asked his dad what country they had to fear. From what part of the globe was the danger going to come from. His dad said it wasn’t another country, in fact he didn’t give any answer out loud, he he just looked up. The General knew something was more at stake then a threat from another country. His dad had dedicated his life to the military as a spy. Checking out other country’s weapons and technology. Making sure no sudden attacks were ever launched. He never showed fear or weakness. It was the one thing the General always remembered about his dad, until the Monday morning when his dad came home from a weekend assignment. The morning sun lit him up from the back as he walked through the door. The neighborhood was quiet. There was something different about him. His eyes said he somewhere else. As though his confidence and strength where gone, replaced with doubt. The General knew he’s dad saw something that changed him.

  It was three days before; in the middle of a Friday night while his dad was in bed when he got a call from work telling him it was something top secret and he had to come in right away. The General only heard a bit of the conversation from his bedroom. He didn’t know what the man on the other end said in detail, but he heard his dad tell his mom it would be in right away. It wasn’t out of the ordinary; his dad got phone calls like that all the time, but that phone call changed everything. Even though the General was young he knew something was odd that Monday morning. His dad just walked around the house with a thousand mile stare in his eyes, as though his thoughts where somewhere far away. He walked from room to room mumbling something about god and religion, as though he was questioning the very core of them. It wasn’t until a few days later he’s dad finally got his senses back and talked about what he saw.

  He sat at the dining room table with the sun coming in the window lighting up the room and said “something” on a Thursday night crashed out in the desert during an electrical storm. Some farmer was in his living room reading a book and heard a crash. The farmer thought it was odd hearing something crash out in the desert. It’s not like there a lot of traffic in the sky. So when the morning sun came around he went out in his pick up truck to investigate, not knowing what he would find. The early morning sun reflected off bright metal pieces scattered on the desert ground. The farmer approached it and picked up a few of the pieces and looked it over. He knew something was odd about it. He couldn’t explain what, but he just knew it was “different”. He brought some of the pieces with him as he drove into town. He thought the military would have some answers. He figured whatever it was; it must belong to the army. Well, when inside the office the first military man who looked at the pieces was completely baffled as to what it was. Other military men were called into the room to try to guess as to what it was and where it came from, but they too were in the dark of its origins. Everyone in the room agreed on one thing. Since it was found in the desert, it had to have fallen from the sky, but who build it? Was it another country? But where did they get the technology? All the spies hiding in other countries hadn’t reported on any new breakthroughs in the development of metals. That’s when the General’s dad was called. They told him to drive out in the desert and collect the pieces and bring it back to a hanger. He’s dad thought nothing of it. When he got out in the desert he picked up a piece of the metal and was shocked to find it weight, nothing. The pieces, no matter what size, big or small had no weight. In fact you could squeeze the metal pieces in your hand and crush it like tinfoil, but when you opened your hand up the metal pieces would unfold and go back to being flat with no creases. It looked as though you could rip it in half like tinfoil, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t tear it. When he looked closer at it he noticed it had strange looking symbols on it, nothing of this earth. For months specialists in human languages where brought in and none of them could recognize it from any time period or culture. It was clearly a language, some of the symbols repeated. It clearly was saying something, but what? The closest language that looked similar was Egyptian hieroglyphs.

  It was then his dad knew it couldn’t have been made by another country. It was then he looked up for the first time to the sky, and beyond. The other soldiers with him looked up as well, as though thinking the same thing, but no one said a word. They realized something big had been hit by chain lighting and struck the earth, but the area they where standing was not the main crash site itself. It was the first point of contact. Whatever it was, clipped the earth then shot back into the sky and came crashing down somewhere else. They went up into the air in a helicopter looking for it and sure enough they found it. They were shocked by what they could see. It wasn’t a plane or military weapon. It was large, oval and silver, smooth with no corners and about fifty-two feet across. It didn’t have a front or back the way an airplane would, it was round with no wings. One of the soldiers in the helicopter whispered the word saucer. Research would later show it didn’t fly the same way airplanes could. It didn’t have to travel down a runway and lift in the sky with help of air. This saucer used anti-gravity to lift itself straight up into the sky and can fly in all directions. It can stop on a dime and fire straight ahead at full speed. In fact its full speed was faster then anything man had ever made. If a human saw the saucer in the sky and it took off at full speed they’d think it turned invisible because its full speed is faster then the eye can detect. These things did not just “travel” around the earth quickly; it could travel from planet to planet faster then the speed of light. Scientists today secretly know traveling faster then the speed of light is possible, but its classified from the public because they have no way of explaining how they found out without letting the world know about aliens. The saucers had no need for fuel. It did not burn gas or oil. It used dark matter. Riding the lay lines of earth. Science today is still in its infancy in trying to understand dark matter, but “they” understand everything about it. They know how to harness it. Their saucers are not held down by gravity. Everything man has made so far is held back by gravity. There ships can rise up just like helium balloon can rise up through air because it’s lighter. Well apparently gravity is similar. It has its own weight. Change the weight of gravity around an object and the object can lift.

  After the saucer was found soldiers where brought in to surround the area, no one was aloud near the site. The soldiers where told not to ask any questions or tell anyone what they might’ve seen. His dad said the saucer must’ve clipped the earth after being hit from lighting shot back up into the sky and came crashing back down to the earth, slid across the desert sands and crashed into a large rock. If it had been a man made object it would’ve smashed into a million pieces, but being from another world it was almost intact. There was a large hole in the side where it hit the rock. When he and some soldiers approached across the desert sand they were shocked to find aliens outside the saucer. Two of the aliens were lying on the ground dead, but one was still alive. His dad was convinced he was the first human to see an alien, well almost the first human. He later found out aliens have been visiting earth before man was created. In fact we have learned so much more about dinosaurs in the last few decades then ever before because aliens have told us what they saw when they flew around the earth millions of years ago.

  He described the aliens as being short, about three to four feet in height. Thin, grey in color, with a larger shaped head at the top. Their nose was thin and they had a small narrow mouth, but their eyes were massive, oval and black in color.

  Even though the living alien was smaller in size compared to a human. The soldiers felt nervous and intimated looking at it’s eyes, it didn’t show any signs of aggression around humans, but still. In fact it seemed to lack emotions altogether. It was calm and relaxed. No matter how high ranking someone was in the military, no matter how much intense combat they might’ve seen, everyone still backed down from it. It wasn’t arrogant, somehow it was above arrogance, it was above ego. It was above all the things that plague man’s primitive mind. The little pointless things like gossip, or bills, or insecurity that stopped humans
from living a happy normal life and finding peace within. It did not argue or fight or whine. It seemed to work off of a mathematical, logical way of thinking, but this was just one of them. The soldiers knew every signal alien was just as smart as the other. Wherever they came from, each one were smarter then any human in history. Compare a human with a monkey; the human will always appear smarter. Well, that’s what the alien was like. However, in this case, humans were the monkeys. If a space shuttle crashed on a foreign planet any human would be nervous, but this alien was calm and in control. Even though the humans were the ones with the guns, the alien was the one calling the shots.

  It never spoke a word, but anyone looking at it could hear it in their head. They couldn’t hear the actual alien voice, but what they reported hearing was their own voice. It was if you were remembering something.

  Right away the saucer was collected and brought back to the nearest airport. A hanger at the airport was commandeered. Countless soldiers where told