atheism of, 183
death of, 893
French Revolution and, 940
at Mme. Geoffrin’s salon, 120
Gibbon and, 799
on Index Expurgatorius, 316
opposition to monarchy, 897
Rousseau and, 18, 27–28, 153, 209
Holberg, Ludvig von (1684–1754), 645–46, 649–51
Holland, 143, 645–49
agriculture in, 646
aid to Turkey, 363
art in, 647
decline in naval supremacy, 57
description of, 645–46
economy of, 646
education in, 647
England and, 277, 648, 699, 714
France and, 648–49
French Revolution and, 364, 648–49
India and, 715
Jews in, 635, 646–47
in League of Armed Neutrality (1780), 648
literature in, 647
oligarchy in, 142
Patriot party in, 648–49
political unrest in, 648
prisons in, 738
Protestantism in, 142
in Quadruple Alliance (1718), 278
religious tolerance in, 646–47
Revolutionary War and, 648
in War of the Austrian Succession (1743), 648
Holland, Caroline, Lady, nee Lennox, 693
Holland, Henry Fox, 1st Baron (1705–74), 364, 693
Holstein-Augustenburg, Duke of, see Friedrich Christian, Duke
Holstein-Gottorp, Karl Friedrich, Duke of, see Karl Friedrich
Holstein-Gottorp, Karl Friedrich Ulrich, Duke of, see Peter III, Czar of Russia
Holstein-Gottorp, Prince of (fl. 1770), 568
“Holy Fair” (Burns), 773
Holy Roman Empire: structure and scope of, 341, 502; see also Austria
“Holy Willie’s Prayer” (Burns), 773–74
Homage à Haydn (Debussy), 381
Homberg, Herz (fl. 1778), 639
Home, Henry, see Kames, Henry Home, Lord
Home, John (1722–1808), Scottish playwright, 699, 764
home furnishings, see furniture
Homer (9th cent, B.C.), 253, 485, 519, 528, 599, 750, 837
Homme aux quarante écus, L ’ (Voltaire), 75–76, 136, 143
Homme machine, L ’ (La Mettrie), 246–47
Homme personnel, L ’ (Barthe), 874
homosexuality, 731
Hontheim, Johann Nikolaus von (Justinus Febronius; 1701–90), 351, 504–5, 560
Horace (65 B.C.–8 B.C.), 528
Horen, Die (periodical), 597
Horn, Count Arvid Bernhard (1664–1742), 654
Horn, Count Karl (d. 1823), 664–65
hospitals, 353, 453
Hôtel-Dieu, 353
Hôtel des Invalides, 962
Hôtel Salm, 910
Houasse, Michel-Ange (d. 1730), 298
Houasse, René-Antoine (1645–1710), 298
Houdetot, Comte d’, 156
Houdetot, Élisabeth-Sophie de Bellegarde, Comtesse d’ (1730–1813), 118, 152, 156–58, 162, 164, 167, 869
as model for Julie, 157
salon of, 907
Houdon, Jean-Antoine (1741–1828), 466, 911–12, 939
House of Commons, 683, 699
appointive places in administration, 686
corruption in, 685–86
enactment of legislation in, 686–87
parties in, see Tories and Whigs;
press freedom and, 707
privileges of, 685
representation in, 685
House of Lords, 703
enactment of legislation by, 685–86
Houses of Parliament, architecture of, 748
see also Parliament, English
Howard, Castle, 235
Howard, John (1726?–90), 737–38
Howe, Sir William, 8th Viscount Howe (1729–1814), 869
Huber, Ludwig Ferdinand (1764–1804), 572–73
Hubertusburg, armistice of (1763), 62
Hudson, Thomas (1701–79), 751
Hugo, Victor (1802–85), 104, 889
Huguenots, 88
Hulegaard, Arense (fl. 1759), 651
Humbert I, Count of Savoy, see Umberto I
Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–1859), 273
Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767–1835), 641
Hume, David (1711–76), 120, 125, 183, 280, 531–32, 537, 594, 762, 764, 766, 773, 794–95, 797
d’Alembert and, 127, 892
ethics of, 739
Gibbon and, 799–800
as an historian, 766
influence of, 536, 543, 768–69, 889
