Goya, Eugracía Lucientes, 300
Goya, José (Goya’s father), 300
Goya y Lucientes, Camilo, 300
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de (1746–1828), 227, 276, 298–99, 300–9
caprichos of, 305
as court painter, 302, 304
deafness of, 303
death of, 297, 309
death of wife, 307
as director of painting in Academy, 302, 304
early life and personality of, 300
growth of, 300–2
Joseph Bonaparte and, 297
later years of, 302, 308
love affairs of, 302–3
majas of, 291, 303–5
marriage to Josefa Bayeu, 300
nudes of, 305
portraiture of, 305
rationalism of, 306
social views of, 306–8
in Spanish war of liberation, 307–8
war paintings of, 307–8
Goya y Lucientes, Javier de (b. 1784), 304, 308
Goya y Lucientes, Josefa, nee Bayeu, 300–3, 307
Goya y Lucientes, Mariano de, 308–9
Gozzi, Bettina, 322
Gozzi, Carlo (1720–1806), 239, 242–43, 310–11
Gozzi, Gasparo (1713–86), 242
Gozzi, Padre (fl. 1740), 322
Grabowska, Pani, 479
Gradot café, 99
Graff, Anton (1736–1813), 524
‘Graffigny, Françoise d’Issembourg d’Happoncourt de, 78
Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3d Duke of (1735–1811), 731–32
Junius’ attacks on, 705–6
ministry of, (1760–70), 700, 703, 705–6; 710
Graham, Mrs. (fl. 1777), 756
“Grains” (Quesnay), 73
Gramont, Béatrixe de Choiseul, Duchesse de (1731–94), 907
Gran Consiglio (Great Council) of Venice, 229
“Grandes Remontrances” of Paris parlement, 91
Grand Trunk Canal, 672
Granja, La (Palace of San Ildefonso), 297
Grasse, Comte François-Joseph-Paul de (1722–1788), 117, 669, 871
Grattan, Henry (1746–1820), 759, 760, 761–62
Gravina, Gian Vincenzo (1664–1718), 240
Gray, Thomas (1716–71), 228, 700, 741–42, 815, 887
Chatterton’s poem and, 809
death of, 795
Samuel Johnson’s views on, 837
Horace Walpole and, 792
Graz, university at, 360
Great Lakes, French control of, 57
Great Rebellion of 1688, 735
Greatness and Decadence of the Romans (Montesquieu), 254, 801
Greco, El (1541?–1614), 227
Greece, ancient, 21
art of, 510
Goethe’s admiration for, 593, 623–24
influence of, 118
poetry of, 599
Winckelmann’s analysis of, 510
Greece, modern, 411
Turkish conquest of (1715), 415
war of liberation (1821), 623
Greek Orthodox Church, 452, 472, 475, 480
Greeks, Byzantine, 312
Greenland, 652
Grégoire, Abbé Henri (1750–1831), 642
Greiffenklau, Karl Philipp von, Prince-Bishop of Würzburg (fl. 1750), 239
Grenoble, 849, 947–48
Grenville, George (1712–70), 696
ministry of, 700
policies toward American colonies, 709–710
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste (1741–1813), 883, 909–10
Greuze, Gabrielle, nee Babuti (b. 1726), 112–13
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste (1725–1805), 111–15 , 116–17, 120, 235, 888, 904, 911
as Freemason, 939
portrait of Gluck, 371
sensuality of, 116
Grimaldi, Marchese Geronimo de’ (1761), 282, 286, 325
Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, later Baron von Grimm (1723–1807), 18, 27, 104, 108, 656, 882, 892–93, 908, 910
on d’Alembert, 127
attitude toward French music, 909
on ancient monuments, 110
becomes baron, 813
Catherine II and, 447, 449, 452, 463, 466, 894
death of, 894
Diderot and, 34
early life of, 33
edits Correspondance littéraire, 34–35
Mme. d’Épinay and, 35–37, 156–57, 159–61, 449
on French music, 100
friendship with monarchs, 897
Mme. Geoffrin and, 120–21
goes to Seven Years’ War, 36
on inevitability of revolution in France, 95
influence in Germany, 507
later years of, 893–94
on Lettre sur la musique français, 26
Mozart and, 384–85, 390, 392
personality of, 35
on Prussia after Seven Years’ War, 63
returns to Germany, 894
