* * *

  “Your Worship,” The governor politely bowed as the emperor’s magistrate entered the palace throne room. “I pray your sleep was restful and breakfast satisfactory?”

  The magistrate angrily began waving his hands in disgust, his shrill, effeminate voice piercing the morning air. “I thought I was bedded in the slaves’ quarters, with all those bugs flying around! Then, I was awakened early because of the noise coming from the street! And that god-awful stink that entered through my window last night! I think you should move the fish market. A wise man would.”

  Ogust, the Great Councilor, cousin to the Divine One, was never satisfied with anything. Rumor held that he was, in truth, the emperor’s bastard son, born of a sister barely into her teens. Held ever captive within the palace walls, Ogust grew up tormenting and threatening family and servants with his abuses, both verbal and physical. Finally, in desperation, the emperor assigned the boy – now a young man – to position of magistrate. It was said that Ogust relished his new job, raising his abusive talents to even new levels of wickedness.

  Governor Claudesius was about to respond when Ogust started on breakfast. “I do not know how anyone could become fat on the worm dung served as food in this place! If this were my home, the cook would have been taken and roasted on a spit and served for supper. He certainly should taste better than the filth he gave us this morning!”

  Claudesius felt need to pacify this moronic maggot quickly, or he might find himself being the main attraction at this evening’s celebration. Folding his hands in respect and bowing humbly, he apologized. “I am so very sorry for the great tribulation suffered by my lord this last night. I will make sure matters are corrected this very day.”

  Glancing up, he observed Ogust’s sour expression. More must be done. “My Lord, the castle is yours, for your pleasure. Tell me, please, whatever chambers you delight in are available for your choosing. I will give personal attention to them being arranged comfortably for you. And…” he lifted a hand, shaking a finger, “I will close off the streets near the palace.”

  He turned and stared toward the seaport. “As for the fish market, ah, well, it is located near the harbor. I really think it would do little good to shut it down or move it. I’ve tried…” he lied. “You see, much of the stink comes from the rotting things in the river itself. I can go to the temple and invoke the gods to change the breeze, but other than that, I am helpless to do a thing.”

  Ogust still frowned.

  “And… and I will deliver several more servants into your hands this night, so that you might have the bugs fanned away.”

  Rubbing his fat chin with a chubby hand, Ogust mulled over the governor’s offers. He soon smiled, making a condescending reply. “Invoking the gods might serve us well. After all, I know there are some things we must leave in their hands. Make sure you see to it.” Claudesius nodded, saying he would.

  As his eyes flitted about the chamber, thinking of the coming eve, Ogust mused, “I will scour the palace today, in search of better accommodations… possibly yours will do. We will see. We will see.” He took a few steps, stopped, twisting his head around until he faced the governor, threatening, “I do want those servants! And don’t give me any tit-hangers!” He curled his lips in disgust. “Boys… healthy, young boys. Understand?!”

  Claudesius breathed a sigh of relief. “Very good, your Worship. It will be my pleasure.” Seeking to secure the magistrate’s approval, he returned to the morning’s breakfast. “I am so disappointed that your meal was unpalatable. If you choose, I will prepare roasted cook for your evening’s enjoyment, but…” He tapped his finger on a nearby table.

  “But what?!” Ogust cried, shivering in anticipation. “But what?!” The man’s fat face and bulging eyes made Claudesius sick to his stomach. How much more he would enjoy roasting him for supper. ‘No oven wide enough!’ he thought, looking at Ogust’s triple chins and bloated belly. Drumming his fingers, Claudesius lingered with his tease until he dare not risk it any longer. Then, drawing his words out, he slowly began to inform Ogust of the evening’s festivities.

  “Tonight, after the day’s circus, Ephesus is to come alight with celebration over the demise of our great protagonists who have insisted on defaming Artemis and our other great gods. Several of these blasphemers have been rounded up and are locked securely in our prisons. If you wish, they can be our guests tonight, to help us illuminate our courtyards in glory.”

