Page 21 of Justice

  They drove to the main security building and entered the training room they used to keep in shape. Tiger glanced at the Species inside.

  “Everyone out. No one comes near the door. Brass and I are going to show Justice a few new training techniques and if he likes them, you’ll be learning some new skills soon.”

  Faces glanced their way but all eight of their people left quietly. Tiger locked the door and Brass crossed the room to lock the second door. There were no windows in the large room, only mats on the floor and a bunch of exercise equipment set up along one wall. Justice hesitated.

  Tiger returned, bent down and tore off his boots. He lifted his head, stood and began removing his weapons. Movement to his left drew Justice’s attention to Brass. The male also removed his boots and weapons.

  “Should I be worried?” He kept his tone calm. “Two against one?”

  Brass flashed him a grin. “Remove the suit. We’d hate to mess it up.” His gaze ran down the length of it. “It’s nice. We’re not. We’ll avoid your face. You have to look pretty for the cameras.”

  Justice narrowed his gaze as he reached for his tie. “Pretty?”

  Tiger chuckled. “Pretty. We love the hair too. Any female would be proud to have such a nice color. They did a good dye job.”

  Anger tingled through Justice. “Do you know how much I hate the stink of it?”

  Tiger walked onto the largest mat, faced him and tore his shirt over his head. He tossed it far enough to hit the floor at the edge of the training area. “Tell us about it. We have to smell you for days.”

  Brass removed his shirt and stepped onto the mat. “He’s sure pretty though. Did you see the cover of that fitness magazine they put him on? I was impressed.” He chuckled. “That suit covers his muscles though, doesn’t it? It didn’t make him look in shape unless sitting behind a desk is a strong workout.”

  Anger burned brighter at their teasing as Justice dropped the tie, removed his jacket and his shirt. He added to the pile of clothing until he stood in his boxer briefs. “I didn’t model for that. They took a picture of me at the charity event and slapped it on there.” He took a menacing step toward them. “You really want to do this?” His fists clenched.

  “You should hang your suit over the barbells over there. It will wrinkle.” Brass snorted. “It would be on the evening news if you wore clothes with creases that weren’t put there by an iron. It would make us look bad.”

  A snarl tore from Justice and Tiger threw the first punch. His blow hit Justice in the shoulder and he reacted by kicking out, hitting his friend in the hip and sending him flying to land on his ass. Brass growled, crouched low and Justice lunged. Their bodies tangled, hit the floor and the fight was on. They exchanged some body blows from forearms, threw each other around and Justice finally tossed Brass away from him. Brass rolled on the mat and Tiger dived at Justice. He rolled out of the way, shoved up to his feet and turned in time to punch Brass as he came at him too.

  The three of them fought, returned blow for blow, avoiding each other’s faces, and mixed it up with some kick-boxing and wrestling. Brass dropped out first after Justice put him on his ass. Panting, he held up his arms, done. Tiger snarled and launched at Justice but he was ready for the move. He sidestepped, ducked and threw out an arm to nail the male who had missed him by inches. Tiger hit the mat on his back, groaned and stared up at him.

  “I give,” Tiger said and lifted his hands.

  Sweat poured off Justice as he stood there, stared down at his friends and realized he’d carry some bruises for days. The pain was good, he felt alive and some of his anger was gone.

  Tiger turned his head to glance at Brass. “See why I told you to come with,” he rasped. “I could never beat him.”

  Brass groaned, rubbed one of his shoulders and nodded. “He might look civilized but he’s got a vicious fighting ability.”

  Tiger met Justice’s stare. “Feel better?”

  He did. “Yeah.”

  “Do we have to do this every day?”

  “Shit,” Brass muttered, “I hope not.”

  Tiger chuckled. “Me too. It’s easy to forget he’s more than a pretty face.”

  Justice shook his head. “You’re trying to anger me again.”

  “No, I’m teasing. It’s what friends do.”

