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  The Zoheret and its escort ships skimmed low over an ancient saltwater lake, settling down just north of its brackish, swampy shores. The lake, ringed by snow-covered mountains on a vast high plain, was the last remnant of a once majestic sea torn asunder and lifted ever skyward by the ravages of time, this one lone symbol of its greatness all that remained.

  Huge horned beasts made a hasty retreat from their morning frolic when the ships opened their exhaust vent doors, filling the air with a screaming hiss of billowing steam erupting from the super-coolers of whining engines in their rapid shutting down. In a few moments all had quieted and the giant, golden, metallic birds rested peacefully on the ever-changing savannah. In ones and twos, the cautious animals rose from their secure hiding places of spiny trees and thickets and braved the open distance between them and the teasing waters, soon returned to splashing and playing in the marshy green soup.

  With a sudden snap! followed by the quiet drone of servos, the forward ramp of the Zoheret slowly fell away from the ship’s belly, revealing two lone figures riding it down as one would an elevator. No sooner had the ramp’s motors stopped than the people were off and about their business, quickly immersed in serious conversation.

  Mihai was long troubled about this nearing hour, especially since witnessing Legion’s display of obstinate resolve to punish Lowenah through his sick, cruel torture of Ishtar. Now that the hour was upon them, she felt need to seek, again, some form of rescue for the girl. “But I still don’t understand, Mother, why my child has to die this day, especially in the horrid way that despicable man intends to do it.”

  “Your child?” Ma-we cocked her head, raising an eyebrow. “Your child? How little you know. Oh well...” Ma-we took hold of Mihai’s hand and invited her for a stroll.