  Rocking back and forth on his heels and grinning, Ogust rubbed his hands in delight, asking, “You do have tit-hangers, too… big-titted tit-hangers? Oh I do so much love to see them burn!”

  Trying to cover his shock, Claudesius forced himself to answer nonchalantly, “I am sure there are women among them. As for your big-titted ones, I will have to investigate.”

  Ogust clapped his hands with glee. “They are so beautiful! So beautiful! When their oiled hair shoots up in showers of flame…oh, it is such a beautiful thing!” He drooled spittle, commenting in orgasmic delight, “And their screams… long, chilling screams!” Shaking a finger, he warned, “You must keep the fire clear of their faces… clear, so they can give us a longer show. Mustn’t kill them too soon… not too soon.”

  Ogust began to strut, one hand on his hip while waving the other, describing with relish one of his most choice visions. “I must tell you the truth, a tit-flame is the most beautiful thing a man can witness. Have you ever seen a tit flame?”

  Claudesius shook his head.

  Surprised, Ogust replied, “Well! I will have to show you one this very night. Do, please, find me a big-titted one… a young big-titted one. First, what you do is cut a long wick from a linen garment, then wind it round and round the titty, tying the end securely around the titty’s nipple. Now the fun begins. Take a mixture of hot tar and wax and paint it thick on the titty. Oh, the excitement! Their screams from the blistering burns… so entertaining!”

  “But you must remember, tie their hands to an upper post or they will try to scrape the burning tar away or worse, they may become faint and fall down. If they are hanging, you can continue at your pleasure. Do this earlier in the day, say the early evening, before the sun sets behind the hills, then you can have added sport for you and your guests. And they will be delighted, I promise you.”

  “After the tar-wax is at least finger thick, allow it to cool. Now give your tit-hanger out for sport - dogs or prison slaves will do quite well, quite well. Don’t worry. The tar cannot be damaged by their gaming. It won’t crack or come loose.”

  “When finished with your sport, take the tit-hanger, tying its arms to a cross-post. Now pull its hair back, knotting it through a heavy weight. This prevents the tit-hanger from breathing the smoke. We don’t want to ruin the show by having it die on us.” Ogust clapped his hands. “If you do it right, you can keep the titties aflame throughout the night, the creature sharing in the festivities with its passionate cries.”

  Claudesius smiled weakly. He thought about his own wife and teenage daughter. Both women were buxom. ‘Oh, what fun would Ogust have with them?’ Suppressing his disdain, he casually replied, “Yes, yes, your Worship, we will have some women there this eve. I will personally search to find some large-breasted ones for you.”

  “Wonderful! Wonderful!” Ogust cried in delight, as he squinted, eyeing the governor. “You will also have some little darlings there, too, won’t you? Innocent little children are so much fun at a party. They do so make a celebration come to life.”

  Quietly nodding then quickly changing the subject, Claudesius asked, “Could your humble servant interest my lord in a goblet of excellent wine? It is extra sweet, being slowly boiled many days in huge lead pots.”

  Ogust blushed at the governor’s offer. “You are such a generous man, which surprises me greatly. After all, I see that you appear to be happily married and have adorable boys. Few men having that w
eakness are as considerate and caring of others as you.”

  “You are too kind, your Worship.” Claudesius smiled, knowing that Ogust dismissed his daughter as nothing more than a tit-hanger. ‘Better to leave it there, for her sake.’ He ordered a servant to fetch some wine. Offering the magistrate a chair, he also sat, suggesting, “While we wait for the wine, may I inform you about the day’s events? There is a young creature you might find interest in and, if she survives the day, you may well delight in practicing your magic on her. I am told she is quite shapely and a virgin, too.”

  Ogust clapped his hands with glee, rolling his eyes as he lifted his head, envisioning his magic being practiced on such a sweet thing. Finding a stool, he plunked himself down with a tired grunt and then asked excitedly, “What of the circus?! What have you arranged for my pleasure this day?”

