
  (Author’s Note: This was a pleasant time in the Middle Realm, a time when the universes were in reconcile, when the aura of all life reflected itself in strange and curious ways. Here was a land where the images of the realms beneath and above mated in orgasmic embrace to bring to birth a world that mimicked all realms, with wildly exotic forms of life oddly different from yet so strangely familiar to the minds and hearts of those who sojourned here. Then there were the laws of this universe - so contrary to all others - a land that paid no heed to rules of nature but made up its own as if by whim.

  When the most ancient of the children braved the foreboding darkness of the mystical portals, they happened upon a world that defied explanation. This world teemed with countless forms of life that tested the logical imagination. Life found no measure nor conformed to any rule. The children soon fell in love with the queerly intoxicating dreaminess of this land.

  But there was one discovery about this universe that caused it to become victim to the continuous wars of the Rebellion. One of the strangest of properties in this peculiar place was the way in which it altered matter delivered here from other universes. This was not well understood until after the discovery of the Lower Realms.

  A popular EbenCeruboam theory was that the matter making up one universe was sub-atomically different from that of another, based upon the belief that there are many universes, coexisting in clusters, or possibly in a super-cluster, occupying the same physical space with only their different constructs separating one dimension from the other, the theory finally confirmed by Hull and Copeland with the development of SpatialEquanosis Projection, explained in great detail in Copeland’s physics thesis, Flying the Albatross Beyond Time’s Reign.

  Another EbenCeruboam theory stated, in part, that should matter from one universe come in contact with matter from another, a catastrophic reaction would ensue.

  In fact, it was the later confirming of this theory that led to the development of plasma kaolinite, used in clearing space debris, and to the mendilevium warheads of the latter rebel wars. This matter/antimatter reaction was first experienced by earthly men when, in the final part of the Third Age, a small piece of debris from a Pseudes warship inadvertently bypassed the Middle Realms and fell into the planet’s atmosphere, exploding over a wilderness forest in a place once called ‘Siberia’. With this theory confirmed after the discovery of the Lower Realms, the properties of the Middle Realms became invaluable.

  So it was that when the Lower Realms were first discovered by Ma-we’s children, they could only peer into the Realms Below as if through a looking glass, the sub-atomic differences between the universes making any voyaging from one to the other impossible. Eventually, as though by chance, it was found that by first passing most matter through the Middle Realm, this matter would atomically alter, creating a symbiotic, coexisting relationship in the other universe. Advancing technology eventually permitted people with special suits to personally walk upon the surface of the planets in the Lower Realms.

  In time, Chrusion (Asotos) and his scientific cartel developed the process known as 'tibithal fibularinism', the process through which an artificial body - or physical avatar - is melded with, grown into and over the cells of the person, creating a living suit of sorts – a body within a body. Tibithal fibularinism permitted Lowenah’s children to experience the Lower Realms in similar fashion to the upper realms. It was by this process that the rebels of later ages were able to cohabit with the women of earth to produce a super race of humans known today as ‘Fellers’.

  What made all these things possible were the Middle Realms. Everything needed to pass through the Middle Realms to be filtered through its sub-atomic state before entering into the other universe. After the Rebellion began, both sides fought feverishly for control of the strategic portals and locations within that realm. That is why a sojourner to those lands today will discover so many memorials to the thousands of brave and stalwart warriors who fought and died there, defending the Children’s Empire and its interests.

  The author has not segued from the account, but only succinctly described the lengthy dissertation Ma-we presented to Mihai as they walked along the worn and weathered rocky path that delivered them to their special destination. Other than what has been italicized for the reader’s benefit, the gist of the account is thus summed up here. Lowenah does not speak frivolously, but she does enjoy using many words when a few may suffice. ‘Better to bore them with knowledge than to quickly fill them with ignorance and misinformation…’ was her reply to the author’s questions when asking her about this event.)