Samuel Johnson’s attitude toward, 834
in Lespinasse salon, 126
on physiocrats, 75
Reid and, 764–65
Rousseau and, 207, 209, 211–14
supports American colonies, 711
tranquillity in face of death, 838
on Tristram Shandy, 788
on Voltaire, 149
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778–1837), 380, 525
Hungary, 354
agriculture in, 341
Austria and, 341
disorder in, 461
gold mines in, 344
Jews in, 631
Joseph II’s reforms in, 358
population of, 341
revolt against Joseph II, 360–61, 363–64
revolt of nobles in, 357
social classes in, 341
taxation in, 341
Turkey and, 62, 415
Hunter, John (1728–93), 764
Hunter, William (1718–83), 764
Husein, Shah of Persia (r. 1694–1722), 418
Huss, John (Jan Hus; 1369?–1415), 342
Hutcheson, Francis (1694–1746), 320, 733, 764
Hutchinson, Thomas (1711–80), 710
Hutton, James (1726–97), 764
Hyde Park, 744
“Hymn to the Sun” (Naruszewicz), 485
Ibrahim Pasha, Turkish Vizier (d. 1730), 415
Idea of a Patriot King (Bolingbroke), 687
Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (Hutcheson), 320
Ideen zu einer allemeinen Geschichte (Kant), 548
Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (Herder), 578–80
Iffland, August Wilhelm (1759–1814), 571
Iglesia Metropolitana della Nuestra Señora del Pilar, 300
Ignorant P.hilosopher, The (Voltaire), 138
Île de St.-Pierre, Rousseau at, 206
Iliad (Homer), 528; Pope’s translation of, 837
Illuminati, Order of, 507
Imhof, Baron (fl. 1768), 717
Imhof, Marion, Baroness, 717
Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas a Kempis), 886
Imperial Diet, Holy Roman Empire, 502
Impey, Sir Elijah (1732–1809), 717
Important Examination of Milord Bolingbroke (Voltaire), 138
Inchbald, Elizabeth, nee Simpson (1753–1821), 787
Independents (Puritans), 735, 760
Index Expurgatorius (Index Librorum Prohibitorum), 247, 285, 316, 358
India, 698
England and, 39, 57–59, 669, 689, 693, 717–18
France and, 38–39, 57–59, 62, 68, 715
Holland and, 715
Mysore revolt in, 717–18
Persian invasion of, 419
Seven Years’ War and, 57–59
India Reform Bill (1783), 718
Indians, American, see American Indians
Industrial Revolution, 669–79, 842, 964
IN ENGLAND: causes of, 669–71
consequences, 680–82
factory system, 676–80, 682, 732
machine-wrecking by workers, 679
pauperism and, 677, 679
science and, 669, 671, 681
social effects, 670–71, 676–80
technological elements, 671–76
transportation and, 672
wages and, 677
Industrious Bee, The (periodical), 464–65
industry and French Revolution, 931–34
Informe sobre un proyecto de ley agraria (Jovellanos), 287
Ingénu, L ’ (Voltaire), 31, 138
Ingermanland, 653
Innocent XIII (Michelangelo dei Conti), Pope (r. 1721–24), 245–46, 278
Innocenza giustificata, L’ (Gluck and Durazzo), 368
Innsbruck, University of, 358, 360
inoculation, see smallpox inoculation
Inquiry into the Human Mind on the Principles of Common Sense (Reid), 764
Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Smith), see Wealth of Nations
Inquisition, 253
in Austria, 343
Casanova and, 323
in Italy, 225, 229, 252, 316
Jews and, 630–31, 633
Johnson’s support for, 834
in Portugal, 260, 267–70
in Spain, 275–76, 279–80, 292, 294–95, 302, 306
Institutes (Calvin), 177
Instructions (Catherine the Great), 450–51
internationalism of papacy, 316
Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, An (Bentham), 739
inventions: in France, 932
