Page 9 of Allure

  A soft moan escaped her lightly glossed lips, the sound getting lost in my mouth as she tangled her fingers into my hair. I wanted her closer.

  Squealing softly in surprise when I bent and scooped her off her feet, I carried her over to the bed, turning so I could sit down. Stretching out I pulled her on top of me and she straddled me, the movement bringing the weight of her body right where I wanted it. I couldn’t help a slight thrust against her and she sucked in her breath, biting her lip.

  Damn. She was so sexy.

  Reaching up, I slid my hands to either side of her face and pulled it back toward mine, pausing to study her sparkling eyes.

  “Now I’m the first guy in your bed, too.”

  “Technically, you’re on it, not in it.” She smiled softly, her eyes scanned my face and settled on my mouth.

  “I’ll happily rectify that . . . someday.” If I got under the covers with her right now, I’d be too tempted to start pulling her clothes off. Knowing her parents could be back at any time would make that a very bad decision. I just barely got her. I didn’t want to lose her right off the bat.

  Staring in my eyes, I saw the desire there. “I wish today was someday.”

  “So do I,” I replied, slipping one hand around behind her neck and pulling her down to close the distance between us.

  Again, sparks raced through me as our mouths touched and every nerve inside of me that wasn’t used to being denied begged for release. Whenever “someday” got here, we’d be explosive together . . . I had no doubt.

  Moving my other hand, I slowly trailed it down her body, grazing the side of her breast, and settling down at the curve of her butt. She rocked her hips against me, exactly what I was going for, and I responded in turn, pressing my hardness against her.

  My skin was buzzing under her touch, and when she lowered her arms, pressing her chest against me, I could feel the tight buds of her nipples through my shirt. She was just as turned on as I was.

  The kissing continued, mouths pressed, tongues tangling, skin licked, necks sucked, until I finally had to push her off me.

  “Brooklyn, sweetheart,” I said, my breathing ragged. “I need a break or I’m not going to be able to stop.”

  She didn’t argue and I got up, adjusting myself in my pants and walked away from the bed toward the shelves on the opposite side of the room, trying to calm my raging hormones.

  I slowly meandered around the space, taking in all her pictures and awards from throughout the years. There was one of her standing next to Tommy, he had an arm draped around her shoulders and was messing up her hair with his other hand.

  “It’s good thing he can’t see me right now.” I glanced over at her. “I’d be six feet under for messing with his little sis.”

  “I love that picture of us. His mom took it. We had a barbecue for his last birthday at her house. I wish I could’ve lived with them.” She sighed heavily. “I miss him.”

  “I do, too,” I replied, still finding it hard to believe he was dead. “Still no leads on his hit and run?”

  Brooklyn shook her head as she sat up. Her lips were swollen and her skin was flushed. “Nope. There’s been nothing.”

  “Such a shame.”

  “Tell me something.” She paused, staring at me.

  “What?” I asked, continuing to peruse her items, enjoying the chance to learn anything new about her.

  “Where’d you get your nickname from?”

  I shook my head and smiled, deciding to have a little fun. “I can’t tell you that. It’s classified.”

  “Classified, huh?” She sounded suspicious. “What does one have to do to get clearance?”

  Chuckling, my eyes traveled over her before turning back to look at more of her pictures. “Oh, I’m sure I could come up with something. I like this one of you,” I added, fingering the frame. “I think I need a copy of it.”

  She got up and moved beside me. “In my cheer uniform?”

  “Hell yeah. It will keep me occupied with wondering how limber you are and what kind of positions I can get you in.”

  Sighing heavily, she stared at me, shaking her head.

  “What?” I asked, sensing some disappointment in her.

  “I just wonder.” She stopped and turned away. “Never mind. I’ll ask you later.”

  Grabbing her, I tugged her back against me, leaning my chin on the top of her head. “Ask me now.”

  “Is everything between us just physical?”

  She caught me completely by surprise and I turned her to face me. “I totally jumped the gun with you, didn’t I?”

  She ran a finger over my chest. “Don’t get me wrong . . . I’ve really enjoyed the time we spent together so far, but . . . .”

  “You want to know if that’s all I’m interested in?” Lifting her chin with my index finger, I forced her to look at me. “It’s not. I just got a little excited.”

  “I like it when you’re excited. But I want to get to know you better. We’ve proven the attraction between us is amazing. Is the rest amazing, too?”

  I rushed to reassure her. “I’ll make you a deal right now. No more making out unless you say.”

  “No!” Her eyes widened. “I didn’t mean it to sound like that. I—I just wish we could spend more time together.” She sighed again. “None of this is coming out right.”

  “You want to date.” I knew exactly what she meant.

  Smiling softly, she nodded. “Yes. I know everything is weird with the whole sneaking around and parent issue, but that’s exactly what I would like—to do things together and get to know each other better.”

  “We’ll figure out a way to make it happen, okay?” Bending, I softly kissed her lips, slowly this time, as if I had all the time in the world. I’d give her whatever she wanted, at whatever pace she wanted—I simply needed her to be in my arms.

  She leaned into me, sliding her arms around my neck.