  Claudesius slowly paced the floor as he detailed the day’s activities. While it was true that Ogust gasped, cried, and crooned with joy and excitement over the things he was hearing, making the governor cringe in disgust at times, Claudesius did relish listening to his own echoes of the violence and mayhem offered by the arena. When he arrived at some particularly gruesome part of the story, his arms would flail descriptively while his face beamed with excitement.

  Saving the best for last, he finally came to the part Symeon and the girl were to play. At that moment a servant arrived with more wine which Ogust greedily gulped down.

  Pausing with his tale, Claudesius kindly cautioned, “My Lord, the day is young and you would not want to miss any of the fun prepared for you, would you?”

  Ogust’s eyes flashed his contempt as he closed his lips in an angry pout. He studied the governor closely, wine dribbling from the sides of his mouth. Finally, placing the empty goblet in the servant’s hand, he coolly replied, “Yes, yes, you’re right. There are too many things afoot this day that I wish not to miss. I am sure your concern was only for my welfare, governor.”

  “Your great and lofty Worship…” Claudesius humbly clasped his hands and made a polite bow. “though our years differ widely in age, I perceive your wisdom is of far greater wealth than mine. You see things from on high, while my tongue speaks only in the ways of lowly men.”

  The governor glanced up at Ogust. The man’s eyes were slowly losing their angry edge. ‘Good! Good! A little more of this horse dung and the fat ogre should be pacified.’

  Opening his arms wide, Claudesius begged the magistrate’s pardon, explaining, “A child can see only through the eyes of a child. I, the child, could see only the wonders of the day, and wishing that my most distinguished guest might enjoy it to the full, I, through my childlike eyes, offered advice to you as only a child could. Your insight is far beyond my humble abilities. After all, the blood of the gods flows in your veins.”

  He reached out with his hand in a gesture of humility, “Please forgive the child who has spoken so brashly.” then motioned for the servant to hurry with more wine. “Your Lordship, wine is best if kept on the dregs, and I have obtained some of the finest aged this way from the forbidden northland vineyards. Far beyond our territories was it grown, my Lord. At great risk was it delivered into my hands and… and…”

  “Yes?! And…?!” Ogust’s eyes were bulging with bated excitement.

  “And…” Claudesius pointed a finger into the air, smiling. “and among the treasure there remains a sealed keg, small enough for you to take along with you when your journey begins anew from this place, that is,” He quickly added, “if you enjoy it enough to wish to do so. My servant is getting some for you as I speak.”

  Ogust hooted with delight, happily clapping his hands. “Oh, so wonderful! So wonderful! I know you spoke foolishly because you did not understand. That is so good! So good! It is so important that you are my friend.”

  Claudesius smiled again and bowed. ‘Pigs and swill. Fill their gullet and they’ll always grunt with delight.’

  Easing down into an engraved, teakwood, high-backed chair, the governor offered to continue his tale of the day’s events. “As I have mentioned earlier, there exists a certain Symeon in my custody, who is both an enemy of the state and a rabble rouser. He has filled this city - the entire world - with his blasphemy, saying that our great gods are but contrivances of men. He tells all the people that there is but one true God, the Maker of all things.”

  Frowning, Claudesius shook his head. “Not only do his followers preach that this God must alone be worshipped, they no longer offer up sacrifice to the great Artemis, refusing to pay the temple duty charged upon all the good people of this city.” He leaned forward. “My Lord, I have tried, through every kind act possible, to silence these people. They will not and, with Symeon, their leader’s arrival, they have become very troublesome.”

  Ogust leaned forward, squinting, “I have heard of this Symeon. There are others! Paul and a ‘John’ fellow and a brother, I believe. I’ve heard my mother speak of him. At least he’s not around to bother us – did right by hanging him up. So, tell me, why haven’t you hung this Symeon up and gotten rid of him, too?”

