Page 16 of Saving You

  Libby’s eyes lit up as I pulled her body closer to mine. “Luke …” she whispered.

  Libby and I began dancing slowly in the middle of the parking lot. She pulled back slightly when I started singing the song to her. I watched a tear begin a trail down her gorgeous face. I placed my hand on the side of Libby’s face as I wiped the tear away with my thumb. “Are you happy, Lib?”

  “I’ve never been so happy in my life, Luke.”

  Pulling her lips to mine I stopped just short of a kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Luke.

  Thirty minutes later, I had Libby wrapped up in my arms as I kissed her soft lips and pushed inside of her.

  We spent the entire night tangled up in each other’s arms.

  ALEX GRABBED MY arm! “Go, Colt, go!” she screamed as we all jumped. Colt had the ball and was headed for a touchdown.

  “Damn it, Colt run!” Luke yelled out. When Colt crossed the goal line, Alex and I began hugging and jumping. I turned and Luke took me in his arms as I kissed him. Alex turned and kissed Will. It was an A&M tradition to kiss the guy next to you after a touchdown.

  Luke pulled back and smiled. “Damn, Colt has got to be making Gunner one proud daddy!”

  I nodded my head and watched as they kicked the extra point. Everyone on the sidelines was still congratulating Colt. He had quickly become the star wide receiver for A&M. This was the second touchdown he scored today and we were only in the second quarter.

  Will and Luke high fived each other as I pulled out my phone and sent Lauren a text.

  Me: Did you see Colt?!

  Lauren: I did! Did you see Bruce?!

  Ugh. I rolled my eyes. Lauren was now officially dating Bruce, the A&M quarterback. She had been pretty friendly with him ever since we had that party at our place. She talked to him almost all night and if they weren’t talking they were dancing. I swear Colt watched them the whole evening.

  Me: Yep. But I like watching Colt more!

  I waited for a response. Nothing. I let out a sigh and looked out over the field. “What’s wrong, Lib?” Luke asked.

  I shrugged. “Lauren. This whole Bruce thing isn’t sitting right with me.”

  Luke frowned. “Yeah. Colt didn’t take the news of the two of them dating very well. Will said Colt got trashed and the coach had to have a talk with him.”

  I shook my head. I hated to see the same thing happen to Colt and Lauren as what Luke and I did. This stupid cat-and-mouse game was crazy insane. Alex and I had tried to talk to Lauren about it. Her response was she wanted to have fun. She didn’t need a man to help her. I was pretty sure it had something to do with her dad. Lauren seemed to think he didn’t have faith in her to run the business. Him bringing Colt on as a partner when he graduated was throwing Lauren off big time.

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I turned to Alex and asked, “Are we all driving home together for Thanksgiving?”

  Alex looked over my shoulder, then looked at me. “Um, sure.”

  “Okay, cause I think it would be easier if you, me, Luke, and Will all just drove in one vehicle. Unless y’all had plans?”

  Alex wasn’t paying attention to me. I snapped my fingers in front of her. “Hello? Earth to Alex? Turning back to me she smiled and then asked, “Who’s Luke talking to?”

  Turning, I saw Karen. She was standing on one of the seats on the bleacher below us. Luke was leaned over talking to her. Her hand was on his arm as she said something into his ear. That same zip of jealousy rushed through my veins as when I saw the two of them dancing that night at the Italian restaurant, then again at Whippets when they were hugging. I looked back at Alex. “That’s Karen. Luke’s ex-girlfriend.”

  “Huh. Wonder what she wants?” Alex asked as she kept her eyes on Karen.

  I looked back and Karen saw me looking. She smiled and dropped her hand from Luke’s arm. “Hey, Libby! How are you?” Peeking at Luke, I noticed he was already back into watching the football game.

  “I’m doing well. How about you?”

  “Couldn’t be better. I was just telling Luke that I wanted to invite y’all to the wedding. I’d love to have you both there.”

  Uh-huh. Sure you would.

  Smiling politely, I nodded. “Of course. We’d love to be there.”

