not want to take that risk.”
Bobby added, “Not everyone would panic, the vast majority of people would be shocked at first to find out about alien life, but they would come to except it, but a few might not, and those people might have guns. All it takes is for one person to panic and it causes others to panic as well. One person runs around saying the sky is falling and the next thing you know, a million people are running around saying the same thing. People can be influenced by one person in a horrible way”
Sam agreed “But if the aliens visit slowly over time and each person who encounters an alien tells their story, then in time society will come to except the idea of aliens, and when the day finally arrives when the grey aliens show themselves to the world it won’t be a massive shock. It’s called gradual exposure. If aliens back in the 1940’s had landed in a major city. The public might’ve reacted in fear. Not everyone, but some, but it only takes one or two with a shotgun to make a situation really bad. Can you guarantee no one would’ve panic? That everyone on earth would’ve remained calm? The aliens did not want to take such a massive risk”
Timmy added “Look at it like this. People need time to get used to something new. When the television was invented adults who grow up with the radio didn’t like it, they didn’t want one, but the kids who grew up with the TV couldn’t live without when they got older. Why? Because they didn’t know life without a TV. When cell phones came along adults for the longest time didn’t buy one. They still used the landline. Where as kids who grew up with cell phones accepted them without question and now as adults can’t imagine life without one. You accept what you grew up as a child as life.”
Kyle spoke “If one morning aliens suddenly appeared all over the world over major cities, with their different appearance, some adults might panic. Adults today did not grow up with aliens. If they saw them, it would cause a disruption in status quo. Everything we believe in terms of religion and life would be called in question and threatened. It would be too much, to soon. Something of this magnitude has to take time”
Bobby added, “So, to avoid panic, the appearance of the grey aliens will be exposed to the public slowly. So when the time comes for the human race to see aliens it won’t be such a shock, because children would’ve grown up being exposed to the face of the grey alien in TV shows, comic books, and movies.”
Timmy spoke “Will people still be surprised when a UFO lands in a major city one day? Of course, but not as bad if it happened suddenly one day out of the blue.”
Bobby nodded “Humans have a difficult time as it is excepting each other with the little differences that we have like skin color, now you talk about adding a new alien race to earth? That may not go over to well with everyone. Sadly we have some humans who pride themselves on their hate for other races. They might take advantage of people’s nervousness towards aliens as an opportunity to promote more hate and encourage others to join in their hate groups”
Sam added “Over the next few generations, there will come a day when everyone on earth has grown up with the face of the grey alien in there minds. The adults of today will die off and the kids of today will become the adults, who will have their own children. They will grow up being exposed to the face of the grey alien. In time you will have a planet made up of people who been exposed to the grey alien face. This might go on for many generations. So when the gray aliens do show themselves it won’t be that massive of a shock. The idea of grey aliens and what they look like will be so integrated into our minds that people will believe aliens are real without even having seen one.”
Timmy nodded in agreement “It will be the first time aliens have landed in front of the entire human race, but humans at that time will believe they’ve been living amongst us for the longest time because their parents have been exposed to them, along with their parents. All because the face of the grey alien has been so integrated in society, pop culture and history. No one in the future will know there was a thing called the gradual exposer mission”
Bobby nodded “Keep in mind grey aliens are not going to land on earth tomorrow. This might take two hundred years for this to happen. This takes time. The first true real exposure mankind might have is a mother ship flying over a major city for a minute then leaving. Not to return for a few decades.”
Luke looked puzzled “Why would they leave after a minute?”
Bobby answered, “Incase the public fears it’s an alien invasion. People don’t like change. Humans like things staying the same, day after day. A lot of people don’t like boredom, but at least its predicable. Some people might get nervous seeing a massive alien ship overhead. The public has seen too many movies where UFOs hover over major cities only to attack.”
Timmy laughed, “Lets take a moment and image what might happen if a massive UFO hovered over a major city for a few weeks. Not doing any harm, mind you, just hovering. Well, for starters the military would start getting nervous. Some of the public would feel anxious, no one would go to work, and they would all stay home watching the news. The economy would start to suffer. Some people would leave their homes in a panic and head for higher ground. The army would be brought in to make sure there were no riots. World leaders would gather to debate what to do. There would be a question as to what country would have the right to attempt communication. Would it be a global event or would one country try to communicate on its own?
Sam added “Imagine if the country the UFO was flying over wanted to shoot it down, would other countries have a say? Even try to stop them with a military strike? What if the UFO hovered over the ocean in international waters? Who would have a say then? Technically, no one owns the middle of the ocean. You see a UFO appearing over a major city for a certain amount of time could cause problems. However, if the UFO appeared for less then a minute and left, it would get the entire planet talking. Of course, there would be a few who would be nervous, being on edge, always looking up wondering when the UFO would come back. The media would make it worse by exploiting everyone’s fears for ratings. The military would be on full alert for the next few months, ready to fight” Sam paused for a moment “But after a few months of waiting the public would reduce their fear and replace it with natural curiosity. They will start to ask questions like, who where they? Why did they leave? Where did they come from? Our desire to understand would replace our sudden fear. Soon, the people will start hoping for there return.”
Luke looked over to Bobby “There were people who lived in Springbrook Gardens who were there that day, who claim none of this happened. Why would they say such a thing if they saw the UFO with their own eyes?”
“Some are afraid of the backlash from the public, and being laughed at. Some people don’t want to believe in aliens, it disrupts their safe simple world were they know what will happen throughout their life. Knowing there’s life on other planets calls everything they grew up believing including their religion into question. It can cause worry and anxiety. Many people turn their backs because it’s safer. A black and white world is more predicable then a world of grey, how ironic they’re called grey aliens.”
The other guests chuckled.
Bobby went back to speaking “Those who were in Springbrook Gardens question themselves because it’s safer then dealing with the truth. Living a simple life is possible when you don’t question it. Some deny it because they don’t understand what happened, nothing they had ever seen in their life could prepare them for such event”
Luke turned to Timmy “How can the government cover this up so well? Wouldn’t some politicians come forward by now?”
Timmy nodded “Well, the first thing we need to do is to stop using the word government. People have always asked the questions why doesn’t the government admit to the world aliens exist, because politicians don’t know they do. After the UFO crashed in the desert many decades ago some politicians were informed. However it became clear to the scientists the fewer politicians knew the easier it was to keep it a secret. So a secret wall was built aro
und the project. The day came when everything to do with aliens and government were separated.”
Timmy added, “The scientists who work with aliens are not mad scientists you see in movies. They’re not members of a secret society with hidden symbols or secret handshakes, they’re just hardworking scientists who want to understand the aliens. They want to work with the aliens to help make this world a better place. If they truly were mad scientists, they would never have succeeded in their field. Unlike a movie where mad scientists have great power, in real life a mad scientist would never be hired by anyone to start with. Aliens would not have contacted them in the first place if they were mad. Scientists don’t allow the garbage of politics to get in the way of their work. If politicians knew about aliens and gave their opinions it would be a nightmare like everything else in the government. Have you ever known the government to get anything right? Can you risk them getting involved with alien work?”
Sam added “You put a group of people together in a room with a problem that needs solving. The majority of them will fight, only expressing their own point of view, not caring about seeing things of someone else’s, but