  Leaning back in his chair, Claudesius began to drum its arm with his fingers. “I have studied this strange sect, my Lord, and have discovered that death and torture does nothing but encourage its followers to become more delinquent in their obedient service to our emperor. If one is executed for his vile conduct, twelve more will stand up to take his place. No. No, my Lord,” He pointed at his heart. “we must destroy them here. Then they will lose their will to remain in this crazy religion.”

  Watching the breeze upon the billowing curtains, he grinned, “Symeon shall be the tool used to accomplish this. Today he will deny his God.”

  Ogust scoffed. “You have enjoyed too much of your own wine! Symeon is of the old house, one of the twelve. He will not crack. Should he face a thousand spears, he will not surrender his soul to you.”

  “So right, your Worship, so right.” Claudesius grinned again. “But should his heart fall into despair over the loss of the one person he does love? Well, I do have to wonder.”

  Shaking his head, Ogust argued, “Only the threat to a wife or child could have such power, yet this Symeon is a man alone, often little more than a shadow, flitting about in secret, first here and then there.”

  Claudesius stood, closely watching Ogust’s eyes, waiting for just the right moment to speak. Then, just before the magistrate cried out to know the governor’s little secret… “There is one whom Symeon loves more than life itself and the gods have delivered her into our hands. In this very city the child lives. She carries the name of our most precious god and yet dishonors that name by her own mouth.”

  “Not every worshiper of this strange new sect is as true of heart as you might expect. Some can be bought quite cheaply. Others might take more persuasion, but enough come around. We find out what we need.”

  “This girl – Ishtar is her name – resides as a guest in my prison. Today she will pay a social visit upon a very surprised Symeon, as he stands to defend his faith before a number of this sect’s leaders that we also managed to round up. No man lives who will surrender a virgin child up to the execution dogs of Ephesus… at least no man with a soul…especially if it his own niece, one whom he calls ‘daughter’.”

  “What if he doesn’t recant his beliefs and deny his god?” Ogust asked. “Will his cult of followers not be emboldened?”

  “I highly doubt the man will surrender his child to the dogs.” The governor flicked some lint from his robe. “Even if he does, the death heaped upon the girl will be slow and gruesome enough to dissuade others from joining with them. We will keep their leaders in prison where they will languish in a slow death, Symeon included. With no more direction and with the fear that they, too, may suffer the same demise as the girl should they decide to continue such folly, this ulcer of miscreants will soon fade away.”

  “And if Symeon recants?” Eage
r anticipation was growing in Ogust’s eyes. “And if he recants?”

  “Then,” Claudesius spoke nonchalantly, “you will have opportunity to listen to the child’s sweet songs as she lights the evening’s festivities.”

  An exciting chill raced down the governor’s back as he envisioned coming events as he thought of the child being torn apart by dogs or seeing her burning in agony. It was as though a power within was stoking the flames of passion in his heart, crying out for him to carry out its will – he being rewarded with even greater ecstasy of emotion than he could normally achieve watching the circus.

  A shrill, effeminate, voice of someone calling out the magistrate’s name shattered the governor’s sadistic visions. “Ogust…?! Ogust…?!”

  Out of the shadows, emerging from the bowels of the palace, a young man strolled, his lacy, silk chiton revealing far more of the person’s appearance than Claudesius wished to see. Stopping upon spying Ogust, he called out cheerfully, “Oh, there you are. I had wondered if I’d find you alone or not.” He turned a gaze at the governor and then back to Ogust. “I guess you are.”

  Ogust’s face lit up in delight as he jumped from his stool, arms outstretched, and hurriedly waddled forward. “Jusslin! Oh, has my Jusslin slept well!? I wished not to wake my little beauty this morning. You looked so peaceful, so peaceful and pretty.”

  Jusslin waited impatiently for Ogust, a hand resting on a slowly swaying hip. After an affectionate hug, he began about how disappointing the morning had been. He went on about all the privations suffered since their arrival in the city, occasionally eyeing the governor with an accusative stare. Eventually, Jusslin arrived at what was most annoying.

