minutes ago and wanted to share it with you right away. So I haven’t had time to think of a better word then, ticking.” He laughed and paused for a moment and quickly realized he was the only one laughing as everyone else was standing around staring at him. He stopped laughing and went back to explaining. “When I say ticking noise, it’s a bit more complex then that, but I will try to speak in lamens terms so I don’t confuse you. Think of Morse code. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that we created Morse code. Why? Because it’s how we truly think. We only believe were thinking in English when it fact all thoughts are converted in the subconscious as a ticking noise” He pulled out some paperwork and placed it on the table “Think of the binary system of a computer. It’s made up of eight on, off switches. When you sit down at a computer and type a letter on the keyboard you see the letter appear on the monitor, however the inside of your computer does not read the letter. It translates it into an eight digit binary code. Think of the letter A in binary its 01100001. When you send an Email, it’s not the letters you see on your monitor being sent. Each letter is broken down into its binary code. When the other person receives your Email there hard drive will translate the binary code back into letters and display it on your monitor. It’s similar to what happens in your brain when you hear someone talking. All information taken in through the eyes and ears is sent to the brain. When it reaches the brain it is broken down into a ticking noise” he smiled for everyone in the room “Once again let me point out, when I say the word ticking, it’s a bit more complicated then that. I will think of a better name later.” He smiled a little and when back to speaking “All living creatures work this way. Now the cool part, you know how computers can talk to each other because all computers around the world understand the binary code system. Well, all humans can talk to each other, it doesn’t matter what language you speak. In fact all living creatures on earth can talk and understand each other. That’s how we have dog and horse whispers. Not only can all living things on earth understand each other, but this is how we can also talk to aliens.” He looked at all the blank stares “Now you might be thinking, all humans can’t talk to each other. If someone knows English how can they understand someone who only knows Spanish or French? That’s because were talking to each other the wrong way. Where trying to speak using a primitive way of communication, with words and not the binary code in our heads. The subconscious is much more powerful then the mind. Logic lies in the subconscious, emotions are found in the mind. Ever try throwing a baseball to someone? You get it right to them. Well, your brain had to come up with a complex mathematical equation to figure out how to throw the ball to reach its target. If that person moves back a few feet you have to come up with a brand new mathematical equation to reach the target again. Proving you really are good at math, but if someone asks you a simple math question in which you try to solve in your head. It takes you a long time to figure it out. Why? Because you were using your mind, where emotion lies and not the subconscious where logic lies. This ties into language as well. Were using the wrong part of the brain to speak.” He riffled through his paperwork, and pulled a stack to the top “Now onto the next part. Emotions what are they? Emotions are too many thoughts occurring at one time in that our brain cannot process at once. Too much movement occurs in the brain and movement creates energy. Well, emotions are too many thoughts being given off as energy. Its possible you can read people and get to know them by taking in and reading their energy. They don’t even have to say a word. Some call it the aura”
The kid walked around the room talking a mile a minute unable to keep his hands still. The General wasn’t sure if he was talking to the people in the room our to himself at this point. At times the kid wasn’t even looking at anyone, just rambling away.
The kid continued speaking “This is how a psychic works.” He looked to the General “In order to understand what I’m saying you have to pretend you’re a psychic. Psychics are born with the ability to read the aura of others. They know what you are thinking and feeling. How? Because, they can slow down the ticking noise in their brains. Your average person has a ton of thoughts going through their head at all times all day, therefore the ticking noise in their brain is working away really fast. Lets face it were all self centered. Your average person cannot read other people’s aura because they’re to focused on themselves to pick up on another’s energy. However a psychic can relax their own bodies and calm their thoughts. Almost to a point were they’re falling asleep. Sometimes when someone tries to relax, they relax their body only, but not there mind. A psychic however is able to relax their mind, in the process the number of thoughts running through their mind reduces greatly. Its not like our brain is over worked by the intake of information through our senses, that’s not a problem. Our brain can easily handle all the information coming in during the present moment. The problem is our ego. To many thoughts about the future and past, hopes and fears and the need to control cloud the mind. A psychic can reduce all those pointless thoughts and ego; in the process they reduce the ticking noise in their brain, until it becomes a slow relaxed steady beat causing the aura around the psychic to decrease. When someone who’s emotional approaches the relaxed psychic the energy coming from the person is picked up upon. The psychic will take in the energy as if it were their own. The brain of the psychic will be able to read the energy from the other person, because the messages within the aura are in the form of the binary code. Look at it like this; imagine if I’m a psychic, you walk by me with an image in your mind of a white dog. I’m in my relaxed state of mind. I have no thoughts going through my head. My mind is clear. Therefore my aura is really low, I have no reason to have a high aura level because I’m not feeling any emotion or stressing over ego-generated thoughts. The ticking noise in my mind has greatly gone down. It’s now a slow steady beat. You walk by me, you have a lot on your mind, therefore your ticking noise is moving really fast. Your body is giving off a lot of energy. Your aura is at really high levels. My body picks up on your aura and takes it in. On a subconscious level I can detect your binary code messages. It then slowly influences my ticking. The ticking in my brain starts to speed up matching yours, tick for tick, much like two people taping out the same Morse code signal. As we know binary is math, and math is universal, therefore all languages be it human, animal, or alien is mathematical, everyone’s subconscious knows math, therefore my brain will be able to translate your ticking noise. I will then be able to produce the same image in my mind as in yours. I will be able to see what you’re seeing. I will know what you are thinking. The image of the white dog will now appear in my mind as though it’s my thought. I will now be able to look at you and tell you your thinking of a white dog, and you would be amazed. People who talk to animals do the same thing. These people are called animal whispers. They relax their thoughts and body’s. Their mind’s calm down. The ticking noise in there heads slows down greatly to a small steady beat. When they move towards an animal, they can pick up on the aura of the animal. The whisperer’s brain can take in the information. The ticking noise in the whisperer’s brain will start to speed up to match up with the ticking of the animal. Because the binary code in all living things are the same, the whisperer’s brain will be able to translate what the animal is thinking. The whisperer will hear the thoughts of the animal and see the images in his own brain. This is how the grey aliens talk to us. All this time we have always wondered how the grey alien can just look at us and without using there mouths can still communicate. They have learned a heighten level of communication. They have master something we humans are just beginning to stumble across. They have perfected the means of sending out a binary message in the aura, knowing our aura will pick it up and understand it. Because they lack emotion there not distracted by ego like humans are. Humans can achieve the same level aliens are at if we work on it. Progress cannot be stopped. We are destined to evolve to be like them in time. Soon man will eliminate ego from his conscience. The majority of what we communicate is
said in our tone and body language. Our words for the most part are not needed. However, the true essence of who we are and what we truly think and feel is within our aura. You can tell if someone is lying by there tone of voice not the words themselves. As humans grow and develop we to will stop speaking with words and start using our eyes to project. How many times have you heard someone say, the eyes are the gateway to the soul? That’s because we can speak through our eyes. When we look at someone our thoughts are sent out in the aura through the body’s energy. The aliens know this. That’s why they stare us and we can hear them in our heads. They understand there bodies are speaking through there eyes. They know they can relax the ticking noise in our heads and make us see what they’re thinking. The aliens are using the subconscious at all times. They have moved away from the primitive side of the ego driven mind.”
The General understood what the kid was saying, but he wanted to know how he