  “I thought we were getting our asses handed to us so he gets out his aggression.” Brass got to his knees, lifted up and stood. “That’s what friends do.” He walked closer and gripped Justice’s arm. “Don’t hold that shit inside. We’re here for you. We’ll do this daily if you need to beat on someone.”

  “Speak for yourself. I was kidding.” Tiger rolled, got to his feet and stretched, grimacing a little. “I need a hot bath and a female to kiss my bruises.” He turned to Justice and his smile faded. “Whatever is getting to you, either talk it out with us or deal with it. You aren’t yourself lately, you’ve kept things in and we’re a family. Are you ready to share what is going on?”

  Justice clamped his mouth closed. Jessie wasn’t up for discussion.

  “That’s what I thought.” Tiger stepped in front of him and held his gaze. “I guess we’ll do this again tomorrow if you are in a bad mood. And the next day. However long it takes. Go home and quit scaring everyone. Take the rest of the day off.”

  “Thank you.” Justice meant it, glancing at them both. “I needed this.”

  “We know.” Brass dropped his arm. “Take the Jeep. The keys are over there near my boots.”

  Justice showered quickly in the locker room, dressed and waved to his friends as he left. He grabbed the keys but knew returning to his office wasn’t going to happen. The fighting had helped but rage still burned in his soul. He was angry at life, angry that Jessie had thrown him out and that he’d lost her.

  He took the private road to his house because he didn’t want to deal with questions from the officers at the entrance to the Species section of why he was home midday. As he parked the borrowed vehicle in his driveway a sound made him turn and he watched with narrowed eyes as Jessie drove up the street, parked next door and avoided even glancing his way.

  She ignored him and it pissed him off. He hesitated and glanced around. No one was within sight. He turned back to watch her saunter toward her door. He moved fast, kept his pace light and she never saw him as he came up behind her. She unlocked her door, opened it and stepped inside. She turned then, saw him and her eyes widened.

  He stepped inside before she could react, his hand shot out to close the door and he kept his body between her and the alarm that would alert the officers to rush to her home. She wouldn’t be rid of him that easily again.

  “We need to talk.”

  Her blue eyes flashed astonishment but narrowed with anger quickly. He was glad he didn’t frighten her—that was not his intention—and stepped closer to invade her personal space. Her scent tortured him. Her lips parted and his gaze fell there. The urge to kiss her gripped him strongly and he fisted his hands to prevent them from cupping her face.

  “Don’t you have some Species woman to woo into being your mate? Should I pack my stuff soon so she can move in instead?”

  “I’m not looking for a mate.” His anger intensified. “I tried to tell you this last night.”

  “Do you want to take me out to dinner somewhere not private?”

  She was baiting him.

  “You know that isn’t going to happen. We’ve been over this. It is dangerous for—”

  “Your future Species mate to find out about us? Would that hurt your chances of her accepting a home where your past lover lived?”

  “Jessie,” he growled. “Stop.”

  She suddenly reached up, flattened her hands on his shirt and pushed. “Leave.”

  He pressed back, his body trapped her against the wall and his palms landed flat on the surface next to her, keeping her there. “I miss you. I didn’t sleep last night. Can’t we discuss this reasonably?”

  “No.” She licked h
er lips, drawing his attention again. “We can’t.”

  Frustration, anger and regret flashed through him hotly and he reacted. His head lowered, his lips sealed over hers and when she gasped, his tongue took advantage. She tasted of sweet coffee and chocolate as he kissed her. She tensed and tried to turn away from his hungry mouth but he cupped her face to hold her still.

  Her hands fisted on his shirt but she didn’t shove. She responded and he growled as passion replaced everything else. Jessie was his for the taking and his cock filled with blood. His need to show her how much she meant overrode all else and he let go of her face to remove his jacket. Material tore but he didn’t give a damn.

  Jessie helped as buttons popped off his shirt to ping on the tile entryway. She spread his shirt with force, not taking the time to unbutton it. His hands slid between them, grasped her shirt and it easily shredded.

