Page 15 of Saving You

  Luke pulled me into his arms and began singing to me as I looked into his emerald-green eyes. Leaning down, Luke sucked in my lower lip with his teeth as I let out a moan. When his lips pressed against mine and our tongues danced together, I was lost. I soon forgot about Grace and Noah and focused only on the incredible urge to be lying in bed, wrapped in Luke’s arms.

  “I CANNOT BELIEVE I’m letting you talk me into this!” Libby whispered.

  I laughed and glanced to her. “Why are you whispering? No one is home, Lib.”

  Libby shrugged her shoulders as she helped me put the clear plastic wrap over Grace’s toilet. “I don’t know.”

  Chuckling, I pulled the clear wrap tight. We stood back and looked at our work. Smiling, we looked at each other and gave a high five. I reached down and grabbed the wrap. We made our way out of the bedroom. “What time is Grace due home?” I asked as we made our way back downstairs.

  Libby smiled. “Any minute! I didn’t know it was so late.”

  We made our way into the kitchen and I was brought back to the time when Libby and I talked Will into trying to fly off the barn. It hadn’t taken much convincing and we had Will believing if we attached homemade wings he would be able to soar in the sky and land softly to the ground.

  One broken arm later, Libby and I were both grounded for a month. I would sneak out at night and take my bike over to her house. Climbing up to her window, we would sit on the roof of the porch for hours and talk.

  Peeking over to Libby, I watched as she pulled out a watermelon and began cutting it up. Glancing up she smiled. “Want some watermelon?”

  I nodded my head and sat down on one of the barstools we had at the kitchen island. “Do you remember the time we got grounded for talking Will into flying off the barn?”

  Libby’s eyes met mine. She smiled so big it caused me to laugh. “I remember the time you talked me into talking my brother into soaring through the air.” She shook her head. “Poor, Will. He broke his arm and we were all so afraid to tell my mom.”

  I watched as Libby moved across the kitchen. My heart began to beat stronger in my chest. She’s mine. She’s finally mine.

  Taking in a breath, I slowly let it out. “Do you know what I remember most about that time?”

  She continued to cut up the watermelon and put it into a bowl for us. “Will threatening to hurt you every single time he saw you?”

  I chuckled. “Nah, that was funny though. I bet if we brought it up to him he’d still be pissed.” Libby giggled and nodded her head. “I remember sneaking out and coming to your house in the middle of the night. Tapping on your bedroom window and sitting under the stars, talking for hours.”

  Libby stared into my eyes, smiling softly. “I remember that too. I used to lay in bed and pray so hard you would be there that night. Then, I’d hear you tap on my window and I would get giddy at the idea of sitting next to you on the roof. I remember if your body brushed against mine, I would get the silliest feelings in my stomach.” She looked down and then back at me. “I still do.”

  Pushing the stool back, I walked over to Libby. Placing my hands in her hair, I pulled her head back and pressed my lips to hers. The kiss was passionate—filled with love, as we kissed each other like we hadn’t seen each other in days. I pulled back some and whispered against her lips. “I loved you then, Libby.”

  Closing her eyes she barely spoke, “Never stop loving me, Luke.”

  “Never,” I whispered as I picked her up and set her on the counter. I was about to take things further when the front door opened. Closing my eyes, I said, “Shit.”

  Libby laughed and leaned over and kissed my lips. “If you were about to do what I think you were, we can sneak down here later tonight and you can make it up to me!”

  I picked up her hand and kissed it. “I love you.”

  Biting on her lip, Libby whispered back, “I love you more, Luke.”

  “Never,” I said as I shook my head and helped her back down. Grace walked into the kitchen and glanced over at us. “What’s up, bitches?”

  Snapping my head over to Grace, I looked at her. She opened the refrigerator and grabbed a Diet Coke. “I have a huge test to study for. Y’all want to grab some dinner later?”

  I could tell Libby was having a hard time holding back her laughter. She always was the weak one on the team when it came to keeping a straight face. “Sure. We can grab something if you want.”

  Grace looked at me and tilted her face. “Why are you looking at me that way?”