  A soft knock at the door interrupted us. “Honey? Are you okay?” The doorknob rattled and Brooklyn pushed away from me, a frantic look in her eyes.

  “Sorry, Mom. I locked the door. I was about to get in the shower to see if that would relax my muscles. Did you need something?”

  I stayed perfectly still, not wanting to make a sound that would give us away.

  “No, I just wanted to check on you. Rhonda has asked your dad to meet with her to go over some important last minute campaign things for this week. Patty asked if we were still coming over to play cards with the ladies. I can tell her we are cancelling this week and I’ll make you some soup.”

  “No, Mom. You go ahead. I don’t feel like I want anything to eat right now. I’ll just go to bed after my shower.”

  “Are you sure?” The concern was evident in her mom’s voice. “I don’t want to leave if you’re unwell.”

  “I’ll be fine. If it gets worse I’ll call you.”

  “Okay, if you’re sure. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “I will. Thanks, Mom. Love you.”

  “Love you, too. Get some rest.”

  Brooklyn turned toward me and smiled. “Want to stay a while longer? I doubt I’ll see either of them again before morning.”

  “I’m yours for as long as you want me,” I replied, grinning.

  “Then you’re going to be here a very long time.”

  I laughed softly, still feeling a little nervous about whether anyone might be close enough to hear us. “I have a suggestion, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You should totally take that shower.”

  “Trying to seduce me again, already?” Folding her arms, she stared at me.

  “Not at all. I’m merely giving you the chance to let me wash your hair and anything else you might need help with.

  She laughed. “I knew there was a catch.”

  “It’ll be fun. We can talk more, just like you wanted.

  “Somehow I doubt there would be any talking going on if you and I were naked in a shower tog

  “No see, that’s where you’re wrong. There would be words—lots of them—but mostly in rapid succession and mixed in with moans and groans.”

  She blushed. “I bet.” Her eyes traveled over me, resting at my hip where my cock was obviously straining against my jeans. “Again?” She seemed shocked.

  “Still,” I corrected her. “I told you. You have no idea the things you’re doing to me. You get me all excited.”

  “How do I stop it?”

  “Stop it?” I stared at her perplexed. “I guess if I were dead.”

  She appeared to consider this for a moment and I released a growl. Laughter burst from her and I loved how it sounded. “That’s definitely not an option for me. Besides, death can be messy. All the blood that needs mopping up—it’s just so much work, you know?”

  “You’re right. And I’m beginning to think we definitely need to get to know each other better. I’ll have a better chance of seeing the death blow approaching that way.”

  She continued laughing. “I would never hurt you.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re already hurting me. I’ve been in near constant agony since you showed up at Leathers.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have gone there. I didn’t mean to make you miserable.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not complaining. It hurts so good.”

  She laughed and I smiled, before glancing toward the door. “Do we need to be quieter? Is your parents’ room close by?” I wasn’t sure if they’d left immediately or not.

  “No, it’s on the ground floor on the opposite side of the house. My dad wouldn’t want his kids close enough to disturb him.”

  The smile slid from my face. “It’s pretty obvious that you loathe the guy. Are you sure you’re okay here?”

  Sighing, she walked over to the edge of the bed, sitting dejectedly. “I don’t know if loathe is really the right word. I mean, I love him because he’s my dad. But at the same time, I don’t like how he walks all over everyone else to get what he wants.” She looked at me as I sat beside her. “He’s ruthless. I wonder if he even realizes other people have dreams and ambitions of their own? People should be allowed to follow those dreams, too, not be at his beck and call every second. I don’t think he views other people as people—individuals—but rather as a means to an end for his own personal gain.”

  I slipped my arm around her shoulder and placed a kiss near her temple. “Sadly, he’s not the only person who thinks that way. And by people, do you mean you?”

  “Yes, and no. Definitely me; but so many others, as well.”

  “And what would be your dream if you could have it?” I brushed her long hair over her shoulder as I spoke trailing my hand down her back. Even just sitting here like this, I was riveted. She had my undivided attention.

  “I’d go to school for photography and small business. I’d love to have my own studio. My dad says that’s a waste of time—that the arts will never pay well enough to be considered income.”

  She was artistic. I understood that well, because it was something we had in common.

  “I believe you can succeed at whatever you want to do, as long as you’re willing to put the time and effort into it.”

  She leaned her head against me. “See. You get it. I didn’t even have to explain myself. He wants me to go to an Ivy League school and get some big prestigious degree—something that will help him out in the long run, because it will make him look good.”

  The thought of her moving away to go to school somewhere drove me crazy. “So what do you plan to do?”

  She gave a wry chuckle. “As soon as I’m eighteen, I’m out of here. I’m going to be just like Tommy—do what I want to do, however I want to do it. And if my dad disowns me, then so be it. I think I can handle that just fine.”

  I grinned, enjoying that I was getting to see her strong spirit rise to the surface. “And what about school? Where will you go?”

  “There are plenty of places that offer degrees in photography, right here in Nevada.” She locked gazes with me. “Which, wouldn’t you know it, happens to be where you are, too?”

  “I like the sound of that,” I replied, and I leaned in to capture her mouth, again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Can I call U?