  Lifting a limp hand and pointing, he sputtered, “They fetched girls to care for my bath! Little bitch girls! Can you imagine that?! Well! I had to make a fuss! The slaves in this household…” he shook his head, “they have much to learn about attentiveness to their duties. Well, they finally brought me two boys to assist me. But, my, oh my, scrawny, sallow, dark-skinned creatures more fit for the stables than a noble’s house. What, are there no pale, full-fleshed, blond children to be found here? Anywhere?”

  Ogust frowned as he eyed the governor. Not wanting to face another bout with him, Claudesius bowed in apology, a remorseful expression on his face. “My Lords, my heart fills with great sadness regarding the terrible ordeal my ignorance of your needs has heaped upon you. This land is very foreign to your refined culture, it being filled with the refuse of inferior people made our slaves so long ago.”

  “It has been over twenty years since my eyes have seen Herculaneum, the home of my birth, and many more than that when I walked the stairs leading to the emperor’s palace in Rome. Old men tend to forget what the good life is like after being lost so many years in these recesses of iniquity, as this rabble makes this land.” He lifted his eyes toward the ceiling. “Ah, but the willing sacrifices one makes to preserve our empire.”

  Claudesius now addressed Jusslin’s complaints. “I assure you, now that I am aware of your needs, I shall personally see to making the remainder of your stay here as pleasant as the gods will allow. It is a dark-skinned race that thrives in this despicable place, but I believe I can find you more desirable servants. I will send out my guard to search for some attractive, full-fleshed, blond boys. They will be arrived here this eve, to serve your wishes as you see fit.”

  Stroking Jusslin’s face like one does a wounded puppy, Ogust softly warned, “I certainly hope our day goes better than the morning.” He glanced menacingly at Claudesius and then turned his attentions back to Jusslin. “I have been in such a fair mood today, despite all our misfortune. I don’t wish to become troubled in my spirit so that my mood is ruined. You do know what I mean, don’t you, my dear Governor?”

  Ogust’s threatening tone carried chillingly cold on his words, implying that his patience was near an end. Claudesius was beginning to feel his efforts at appeasement would not be successful. Maybe Ogust had been sent to depose him. It was a common practice of the emperor to do such things, especially if he had another person, friend or relative… someone due a favor… who was in need of a political position. If that was the case, there was nothing he could do. An official magistrate of the emperor wielded the same power that the emperor would, should he be present.

  Claudesius could be dismissed from his position at the whim of the magistrate, with no provision for appeal. Indeed, an appeal was usually impossible, given that the one deposed was often executed after being accused of some treasonous act. Before a lengthy torture and humiliating death, the offender’s family would be subjected to degrading indignities, including rape, torture, brutalization, and other selected forms of punishment, which usually led to the death of the victims. The governor shuddered, thinking of the games Ogust would surely prepare for his family, especially now that he saw how great the man’s hatred was for women and his fondness for blond-haired boys.

  But! But if this was just Ogust’s way of demonstrating his authority? Claudesius offered a polite bow, folding his hands together in respect. “My Lord, sovereign to the emperor, your day will certainly be most joyous. As I have mentioned, there will shortly arrive here the girl I have spoken about, Symeon’s niece. If you wish to start your festivities early, I am sure she can make you fine sport. What you desire to do with her… well… that is totally up to you. As I have informed the great magistrate, it is hoped to use her to bring down the evil house, should she still live by your kindness.”

  Jusslin whined, patting Ogust’s hand, “Why must we suffer the bitch-dog at all? I have had my fill of those creatures already this day.” He stroked Ogust’s arm, cooing, “I think her uncle a much more worthy prize, even if he is an old man.”

  Ogust affectionately squeezed Jusslin’s arm. “My Dear One, it is part of the tribulations that we officers of the court must face. At times the law makes demands upon us that are most troublesome. It is at those times that we must rise to the occasion and make the sacrifices needed, for all the good people of the land. Besides, knowing a criminal of the state has been fairly judged before being thrown to the beasts satisfies the soul and conscience that justice has been served.”