  I shrugged. “Because you’re beautiful, and I’m lucky to have you as a sister?”

  Grace’s mouth dropped open. “Oh God. Y’all are pregnant and need me to be there when you tell Mom. I knew it. The way you two go at it like rabbits. I admit I thought this was going to be Alex and Will, but I’m not surprised. Mom and Dad are going to be pissed. Dude, wrap the stick!”

  Libby and I just stood there stunned. Finally, Libby spoke. “I’m not pregnant, Grace.”

  “Why does everyone keep telling me to wrap my stick? I wrap my damn stick!”

  Grace took a step back. “Oh. Sorry.” Turning on her heels, she headed into the living room and then up the stairs. I turned to Libby. “Shit, all these people talking about you being pregnant is starting to freak me out!”

  Libby laughed. “You know I’m on the pill, Luke, so stop freaking out.”

  Turning, I looked at her. For one brief moment, I wanted to sink my dick inside her and feel what she would feel like without a condom on. Raising her eyebrow she looked at me with a knowing look.

  “Wrap the stick, baby,” she said with a wicked grin.

  I was about to suggest the one thing I swore I would never do, when Grace screamed out. “Luke! You son-of-a-bitch!”

  Libby’s hands went up to her mouth as I smiled bigger. “I guess Grace had to go potty!”

  WALKING OUT OF the library, I stopped dead in my tracks. Libby was standing there talking to Zach. The smile on her face as she talked to him caused knots in my stomach. Why the fuck is she talking to him? Had he contacted her again?

  Libby and I both had classes in the science building and would meet here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before going to lunch. I began walking toward them. As I got closer, Libby threw her head back and laughed. I balled my fist and tried to stay calm, even though I wanted to pound Zach’s face into the ground.

  Libby looked up and smiled bigger when she saw me walking up. I attempted to smile, but I was sure it came across as fake. Her smile lessened some as I came up and stopped. Glancing over to Zach, I looked at him and then back to Libby. “What’s going on?”

  Libby shook her head slightly. She obviously could tell I was pissed. “Um, nothing I ran into Zach and he was telling me about his hunting trip with his father last weekend. Their Jeep got stuck in the mud and …”

  I turned and looked at Zach. If this asshole thought he had any chance with Libby ever again, he had another thing coming. “You do realize she’s with me, right?”

  I felt the heat move through my body. I wasn’t even sure why I was feeling jealous. I trusted Libby. I just didn’t trust the little bastard standing here smirking at me.

  Zach’s smile faded and was then replaced with a smirk. “You feel threatened by me, Luke? That doesn’t say a lot about your relationship with Libby.”

  Libby sucked in a breath. “Zach!” She then turned and looked at me. “Luke, stop this. We ran into each other and were catching up.”

  “I don’t feel threatened by you, I just don’t trust you.”

  Libby stepped in front of me. “Stop this. Zach is a friend and that’s all.” I could feel the hurt wash through my body. Why would she continue a friendship with him? The man who stole what was mine.

  Looking at her I frowned. “I see, why lose a friendship that holds so many memories. Is that it, Lib?” Turning around, I began walking off. I heard Libby suck in a breath and I knew it was a shit move on my part. Seeing Zach reminded me t
hat he took Libby’s virginity, not me. He had her first. He had what should have been mine.

  By the time I got back to the house, I was pissed more at myself than anything. I let jealousy get the best of me and I hurt Libby. After I promised her I wouldn’t hurt her. Taking out my phone, I saw I had text from her.

  Libby: I’m sorry it hurt you to see me talking to Zach. I was only trying to be polite when he walked up and said hello to me. I’m leaving class early.

  I saw I had another text. This one was from my buddy, Roy. He had been my best friend my freshman year of college. He liked to party and was what I had needed to drown out memories—and feelings.

  Roy: Whippets this afternoon. Don’t say no. One beer, Luke. Just come and hang out and have one beer.

  The last thing I wanted to do was go out, but I needed to get out for a bit and clear my head. I looked back at Libby’s text. I sent Libby a text and then another to Roy.