  She whimpered against his tongue, kissed him wildly and her hands rubbed his bare chest. He cupped her breasts, tore at the bra that kept him from feeling their softness and jerked the cups down enough to free her nipples. His fingers and thumbs found the taut tips, pinched them gently and she moaned.

  He let go, frantically worked open the front of her pants and hooked his thumbs in the waistband, catching hold of the thin straps of her panties. He broke the kiss when he slid to his knees, kissing his way down her throat to her chest and sucked a nipple inside his mouth. Her fingers slid into his wet hair, held him tightly and he just jerked her clothing, freeing her of everything from the waist down. His knee moved, pressed down to hold them and she jerked her feet out of the tangle of fabric.

  The scent of her arousal drove him insane. He wanted her and judging by the heavy musk of desire, she wanted him just as much. He couldn’t wait anymore. His hands located the front of his pants, just ripped them open, and freed his aching cock. He tore his mouth away and grabbed her hips as he stood.

  Jessie knew she should stop this madness but she was lost. Her feet left the floor as Justice’s big body pressed her tightly to the wall, pinned her there, and her legs lifted to wrap around his waist. She couldn’t find purchase at first—his damn clothes were in the way but a few wiggles slid them lower. Her thighs gripped skin as his hips were bared.

  He shifted his hips, the crown of his cock nudged her pussy, found the right angle and she cried out as he drove into her in one fluid thrust that almost made her climax. She was burning alive, so turned-on that she wondered if she’d totally lost her mind but the feel of him was incredible.

  He withdrew, nearly left her body and his mouth crushed down on hers. His tongue drove inside to meet hers as his hips slammed upward to bury his thick shaft inside her to the hilt and his hands gripped her ass to grind her pelvis against him. She cried out from the sheer pleasure but his kiss captured the sound, muffled it, and he pressed her tighter to the wall.

  Their bodies rubbed as he took her against the cool, smooth wall and powered in and out of her body at a fast rate that drove her into a haze of bliss. He shifted his hold to hook his arm under her ass. His other hand wiggled between them, his thumb pressed against her clit and he fucked her even harder.

  She gripped his shoulders, tore her mouth away before she bit him and buried her face against his neck. Their shirts were still on but parted enough that her nipples rubbed his skin as they rocked together and she inhaled the smell of soap and shampoo coming off him. He rolled his hips, found that certain spot with his cock that made her gasp in wonderment and he kept hitting it as if he could read her mind.

  “Yes,” she panted. “Don’t stop.”

  “Never,” he snarled.

  Her vaginal walls clenched tightly, her body trembled and her belly quivered. She was pinned, couldn’t move with the way he held her and could just feel as he manipulated her body. His thumb caressed her clit, revving her passion higher and she cried out when the climax struck, tearing through her.

  “Jessie,” he groaned, his hips jerked hard and hot semen bathed her deep inside as he started to come.

  He lowered his head, buried his face against her shoulder and groaned louder. He stroked her more slowly with his thick shaft, drew out the ending of their lovemaking and finally just held her as they tried to catch their breaths.

  Reality sank in slowly. She’d just had mind-blowing sex with someone she’d sworn off. She could blame the anger, it definitely had played a part in her going from cold to hot in a flash but mostly she had to admit it was because she loved him.

  He wanted sex from her—the only thing he would accept—and she’d given in to him. He was just too sexy, his kisses were too irresistible and that mouth of his should come with a warning label, in her opinion. One kiss and he could make a woman lose her head and her panties.

  Justice brushed a kiss on her throat as he turned his head a little and his hot, heavy breath tickled her neck as he shifted his hold again by pulling his hand out from between their bodies to cup her ass with both hands.

  “Hold on to me. I’m carrying you to bed. We’ll eat later. I want you again.”

  The sad part was she wanted to let him take her there. Spending hours touching and losing herself in his arms was so tempting it hurt to resist. She didn’t want to be a doormat, the woman he slept with until he decided he wanted to settle down—she had to take a stand. She wouldn’t be used by any man.

