Bridgman, Ray, 203
Bridie, James, A Sleeping Clergyman, 279n100
Bromwell, Frank, 33
Bronte, Anne, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 33
Brontë, Charlotte:
Jane Eyre, 31
Shirley, 31
Villette, 30, 33
Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 33 Brooke, Rupert, “The Great Lover,” 96
Brooks, Rev. Raymond C., 50
Brooks, Van Wyck, TNW letter to, 379
Brown, H. Leggett, 306
Brown, Martin, A Very Good Young Man, 119n209, 121
Browne, E. Martin, TNW letter to, 659–61
Browne, Sir Thomas, Religio Medici, 72
Brownell, Frank, 147
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 31
Browning, Robert, 31
Bruckner, Anton, 258, 684
Bruerton, Courtney, 464n170
Brunauer, Dalma H., TNW letter to, 700–701
Buber, Martin, 640
Budapest String Quartet, 475
Bull, Ole Bornemann, 253n39
Burckhardt, Jacob, 572
Burgtheater, Vienna, 247n23
Burke, Edmund, 311
Bushnell, Horace, 116
Bute, Mary Ellen, 691
Bynner, Witter, 285–86
Cabell, James Branch, 220
Caesar, Julius, 49, 440, 450, 453–54, 461
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 540, La Vida es Sueño, 636–37
Campbell, Ellie Jones, 181
Campbell, Gladys, 313n171
Campbell, Joseph, 412n91
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 264, 301, 609
Camus, Albert, 442
Canby, Mrs. Henry Seidel, 248
Canfield, Cass, 271, 686
TNW letters to, 221–22, 250, 552–54, 595–96, 653–54
Capote, Truman, 560
Carew, Helen, 328n200
Carr, Rosemary, 147n25, 198
Carré, Michael, Pierrot the Prodigal, 91
Carroll, Paul Vincent, The Strings, My Lord, Are False, 394n58
Carter, John F., Jr., 117n202
Catelier, Jacques, 286
Cather, Willa, 492
Death Comes for the Archbishop, 237
Catherine the Great, 493n23
Catullus, 543
Cecil, Lord David, 591, 642
Century Club, New York, 360
Century Magazine, The, 191
Cerf, Bennett, 306
Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 634
Chagall, Marc, 640
Chamberlain, Neville, 366
Champion, Gower, 618
Chandlee, Harry, 368n12
Channing, Carol, 618n72
Chapin, Schuyler, TNW letter to, 651–53
Chaplin, Charlie, 242, 243–44, 384, 396
Chappell, Delos, 350
Chatterton, Ruth, 167
Chautauqua Institution, 66n121
Chavadjadzies, Paul, 614
Chefoo, China:
China Inland Mission Schools in, 4, 18, 125
TNW’s letters from, 11–25
Chekhov, Anton, 226, 510, 695
The Three Sisters, 204, 399n70, 407, 685
Cherry Lane Theatre, New York, 691n203
Chesterton, G. K., 223
Chicago Evening Post Literary Review, 189n106
Chicago World’s Fair, 261n66
Manchu dynasty in, 20n31
TNW’s father with consulate in, 3, 23n34
TNW’s years in, xxxiv, 3, 4, 11–25, 125
Chopin, Frédéric, Preludes, 24, 26
Churchill, Winston, 435
Cicero, 29, 49, 79n139, 450
Cincinnati Little Theatre, 112
Circle in the Square, New York, 483, 581, 600n34
Civic Repertory Theatre, 204n136
Clair, René, 399
Claire, Ina, 691
Clark, Eleanor, 602n41
Claudel, Paul, 592
L’Oiseau noir dans le Soleil Levant, 589
Clay, Lucius D., 598
Clift, Montgomery, 444–45, 498, 506
TNW letter to, 415–16
Clurman, Harold, 627n91
Cocteau, Jean, 310n165, 365
The Eagle Has Two Heads, 590n9
La Machine infernale, 491
Codman, Charles R., 338
Coffin, Catherine, 498
TNW letters to, 612–14, 621–23, 656–58
Coffin, Edmund, 623n81
Coffin, Margot (Lindsay), 623n81
Coffin, William Sloane, Jr., 623n81
Cohan, George M., 390
Hit-the-Trail Holiday, 77
Cohn, Harry, 350
Cohn, Janet, 393n57
Colefax, Sibyl, 306, 444, 490, 553, 554, 591
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 391, 430
