scientific discoveries on his own time at his own pace, then move to the next step. The General always used the automobile as an example. Decades ago humans invented the car, it was very basic in its design, but inventors understood how and why it works. Over the decades engineers have made changes to the car and added complex equipment like computers parts to the engine. Mechanics today can understand and work on the cars, however if you took a modern day car with all of its computer parts and travel back in time and hand it over to the first builders of automobiles, they would have a difficult time understanding the complexity. Sure, they would understand it’s a car. Just as scientists know the saucer is similar to an airplane, but the complexity of its parts is beyond there understanding. Kids in grade one will understand grade eight math if they work they way up year by year, grade by grade, learning as they go, building on what they have learned in the passed, until one day, the math in grade eight makes sense. Well, the saucer isn’t just grade eight math, its university level math. And the scientists are still in kindergarten.

  So why bother giving scientists a UFO in the first place? The aliens wanted to push the minds of humans forward, to challenge the brain. Simply by the saucer being in the room challenges the brain to understand. Its mankind’s modern monolith. A big black rectangle will not do anymore. Thousands of years ago aliens drop a large black monolith for the cavemen to see. In the eyes of the caveman it was something different. They couldn’t help but stare at it. It broke their daily routines. It awoke something in there minds. New parts of the brain were now being triggered in the caveman to understand the monolith. Much like if someone today works out in a gym. They use the same muscles groups over and over, but if you change the workout pattern, new muscles groups start being used. The brain is the same way. Take a child today and teach them everything from music, art, science to math, it expands all different parts of the brain, making the child smarter. Caveman lived the same way for thousands of years. Everything they saw around them was the same, day after day throughout their lives, nothing changed. They had no reason to expand their minds. They had nothing that challenged status quo. Nothing stood out as different changing their brain waves, until the monolith was dropped. The cavemen stopped and stared at it and something in there brain asked a question. What is it? Right away new parts of the brain unlock and fired to life. Doors in the brain that have never been used before were now being triggered. Helping the caveman to evolve.

  But in the end the General found it amusing how the scientists truly thought the aliens were here to help. He knew the truth, he knew what they where up to. The aliens could not attack unless they knew what weapons humans had. It was a classic case he had seen many times over. Before you attack you send in spies to study the enemy. You get an idea of your opponent’s intelligence level. The aliens had been watching earth in secret for decades. Now they wanted to get closer. They act like our friends but in truth, there making plans on how to attack us. They wanted to know who the smart humans where. Like a gun fighter in the old west who has to fight against a group of men, you make sure you take out the best shooter on your first shot. The aliens were probably going to abduct the smart humans a few hours before the invasion, like some kind of rapture. Leaving the rest of the humans to panic. The aliens were looking the earth over and choosing the best places to invade. No point in traveling a million miles in space and attacking earth by landing in an empty desert. They wanted to choose the best places to maximize their damage. Find out where the leaders live, found out where the weapons were kept. Find out what humans deem important and take it out first, like a power planet or water. It was all going the way the General knew it would. The aliens were making themselves look friendly, but soon they would show their true colors.

  Well, he wasn’t going to sit back and watch the earth be destroyed. He wanted to strike first and scare them off. Send them running back to their home planet, afraid to come back. He wanted to show them humans were smarter. We may not be able to travel from planet to planet like they can, but we can fight. He knew what had to be done at any cost.

  After years of reverse engineering the scientists one day discovered how to turn off the cloaking devise the saucers used. The General knew for decades the aliens must’ve been using some type of cloaking device to hide behind. Making their ships “invisible” to the human eye. How else could they travel around earth so often without being spotted each day? There were stories of people seeing a UFO and watching it “disappear” right in front of their eyes. Some scientists said it was the saucer accelerating to top speed making it look as though it was turning invisible and yes at times that did happen, but pilots in fighter jets who where tracking saucers also reported watching the saucers “just disappear”

  When the General was told about the discovery he quietly smiled inside. He knew it was the start, the turning point. Now he had something to use against them. One of the biggest problems he always faced was how to see the saucers. It didn’t matter what advanced weapons he had. If he couldn’t see them, he couldn’t shoot them down. Now, he was handed an advantage. He quickly got his men to started designing and building a weapon that would shoot a massive wide laser beam into the sky that when making contact would turn the saucers cloaking device off and make them visible to everyone on the ground. All he needed was a weapon that could bring them down. He knew standard weapons like rockets and bullets had no effect. Somehow they developed an invisible shield that would deflect all weapons. It wasn’t a “shield” for battle, but it was for anti-gravity. There ability to lift off the surface, created an invisible wall which in turned stopped any weapons from getting through and downing their ship.

  The scientists would spend all hours of the day inside the saucer. In there eyes it was better then any action movie or amusement park ride.

  They described the seats as small, as if meant for a child, but the aliens where small in size to start with, so the chairs were their perfect fit. The area inside the saucer was grey, no other color. A control panel would appear if you moved your hand outward while sitting in the seats. Move your hand away and it disappears.

  A few years later the scientists accidently stumbled across a major development on how to turn the power off in a saucer. It was more of a “power surge” then “turning off” the power. To say “turning off” the power implies the scientists knew what they were doing. Most of the time the scientists where just guessing while working. They would sit inside the saucer in the tiny little chairs pushing the buttons and seeing would happen. One time they pushed a whole bunch of buttons and the power to the whole saucer turned off. The scientists panicked thinking they had ruined the saucer. The power did come back on after awhile. Causing them to relax.

  The General quietly made note of this. This was a nice blessing. With this knowledge he figured how to build his second gun, a gun that could knock the power out of any saucer. With the first gun making them visible and the second gun knocking them out, it was the one two punch he was looking for. He could now go after them. He knew modern day weapons had no effect, but these two would.

  He figured that’s how the saucer crashed in the desert decades ago. Lighting struck it causing a power surge. The aliens on board were to close to the earth surface and had no time to recover and it crashed.

  He also remembered the day the geeky looking college kid named Brian came running into the war room carrying a ton of computer printout filled with his scientific work wanting to announce his big break through. He ran down the hall so fast the guards pointed their guns at him thinking he was a terrorist on a mission. He smiled at the guards and had to show his I.D.

  He claimed he figured out the alien’s means of communication. He pushed his thick black glasses to the top of his noise, stuttered while speaking and wore a long white lab coat, with messy hair. He approached the table in the center of the room with a ton of paperwork falling on the floor with each step, which he paid no attention. He said all the years of research had paid off. He smiled at everyo
ne and said it all came down to his big breakthrough he called “the ticking noise” inside the brain. Of course everyone in the room just stared at him.

  He looked at everyone in the room and said, “Get ready for this. Expand your mind and try to understand everything you are about to hear. Don’t judge it right away, but take your time to understand.”

  Everyone in the room look at each other a bit confused and then looked back to the kid.

  He smiled like a kid with a winning lottery ticket and spoke. “Every living thing on the planet thinks the same way. It doesn’t matter if you’re a human or animal or even a little fish, it’s all the same. Ever wonder how a baby thinks?” He looked at everyone in the room “We were all babies once. When someone has a thought as an adult you hear English in your head, but as a baby you didn’t know English, or any language for that matter, but you were still able to think. How? Because of the ticking noise in your subconscious.” He stopped and smiled a bit “You might be wondering why I used the word ticking. Well, to be honest, I came up with this theory a few