  “Put me down.”

  “You’re not heavy.” He pulled away from the wall and she had to grip his shoulders to remain upright and not fall back against it as he took her with him.

  She wiggled frantically, lifted up by pressing her arms on his shoulders and squeezed her vaginal muscles. It forced his still-hard cock to slide out of her. The second they parted, she let her legs drop away from his waist and shoved.

  He stumbled but didn’t drop her. Instead he growled as she yanked her head back to stare into his surprised eyes.


  “Let go.”

  Confusion came next, an emotion she related to. He made her feel that way so it was only fair he suffered it too. He lowered her but didn’t release her entirely. “What is wrong?”

  She would have laughed if it wasn’t so sad. “This doesn’t change anything. It was just breakup sex.”

  “What?” He gaped at her.

  “Breakup sex,” she repeated. She released his shoulders to shove at his chest. “It happens. We have something between us but it’s not meant to be. You have your plans and I’m not part of them.”

  Justice was quick to growl. “It was no such thing. We are not breaking up. We’re going to bed and talk.” He tried to pull her closer. “We are happy together.”

  “Do I look happy?” She stared up into his face. “I want more than to just be the woman you spend your nights with. I’d like to be there during the days too. I want to meet your friends and maybe even see your office. I want to go with you if you have to go to Reservation to stay for a few days so we don’t have to be apart. The works. That’s what I want, Justice. Full-fledged girlfriend rights.”

  Another growl rumbled from him. “It’s not safe. We have been over this.”

  “Yes, we have. You have your mind made up and so do I. Do you know what that’s called?”

  “Stubbornness on your part not to see logical reasons why it would be bad if anyone knew we were together?”

  She wished she could smile but it hurt too much. “Let me go, Justice.”

  His fingers flexed but he eased his hold until his hands dropped to his sides. “There. I’m not touching you.”

  “I mean let me go. You don’t want to hurt me, right? You’re so paranoid about doing that. Being with you the way we are doesn’t work for me anymore. You can’t or won’t give me what I need. That’s hurting me.” Tears filled her eyes. “You’re hurting me.”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “Yes.” She yanked her torn shirt together to cover her breasts, wished it were longer because she felt too exposed at that moment, both physica
lly and emotionally. “Please leave, Justice. If you care about me at all you’ll grab your clothes, jump the wall and go.” She turned away, couldn’t stand the tortured look on his face, and walked to the back slider. She unlocked it and shoved it open, refusing to look at him again. “Go. Please? We can’t do this again. It’s too painful.”

  “Did I hurt you? Was I too rough?” He rasped the words, sounding as tormented as he’d appeared. “Jessie? Look at me.”

  She refused. “Go, Justice. Just…go.”

  “I can’t,” he whispered. “I think about you. I…”

  Justice was at a loss for words. It tore him apart, seeing how dejected Jessie appeared. Her shoulders slumped and she hugged her torn shirt as if it comforted her from something sorrowful. Why couldn’t he find the right words to make her understand how much she mattered to him? He wrote speeches to address the world of humans often but he failed to come up with a way to express his feelings to the only one of them who had won his heart.

  “Go,” she whispered, the sound of tears in her voice. “Don’t make me scream or push that damn alarm again. It makes me look like an idiot when they show up here and I have to pretend I did it by accident. I need space. If you care, prove it. Leave.”

  Agony tore through him as he turned on numb legs, collected his clothing and hesitated at her side. “Jessie? Please talk to me. Don’t make me go. I want to stay with you.” He was tempted to grab her, throw her over his shoulder and tie her to the bed. He could make her see that they belonged together but her pain stopped him. Seeing her that way tore him up inside. “Jessie, I—”

  “It’s over.”

  “I don’t accept that.” Anger stirred. It wasn’t over. He wouldn’t accept that.

  She turned and rushed for the front door. The sudden movement surprised him and he was slow to react until she spun, her back hit the wall and her hand lifted to hover over the alarm button. She met his gaze then, her eyes filled with tears.