Industrial Revolution and, 671–76
Iphigenia in Tauris (Guillard), 372
Iphigénie (Racine), 370
Iphigénie auf Tauris (Goethe), 584, 587–88, 601, 627
Iphigénie en Aulide (Gluck), 101, 335, 370–71
Iphigénie en Tauride (Gluck), 372
Iphigénie en Tauride (Piccini), 373
Iran, see Persia
Ireland, 759–62
agriculture in, 759–60
Burke’s support for, 693
Catholic Church in, 283, 760–62
commerce and industry in, 759, 761
culture in, 759–60
England and, 671, 704, 726, 759–62
marriage in, 759
population of, 759–60
poverty and crime in, 759
Protestants in, 759–62
rebellion of “Whiteboys” in, 760
Irene (Johnson), 819, 830
Irène (Voltaire), 136, 874
Iriarte y Oropesa, Don Tomás de (1750–91), 291
iron industry in England, 671–72
iron law of wages, 79
Irving, Sir Henry (1838–1905), 740
Irving, Washington (1783–1859), 815
Isabella of Parma (d. 1763), 1st wife of Emperor Joseph II, 347
Isfahan, 419
Isham, Col. Ralph Heyward, 779*
Isla, José Francisco de (1703–81), 294–95
Islam, 411–21
adultery in, 413
art in, 414
childrearing in, 416
crafts in, 416, 421
education in, 412
geographic area of, 411
Gibbon’s treatment of, 808
morality in, 416
music in, 416–17
poetry in, 412–13, 421
prostitution in, 416
public baths in, 413
in Russia, 452
science in, 412
sects in, 411–12
slavery in, 413–14, 420
see also Afghanistan;
Ismailovsky Regiment, 439
Israel ben Eliezer, see Baal Shem-Tob
Istoria civile del regno di Napoli (Giannone), 250
Istria, 229
Italian nationalism and Alfieri, 340
Italy, 19, 310–40
academies and universities in, 218–19
agriculture in, 217
architecture in, 247
aristocracy in, 230
art in, 227, 235–39, 247–48, 331–32
Austria and, 38, 341
capitalism in, 230
censorship in, 220, 225
comedy in, 239–44
commerce and industry in, 218
crime in, 319
description of, 217–18
Enlightenment in, 220, 230
Freemasonry in, 220
French Revolution and, 311
happiness of, 217
heresies in, 220
in Holy Roman Empire, 341
Inquisition in, 229, 316
intellectual life in, 218–20
Jesuits and education in, 219
Jews in, 250
legal reform in, 320–21
libraries in, 219
literature in, 220, 239–44, 335–36
marriage and family life in, 218–19, 230
moral laxity of, 225
music in, 220–24, 226–27, 332–35, 373, 367
Napoleon and, 311
neoclassical style and, 325–31
opera houses in, 223
opera in, 222–24, 254–57, 333–35, 527–38
periodicals in, 220
population of, 217
poverty in, 217
prostitution in, 218, 225, 230
religion in, 224–26
singing in, 220, 222–24, 333
social classes in, 218, 230
Spanish ambitions in, 277–78
theater in, 220, 336–40
wars of succession in, 217
see also papacy
Iuvara, Filippo (1676?–1736), 226, 297
Ivan V Alexeevich, Czar of Russia (r. 1682–99), 429
Ivan VI, Czar of Russia (r. 1740–41), 430
murder of, 443, 447
Ivy House Works, 749
Ivy Lane Club, 822, 840
Izmail, battle of (1790), 461
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich (1743–1819), 516, 562, 565, 578, 613, 895, 899
Goethe and, 563–64
philosophy of, 519
Rousseau’s influence on, 890
Jacobins, 939
Jafar, Mir, see Mir Jafar
Jahn, Otto (1813–69), 407
Jamaica, 669
James, William (1842–1910), 739
James I, King of England (r. 1603–25), King of Scotland as James VI (r. 1567–1625), 779
James II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1685–88), 705, 711, 735
James II, King of Scotland (r. 1437–60), 779
“James III,” of England, see Stuart, James Francis Edward