TNW letters to, 237–40, 246–47, 255–59, 307–10, 328–31, 363–66, 376–77, 380–81, 405–7, 433–36, 449–50, 465–67
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 233, 315, 357
Coleman, Roger, 181, 201, 207
Colette, 304, 635
Coley, Thomas, 444
Collinge, Patricia, 399
Colman, Ronald, 267
Colonna, Vittoria, 134
Colum, Padraic, 379
Comden, Betty, 698n218
Compagnie des Quinze, 258
Compton, Fay, 388
Comstock, Polly, 146
Conant, James B., 376, 379
Congreve, William, 520
Connolly, Marc, 257, 274, 332, 338, 380, 440n129
Constant, Benjamin, Cécile, 502
Coolidge, Philip, 444
Cooper, Merion C., 272, 276
Copeau, Jacques, 126, 589
Copeland, Charles Townsend, 102
Copenhagen, Otto von, 693
Copland, Aaron, 622
TNW letter to, 488–89
Cordoba, Pedro de, 346
Corneille, Pierre, La Mort de Pompée, 648n130
Corneille, Thomas, 648
Cornell, Katharine, 180, 232, 259n63, 260n64, 591, 681
in Alien Corn, 263n71
in The Barretts of Wimpole Street, 254–55
in Ethan Frome, 308
in Romeo and Juliet, 308n154
in Saint Joan, 308n154
in The Three Sisters, 407
TNW letter to, 254–55
Couperus, Louis Marie Anne, 170
Coward, Noël, 264
Blithe Spirit, 388
In Which We Serve, 388n51
“London Pride,” 388
TNW letter to, 388
Coward-McCann, 191n110, 221, 222, 231
Cowl, Jane, 353
Cowley, Malcolm, 316
TNW letters to, 501–3, 701–2
Craig, William C., 496
Crane, Josephine Porter Boardman, 366
Craven, Frank, 325, 328, 333, 335, 339, 348, 368n12
Crawford, Cheryl, 356, 435, 627
TNW letter to, 639–41
Crews, Laura Hope, 167
Croce, Benedetto, 258, 426
Cross, Wilbur L., 181, 556
Cukor, George, 272, 399
Culp, Julia, 45
Cunard, Lady, 258
Curtis, Roy, 205n137
Curtius, Ernst, 465
Czerny, Karl, 26
Dakin, Arthur Hazard, 675
Dakin, Janet Wilder, see Wilder, Janet Frances
Dakin, Winthrop Saltonstall, 403n77, 675
TNW letter to, 573–75
Daly, Arnold, 520
Daly, James, 546n125
Dana, Anna English, 351
Dana, J. Dwight, 230
death of, 499n40
TNW letters to, 271–72, 275–76, 290–91, 293–94, 324–26, 337–38, 339, 343–44, 350–51, 389–90
Dane, Clemence, Granite, 206
Dante Alighieri, 197, 245, 247, 342, 507
Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 680
Dark Angel (film), 267
/> Darrach, Marshall, 37
Dart, Capt. Rollin, 341n218
Davidson, Eugene, 518 Davies, Hubert Henry:
Doormats, 164, 165n60
The Mollusc, 165n60
The Outcast, 80n142, 164, 165n60
Davies, Marion, 284
Davis, Owen, Jezebel, 260
Davis, Robert Frederick, 293–94, 298n134, 301, 303–4, 372–73
Day, Huntington T., TNW letter to, 367–68
de Bosis, Adolfo, 126, 144, 145, 463
de Bosis, Lauro, 144n19, 257
Delsarte, François, 551
de Mayo, Margarita, TNW letter to, 485
De Mille, Cecil B., 350, 455
De Morgan, William Frend:
Joseph Vance: An Ill-Written Autobiography 25, 30
Somehow Good, 30
de Sica, Vittorio, 464, 473–74, 480, 545n122
Deslys, Gaby, 56, 57
Devil and the Deep (film), 281n105
de Wilde, Brandon, 650n132
Dial, The, 154, 155
Dickens, Charles, 353
David Copperfield, 19
Dickinson, Emily, 495, 579
Dickinson, William Austin, 580n183
Dietrichstein, Leo James, 94
Diggers, TNW’s thoughts on, 647
D’Indy, Vincent, Symphony on a French
Mountain Air, 119
Disney, Walt, 282
Fantasia, 389
Disraeli, Benjamin, 374
Distant Thunder (film), 703, 704
Dodd, Lee Wilson, The Changelings, 167
Dodd, Martha Eccles, 268
Donn-Byrne, Brian, Messer Marco Polo, 191
Donne, John, 104
Donovan, Grace, 569
Doolittle, Hilda (H. D.), TNW letter to, 300–301
