Page 8 of Allure

  “And what about you? What keeps you entertained?”

  “Now? You.” she replied, smiling.

  “Can’t say I dislike hearing that, but I want to know what else you like to do. Tell me about you.”

  She shrugged. “I’m not that exciting, I’m afraid. When I’m not helping out at the campaign offices, I’m doing things like homework and helping out at home.”

  This surprised me. “Nothing at school? No clubs or anything.”

  “Well, I used to cheer, but that’s all finished, now. Other than that, I’m part of the yearbook committee, but we do most of that during class time. Unless I’m taking pictures of some of the track and field events after school, or dances, like prom.”

  “You’re a photographer?” I was surprised to hear that. I knew she’d cheered because I’d attended the home games when I wasn’t working—precisely because she cheered and I could watch her covertly. Plus, the games were pretty good, too.

  “I am. Want me to shoot you?” she asked with a laugh. Raising her phone, she snapped a couple pictures of me cooking.

  “Oh, I could see the two of us getting into a lot of trouble with a camera.”

  Nodding, she continued to smile. “Me, too. It could be fun.”

  “Send me a picture of you. I need one.”

  “Not from this morning! I look awful.”

  “No you don’t. You look amazing. Come here.” She didn’t argue, getting up and moving beside me. Grabbing her shoulders, I turned her away from me. I wrapped my arms around her, tucking her head under my chin. “Now, take the picture.”

  She sighed. “I have morning after make-up and my hair isn’t fixed.”

  “Exactly. And I want to remember the first morning we woke up together. Now take the picture.”

  “Well, when you put it that way, I want one, too.”

  She lifted her phone and flipped the screen so the camera would capture us together. I thought she looked gorgeous, regardless of what she said. She was a natural beauty.

  “One more,” she said, quickly placing her mouth against mine and snapping another picture. I captured her before she moved away and kissed her deeper.

  “You’re gonna burn the food,” she said, pushing away with a giggle.

  Reluctantly, I released her. “Like I said, you need to stay over there. Send me those, please.” I smacked her rump and sent her back to the table.

  “I am.” She was flipping through her screen. “And I’ll send you a better one of me, too.”

  Shaking my head, I removed the eggs from the heat and set them on a back burner. She had no idea how beautiful I thought she was, just like this. Her phone rang and she glanced up, placing a finger over her lips.

  “Hi, Dad,” she answered and immediately I stiffened. “I’m still with Bailey, eating breakfast. Yeah, I remembered. I’ll be home in plenty of time to get ready. Okay, bye.”

  “What was that about?” I asked casually.

  “He was reminding me we had church at two today and I’m not to miss it. There will be reporters there to film us coming out and to ask him a few campaign questions. And, of course, we have our family walk in the park, too.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Does he do this stuff for real? I mean, like he seriously calls up reporters and tells them to be there when he’s coming out of church and crap like that?”

  She shook her head. “No, his campaign manager, Rhonda Dartly, is responsible for all of that. Anything she can do to make him look like a saint is her number one priority.”

  “Even if it’s all a lie?” I asked.

  “Even if it’s a lie.” She rubbed her forehead. “She probably knows more about my dad than anyone. Anything she can spin into a positive light, she does. If someone sees my parents arguing, she can make it look like they were arguing on behalf of some charity or something. My dad could probably assassinate someone and she’d be able to make it look like some type of amazing benefit to society.”

  “Maybe I should hook up with her.” I chuckled when Brooklyn shot me a confused look. “Meaning she could paint me in a good light to your dad so he thinks I’m a saint and will let you spend unlimited time with me.”

  “Trust me, if anyone could do it, it would be her. I think her opinion is the only one that matters to him. If I thought she’d do it, I’d tell you to go for it.”

  “Kind of hardnosed, is she?”

  “Very. And she notices everything; so we need to stay away from her.”

  “What church does your family go to?” I asked, changing the subject abruptly.

  “Henderly First Methodist, why?”

  “No reason. Just thought I’d ask in case I decided I need to find some religion, today.”

  “You’re coming to church?” Her eyes were wide as she stared at me.

  I shrugged and dished up our food, taking it to the table. “If that’s where you’re gonna be, I don’t mind being there, too.”

  Brooklyn laughed, taking the fork I handed her. “Thank you. And as far as church, I’ll believe it when I see it.”

  “Yeah, there is that pesky little chance that the place might go up in flames if I walk inside.”

  “I seriously doubt it.” She stabbed at her eggs and took a bite, moaning. “This tastes great.”

  “Everything tastes great after a night of debauchery, didn’t you know? Sin works up an appetite. With all this sneaking around and defying parents, you’re bound to be starving.”

  She laughed. “And here I thought it was all the calories we burned while making out.”

  “That, too.” I grabbed the stuff to make my regular morning protein shake and sat down beside her.

  She leaned in closer offering her lips to me and I kissed them softly. We broke apart and she stared at me. “Thank you for making me breakfast this morning.”

  “My pleasure,” I replied, placing another light kiss against her mouth. “I hope I’ll get the chance to do it for you often.”

  She sighed and turned back to her plate. “I want that too, Six. More than anything.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I want U.