  I stared at the text from Six, my heart picking up speed just hearing from him. I’d barely spoken to him in the last three days; he’d been so busy with work. Our relationship had been reduced to a few stolen texts here and there.

  Yes,I typed back.I just parked at the school. My phone buzzed almost immediately and I answered it. “Hello?”

  “Hey, sweetheart. Man, it’s great to hear your voice.” I closed my eyes, smiling at simply hearing him.

  “I miss you,” I replied. Even speaking to him over the phone made my skin prickle.

  “I miss you, too, which is why I’m calling. Brandon scored four tickets from a radio show to a rock concert this weekend. It’s for Skillet, the band that sings the song we danced to.”

  “Yeah, I know them. They’re awesome.”

  “Do you think you could get permission to stay with Bailey and the four of us could go together?”

  “I’d love that. I don’t see why not. Does Bailey know?”

  “Brandon is supposed to be calling her right now. I just thought it would be fun to go together. They’re an awesome band, plus it’s an excuse to spend some time with you.”

  “It sounds great,” I replied. “Thanks for thinking to invite us.”

  He snorted. “Sweetheart, I haven’t been thinking of anything else but you, so who else would I invite?”

  I laughed. “I’m sure Bailey will be excited, too.”

  “Yeah, it’s too bad your parents don’t let you out as much as her. Brandon said she’s been over almost every night this week.”

  I groaned. “Trust me, I know. I’ve been getting the play by play details of their sexcapades, every single day.” In truth, I was a bit jealous of her. She was having a fabulous time with Brandon, doing everything I wanted to do with Six. It hardly seemed fair, but her parents didn’t care—and mine did.

  “I’m not going to lie. I’m envious of them,” Six said.

  “Me, too,” I replied quietly. “Hey, sorry to rush this, but I’ve got to get going.”

  “Okay. I don’t work at the shop until one o’clock, today. Do you want to meet for lunch?”

  A thrill shot through me at the prospect. “I’d love that. I only have about thirty-five minutes, though.”

  “I don’t care if it’s two minutes. I just need to see you. Where do you want to meet?”

  “On the corner of Seventh Street and Main are all those fast food chains. Maybe in the big parking lot near Arby’s?”

  “Great. I’ll see you soon, sweetheart. Have a good morning.”

  “Thanks, I . . . uh, bye.”


  Sitting in the car, I stared at my phone, realizing what I’d almost just said, “I love you, bye.” The thought hit me hard. I’d never been in love with anyone to know the difference, but I’d wanted Six for a long time. Was I already falling in love with him? Did he feel the same about me?

  A knock on my window made me jump and redirected my attention. I turned to see Bailey standing there smiling. She opened the door. “Are you going to sit in there all day, or are you coming to class?”

  “Sorry. I was talking to Six. He told me you were with Brandon again, last night.” I raised an eyebrow.

  She giggled. “I swear, Brookie. He’s insatiable. I have no idea how I can even still walk.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure it’s all him.” I grinned as I grabbed my book bag and climbed out of the car, locking it behind me.

  “Did Six call to tell you about the concert?” she asked, and I nodded. “Shall I have my dad call and officially invite you over?”

  “That would probably be my best chance of getting to go. You know my dad isn’t comfortable with refusing your

  “I’ll have him call, tonight.”

  “Sounds great,” I replied.


  The walls thumped and the floor reverberated with the sound of the heavy bass as the rock music rolled through the stadium. Bodies swayed, crushed together in the cramped floor space as cameras flashed like thousands of glittery diamonds lighting up in rapid succession. Despite the sensory overload, I was keenly aware of Six’s muscled arms wrapped around me from behind as we moved to the music. My skin was alive, on fire everywhere his body touched mine. I felt enveloped both by him and the music.

  Bailey appeared to be enjoying herself equally, flashing me wide smiles as she shimmied to the music in Brandon’s arms. They looked so cute together, and I wondered if their relationship might develop into something more than just sex. They both seemed to really enjoy each other’s company—that is when they got out of bed long enough to visit with one another.

  Six and I—well, we hadn’t gotten much time together this past week, except for seeing each other during a couple of my lunch breaks. I’d skipped food on those days in lieu of make out sessions in my car. I’d looked forward to tonight all week after Bailey’s dad managed to get my dad’s approval.

  I was a little nervous about after the concert, though. Bailey’s dad had rented us a hotel room on the strip, since the concert got out late. He wasn’t aware of the guys coming with us, since we met them in town. When he found out about the room, Six rented a separate room for us, so we wouldn’t be stuck in the same room with our horny best friends. Hello? Awkward. However, I was a bit worried about the two of us spending the night together, all alone.

  Lately, the more we touched, the hotter the fire was stoked. I wasn’t sure I could hold to our previous resolve as well as I had been. I wanted him. All of him. And I knew, without a doubt, he felt the same.

  Granted, we’d only been seeing each other for a very short time, but we’d managed to keep out of my dad’s sight. Ironically, I never realized how extremely self-absorbed the mayor was until I started to sneak around. It was as if he didn’t pay any attention to me at all—unless he needed to use me for his benefit.