  “Oh, I suppose you’re right.” groaned Jusslin. “But must we remain here while the governor interrogates the creature? Do we really need to see its flesh stripped bare and worked like one does a beast? There are other things I’d rather be doing.” He gazed longingly into Ogust’s eyes.

  Claudesius politely interrupted. “The subject of this coming interrogation is young of years, and inexperienced in the ways of wicked craftiness and shrewdness. Your outstanding knowledge and wisdom, though much appreciated in this case being as simple as it should be may not be necessitated. May I suggest that you, my Lord Ogust, and your distinguished statesman, Jusslin, remain here until the girl is delivered to us and then you decide, for yourselves, how we proceed with this case.”

  After pondering the governor’s suggestion in his mind, Ogust smiled. “That will suit us well. We will decide the matter for ourselves. If the case is worthy of our time, then we shall stay. But if it is of little concern, well, we will allow you to decide.”

  Jusslin was quick to add, “Being a bitch-dog that will stand on trial, I doubt it shall take us many moments to conclude if we should waste our time on such trivia. Your offer to us is a wise one.”

  The discussion was interrupted when a house guard entered the room, saluting by sweeping his arm across his chest and snapping it back to his side after which he stood silently at attention, waiting to be recognized. Claudesius excused himself and walked over to the guard who quietly spoke in the governor’s ear.

  After sending the guard away, he returned to the others. “I have a minor issue that needs tending to before our interrogation of this young rabble begins. Permit me, please, a few moments to set those things in order. In the meantime, my servants will entertain y
ou with some delightful music and magic tricks. There are also more fine wines and delicious fruits and cheeses to tease your palates.”

  After receiving nodded approval to leave, Claudesius quickly departed the governor’s chamber and hurried through the palace until reaching its southernmost open portico. Treston met him there, saluting and then bowing in respect.

  Claudesius was in no mood for games. He growled, “I’m sitting the Devil’s playpen this morning and can’t afford to let his children out of my sight. You’d better have good reason to call me away, or I might just offer you up to them for something to play with, to take their minds off me.”

  “My Lord...” Treston bowed again. He spoke calmly and quietly, but the concern on his face could not be hidden, nor his continual glancing around as if they were being watched. “My Lord, I have a matter of grave concern that I felt you needed to be made aware of before I delivered the girl into your hands.”

  “You haven’t killed her, have you?!” The governor angrily responded. “I need the little tramp alive and walking! If she’s dead, I’ll dress you up like a woman and feed you to the dogs today!”

  Treston shook his head, replying in a hushed voice, “No! No, my Lord, the girl is… is… fine, my Lord. It’s… it’s just that… I believed you would want to know what I discovered when I went to fetch her. There are fingers in the pudding, if you know what I mean, fingers hidden in dark secrets. I felt you needed to be made aware of the matter and not be taken by surprise.”

  Taking his cue from his lieutenant, Claudesius lowered his voice, demanding. “Tell me, then, what is the story you wish to feed me?”

  Treston was a most trusted officer of the governor. He had served as captain over Claudesius’ personal bodyguard for over ten years and knew better than to ever lie or twist the truth. More than one servant in the governor’s household had discovered the hard way that it was far better to suffer the flagellum’s biting talons by truthfully speaking of one’s foolishness, than to hide behind lie’s curtain only to become the night’s entertainment for the governor’s lions.

  “My Lord, I had many duties that carried me late into the night. So I arrived as early as may be to the prison this morning, to make sure everything was in order so that the girl could be promptly delivered to you, and in respectable condition.”

  “You wanted to hole her, you!” Claudesius ridiculed. “You’d hole a hanging sow, given half a chance. Don’t tell me different!”