  I stared down at the text I’d just received from Six and smiled. Straightening, I tried to casually glance around the chapel, hoping he’d come, but I didn’t see him anywhere. Grateful for the fact that my grandmother was sitting between my parents and me, I quickly texted back, hoping my dad wouldn’t notice I wasn’t paying attention.

  U just had me 4 breakfast. Oh that sounded so bad. I was sure he’d love it, though.

  My phone vibrated.I wish I had U 4 breakfast!

  U had your chance. Guess U’ll have 2eat me some other time.Dear heaven, that was awful.

  Haha! U keep on surprising me.

  Good. I like surprising U.

  I like it too. R U enjoying church?

  Haven’t really been paying much attention.

  How come?

  I keep thinking about this amazing guy I was with last night.

  Really? That’s good. He keeps thinking about U 2. Which brings me back to my initial text. I want U . . . still.

  Heat flooded my whole body, just reading his words, and I suddenly wondered if the whole congregation could see the scarlet letter that was surely emblazoned above my head. I might be sitting here in church, but the thoughts going on inside my mind were of the very naughty, fornicating variety.

  I want U 2.

  When can I see U again?

  Another thrill shot through me. We’d only been apart a few hours and yet he was already missing me. That had to be a good sign.

  I’m not sure. Hopefully soon.

  Promise me sooner rather than later.

  I promise.

  By the way, that dress U R wearing looks amazing on U. That shade of green is definitely UR color.

  Oh my gosh! I thought, my spine stiffening as I shifted in my seat, awareness rushing through me. He’s here!

  “Are you all right, sweetie?” my mom asked, leani
ng forward slightly past my grandmother to glance and me, obviously noticing the switch in my demeanor.

  Leaning closer, I whispered. “I drank a bunch of water earlier and I need to use the restroom; but I don’t want to interrupt the service.”

  “Just go,” she replied softly. “I’ll tell your Dad so he won’t freak out.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Standing, I left our pew near the front and scurried over toward the far wall, instead of using the main aisle, hoping to deflect some of the attention and glances from others in attendance.

  Discreetly, I scanned the crowd, searching for Six, but I didn’t see him. Stepping out of the main room into the chapel foyer, I glanced between the front doors and the bathrooms, which were down the hall to my left.

  Turning in that direction, I let out a small squeal when Six stepped out from behind one of the pillars in the hallway.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he drawled, his eyes flitting over me. “Gotta say, I’m liking my church girl, too.” His gaze warmed even more. “You’re complete perfection—both innocent and alluring at the same time.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” I replied, noticing immediately how the dark blue silk shirt hugged his muscular physique before dropping to his black trousers. I didn’t make it past his hips though . . . the bulge in his pants capturing my attention.

  He chuckled, snapping me out of my momentary pause. Glancing around quickly to make sure no one could see us, I gave a nod for him to follow me, which he did, placing his hand on the small of my back. As soon as we reached the hallway that held some classrooms, I opened the door to the first one and we stepped inside.

  “Nice place,” he said, staring at the four blank walls with chairs stacked in a corner.

  “Really?” I asked, failing to see what he found so impressive.

  “Any place with you in it looks pretty amazing to me.” He winked, stepping closer.

  “You surprised me, you know? I didn’t expect you to show up here—not really.” He continued to move closer, anchoring his hands at my waist and pressing me against the wall.

  “Well, get used to it, because I like being where you are.” He raised his arms, placing his forearms on both sides of my head, and leaned in closer. “Besides, I missed you already, so I wanted to come see you.” He briefly lifted his head and stared at the ceiling before glancing back at me. “No lightning bolts either, or fire and brimstone. Everything is looking good, so far.”

  His lips captured mine and I moaned, sliding my palms up his shirt before curling my fingers into his collar, dragging him closer and opening my mouth. His tongue invaded, dancing against mine as he pushed back from the wall, skimming his hands down my back and grabbing my butt, pressing me into him.

  “I like it when you wear heels,” he breathed against my skin. “You fit against me better.” Kissing my cheek, he moved to my neck, nipping me there.

  Tossing my head back, I couldn’t help my reaction to him, thrusting mildly against him, heat flooding between my legs. I wanted to be naked with him, to feel his hot, hardness inside me. Oh, these were definitely not church feelings I was having.

  “You’re driving me mad, sweetheart.” A hand moved down my side, his thumb lightly caressing the edge of my breast as it passed before sliding lower to my hip, and then to my thigh.

  Covering my mouth with his, again, his fingers began working at inching my dress up. I was lost in the way he made me feel, only wanting him to hurry faster.

  Faint music and singing voices drifted through the walls and I gasped, pushing him back. “Stop! We’ve got to stop!” I said frantically, holding him at arm’s length.

  “Why?” he asked, that sexy lopsided grin tilting the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t try to pressure me any further.

  “Why? Because we are in a church! We can’t act like this while we’re leaning against the wall in a church!” My voice sounded higher pitched than normal and slightly frantic. I was pretty sure he could feel my racing pulse it was thrumming so hard.