Rousseau and, 3–4, 5*, 18, 23, 153, 159–62, 170, 201, 207–8, 212
skepticism of, 893–94
on Voltaire’s visit to Paris, 877
Gros, Father (fl. 1729), 10
Gross-Jägersdorf, battle of (1757), 432
Gross-Jägersdorf, convention of, 48
Grosskophta, Der (Goethe), 322*
Grote, George (1794–1871), 739
Grotius, Hugo (1583–1645), 171, 177, 251, 427
Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten (Kant), 540–41
Guadagni, Gaetano (1725?–92), 369
Guadalajara, 288
Guadeloupe, 58, 62, 89, 935
Guardi, Francesco (1712–93), 236, 332
Guardi, Giovanni Antonio (1698–1760), 332
Guarini, Giovanni Battista (1537–1612), 637
Guarneri, Giuseppe Antonio “del Gesù” (1687?–1745), 221
Guglielmi, Gregorio (1714–73), painter, 345
Guglielmi, Pietro (1727–1804), composer, 333
Guibert, Alexandrine-Louise Boutinonde de Courcelles, Comtesse de, 130, 131*
Guibert, Comte Jacques-Antoine de (1743–90), 128–30, 131*, 892, 906, 908
Guicciardini, Francesco (1483–1540), 766
guilds: in Austria, 344, 356
in England, 676–77
in France, 72, 862, 932
in Spain, 289
Guilford, Francis North, 1st Earl of (1704–90), 701
Guillard, Nicolas-François (fl. 1778), 372
Guillemardet, Ferdinand, 305
guillotine, 899
Guines, Comte de, later Duc de (fl. 1776), 392, 864
guitar, 417
Guizot, François (1787–1874), 97*
Guldberg, Ove Hoegh- (1731–1808), 653
Gunpowder Plot (1605), 735
Gustaf Adolf Adelmod (Gustavus III), 659
Gustaf Adolf och Ebba Brahe (Gustavus III), 659
Gustaf Vasa (Gustavus III), 659
Gustavus I Vasa, King of Sweden (r. 1523–60), 655
Gustavus II Adolphus, King of Sweden (r. 1611–32), 655
Gustavus III, King of Sweden (r. 1771–92), 121, 655–66, 883, 897, 941, 964
army mutiny against, 663
assassination of, 665
conflict with nobles, 663–64
correspondence with Voltaire, 139
coup against Riksdag, 657
diplomacy of, 460
early popularity of, 656
fear of French Revolution, 662, 664
Freemasons and, 938
influence of French culture on, 655–56
Jews protected by, 635
later reactionary policies of, 662
literary works of, 659
loses confidence of people, 662
marriage to Princess Sophia Magdalena, 655
personality and education of, 655–56
physiocrats and, 76
reforms of, 657–58
Swedish Enlightenment and, 658–60
war against Russia and Denmark, 663–64
Gustavus Adolphus, Prince of Stolberg-Gedern (fl. 1750), 339
Gutenberg, Johann (1400?–68), 895
Gyllenborg, Count Carl (1670–1746), 654
Gyllenborg, Gustaf Fredrik (1731–1808), 660
Gymnnasien, 352
gypsies, 684
Haarlem, 361
Hadik, Andreas, Count Hadik von Futak (1710–1790), 49
Haffner, Sigismund (fl. 1782), 398
Hafiz (1320–89), Persian poet, 613–14
Hague, The, 361
haidamacks, 633
Haidar Ali (1722–82), Maharajah of Mysore, 717
Hainaut, 342
hair styles, 99
Haiti, 935
Hales, Stephen (1677–1761), 671
Halevy, Jehuda (1086?–1141?), 637
Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2d Earl of (1716–71), 702–3
Haller, Albrecht von (1708–77), 11, 169, 645
Hamadan, battle of (1731), 418
Hamann, Johann Georg (1730–88), 518–19, 567
Hamburg: Freemasonry in, 507
Jews in, 634
opera in, 558
Hamburgische Dramaturgie (Lessing), 511
Hamilton, Emma, Lady, nee Lyon (1765–1815), 758
Hamilton, Gavin (fl. 1785), 773
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 511, 742, 842
Hamond, Walter (fl. 1640), 31
Hanbury-Williams, Sir Charles (1708–59), 436, 478
Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), 100, 222, 234, 256, 334, 368, 396, 517, 742
Commemoration Concert (1784), 746
Haydn on, 377
Hanover, 653
England and, 38
French evacuation of, 53
in League of Princes (1785), 362
Seven Years’ War in, 46, 60
Hanoverian dynasty, 699
