anything super about you. However, if you traveled to a smaller planet like earth, you would have all that extra inner muscle. Your skin while on Jupiter would be like everyone else, but on earth it would be super thick and hard. Who knows maybe a knife wouldn’t be able to cut you”

  “No way that’s so cool, what about a bullet, could you stop a bullet?” Bobby asked.

  Kyle thought for a moment. “Not sure about a bullet, that would have to be tested. If it were a small gun fired from a few feet back, possibly. You would also be able to leap very high. Your inner thigh muscles would have to be super strong to walk on Jupiter. Just lifting one leg would be very difficult; over the course of evolution the muscle mass needed to make you stand up would be very intense. You would be able to walk on Jupiter and leap like everyone else, nothing special, but on earth your inner thigh muscles would be super strong compared to earth’s weaker gravitational pull. On earth you probably wouldn’t be able to fly, but you could jump up really high, more then any human”

  “Leap over tall buildings?” Bobby asked.

  “Not sure if you could jump that high, but your bones sure would be stronger and you wouldn’t want to get punched by someone who lived on Jupiter. Their inner muscle would be very strong”

  “It would be amazing to meet someone like that” Bobby said while looking at the gas planet.

  “You could probably be able to see further, because gravity pulls light down.” Kyle said “You’d need stronger eyes on your home planet. So, on earth you eyes would be stronger then a human”

  “I’m lovin what I’m hearing” Bobby said.

  The kids looked at the countless moons spinning around Jupiter.

  The alien turned to the kids “Soon, humans will learn there is life on Jupiter’s moons.”

  The kids looked at each other in amazement.

  “What’s this? Jupiter’s moons have life?” Timmy asked.

  “Not all of them,” the aliens said “Just the one you humans call Europa”

  “That’s amazing” Kyle said, “When will man discover it?”

  “In time”

  “What does the alien life look like? Are they human, birds, dinosaur looking?” Kyle asked

  “That must remain a mystery for now” the voice said.

  The ship moved onto Saturn as the boys were stunned about how the ship was just a few feet from the massive spinning rings.

  “Look at them” Timmy said astounded “They go around forever, around the whole planet. Seeing in in a book is one thing, but in person, it’s incredible.”

  “Seven rings altogether” Sam said. “I read that Saturn has the lowest density of all the planets”

  “Really?” Bobby asked.

  “That’s true, if our oceans on earth were big enough, Saturn would float.”

  “Get out, it would have to sink, its to heavy” Bobby said.

  “I know, it sounds impossible, but it’s true”

  “Timmy nodded “I read Saturn is another gas planet made up of Hydrogen and helium”

  The other kids agreed.

  Sam looked over to Timmy “A few weeks ago I read that Saturn has a moon named Titan, it’s the only moon with an atmosphere and its larger then the planet mercury.”

  “What?” Timmy said “I never knew our solar system had a moon larger then a planet”

  The kids spend the next few minutes gazing at the planet and marveling at everything it had to offer. None of them thought they would ever be this close to a planet.

  Bobby wished he had his camera; he would’ve been able to get amazing pictures with better resolution then any satellite.

  Sam looked to the alien “Where are you from?”

  The other boys quickly looked over to Sam and were shocked by his boldness to ask such a question to the alien.

  The grey alien lifted his hands and waved it like a wand. A 3-D star map appeared and floated in front of the kids. They could’ve walked round it if they wanted to and seen it from all direction, but the kids were too mystified to move their feet.

  “We are 39 light years away from earth, a place called Zeta Reticuli.” The alien voice said in their heads.

  The kids looked at each other, none of them had ever heard those two words before.

  “I bet their planet is far from their sun,” Sam whispered.

  “What makes you think that?” Timmy asked quietly.

  “Look at how big their eyes are and how grey their skin is, they must be from a planet with low light. They would need big eyes to take in as much light as possible. Fish deep in the abyss have massive eyes in order for them to see. The alien skin isn’t dark or tanned. In fact it looks permanent grey.”