  He glanced behind me. “I don’t see why not. It looks like a perfectly good wall to me.” I knew he was teasing me, but I was still afraid to relinquish my distance.

  “It’s sacrilegious and you know it.”

  He shrugged. “God made us this way.”

  “Six,” I pleaded, and he sighed, backing away and holding his hands up in surrender.

  “Fine you win, but please—when can I see you again? Can you sneak out tonight? Can I sneak in? I work at the tattoo parlor during the day for the next three days and I have shows those nights on the strip. I don’t know how soon we’ll be able to get together.”

  I bit my lip, pondering his request. “Let me think about it. I’ll text you later and we’ll work something out, okay?”

  “I know you’ll be at the park later,” he said. “And so will I.”

  “But I don’t think I’ll be able to get away.”

  “I know, but at least I’ll be able to see you. That’s better than nothing.” His words melted my heart. I lifted my hand, cupping his cheek and he nuzzled into it. “Kiss me one more time before you go.”

  Pressing my mouth briefly to his, I wound my arms around his neck, not wanting to let him go. My body was trembling when I pushed him away. “I have to go. Thank you for coming to see me.”

  “Anywhere, anytime. Just give the word and I’m there. I don’t care if it’s just for a few minutes, even. If I can break away from whatever I’m doing, I’ll come.”

  Nodding, I smiled at him before hurrying out of the room and into the ladies restroom. I quickly straightened my appearance, noting I was completely flushed. Hopefully no one would notice.

  Stepping into the hall, I saw him leaning in the doorway of the room we’d just been in and briefly wondered why sin and lust incarnate looked so at home in a church. “See you soon, sweetheart,” he said, winking—just that simple movement increasing my heart rate, again.

  “See you soon,” I replied breathlessly. I held his gaze for a moment longer before hurrying back to the chapel.


  “Are you feeling okay?” my mom asked as we got up from our pew. “You seemed a little restless in there today and I noticed you’re looking flushed.” She raised her hand, placing the back of it against my forehead. “You feel warm, too. Maybe you should stay home and get some rest this afternoon instead of walking in the park. I don’t want you getting sick.”

  “No!” I immediately protested, not wanting to miss my chance to see Six. “I love the park.”

  “If your mother thinks you’re getting sick, then you need to stay home,” my dad said gruffly. “There are camera’s here today and I can’t have people thinking I’m forcing my sick kid to go to the park. It looks bad. Besides, you could pass your germs onto the rest of us. You’re staying home and that’s final.”

  I didn’t argue. Arguing with my dad was pointless. I would never win. We stepped outside, pausing where the minister was shaking hands with all his parishioners, before walking, as a family, toward the cameras waiting near the end of the sidewalk.

  I knew the drill, stay in the background and look pleasant while dad answered questions, then proceed to the car together in unity. I waited until we were in the car and headed toward grandma’s house to pull out my phone.

  I won’t B at the park 2day. My mom thought I looked flushed & my dad has ordered me 2 stay home.

  Perfect,was the reply.I’ll B over as soon as they leave.

  I had to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from smiling. I was both elated and terrified. Never had I ever done anything so risky.

  I’ll B waiting, I texted back.


  Watching out the window, I saw him jump the wall surrounding the back of the property. He’d parked another street over, too, so no one would recognize his car by our place. I hurried to open the back door for him and he tugged me to him as soon as he stepped inside, kissing me briefly.

  “Let’s go to my room,” I said, sliding
my hand into his and guiding him toward the giant curved staircase that led upstairs.

  “Wow. This place is something else,” he said, glancing around.

  “Yeah. The house is the one place Dad doesn’t skimp on. He’s more than happy to flaunt his wealth here, with a little decorating help from my mom, of course.”

  “How long until they’re back?”

  “Usually an hour for the park, unless they get talking with potential voters, then it could be longer.”

  I pulled him into my room and shut the door behind him, locking it—just in case.

  “Holy shit!” he exclaimed and I turned to look at him.


  “This place is as big as my whole apartment—and a lot more . . . purple.”

  I laughed, trying to see it through his eyes. It was a large room with lavender colored walls and light carpet containing my white four-poster bed in the center of a long wall. “My bed isn’t as big as yours,” I offered, and he grinned.

  “It doesn’t need to be since one of us will almost always be on top of the other.”

  Immediately, the flush of heat raced through my body straight to my core and pooled there.

  “I’ve never had a guy in my room before—except for Tommy. My dad doesn’t allow it.” Turning, my hands naturally went to his chest, trailing down over the bumps and ridges I could feel beneath his shirt. He was so . . . hard, everywhere. I wanted to touch him—and not stop. He made me feel wicked things I never had before.

  His hands roamed down over my back, resting at my hips pulling me to him. “So, I get to be the first guy to kiss you in your bedroom?” Smiling slightly, his eyes roamed over my features. I nodded, licking my lips in anticipation. “Good, I like that.” He lowered his mouth to mine.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Heat raced through me like an inferno as I pressed my lips to hers. My body was hyperaware of every place her body touched mine, and I was pretty sure she had no doubt about how badly I wanted her. Every time I was around her, I had this damn raging hard on pressed against her.