  Me: I didn’t mean what I said. I’m sorry, Lib. I need to clear my head. Going to Whippets to meet Roy for a beer. I’ll be home later.

  Me: Hey Roy. I’m on my way but I’m only staying for one beer.

  I quickly changed clothes and headed back down the stairs and to my truck when my phone beeped. I looked to see Libby had sent me a text back.

  Libby: Luke we need to talk.

  I instantly panicked. My fear of Libby leaving me slowly invaded my mind. I attempted to push my fears aside. I wasn’t sure where this fear was coming from, Libby saying she wanted to talk to me only caused me to think the worst.

  THE MOMENT I walked in and saw Roy and Gus, I smiled. I walked to the table and held out my hand to Roy. “Long time,” I said as Roy and Gus stood up and shook my hand. I sat and smiled at the waitress as she brought over a Blue Moon and set it in front of me. Glancing up, I smiled at her. “You read minds?”

  She laughed and said, “Nah, your buddy told me when you got here that’s what your flavor was.”

  She turned and walked away. “And she is my flavor. I’ve been working on tapping that for the last few weeks,” Roy said as his eyes followed the waitress while she walked back to the bar.

  Shaking my head, I laughed and tipped the beer back, taking a drink. Looking around I saw a few people I knew. Gus slapped me on the back. “So what in the hell have you been up to, Luke? We haven’t seen you around the last year.”

  I shrugged. “Trying to focus on school. Taking extra credit hours to finish up early so I can get to work.”

  Roy nodded his head. “Who’s the blonde you’ve got on your arm all the time?”

  My heart dropped slightly. Knowing I acted like a dick again to Libby had me pissed off at myself and wishing I hadn’t headed over to the bar. One beer and I was out of here and back to my girl. Smiling, I said, “Libby. My girlfriend.”

  “Dude, she’s fucking hot,” Gus said as I snapped my head over to him. He threw up his hands. “Not that I’m looking.”

  “We’re having a party this weekend. Why don’t y’all stop by?” Roy said as he looked over at Gus. Glancing back and forth between the two of them.

  “I think I’ll pass. We have plans this weekend.” Looking over Roy’s shoulder I saw Karen. A guy with dark-brown hair had his arms wrapped around her. She looked my way and when she saw me she smiled. We each gave a wave. I stood and looked down at Roy. “I’m going to go say hi to Karen.”

  Roy spun around in his chair. “Tell her we said hey. Miss seeing her at the parties, too. Heard she was engaged.”

  I looked down at Roy and then back up to Karen, “No shit?”

  Nodding his head and turning back to the table he said, “No shit.”

  Slapping Roy’s back I said, “I’ll be right back.”

  Karen smiled bigger as I made my way over to her. Karen was the only other girl I had ever had feelings for. She never knew she had taken my virginity. I never told her because in my mind I had pretended that night I was with Libby.

  Did I ever truly have feelings for Karen? She was a great listener. She knew how to party and have fun. And she taught me how to please a woman in more ways than I would have thought. It was almost as if I was a little project for her. Someone she could play with and teach.

  Walking up, I stopped in front of her. The huge bastard who had his arms around her must have been her boyfriend. “Hey there, cowboy! How have you been?” The guy dropped his hold on Karen and she walked up and kissed me on the cheek.

  “I’ve been good. How have you been?” I asked as I extended my hand to the guy. “Hi, Luke Johnson.”

  Smiling he took my hand and shook it. “Mark Overton. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Karen has mentioned you a few times.”

  I pulled my head back and looked at Karen. “Really?”

  Mark smiled and nodded his head. “Yep, Karen mentioned y’all dated for a few months when you were a freshman? Is that right?”

  I was surprised Karen would have shared that with him. We hadn’t dated that long and most of time I was drunk. “Well, Karen didn’t really see the better side of me I’m afraid. I was pretty much either in class or drunk.”

  Mark laughed. “Dude, wasn’t that freshman year for all of us? I can’t wait to get out of school.” Mark looked down at Karen and smiled sweetly. Karen glanced back at me and held up her hand. The giant oval diamond sparkled in the lights of the bar.

  “I heard from Roy. You’re getting married huh?”