Dos Passos, John, 400n72
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 171
The Brothers Karamazov, 203–4, 634
Double Dealer, The, 155, 158
Douglas, Melvyn, 384
Douglas, Stephen A., 20n30
Douglas, William, 146
Dowson, Ernest, 86, 119
Dramatist Guild, 324, 341
Draper, Muriel, 274
Draper, Ruth, 253, 257
Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet (film), 399n71
Dreiser, Theodore, Sister Carrie, 489n10
Du Bos, Charles, 257
Ducreux, Louis, 549, 550
Duhamel, Georges, 315
Dukes, Ashley, Jew Süss, 270
Duncan, Isadora, 551
Dunham, Katherine, 270n85
Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Lord, The Lost Silk Hat, 105
Echegray, José, El Gran Galeoto, 180n92
Eckstein, Gustav, 591
Eddy, Mary Baker, 257
Eddy, Nelson, 384
Edge of Darkness (film), 407n84
Edinburgh Festival, 480, 481, 527–28, 531, 655n143
Edington, Vincent, Inc., 275
Edward VII, king of England, 467
Einstein, Albert, TNW letter to, 351–52
Eldridge, Florence:
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 394n59, 406, 407, 409–10, 417n96
in Years Ago, 444
El Greco, 211
Eliot, T. S., 666, 695
“Modern Education and the Classics,” 616n70
Sweeney Agonistes, 588
The Cocktail Party, 491
Elser, Frank B., Mr. Gilhooley, 308
Ely, John, 290–91
Embree, Etta Parsons, 110
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 502
Empson, William:
Milton’s God, 597
“The Theme of Ulysses,” 695
Epstein, Jacob, Nina Forrest, 240n9
Eulenberg, Herbert, 77
Euripides, 301, 416
Medea, 619n76
Evans, Edith, 242, 245, 247, 609
Evans, Rowley Turbeville, 22, 45
Ewell, Tom, 538
Fairbank, Janet Ayer, 264
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 384
Farquhar, George, The Beaux’ Stratagem, 356, 371
Farrar, John, 7
Farrell, James T., 651
Farrow, Mia, 667, 668, 673–74, 681
in The Great Gatsby, 686
in The Three Sisters, 685–86
TNW letters to, 669–71, 682–85
Farwell, Byron, TNW letter to, 436–38
Faulkner, William, 155, 471, 556
Absalom, Absalom!, 578n178
Fäy, Bernard, 591
Fellowes, Daisy, 304, 306
Fénelon, 238
Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco, 588
Ferber, Edna, 269n80, 380
Ferguson, Elsie, 80, 91
Fielding, Henry, 556, 654
Findley, Timothy:
The Butterfly Plague, 655n144
TNW letter to, 655–56
First Coast Artillery Corps:
TNW in, 123n216, 123
TNW’s letters from, 123–24
Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 308, 681
Fitch, Albert Parker, 164
Fitts, Norman, TNW letter to, 240–41
FitzGerald, Edward:
correspondence of, 31
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (transl.), 31
Fitzgerald, Frances Scott “Scottie,” 224n178, 225, 602
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 227, 633
All the Sad Young Men, 225n181
The Great Gatsby, 220
TNW letters to, 220–21, 224–26
Fitzgerald, Geraldine, 681n182
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 227
TNW letter to, 224–26
Flanagan, William, 516n72
Flandreau, Charles Macomb, Viva Mexico!, 665
Fontanne, Lynn, 306, 376, 568
TNW letter to, 391–93
TNW’s friendship with, 239, 259n63, 261, 264
Footner, Hurlbert, Shirley Kaye, 91
Forbes-Robertson, Jean, 239
Forbes-Robertson, Johnston, 42
Foresman, Edwin Clyde, 644
death of, 129, 211n150, 214–15
as housemaster at Davis, 127, 152, 157–58, 176
Foresman, Emily, 127, 157, 215n156
Foresman, Grace Christy, 127, 157, 176, 645
TNW letters to, 214–15, 326–27, 643–44
Forrest, Nina (Lamb), 240n9
Forster, E. M., 591n10
