 419

  Erlach, Fischer von, see Fischer von Erlach, Johann Bernhard

  Ermita de Jesús in Murcia, 298

  Ermolov, Alexis (fl. 1785), 446

  Ernesti, Johann August (1707–81), 33

  Erreurs sur la musique dans l’Encyclopédie (Rameau), 25

  Erskine, John (1695–1768), 763

  Erskine, Thomas (1750–1823), 763

  Erziehung der Menschengeschlechts, Die (Lessing), 515

  Escorial, 250, 261

  espionage, Prussian, 43

  Esprit des lois, L’, see Spirit of Laws

  Essai sur l’application de l’analyse aux probabilités (Condorcet), 894

  Essai sur les moeurs (Voltaire), 137, 528, 630, 781, 797

  Essai sur les règnes de Claude et de Néron (Diderot), 892

  Essai sur l’étude de la littérature (Gibbon), 798

  Essay on the History of Civil Society (Ferguson), 766

  Essay on Man (Pope), 703

  Essay on the Nature of Commerce (Cantillon), 72

  Essay on the Principle of Population, An (Malthus), 896

  Essay on the Whole Art … of Painting (Richardson), 751

  Essay on Women (Potter and Wilkes), 703

  Essays (Montaigne), 179

  Estates of Brabant, 362, 364

  Esterházy, Count (fl. 1788), 363

  Esterházy, Countess, 344

  Esterházy, Prince Anton (d. 1795), 377–78

  Esterházy, Prince Miklós Jozsef (1714–90), 341, 375–76

  Esterházy, Prince Miklós II, 379

  Esterházy, Prince Pál (1635–1713), 341

  Esterházy, Prince Pál Anton (d. 1762), 375

  Esthonia, 422, 653

  Esthonia, 422, 653

  Estrées, Louis-Charles-César Le Tellier, Maréchal Duc d’, 37, 48

  États Généraux, see States-General, French

  Ethics (Spinoza), 565

  ethics, theories of: Bentham’s, 738–39

  Diderot’s, 903–4

  Hume’s, 739

  Kant’s, 540–43

  Adam Smith’s, 769

  Etruscans, 312

  Études de la nature (Bernardin de Saint-Pierre), 916

  Eugene of Savoy (1663–1736), 414–15

  Eugénie (Beaumarchais), 922

  Euler, Leonhard (1707–83), 532

  Euripides (480–406 B.C.), 136, 372, 588

  Evelina, or A Young Lady’s Entrance into the World (Burney), 791

  “Evening Song” (Karpiński), 486

  Evidences of Christianity (Paley), 735

  Ewald, Johannes (1743–81), 651–62

  Ewige Jude, Der (Goethe), 562

  Exposé succinct de la contestation qui s’est élevée entre M . Hume et M. Rousseau (Hume), 214

  Exposition of the Catholic Doctrine (Bossuet), 796–97

  Exposure of the Jewish Ceremonies (Serafimovich), 633

  Ex quo singulari (Benedict XIV), 225

  Eybenberg, Marianne von (fl. 1810), 612–13

  Fable of the Bees (Mandeville), 770

  Fables (Iriarte y Oropesa), 295

  Fables and Parables (Krasicki), 485

  Fabricius, Johann Albert (1668–1736), 326

  factory system: in England, 676–80, 682, 732

  in France, 932–33

  in Spain, 288

  Faguet, Émile (1847–1916), 5*

  Falconet, Étienne-Maurice (1716–91), 106–7, 108–9, 467, 911

  family life: Industrial Revolution and, 682

  in Italy, 218–19

  Rousseau’s influence on, 888

  Farinelli (Carlo Broschi; 1705–82), 240, 257

  early life and fame of, 222–23

  in Spain, 278–79, 292, 296

  farmers general in France, 935–36

  Farnese, Elizabeth (Isabella), Queen of Philip V of Spain (b. 1692-d. 1766), 276–77, 279, 296–97

  Fasch, Karl Friedrich Christian (1736–1800), 527

  Faubourg St.-Antoine, 962

  Faust (Goethe), 557, 585, 608–11, 620, 622, 626:
r />
  Sturm und Drang movement and, 522

  Faust, ein Fragment (Goethe), 608

  Fausts Leben (Muller), 522

  Feast of Reason (1793), 899

  Febronius, Justinus, see Hontheim, Johann Nikolaus von

  Feijóo y Montenegro, Benito Jerónimo (1676–1764), 294

  Fel, Mlle. Marie (1713–94), 33, 100

  Felipe (Philip), Duke of Parma (r. 1748–65), 311, 348

  Felipe, son of Charles III of Spain, 302

  Felipe Quinto, see Philip V, King of Spain

  fellaheen, Egyptian, 415

  Feltre, 229

  Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe(1651–1715), 179, 450, 845

  Ferdinand, Archduke (b. 1754-d. 1806), Duke of Modena, 346, 350, 387, 847

  Ferdinand III, Duke of Parma (r. 1765–1801), 317, 846

  Ferdinand IV, King of Naples (r. 1759–1806, 1815–25), King of Sicily as Ferdinand III (r. 1806–15), 315, 334–35, 377

  Ferdinand VI, King of Spain (r. 1746–59), 263, 279–81

  accession of, 279

  becomes insane, 279–80

  death of, 258

  mild policies toward Jews, 276

  Ferdinand VII, King of Spain (r. 1808, 1814–1833), 306–7

  Ferdinand of Brunswick, Duke (b. 1721-d. 1792), 50, 53, 54, 60, 507

  Ferguson, Adam (1723–1816), 764, 765–66, 767, 775

  Fermor, Count William of (1704–71), 53, 60, 435

  Ferney, Voltaire, see Voltaire AT FERNEY

  Ferrara, 641

  Goethe in, 587

  Ferrara, Duke of (Tasso’s patron), Alfonso II (r. 1559–97), 244–45

  Ferreira, Antônio (d. 1759), 265

  Fersen, Count Frederik Axel von (1719–94), 664

  Fersen, Count Hans Axel von (1755–1810), 664, 941

  Fersen, Sophie von, 941

  Festes de Ramire, Les (Rameau, Voltaire and Rousseau), 18

  Festin de Pierre, Le (Molière), 404

  Festival of the Supreme Being (1794), 890

  feudalism: in Austria, 345

  in Denmark, 649, 653

  in France, 849, 861–63, 872, 927–29, 931, 937, 954

  in Prussia, 43, 500–1

  in Russia, 424, 451, 454–55

  Adam Smith’s critique of, 770

  Fiabe (Gozzi), 243, 244

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762–1814), 550–51, 618, 620

  Fielding, Henry (1707–54), 723, 835, 842

  Fielding, Sarah (1710–68), 787

  Filangieri, Gaetano (1752–88), 336

  Filippo (Alfieri), 338, 340

  Filmer, Sir Robert (d. 1653), 177

  Fils naturel, Le (Diderot), 153

  Fingal, an Ancient Epic Poem in Six Books, … Composed by Ossian, the Son of Fingal (Macpherson), 767–68

  Finland, 422, 460

  Gustavus III’s policy toward, 663

  Russian acquisition of, 654

  Finta Fracastana, La (Leo), 255

  Finta giardiniera, La (Mozart), 388

  Firdausi, Persian poet (940?–1020?), 613

  Firmian, Count Karl Joseph von (1716–82), 312