  She nodded her head enthusiastically. “I am. I finally found one who could tame my wild ways.” Reaching my hand out, I shook Mark’s hand again. I turned and gave Karen a hug. “Congratulations, sweetheart. You deserve to be happy.”

  “Thank you, Luke.” She squeezed me tighter and then said, “There is a girl shooting me daggers. I’m gonna guess it’s your girlfriend.”

  Karen pulled back and leaned into Mark. I knew she was doing that to show she was with another man. Turning, I saw Libby standing there. I smiled and she gave me a weak smile in return. I waved her over. Why is she here? Shit. She was either really pissed at me or she was going to tell me we were over. Either option had my heart slamming in my chest.

  She walked up to me and smiled politely at Karen and Mark. I leaned down and softly kissed her lips.

  “Libby, this is Karen and Mark.” I knew Libby knew who Karen was, and I was prepared for her to lay into me. Here I jumped all over her for talking to her ex and she walks in and sees me hugging mine.

  “Karen was telling me that her and Mark are engaged.” Libby looked at me and then back at Karen. Smiling, she extended her hand.

  “Congratulations on your engagement,” Libby said with a smile.

  I knew Libby must have really wanted to talk to me if she had come here. I reached my hand out to Mark again. “I’m going to take off, but congratulations again. I’m happy for you both.”

  Karen smiled and hugged Libby. She whispered something into Libby’s ear and then pulled back. “I’ll see ya around.” Lifting my hand in a good-bye wave I said, “See y’all.”

  I took Libby’s hand in mine and led her over to Roy’s table. “Let me say good-bye to Roy and them.” Libby pulled me to a stop.

  “Luke, I don’t want to interrupt your time with your friends. I didn’t like how we left things and I don’t want us fighting over Zach of all things.”

  I searched her eyes. “You’re not breaking up with me then?”

  Libby’s mouth dropped open. “What? No! Why in the world would you think that, Luke?”

  Pushing my hand through my hair, I let out the breath I was holding. “The stupid hurtful thing I said to you. God, Libby I swear I didn’t mean it. I don’t know what came over me. I acted like such a dick and I turned around and did the same thing. I saw Karen and said hello to her.”

  “And hugged her,” Libby said.

  “Lib, it meant nothing.”

  Libby placed her finger over my lips. “Luke? Will you do something for me?”

  My eyes searched her face. “Anything.”
  Libby looked into my eyes. “Dance with me?”

  Slipping my hand around the base of her neck, I brought her lips to mine. I kissed her with as much passion as I could. Everyone started yelling out and Libby giggled. The blush covering her cheeks was sexy as hell.

  I took her hand again and headed over to Roy. “Hey guys, I’m taking off.” Roy and Gus both stood up. “You’re not going to introduce us to your girl, Johnson?”

  Turning, I looked at Libby. Smiling I said, “Libby, this is Roy and Gus.”

  Libby didn’t even have a chance to say anything before I was pulling her out the doors.

  She gave me a seductive look and asked, “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you dancing, and then to a hotel and making love to you all night.”

  Shutting her door, I turned and jogged to the driver’s side.

  Libby giggled. “Where are we going dancing?”

  Glancing over to Libby I winked. “You’ll see.”

  Ten minutes later I pulled into the parking lot of an HEB and parked. Pulling out my iPod, I found the song I was looking for.

  “Luke, what in the world are we doing?” Libby asked as she raised her brow.

  I rolled all my windows down and jumped out of the truck. Jogging over to Libby’s door, I opened it and held my hand out for her. She gave me the sweetest smile as she placed her hand in mine. I helped her down and let my eyes take in every inch of beauty.

  Reaching up, I pulled her hair down and watched it as it fell along her shoulders. “You’re beauty leaves me speechless, Lib. I want to make love to you all night.”

  Watching the blush move across her cheeks I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers. Pulling back I smiled. “Give me two seconds.”

  Libby chuckled as I jumped back in my truck and hit my iPod. I shut the passenger door and took her hands in mine as Blake Shelton’s “My Eyes” began playing through the speakers of my truck.