Hansard, Luke (1752–1828), 707
Hapsburgs, Spanish, last of, 273
Harewood House, 748
Hargreaves, James (d. 1778), 673
harim (harem), 413
Harlequin (comic figure), 241
Harmonies de la nature, Les (Bernardin de Saint-Pierre), 916
Harrach, Count von (fl. 1792), 378
Harsch, General (fl. 1758), 54
Haschka, Leopold (fl. 1796), 379
Hasenkampf, J. C. (fl. 1774), 564
Hasidism, 636
Haskalah movement, 641–42
Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699–1783), 220, 240, 386
Mozart’s rivalry with, 387
Hastenbeck, battle of (1757), 48
Hastings, Warren (1732–1818), 59, 696, 716–18, 943
exploitation of India, 717–18
trial of, 719–21, 805
Hats (Swedish party), 654, 657
Haugwitz, Count Ludwig (fl. 1753–80), 374
domestic policies of, 344
Hauptschulen, 352
Haüy, Valentin (1745–1822), 905
Havana, 62
Havre, Le, 944
Hawkins, Sir John (1719–89), 827–28, 840
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804–64), 889
Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732–1809), 100, 227, 341, 373–81, 526, 964
Beethoven and, 378–80
contribution to music, 380, 528
death of, 380
early life and education of, 373
in England, 377–78, 746
with Esterházy family, 375–77, 379
in Kantorei, 374
marriage, 375
in Melk, 374
Mozart and, 376–78, 397
as music teacher, 373
Napoleon and, 380
personality of, 374
operas of, 376, 379–80
oratorios of, 377
religiosity of, 380–81
social context of music, 381
string quartets of, 374, 380
symphonies of, 376–78, 380–81
in Vienna, 374–77
writes Schöpfung oratorio, 379
Haydn, Johann Michael (1737–1806), 374, 385
Haydn, Maria Anna, 375
Heathfield, George Augustus Eliott, Baron (1717–90), 752
Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell (Swedenborg), 658
Hébert, Jacques-René (1757–94), 890
Hebrews, 578; see also Jews
Hebrides: Johnson-Boswell tour of, 785, 835–38, 840
Macpherson’s tour of, 767
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770–1831), 331, 551, 618
Heine, Heinrich (1797–1856), 543, 880
Heinse, Wilhelm (1749–1803), 522
Hell-Fire Club, 702
Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821–94), 618
Helvetic Republic, proclaimed (1798), 645; see also Switzerland
Helvetische Gesellschaft, 643
Helvétius, Anne-Catherine, nee de Ligniville d’Autricourt (1719–1800), 869, 915
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien (1715–71), 31, 73, 105, 119, 162, 219, 220, 280, 294, 324, 501, 641, 769
atheism of, 183
death of, 892
equalitarianism of, 141
ethics of, 739
Franklin and, 870
French Revolution and, 84, 940
Gibbon and, 799
on Index Expurgatorius, 316
influence of, 230, 320
opposition to monarchy, 897
as tax farmer, 936
Hénault, Charles-Jean-François (1685–1770), 123, 125
Henriade (Voltaire), 10, 149, 528, 629, 655
Henry, Patrick (1736–99), 709
Henry II, King of France (r. 1547–99), 942
Henry IV, King of France (r. 1589–1610), 142, 462
Henry VI, King of England (r. 1422–61, 1470–71), 698
Henry VIII, King of England (r. 1509–47), 266, 360
Henry of Prussia, Prince (1726–1802), 54–56, 59, 483
attitude toward Frederick II, 495
in battle of Freiberg, 61
on Louis XVI, 856
Henry the Navigator, Prince (1394–1460), 142
Hepplewhite, George (d. 1786), 748
Herat, 417–18, 421
Herbert, Lord, 753
Herculaneum, excavations at, 110, 248, 910
Herder, Caroline, nee Flachsland (1750–1809), 568–69, 577
Herder, Johann Gottfried (1744–1803), 503, 506–7, 567–69, 577–80, 589, 628, 639, 641, 645, 815
death of, 580
description of Kant, 532
early life of, 567
Enlightenment and, 567, 569
esthetic theories of, 567–68
Frankfurter gelehrte Anzeigen and, 52
as Freemason, 507
on Gluck, 373