  Treston made no attempt at defending himself. Few were the servants and common people in the palace’s district who didn’t know the man’s reputation, nor had experienced or witnessed some form of his licentious activity. Few of the younger slave women had not been bent across the table by him, the common locals having faired little better. There were also times when the wine was upon him and there were no sweet things available, he would turn his attention to some charming young lad.

  “My Lord,” He softly replied. “even if that had been my intent, I wouldn’t have hurt the girl. I know just how important she is to you…to be alive and healthy, I mean.”

  “Then what are you about?” Claudesius demanded impatiently. “Tell me so I can finish this and be about other business!”

  “My Lord…” Treston quickly went on to explain about the surprises he encountered in the prison that morning, emphasizing his diligence in attempting to collect the facts and the uncooperative actions of the prison keepers. “The two night wardens, having been of no help, are locked up awaiting further questioning, but I think they will have little information to offer. One appears to have swallowed too much gall and gone out of his mind. The other?” Treston slowly shook his head. “I doubt he’ll give up his secrets to any but the Reaper after crossing over the River. I needed to hurry the girl here for her examination, so had no time to pursue the matter any further.”

  “You say she’s not dead or badly damaged?!” Claudesius’ face was grave, thinking of his personal wellbeing. “You know how I placed my trust in your ability to keep her safe.”

  “Oh no, my Lord!” For the first time the governor saw a glint of fear in Treston’s eyes. “The girl is fine, no, more than fine, like lilacs in the full blossom of spring or like…” Treston’s voice trailed off in thought.

  “Like what?! Like what?!” Claudesius nearly shouted. “Like what?!”

  Treston answered just above a whisper. “Like the summer goddess just risen from the jasmine fields of D’arth.”

  “Has the river fever overtaken you?!” The governor asked, not bothering to keep his voice down.

  Treston snapped to. “No, my Lord! It’s just that I… well I’ve never before been unable to explain what happened to someone in my charge. And the gown she wears, my Lord, it’s as if someone - or some ones - came into the prison last night and prepared this girl for her meeting with you today. And I know for certain that at least one man was in her cell with her and was violent with her, too. But there isn’t a mark or blemish to be seen on her at all.”

  Troubled and curious, Claudesius asked, “What of the girl? Did you question her?”

  “Only with words, my Lord, only with words.” A look of fear flashed from his eyes again, and quickly faded. “All she would say was that an angel visited her in the night.” Regaining his composure, he added with suspicion, “I feel someone was bribed or threatened to let visitors in, but I can find no proof… yet. That is part of the reason the night guards still live and have not been executed for falling asleep at their posts.”

  Resting his hand on Treston’s shoulder, Claudesius pondered the moment, finally nodding. “You have done well, Captain, once again showing my wisdom in choosing you to be in charge of my house. I, too, may wish to question these men you speak of. But as long as the girl is saved harmless, I think it better to not make a big fuss over this. After all, with patience and long-suffering, your ear may well hear loose lips that will reveal many secrets. Then we will know for sure.”

  The governor did not mention his own unease. After all, he did have enemies, many of whom would be more than willing to assist him to an early grave. Might this be some plot of an opponent to spoil his great plans of bringing to ruin this new religion? If Ogust watched him fail, after all the brags made this morning, would he and his family survive the night?

  Smiling, he quietly asked, “Where is the child of controversy? Take me to her so that I may judge for myself the good and bad of the matter.”

  “In the shadows of the dungeon gate, my Lord. Follow me.” Treston turned, the governor staying close.

  As the two men neared the upper entrance of the palace prison, Treston motioned for his soldiers to fetch Ishtar. When they came forward, the bright morning sun revealed the young woman in all her radiance. Treston stopped up short, staring in disbelief at the beauty standing before him, he having only seen her in the light of the torches.

  Nearly crashing into Treston, Claudesius huffed with disgust, “Be off with your foolishness!”

  Stepping around and forward, the governor found himself face to face with the girl. He cried out with a gasp, clutching his heart as it painfully rent itself within his chest. Like a man caught in a witch’s spell, Claudesius froze, unable to move.