* * *

  Sirion had just met back up with the party carrying Darla. Out of breath, she conveyed Mihai’s orders to Gabrielle. “It’s been recommended we take shelter near that outcropping of rocks, giving us some protection from the countless eyes searching for our whereabouts.”

  Frowning, Gabrielle disagreed. “That copse of trees in the distance will suit our needs much better. I can sense the energy being stronger there. Darla is very weak. The nearer we draw to a cosmic portal with the Lower Realms, the greater our chances of success. This place is far too far away.”

  Remaining respectful but determined, Sirion argued against such a move. “The leeches are gathering to the blood-feast! Mihai says she has never seen such a huge crowd of these miscreants collected together other than in war. She feels that Legion, himself, is here. And that means his private army is here, too.”

  Tzidohn, helping with Darla’s litter, agreed. “Yep, I’ve heard that since the kataschesis-aulos has been improved upon, making it easy to control a human’s mind, a vast number of Pseudes have made pilgrimages to the Second Realm to prey upon those innocent and reckless of heart. But if Legion’s really there, something else’s afoot.”

  Gabrielle informed them, “The reason for our mission... When it was learned that Legion planned to break Symeon in order to bring down Mihai’s house, we immediately took counter measures. Now, well I don’t know if we shall attain success.”

  “We needn’t fear, Sister.” Depais chimed in. “It’s our effort that matters most. Should the universe burn in flames and yet we have held true to all that is good, our mother will have a report to make against Asotos’ lies, and the world will again be made right.”

  Casting a glance toward the outcropping, Gabrielle sighed. “Then let us choose death over there, by those rocks. At least we may affect the moment, and that just might change the course of battle.” She lamented, “‘It is ever the dream of the sun to chase forever away the shadow, but the shadow will out when the bitter night arrives too soon’. Let us hope the bitter night is delayed today.”

  They struggled over broken ground covered in jagged boulders and twisted thorn-berry shrubs until coming to the low rock face. Telling the party to stop, Gabrielle looked around. “Guess this’ll have to do. There’s good cover to the west and north, and those trees to the south are thick enough to hide us.” She glanced east, staring into the distance, seeing little protection other than the giant rocks strewn across the valley. She pointed. “If trouble arrives, it’ll come from there first. We’ll need to stay low to keep out of sight.”

  After placing the litter on the ground, Gabrielle sent Periste to report to Mihai and asked Sirion’s assistance with Darla while having the others set up a perimeter around the camp. When finished giving directions, she and Sirion busied themselves with the task at hand. After blankets had been laid on the ground they, along with Tzidohn, succeeded in transferring Darla off the litter and onto the blankets.

  Gabrielle smiled down at Darla. “There, my lovely one, you just relax and I’ll crawl over top of you, and we can get started.”

  Darla shook her head, drawing Gabrielle’s face close to hers.

  Gabrielle frowned. “You’re far too weak! We must try it this other way.”

  Darla persisted with her request. Finally, grudgingly, Gabrielle relented. “All right, but for only as long as I permit it.”

  Nodding, Darla pulled on Gabrielle, and with Sirion’s help sat, bending her knees up while spreading her legs. Gabrielle wiggled down to the ground until sitting, slithered up to Darla, spreading her legs and locking them around and behind the girl’s torso. When she had finished, Darla, suffering a great deal of pain in the process, did the same with Gabrielle.

  Sirion unzipped Gabrielle’s flight suit, pulling it off her shoulders and down to the woman’s hips. “There,” She smiled. “let me cover you with a blanket so you don’t catch a chill.”

  Gabrielle turned to Sirion, the look in her eyes apologizing for her earlier harshness. Sirion said nothing, unrolled another blanket and gently draped it over Gabrielle’s shoulders. When finished, she settled down behind Darla, pressing herself close, so that Darla could rest her back against Sirion.

  Darla swooned in pain, adjusting her body to this new, cramped, position. She wiggled her back into Sirion’s chest and worked her head until the neck brace fit better. She mumbled her readiness.

  “Good!” Gabrielle grinned, her eyes belying a troubled heart. “We shall begin.”

  Reaching out with naked arms, Darla and Gabrielle locked them together, hands grasping each other’s elbows, leaning forward until their faces almost touched. Looking into Darla’s eyes, Gabrielle considered the moment. There would be no more conversation until this trial passed. ‘If the child dies during it…’

  Gabrielle smiled. “You are the bravest woman I have ever known. No matter what this day brings, it will remain one of honor for you and all that you have done. I love you.”

  Darla smiled back. They closed their eyes, reaching out to the surrounding harmonics, seeking its bonding powers. Gabrielle strained to find Darla’s thoughts. Gradually, a fuzzy picture began to grow in her mind. In a few moments she could see a woman’s face as it entered into the bright sunlight of morning. At that she started a low guttural tune, pushing the notes up and through her nasal passages. Soon Gabrielle and Darla were mated in a binding trance, lost to the world surrounding them.