goes to Weimar, 569
Goethe and, 559, 561–62, 568–69, 577, 580, 591, 600, 608, 613
hatred of Prussia, 530
historical theories of, 578–80
historical writings of, 569
Kant and, 549, 567
marriage of, 569
in Ossian controversy, 768
philosophical views of, 580
responsibilities at Weimar, 577
Rousseau’s influence on, 518, 889
Sturm und Drang and, 522, 569
views on religion, 578–79
visit to Italy, 579–80
welcomes French Revolution, 590
Winckelmann’s influence on, 331
writings on literature, 567
Hermann und Dorothea (Goethe), 601, 627
Hermitage, Catherine II’s, 468
Hermitage, L’, Rousseau’s stay at, see Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, AT HERMITAGE
Hero of Alexandria (fl. A.D. 200), 673
Heroic Life of St. Anne (Malagrida), 267
Herschel, Sir William (1738–1822), 791
Hertford, Lady, 729
Hervey, Carr, Lord (1691–1723), 792
Hervey, Frederick Augustus (1730–1803), bishop of Derry, 761
Hervey, John, Baron Hervey of Ickworth (1696–
1743), 792
Hervey, Mary, Lady, nee Lepell (1700–68), 792
Herz, Henrietta, nee de Lemos (1764–1847), 640–41
Herz, Marcus (1747–1803), 640–41
Herzlieb, Wilhelmine (1789–1865), 611–12
Hesketh, Harriet, Lady, nee Cowper (1733–1807), 813
Hesse, Andreas von (fl. 1770), 568
Hesse-Cassel: in League of Princes (1785), 362
mercenary troops of, 504
Hesse-Cassel, Landgrave of (r. 1760–85), see Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel
Hesse-Darmstadt, Prince [Ludwig] of (fl. 1773), 34, 449
hidalgos, 274
“Highland Mary” (Burns), 775
Hildebrandt, Johann Lukas von (1668–1745), 341
Hirsch, Abraham (fl. 1750), 509, 630
Histoire de Jenni (Voltaire), 138
Histoire de Juliette (Sade), 904
Histoire de la guerre de Sept Ans (Frederick II), 529
Histoire de la Russie sous Pierre le Grand (Voltaire), 137, 432
Histoire du Parlement de Paris (Voltaire), 92–93
Histoire générale (Voltaire), see Essai sur les moeurs
Histoire philosophique des deux Indes (Raynal), 902
Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio (Isla), 295
Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard III (Walpole), 794
historiography: in England, 795–808, 815
in Germany, 578–80
in Scotland, 765–66
History of Agathon, The (Wieland), 553–55
History of Ancient Art (Winckelmann), 110, 329, 332, 588
History of Animated Nature (Goldsmith), 815
History of Denmark, A (Holberg), 650
History of England (Hume), 766
History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, The (Johnson), 819, 825–26, 829
History of Rome (Niebuhr), 253
History of Russia (Tatishchev), 427
History of Scotland during the Reigns of Queen Mary and of James VI (Robertson), 766
History of the Jews, A (Holberg), 650
History of the Protestant Variations (Bossuet), 797
History of the Rebellion (Clarendon), 856
History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles V (Hume), 766
History of the Religion of the Jews (Basnage), 641
History of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great (Voltaire), see Histoire de la Russie sous Pierre le Grand
History of the Thirty Years’ War (Schiller), see Geschichte des Dreissigjährigen Krieges
Hobbema, Meindert (1638–1709), 647
Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 172, 280, 294
Hochkirch, battle of (1758), 54
Hofdemel, Franz (fl. 1789), 405
Hofer, Franz (fl. 1770), 407–8
Hoffmeister, music publisher, 402
Hogarth, William (1697–1764), 524, 724
Hogland, battle of (1788), 663
Hohenberg, Johann Friedrich von (1732–1816), 345
Hohenzollerns, rising power of, 63
Holbach, Baron Paul-Henri-Dietrich d’ (1723–1789), 104, 118, 168, 220, 496, 572, 618–19, 641, 893