things you could not control. Hurt by the ones you loved. You felt venerable, weak and scared of being hurt again. So you developed the desire to control the future. Believing if you can control the future nothing bad will happen. Humans believe the goal of life is to acquire memoires without pain and believing it’s possible through control. When humans look into their past they see sadness when they focus on the future they feel fear, but sadly because you spend so much time focusing on the past and future you miss out on the present. When you let go of your quest for power you embrace a sense of freedom. True happiness comes from being here now, keeping your mind on the moment. Seeing the miracle of life in the present. Excepting all life around you as equal. Life is not like a pyramid with rich people at the top. All living things on earth and in the universe are equal. It’s like a straight line, with all the animals, humans, and the Gaia of the earth itself on that one line. When you embrace this idea, you embrace true happiness. The need for revenge and gossip only darkens the soul. We have noticed you humans’ fear being judged by others and compare yourselves to others far to often and harshly. We once did the same thing a long time ago, it only brought on sadness and anger from it, but we learned to free ourselves of worry. We learned not to judge people and it freed us from fearing judgments from others. The anger and frustration of life you humans’ carry inside of you, you will at some point take out on other people. If you want wars and violence to stop you need to find peace within. Peace within, leads to peace around you and then around the world. For they’re to be peace on earth you need to find peace within. Wars will only lead to more wars. Violence will only lead to more violence. The quest for power and to control others leads to tension. However, peace within leads to peace outside. Money can by happiness, if you spend it on other people. We have found while watching humans, they will sacrifice their health to make money; you will then spend the rest of your life using that money to get your health back. Humans are so focused and worry about the future you miss out on the present. You live as though you can’t die, but in fact because you did not find enlightenment its as if you never lived at all. Humans need to help others not just in there minds but physically as well. If you choose not to help others you must choose not to hurt them. Humans fall to learn that simplicity is the key to happiness in a complex world. Do not make your mind complex, just because life is. Governments passing new laws will never lead to peace. The only thing that will bring on world peace is morals and compassion. If humans choose material objects over compassion, the negative things of earth will go on. If you show love to all, then others will feel cared for. When you loose at something, do not fail at learning the lesson from it. The world needs to allow for change, but do not loose the love along the way. Set a goal for love in your heart and home, the world will move towards peace this way. Over time on our planet, our minds became clear, we found happiness inside and taught others around us. We as a society dedicated our entire existence on inner peace and enlightenment. It took a long time, but it worked. The wars ended and as a planet material objects no longer drove us. Our desire to learn increased. We found happiness and joy in learning and sharing. We wanted to learn about everything our world had to offer. After we learned about our planet we looked up to the sky and beyond. We wanted to explore what beauty and joy the universe had to offer. We discovered space travel. Similar to you humans our space-traveling ability was limited at first. We could only travel to our moons and neighboring planets. Those were big steps for us back then. We thought we knew everything about how the universe was created. At one point we too believed in things like the big bang theory, the speed of light being the fastest an object can travel, however all of our beliefs were proven wrong when another older, wiser, alien race more advance then us came to our planet to enlighten our minds towards the universe and space travel. They taught us how to travel faster then the speed of light with the use of superluminosity. They taught us about Tachyons. We used what they gave us to explore the universe not to fight, but to learn, to teach to guide”

  “Another more advance alien race taught you. Wow, that’s cool,” said Kyle.

  Sam was amazed “Faster then the speed of light, science always said it’s not possible”

  Timmy leaned over to him “It was also believed at one point the world was flat, and the earth was the center of the universe, but we soon found out we were wrong”

  The alien spoke “There are many things you humans believe today about life and the universe. In time you will find some of your beliefs to be corrected and others are misguided. Humans throughout time have always needed answers to the mysteries of your planet. You cannot live without knowing. You believed the gods where angry when the earth shook. Today you call them earthquakes. You believed the sun melted into the ocean each night and was reborn in the morning. Today you know about the rotation of the earth. It’s understandable, the human race is so young you will guess more then you truly know. We were just like you millions of years ago. We to believed we had all the answers. We are still learning today”

  “Your not the oldest life in the universe?” Timmy asked

  “No” the alien said softly “There are millions of alien cultures older then us who we have meet. Throughout the hundreds of billions of galaxies, there are billions of planets with life we have yet to discover. We have only encountered less then one percent of all planets with life. We have learned from so many of them over thousands of years. We have found ancient cites on some planets that date back tens of millions of years ago. We studied those ruins like you humans study dinosaur bones. We do not know who they were, but we know they were very advanced people who traveled the stars as well. Some galaxies even had there own government made up of planets much like how you humans have a government made of politicians”

  “We always believed earth was the only planet with life?” Sam asked.

  “We thought the same thing about our own planet long ago. Since then we have searched a small fraction of the universe and in the millions of galaxies we have discovered. We have found tens of millions of planets and moons with life.”

  The kids all looked at each other in shock.

  “Moons as well” Bobby said out loud “amazing”

  “Yes moons can have life just like a planet can. Not only will you humans discover Jupiter’s moon called Europa has life, but Saturn’s moon called Titan has life as well. We discovered life on those moons as we entered you solar system”

  The kids were amazed.

  “Titan as well?” Sam asked, “That’s incredible”

  Sam was confused “But our scientists said life cannot live in a planet so cold”

  “Your scientists are young. They said life could not exist in the abyss on your oceans because sunlight did not reach down far enough. Containing poisonous gases, enormous pressure from above, punishing acidity. However, You have discovered life down there, just like it does on Europa and Saturn’s moon of Titan. Remember, life will find a way. Water and oxygen is what the Gaia of the earth used to create life on earth. However the Gaia of other planets will use whatever its around it to create life as well. The Gaia of all planets are connected through the universe in the dark matter”

  Sam was amazed “So much life even in our own solar system. Imagine how much life is in our galaxy. Will humans find these planets?”

  “In time” The alien said softly.

  Kyle looked at the alien “What brought you to our solar system to start with?”

  “The people on the planet I told you about after Mars that exploded, they could travel in space as well. Not as advanced as us, but similar to your level now. They had satellites like you and they could broadcast a signal into space like you humans can now. They sent out a primitive signal. It wasn’t primitive to them; it was advanced for there time, but it was primitive to the thousands of alien cultures who picked it up. That is how we knew the culture on that planet was young, based on how primitive the signal set out. Their signal could only travel at the speed o
f light. Proving to us they were still young in they’re development. If the signal had gotten to us faster we would’ve known they were more advanced. It’s how judge a planet’s intelligence. Because they we’re a young planet, the council made up of thousands of different aliens decided to send us to make first contact. We arrived and made the mistake of appearing to quickly. Causing some of them to panic and get ready for war thinking we were invading.”

  Bobby seemed confused “But they sent the signal. They were looking for you and when you found them and wanted to communicate they got ready to fight. That’s so odd”

  “You human’s do the same thing. Your scientists have sent out signals that have been detected by thousands of alien planets, but yet you have a military that builds an army and wants to shoot us down when we arrive. We understand though, your young. Some humans send a signal wanting to make contact where as other humans who control the army want to go to war. We have seen it thousands of times before on other planets.”

  “What did you do when they got ready for war?” Timmy asked.

  “The only thing we could do. We needed to back off and move back beyond Pluto for a