
  “Yes it would Meagan,” she said.

  Bobby glanced over to Meagan and wanted to say something nice to her, but decided against it. He figured it was better to not say anything that would end up embarrassing him. He turned to Timmy “I didn’t know if you put a magnet under a pieces of paper and placed iron powder on top, you can see the invisible magnet field when the particles stick to it, that’s so cool.”

  Timmy nodded and agreed “Magnets are cool. I heard there’s a train that can travel really fast because it uses magnets as it runs along a track instead of diesel or electricity”

  “No way” Bobby whispered back “That sounds so cool”

  “They call it magnetic levitation. It can lift an abject that’s very heavy up into the air. An object is suspended in the air with the use of magnetic fields.”

  “Wow, how can that happen? I bet you can left anything with magnets,” Bobby said. “You can take any heavy object and make it lite with magnets”

  “I read the magnetic pressure is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational pull.” Timmy said while holding the magnets.

  “Cool. I have to read more about that.”

  Miss Jones continued to teach as the kids continued to take notes and talk in class.

  A half hour later the secretary made an announcement over the P.A. asking teachers to bring their class down to the assembly hall. The kids stood up and quietly made there way down the hall. Class by class they made there way in and sat down in the rows the teacher pointed out for them. The younger smaller kids in the front with the older ones at the back. Ambient noise filled the hall as kids chatted away to each other.

  After everyone was seated the school’s principal Mr. Bailey walked up on stage and thank everyone for coming down on time. He had short hair on the sides with no hair on top, a blazer with leather patches on the elbows and always with a smile. He read aloud from the paperwork in his hands. He introduced the General and the kids applauded.

  A colossal sized tall man in a military uniform with sliver hair and silver sunglasses walked out and stood at the center of the stage with a large school flag behind him. He placed his hands behind his back. He looked at the kids for a moment before speaking. You could hear a pin drop, no child in the room dared not speak. His voiced echoed throughout the school with each word. “Today, you have a moment here to see how much the military cares about you. There are evil things in this world, above and below us. You never know were the enemy is hiding. They could be right next to you, living next-door, or halfway around the world. We need to work together to make the world a better, safer place. We have a lot of invaders coming into our country and into our small towns. They could be around us at all times or watching us from above. We need to get rid of them. Make the world safe. That’s what the army is all about making the world safe for all the kids. Who knows what they look like, how big there eyes are, how short or tall. What color their skin is. Be it white, black, yellow, brown, or even grey. There are some people you just can’t trust. That’s why you need the military. We are the first and last line of defense and we get the job done. Yes it’s true we have our critics, but we don’t focus on the negative. Critics are no more then individuals who cannot see the bigger picture. The military knows what we are fighting for; we see innocence, our loved ones and this great land. We know how hard our ancestors worked at building this land, we are not going to hand it over to invaders, no matter were they come from. If we put our guard down, they will attack, we must be ready at all times. There are some who question the military, but when the invasion starts, will they be calling upon us to save them? You bet they will, and will we? Of course we will. Its what the military does, it protects everyone, even our toughest critics. Everyone in big cities right down to the small towns and families. We do not pick and choose who to protect. We protect everyone” He walked to the right hand side of the stage “We can not let the fight to come to our doorstep we need to stand tall, stand proud and sent a message to our enemy that we are not cowards, but we are in fact smarter and stronger then they are. We cannot let the bleeding hearts get in our way. The idea of making peace with the enemy only allows are enemy into our lives so they can stab us in the front. If you get stab in the back, it’s not your fault. It’s the equivalent of a sucker punch. Any coward can do that to you, but to be stab in the front, well, that meant you allowed your enemy to get close enough; you put your guard down. That’s your fault.” He walk to the other side of the stage “We don’t like fighting, we like protecting. There’s a difference. I look at this fine town and its fine people and I believe in the future of this planet because of smart kids like yourselves. I look at the kids in the big city and they seem lost. You kids still play baseball and have dinner with your family around the table. This is what values are all about. I’m proud of humans and what they do, I won’t allow any outside forces come in and try to take over and take away our values, no sir, not on my watch.” He paused for a moment “You kids admire video game heroes? Well if you want real heroes look to the military. You will never find a greater group of harder working men who will give the ultimate sacrifice then the soldiers who fight on the front lines. Being free is what it’s all about. You work hard and you will be rewarded in life with all the things money can bring you. You like fancy cars and big houses? Well you work hard and you can have them, but you will need to work hard though. Rewards never come to the lazy. Never fear your fellow man, give them hell if you need to. Fight for what you believe in. Greed will get you places. Greed should never be feared. Greed will bring nice things into your life. Don’t waste your time getting to know your enemy. That’s what the left wing will tell you to do. Look at our world, its going down the drain because of the left wing. Sometimes war is needed. There have been times when war has brought peace. Wanting the gold is not a bad thing. You never enter a race looking to finish second. You want the gold, so does your opponent, so it pushes you onward. That’s how we humans have evolved. That’s how the human race will evolve in the future, all because of greed. Cavemen in the past had to fight for there food or they would die off, because of there fighting they survived and became us.

  Get a backbone, get into the game of life and take no prisoners. Love you family, love your home and no matter what love your planet. Fight for it, if someone wants to take it from you; you need to stand your ground. To many weak-minded politicians in office today. Can you imagine what the world would be like if those spineless politicians we have today we’re around decades ago during the great world wars. We would still be fighting today, for crying out loud. But no, the wars ended and they ended quickly, because all the soldiers believed in what they were fighting for. They wanted their dreams to come true. They were not weak like the people of today are. Too many bleeding hearts telling us that greed and war are not good things. Well, its there attitude that has gotten us in the mess we’re in now. The world is weak, because people are weak minded. We lost our will to fight. Not just wars but to build, to lead, to win for progress. Some of the greatest engineering feats came during wartime or right after, why? Because mankind had the killer instinct in his blood. He wanted more, he wanted to challenge himself. Think big and go after the dreams. The adults of today are soft, they’re lazy. They don’t know how good they have it. Make no mistake the world is set up like a pyramid. Only the strong are at the top, the weak minded live at the bottom. The choice is yours as to where you will be on the pyramid. Love is a nice thing, but greed gets you further in life.”

  As the General spoke he thought back to the days was he was young. When he was seven and helped his dad in building a bomb shelter out in his backyard. He remembered the small town he grew up in, with drive-in movie theaters, mom and popshops and one stop light in the center of town. A time when the pace of life was slower when neighbors cared for their fellow neighbor. When TV shows where in black and white. Adults still listened to the suspense thrillers on the radio. Where bedtime was ten and you woke up with
the sunrise. Where having fun meant hanging out with classmates and getting a ice cold soda from the corner story and playing baseball on the sand lot, not video games or chat rooms in a dark basement while eating oversized bags of chips. Where you earned a dollar and that dollar went a long way. While everyone else gathered around to watch the new thing in town called “television” he preferred the radio. He loved nothing more then to be rapped up in a blanket sitting net to the radio and listening to “theater of the mind drama shows” everything from the cowboys to gangster wearing a fedora and tommy gun. But the one he loved best was the story about aliens invading earth and how it was broadcast like a news event. Everyone reacted as though it were real. Some even stood outside the front door with shotguns in hand. He still remembered how the broadcast gave him the creeps. He always wondered what he would’ve done if it where real.

  He remembered being by his dad’s side and handing him the tools requested to complete the bomb shelter. He admired his dad and wanted to be just like him. A strong man who never backed down from anything. He