* * *

  Mihai’s transport frigate, the DishonPele, sat quietly on the tarmac, its crew having finished most of their duties, resting, awaiting orders for departure. Out front, just beyond the ship’s nose, a half dozen of the crew were busy taking down the two tents where guests were entertained before boarding, they carefully packing up to stow these materials for future use. Mihai had sent back Ma-we’s carriage. Now it was returned, parked near the ship’s belly loading ramp to be used to transport the remaining well-wishers saying their goodbyes to companions traveling to the Prisoner Exchange.

  Symeon gave Jonathan a giant bear hug. Stepping back, he grabbed him by the shoulders, smiling as tears grew in his eyes. “I really did want to go, you know. We’ve been through a lot in times past and it felt good to see us take on another adventure again. I’ll miss you.”

  Thunder rumbled across the spaceport, everyone looking heavenward to watch the ominous clouds threatening a downpour. Jonathan looked back at Symeon, smiling, “Come now, not so glum, old fellow. Not everyone gets to have all their wishes given up to them so fast. First, your girl here…” He pointed toward Hanna. “And then the child you love so much? Hey! I think it’s a fair trade.”

  Hanna wrapped her hands around Jonathan’s arm and kissed him on his bearded cheek. “I’ll miss you, too. Do be careful. I’ve heard things, and do believe our coming adventure is far less hazardous than yours.”

  “Have no worry, my dear, sweet lady. Mr. Fuddy-Duddy here will be in my company for this journey.” Jebbson Garlock pranced down the loading ramp, releasing Tolmetes’ hand. Stepping up behind Jonathan, he slapped him on the shoulder. “The poor fellow will be quite safe from the bogeyman.” He squeezed his shoulder. “Won’t you, Boy’ O?”

  Jonathan offered a perturbed reply, looking at Jebbson, frowning. “I am quite able to care for myself, thank you. And should I need assistance, it will not be in your direction I’ll be calling. And stop using those big words with little meanings that neither I nor any of the rest of us understands.”

  “Oh, s’cuse me, Captain, didn’t mean to ruffle any feathers.” Jebbson winked at Hanna. “Just wanted to make this charming lady here feel reassured that we’d bring this ol’ granny grunt back to her, safe and sound.”

  Jonathan snorted disapprovingly. “Don’t call me ‘granny grunt’! And if you want anything from this lady, it has nothing to do with my welfare… or hers.”

  “Well!” Jebbson pretended offense. “I should be insulted, and in front of mixed company.”

  Hanna laughed. “And might it be so if his arrow didn’t strike so true.” She extended her hand to Jebbson. “I will permit a knightly kiss for your promise to return my gallant squire safely home to me, but a kiss is all that I will surrender up to you. My heart, tonight, belongs to my prince, and all that is mine I freely give to him.”

  Jebbson glanced at Symeon, who was putting on a blush. He then gave Hanna a tender kiss on her hand, extolling his remorse at having lost the battle to such a worthy foe. He grinned. “My lovely Hanna, you are a charm. Few are the women from this world, let alone ours, who have ever taken such pains to learn the history and culture of so many people. You honor me with your whimsical poetry.”

  Before Hanna could reply, Jonathan asked, “By the by, why did you manage your way over here today, and shouldn’t you be on your way, seeing we leave shortly?”

  Tolmetes stepped up to Jebbson, hugging his arm. “This good fellow came to deliver me to the Shikkeron, not wishing I have to make such a journey all alone. I’ve pressing business with Tashi that needs immediate attention. Mr. Garlock has been gracious enough to offer me assistance and accommodations for my visit.”

  Someone commented about the ‘frying pan and into the fire’. Everyone laughed. Jebbson grinned, giving Tolmetes an affectionate glance.

  “Oh yes!” Jebbson snapped his fingers as if remembering. “I’ve need of transportation for two. Seeing it is some distance, and it’s about to pour, I’d hoped I could call upon your mercies to deliver us to the Shikkeron when you take your leave today.”

  Hannah hugged Symeon, asking, “Do you think it prudent to allow such a cad take up company with us? You know, Dear, there are those among us who might feel our reputations would be sullied by doing such a thing.”

  Jonathan harrumphed, “Now you two? Have I any allies in this camp of villains?”

  Anna had been chatting with some companions when she heard Jonathan’s complaints. She called out and came over to him. “I’m still your companion...” She brushed a hand through his thick wavy hair, smiling, “I’ve business to attend to momentarily, but would so much like your companionship for dinner tonight. Sweetheart, will you be so kind to join with me in the captain’s cabin at seven? It’s a small group, but it’ll be a fun way to begin our journey. Then, at nine there’s music in the main galley where there’ll be a little dancing. I could use your company.”

  Jonathan grinned sheepishly, nodding. “It would be a pleasure, my Lady.”

  Jebbson slapped Jonathan on the back as Anna hurried away. “There, Boy’ O, you got at least one close friend. I’d ‘av invited you for dinner, myself, but none of that danc’n stuff afterward.”

  “You’re incorrigible!” Jonathan snorted. He turned and looked Jebbson in the face, wearing such a serious frown. “And I dare say you would not do a dress any compliment either!”

  Everyone burst out laughing. Jebbson nodded his agreement, but defended his appearance. “My knees are quite handsome in kilts, but that’s as close as you’ll all see me in a dress, I’d say.”

  At that moment, Paul stepped into the group, putting his arms around the shoulders of Jonathan and Jebbson. “This is what makes the parting of ways more tolerable. Remember these moments, my friends. The memory of mirth warms many a heart on cold winter nights.”

  Symeon piped in. “True, true… But a box unwrapped can fill a heart with joyful anticipation. My friends, a salute to the future! This is only the beginning of the Day of Dreams. Who knows what surprises await us on the ‘morrow. With companions like you, it will be all the more joyous.”

  “Yea! Yea!” came a return chorus of approving shouts. Someone produced a flask of rum and passed it around, thus starting a tradition that has lasted down to this day.