  She smiled sweetly and her fiancée walked up and wrapped his arm around her. She looked into his eyes and I couldn’t help but smile. Guilt raced through my body as I watched them exchange a kiss.

  Looking back at Luke, Karen reached up and tapped his arm. “We’ll see y’all at the wedding then?”

  Luke nodded quickly and then went back to watching the game. I chuckled at how stupid I had acted a few seconds ago.

  Karen waved good-bye as I lifted my hand and returned the gesture.

  Karen jumped off the seat and made her way back through the crowd. I looked up at Luke. “I have no idea why she came up and invited us like that, Lib. I swear I haven’t talked to her since that day at Whippets.”

  I placed my hand on the side of Luke’s face. “Stop. Luke, I trust you and I know you’d never do anything to hurt me.”

  He leaned down and brushed his lips across mine. Everyone started screaming as Luke and I looked down at the field. Colt was also a punt returner and he was taking off toward the goal line—again. Seconds later, I was kissing Luke again to celebrate the touchdown.

  MY PHONE BEEPED as I reached into my riding boot and took it out. Grace, Alex, Meg, and I were all out riding. It was Christmas break and I was so glad we all got to hang out together.

  I rolled my eyes when I saw Karen’s name. Ugh. I was quickly beginning to hate her.

  “If looks could kill, whoever sent that text should be dead right about now,” Maegan said with a laugh.

  I let out a grunt. “It’s Luke’s ex, Karen. She all of sudden wants to be my best friend. I can’t stand to even look at her at this point. All she does is remind me of the fact that she had Luke before me.”

  Grace groaned. “Tell her to back off, Libby. I mean, she’s getting married, so I don’t think she is a threat.”

  “I know she’s not a threat and I know she really wants to be friends. I’m going to have to explain to her why it’s hard for me to be friends with her,” I said as I shoved my phone back into my boot.

  We continued on the path toward the river. Maegan let out a sigh and said, “I just love it here.”

  We all came to an abrupt stop. We watched as Maegan’s horse kept walking on. She finally stopped and turned around. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “You said you loved it here. Are you feeling okay?” Alex asked.

  Meg laughed as she shrugged her shoulders. “I just—wish I was home.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I hate school. I hate everything about school.”

  Grace, Alex, and I all slipped off our horses. Alex reached Maegan first. Maegan jumped off her horse and began crying as Alex took her in her arms. Grace and l looked at each other. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Maegan cry in my entire life. Alex ran her hand up and down Maegan’s back gently. “Maegan, what’s wrong? Please talk to us.”

  Maegan pulled back and wiped her tears away. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry I broke down like that. It’s been a rough year.” She turned and sat on a fallen tree. It was the first time I noticed how tired Maegan looked. More like she looked defeated.

  Alex bent down in front of her and pushed Maegan’s red hair behind her ear. “Meg, talk to us.”

  Grace and I each took a seat next to Maegan on the tree. Swallowing hard, Maegan started talking. “My whole life, my father has done nothing but compare me to Taylor. I don’t think he even knows he does it. He always tells me I can do better. Make better grades, be a better example to Taylor, make them prouder. I feel like I can’t make any mistakes and then there is—”

  Maegan stopped talking and tears began rolling down her face. Putting my arm around her I asked, “There’s what, Maegan?”

  Maegan let out a small laugh.
“I guess when you leave high school you think you leave all the mean girls behind.” She shook her head. “That’s not the case. I’ve got these four girls that hate me. I don’t know why. They don’t stop, ever. I can be walking to class with someone and they will do whatever they can to make my life miserable. They would bump into me and knock everything out of my hands. Spreading rumors about how I’ll give guys blowjobs at frat parties or in my dorm room. I haven’t even been to a single party this year for fear of some guy coming on to me.” A sob escaped her lips. “Last year I had guys walking up to me asking me to make arrangements to give them head! I finally stopped leaving my dorm room unless it was to go to class.”

  Grace cursed. “Maegan, why don’t you knock the fuck out of those girls?”