A Passage to India, 315
Foster, Joe, 269
Fowlie, Wallace, Mallarmé, 552
France, Anatole, 310n165, 316
Francis, Graham, 547
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 87, 114n190
Frankfurter, Felix, 384
Frantz, Sarah Morton, 189
TNW letter to, 287–88
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, assassination of, 39n76
Frazer, James G., The Golden Bough, 182
Frazier, William, TNW letter to, 295–96
Freedman, Harold:
TNW letters to, 393–95, 626–28
as TNW’s agent, 255, 325, 341, 343, 364n3, 417
Freeman, Douglas Southall, Tee’s Lieutenants, 426
Freiman, Elizabeth Goodman, 563n154
Freud, Anna, 303, 429
Freud, Sigmund, 145, 299, 302–3, 304, 449, 642, 702
Friedell, Egon, 257
Fröbel, Friedrich Wilhelm August, 136
Frohman, Charles, 408, 417
Frost, Robert, 642
TNW letter to, 411–12
“West-Running Brook,” 412
Frost, William Goodell, TNW letter to, 109
Fry, Wilfred, 75
Gable, Clark, 403
Gahagan, Helen, 384
Gallup, Donald, 499
Gameliel, Rabbi, 103
Gammon, Agnes, 82
Gammon, Mary Stanley, 59, 82
Gannett, Lewis Stiles, TNW letter to, 294–95
Garbo, Greta, 282
García Lorca, Federico, 541
bsp; Garnett, Constance, 634n103
Garnett, Richard, 144
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn:
Cranford, 31
Life of Charlotte Brontë, 31, 32–33
Genet, Jean, 502
George, Grace, 59, 62n112, 77
Gershwin, George, 260
Gibson, Violet, 201n128
Gide, André, 458
Gielgud, John, 450, 523, 622, 670
Gilbert, Susan, 580n183
Gillmore, Margalo, 417n96
Gingold, Hermione, 686
Giorgione, Pastoral Concert, 63
Giotto di Bondone, The Virgin’s Meeting with St. Anne, 671
Giraudoux, Jean, 365, 548
Bella, 404
Siegfried et le Limousin, 164
Gish, Lillian, 118, 266, 546n125
TNW letter to, 454–56
Glasheen, Adaline, xxxvii
TNW letters to, 694–95
Glazer, Benjamin, 340n217
Glenn, C. Leslie, 212, 384
TNW letters to, 210–13, 291–93, 687–88
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 127, 216
Glenn, Georgiana, 384
Gluck, Alma, 45
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 292–93, 299, 469–70, 475, 584, 681–82
Die Wahlverwandtschaften, 631n100
Elective affinities (transl.), 631
Faust, 298n133, 401n74
Goethe Bicentennial Festival, Aspen, Colorado, 361, 464, 465, 466n173, 468–70, 469, 477, 485n1
Goldbeck, Eva, 190
Golden, John, 451, 453
Golden Boy (film), 350
Goldoni, Carlo, 520
Mirandolina, 56
Goldsmith, Oliver, She Stoops to Conquer, 163n51
Goldstone, Richard:
TNW letters to, 642–43, 661–63
unauthorized biography of TNW by, 595–96, 642–43, 661–63, 687n196, 701–2
Goldwyn, Sam, 232, 267, 278, 279, 282, 339
Goodenough, Erwin R., 616
Goodnow, Edward P., 332
Gordon, Max, 417
Gordon, Ruth, 458, 523, 544, 691
in The Amazing Adele, 490n13
in A Doll’s House, 234, 324n192, 338
in Ethan Frome, 308
and Findley, 655n143
and Harris, 251, 408
and Kanin, 441n130, 576, 680
as letter writer, 553, 554
in The Matchmaker, 480, 504, 538n109, 549, 553, 611, 680
and movies, 282, 407n84, 490
in Saturday’s Children, 590
singing lessons for, 618
in A Sleeping Clergyman, 279n100, 285n114
in Three Sisters, 407
TNW letters to, 259–62, 345–47, 387, 398–99, 441–42, 443–46, 522, 548–50, 590–92, 619–21, 685–86
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 257, 263, 274, 285, 330, 506, 586, 680, 693
Gottlieb, Morton, 653
Graham, Martha, 206n141, 330n203
Grainger, Percy, 45
Grant, Cary, 281, 473–75
TNW letter to, 473–75
Granville-Barker, Harley, 47, 48n92, 94, 301