James VI, King of Scotland, see James I, King of England
Janissaries, 414
Jansen, Cornells (1585–1638), 646
Jansenists: in Austria, 359
in France, 85, 90–91, 193, 246
in Holland, 646
in Italy, 225
Jesuits and, 246
Jassy, Treaty of (1792), 461, 488
Jaucourt, Chevalier (later Marquis) Louis de (1704–79), 102, 875
Jaurès, Jean-Léon (1859–1914), 929
Jay, John (1745–1829), 871
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Citoyen de Genève, à Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris (Rousseau), 195, 197
Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826): on American Indians, 891
French Enlightenment and, 76, 867, 891, 899
Jeffries, John (1744–1819), 933
Jehan, Shah, see Shah Jehan
Jena: battle of (1808), 530, 606, 627
Museum of Mineralogy at, 615
University of, 545, 618
Jeppe of the Hill (Holberg), 650
Jerome of Prague (1360?–1416), 342
Jerusalem, Karl Wilhelm (d. 1772), 561–63
Jerusalem (Mendelssohn), 640
Jesuits, 241, 310, 914
abolition of order by Clement XIV (1773), 318, 351
accounts of Indians by, 31
attacks against Rousseau, 185
in Austria, 351–52
in Brazil, 263
in China, 225, 318
munistic practices in Paraguay, 80, 83, 262
competition with other orders, 285
conflict with kings, 226
in France, 89, 185
Frederick II and, 319
Freemasons and, 939
in Italy, 219, 224–26, 230, 310
Jansenists and, 246
origin and purposes of, 283
in Paraguay, 80, 83, 262, 281, 283
popularity of, 284–85
in Portugal, 260, 262–68, 271–72
in Prussia, 499
reproved by Benedict XIV, 225
restoration by Pius VII, 319
in Russia, 452
in Spain, 281, 283–85, 293–94
structure of, 507
Voltaire on, 137
EXPULSIONS OF: from France, 88, 92, 266
from Naples, 284, 315
papacy and, 316–18
from Parma, 284, 317
from Philippines, 284
from Portugal, 266–67, 317
from Spain, 266, 281, 283–85, 293, 317
from Spanish America, 284
Jesus Christ, loyalty to Judaism, 629
Jews, 252, 629–42
art and literature of, 636–37, 641
in Austria, 343, 352, 357, 631–32, 641–42
in banking and finance, 630
in Bohemia, 631–32, 641
castes among, 630
in Denmark, 635
in England, 635, 684
in France, 91, 630, 642
French Revolution and, 642
in Galicia, 632, 641
in Germany, 499, 507, 517, 632, 634, 639, 642
Gibbon’s discussion of, 802
Goethe’s interest in, 556, 562
Hasidism among, 636
Haskalah movement among, 641–42
in Holland, 635, 637, 642, 646–47
in Hungary, 631
influence of religion on, 629
Inquisition and, 630–631, 633
intellectual liberation of, 637–42
in Islam, 632
in Italy, 250, 631, 642
Lessing’s views on, 514–15
massacres by Cossacks, 633–34
messianism among, 635–37
in Moravia, 632
mystical movements among, 635–37
Napoleon and, 631
papacy and, 631, 633
in Poland, 472, 475, 482, 632–34, 636, 641
in Portugal, 260, 631
in Prussia, 499
ritual-murder trials against, 633
Rousseau on, 629–30
in Russia, 452, 632–33, 641
Seven Years’ War and, 53
in Silesia, 632
in Spain, 275–76, 285, 287, 630–31
in Sweden, 635, 657
in Switzerland, 639
in Turkey, 632
in United States, 642
Voltaire’s attitude toward, 629–30
Johanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp (1720–60), Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, 121, 433
John, King of England (r. 1199–1216), 683
John III (Jan) Sobieski, King of Poland (r. 1674–96), 256, 411
John V, King of Portugal (r. 1706–50), 257, 260–61, 269
appoints Pombal to ministry, 262