  Maegan laughed. “At one party, I ended up beating the shit out of a girl who called me a redheaded whore. The only thing it did was bring me more grief. My parents asked if I was doing drugs, and oh man, I wasn’t setting a good example for Taylor. It isn’t worth it. So I try to ignore it.”

  Alex grabbed Maegan’s hands. “Meg, you have to talk to your parents about this.”

  She nodded her head. “I know I do. I was hoping this year would be better. The bullying happens less often. I feel like I’ve lost myself though. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I’m chasing after that girl I used to know and she might not be there anymore.”

  Alex wiped a tear away. “I still think you need to talk to your parents. At least get it out in the open with your dad.”

  Nodding her head, Maegan leaned over and kissed Alex’s forehead. “I promise I will. Come on let’s ride. The only happy time I have is with you girls and I don’t want this to turn into a sad sappy afternoon.”

  LUKE AND I walked hand in hand as I pulled my sweater tighter around me. “Are you cold, Lib?”

  “I’m chilly, but I’m okay,” I said as I watched Luke search my face. He pulled off his sweatshirt and pushed it over my head. I laughed as I pulled it on. My senses were overtaken by his scent. My libido instantly kicked in. “I miss you,” I said as I gave him a seductive smile.

  “Damn, Libby. I miss you, too. I want to hold you in my arms. I can’t even sleep without you next to me.”

  I giggled. “I feel the same way. I could hardly fall asleep last night.”

  Luke stopped and turned to me. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me, Libby?”

  My eyes filled with tears. “Tell me.”

  His smile made my knees shake. “I think I’m my happiest when we are together at night. When I have you wrapped in my arms and you’re starting to drift off to sleep. Your breathing starts to slow and I know at that very moment you feel safe in my arms.” Luke placed his hand on the side of my face and brushed his thumb across my skin, causing a trail of fire behind it. “Then when you walk into a room. The energy changes and I can’t seem to pull my eyes from you. You smile and my world rocks off balance. Your touch brings out feelings I never thought I would experience. Your love—has me excited about our future, Libby. I dream about it all the time. I dream of long walks along the river, snuggling up next to a fire with you in my arms, my hands on your belly feeling our baby kicking.”

  A sob escaped my lips as my heart pounded in my chest. I’d never felt such happiness in all of my life. I wanted to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

  “I don’t think I could ever put it in words how happy you make me, Libby. More than I ever imagined.”

  Swallowing hard, I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed him. This man. This man would forever be mine. No one or nothing would ever take him from me.


  MY EYES SNAPPED open and I laid still. What is that noise? I sat up and looked around.

  I pushed the covers back and that’s when I heard the pebble hit my window. I smiled and jumped out of bed. I opened my window and looked down to see Luke. “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  Smiling that naughty smile of his, Luke began climbing up the side of the house—like he did so many years ago. He quietly walked over to my window and winked at me. “I thought you might like to lay on the roof and watch the stars with me. I can’t sleep.”

  “Luke, it’s Christmas Eve!”

  He nodded his head. “I know. What a better night to watch the sky? We might even see Santa!”

  I giggled as Luke took the screen off my window and set it to the side. He put his hand out for mine. “Oh wait! I need a blanket.” I turned and grabbed my quilt and blanket. Luke helped me out the window and then helped me to spread the quilt down on the roof. We lay down and covered up with the blanket.

  “Oh wow. Look at the stars,” I whispered.

  Luke pulled me closer to him. “I don’t think I’ve seen such a clear night before.”

  “Yeah,” I whispered as I looked at him. Luke turned to me and the moon was shining back at me through his beautiful green eyes. “I love you, Luke Johnson.”

  Before I knew it, Luke was on top of me, while kissing me passionately as he helped me to remove my sleeping shorts. I reached down and moaned as his hard dick fell into my hand as he pushed his sweatpants down. His hands moved up my shirt and he moaned in delight when he was met with no bra. He began twisting and pulling my nipple as he continued to kiss me senseless. My hands soon found his hair as I grabbed and pulled as Luke teased me with his tip.