  Timmy nodded “That might explain stories of abductions at night. Because they can’t travel in the daytime.” He whispered.

  “You said something about you being responsible for mankind?”

  The alien turned back towards the kids. The alien nodded.

  Kyle whispered “How is it possible?”

  “There are many alien life forms who travel the universe, we are one of them. We have traveled throughout the universe for millions of years seeking out new life and new civilizations. In our travels we have found a variety of planets with a diversity of life forms. Some more advance then others. Some planets have only microorganisms. Others have life similar to earth, the fish in the oceans and birds in the sky. We have found some planets where the life is more advanced then humans. Most planets are friendly sadly some are not. The universe has so much to offer. We have found life on ice planets were the heat from its sun does not reach. Planets were life exist without water or oxygen. Planets much bigger then Jupiter right next to it’s Sun. Some planets made up of nothing but water. Some planets hotter then Mercury which contains life. Some planets without a star or sun to revolve around. There out there by themselves in space”

  “How similar are you to us?” Bobby asked

  The alien looked Bobby’s way ever so fluid like. “We have lived for a very long time. We were once like you humans at one point, very primitive. Driven by an ego, by hunger for power, by war, by greed. We once had emotions. In time we learned emotions are nothing more then complex thoughts the brain cannot process quickly. The build of up thoughts is converted to energy. The energy is released through the body in the form of emotions. Positive thoughts create positive energy that flow through the body’s meridian lines as happiness. Negative thoughts create negativity that is felt as anger. Sadly, for thousands of years we cared only about ourselves. We believed greed was good, but we were young. We needed time to learn. We learned that the ego creates frustration within the body, that frustration is a negative feeling, putting our body into a negative state of being. Creating negative emotions in which we took out on each other. As time went by we learned from our mistakes and evolved. We learned that the base of suffering is the ego itself. Compassion for all makes us feel good inside. By letting go of ourselves and selfish needs and focusing on others and making them happy we interned found true happiness inside. Creating a positive flow of energy making us feel better and it released positive energy into our world, which then lead to world peace. Like other worlds we could not force peace in our world through the passing of laws by our leaders. Peace throughout a world has to come from peace within. You humans will do the same over time. You are young, like a small child you are driven by selfish needs. In time you will let go of your emotions and find calmness in your logic. You will let go of your need to be different and evolve into uniformity like us. Over time we learned to free ourselves of our ego and from it we found peace. We took our time in getting to know our enemies. Instead of judging them, we tried to understand their point of view. We learn the most important thing for peace is dialogue. We lost all need for war, for anger or judgment. We learned peace, love, knowledge and logic. We found love and compassion in all living things. When you let go of the need for power and over come the negative things that plague the heart like insecurity and low self este
em you find love, the world inside you becomes a better place. We once believed that happiness came from the outside in. We wrongly believed if you make everything around you perfect you could then accept yourself inside. Like humans we put are happiness into the future, believing if we acquired the right material objects we would then be content. However, when you put your happiness in the future you will be sad in the present. We lived for millions of years focusing on material objects. Wanting our homes, clothes, and everything we owned to be perfect. Hoping if we could make the outside perfect, then we could give ourselves permission to love and accept ourselves on the inside. You humans do the same thing today. You believe the thing you call money will lead you to true happiness, but it is that very belief which causes unhappiness. It’s not the money that causes the pain; it’s the false belief in what it can do for you. Over time we’ve learned to free ourselves of ourselves. We learned the perfecting of the outside is not important. We changed from a society of taking and became a society about giving. We learn to work together, to put aside the selfish needs of ourselves and work together as a society. Caring for others is what makes someone happy. Because of our actions we have found the true meaning of happiness. In time humans will learn the same things. Its not easy for humans to give, you’re so used to taking. Humans feel as though they need to control the future. This is understandable; in your life you felt sadness from the