  “Libby,” he whispered against my lips as I pushed my hips to him. Silently begging him to take me. Luke placed his elbows down and took my face in the palm of his hands. He slowly pushed into me as we looked into each other’s eyes. I wanted to close my eyes and moan in pleasure but our gaze was locked onto each other. Luke pushed in all the way and bit down on his lip before he pressed his lips to mine.

  Slowly, passionately, Luke made love to me as he kissed me softly and tenderly. I didn’t want this moment to end.

  “Luke, you feel amazing,” I whispered as he pulled his lips from mine.

  “Libby, oh God Libby. I love you, baby. You feel—” His eyes closed as he pushed in more. His eyes opened quickly and I was pretty sure we both realized why it was feeling so amazing. Luke didn’t have a condom on.


  I shook my head. “Please don’t stop. Please. I’ve never in my life felt so complete as I do this very moment.”

  Luke reached down and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth as I moaned. “Love me, Luke.”

  “Oh God, Libby.” He pulled out painfully slowly and pushed back in. Repeating the heavenly process over and over as I felt my body tingling with the build of my orgasm.

  “Luke, I’m going to come,” I whispered as I looked into his eyes.

  He began to move faster as his dick started to swell and he hit the spot over and over.

  Luke’s eyes lit up with a passion I’d never seen before. “Libby. I’m going to come.” When I saw the tear roll down his face, I sucked in a breath. I was so overcome by the moment that my emotions took over and the tears began to spill. Luke never stopped looking into my eyes the entire time we came together. When he finally stopped moving, I could feel him still twitching inside me. I reached up and wiped his damp face. “I don’t want to move, Lib. I want to stay connected to you like this forever.”

  “Don’t move,” I whispered against his lips as he leaned down to kiss me. Luke pulled back slightly. His green eyes capturing my blue eyes.

  “Marry me, Libby.”

  THE WORDS WERE out of my mouth before I could stop them. I didn’t want to stop them. I wanted to be with Libby for the rest of my life. I wanted to experience this type of moment as much as I could.

  I searched Libby’s face for her reaction. When she smiled and the tear rolled from her eye I knew her answer.

  “Yes,” she whispered as her eyes landed on my lips. I leaned in closer. The moment our lips touched something amazing happened. It felt as if our love exploded. I began moving my dick inside her again.

  God. It felt amazing to make love to Libby with no c
ondom on. I couldn’t believe I was getting hard again. Libby wrapped her legs around me and squeezed. I stopped moving as I pulled my lips from her lips.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved in my life, Luke.”

  I smiled and kissed her nose. “Good.”

  Then she began chewing on her lower lip. “As much as I want to repeat that amazing moment, I want something else—more.”

  My dick jumped as I pulled out and rolled off of her. I reached down and pulled up my sweatpants as Libby quickly put her sleeping shorts back on. She stood up and grabbed the blanket.

  “Where?” she asked.

  Smiling, I said, “Let’s just get to my truck and we’ll figure it out.” Libby started back to her room. I grabbed her quilt and shook it off and threw it into her window. Stepping into the room, I stopped dead in my tracks.

  Holy shit.

  I was pretty sure my life was about to end. Josh was leaning against the doorframe of Libby’s room. He looked at Libby and then me. His body was tense, even though he tried to appear as if he was standing there casually. “What are y’all up to?”

  Libby snapped her head over to me and I looked at her as I swallowed the lump in my throat. My stomach instantly felt as if it was in knots. “Um, just watching the stars like we used to when we were little,” I said as Libby nodded her head. I felt the beads of sweat starting to form on my forehead. How long had he been there? Did he hear us? Did he know I just made love to his daughter, on his roof?

  Looking away, I frowned. That didn’t even sound right.

  Josh took in a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay, so you were watching stars. What are y’all doing now?”

  “Daddy, why are you up here?” Libby asked.

  “I woke up and couldn’t sleep. I was heading up to my office when I heard a noise from your bedroom. I opened the door to see you sneaking back in your window.”

  Libby and I both let out the breath we were holding. He hadn’t been there that long. Libby let out a nervous laugh as Josh looked over at her. “We were actually going to go for a drive.”