there might be one or two people in the room who are calm level headed individuals who have great ideas on how to solve the problem. These people don’t fight, they don’t yell and they respect other people’s points of view, however these people can never get their point across because the loud mouths in the group won’t stop talking. Because the egomaniacs in the group go on and on with there own opinions the problem never gets solved. If you were to take the level headed people out of the group and have them talk to each other alone, the problem would be solved right away. This happens all over the world, countless problems never get solved because loud mouths only want there opinions heard never allowing the level headed people to speak up and give logical ideas to solve the problems. Well, the aliens know our personalities better then we know ourselves. They know who the levelheaded people are in a group. They will contact these people who will then work together at making the world a better place”

  Bobby said, “Why do politicians have to know anyways? Politicians come and go from office in four or eight year cycles. Can scientists trust them not to talk when out of office? Too many people would end up knowing if all politicians voted into office were told”

  Sam nodded “Its not like someone runs for office and there told right away about aliens. In the last few decades no one elected to any level of office has been briefed about aliens. Why? Because the more who know, the more who can talk. Scientists can trust each other not to talk because there smart enough to know not to. Not out of fear, but out of understanding that smart people need to stay together. Too many dumb people in this world, who can mess up a good thing”

  Timmy spoke as Luke looked over to him “Everyone thinks they’re smart because they have an opinion. Just because someone has an opinion doesn’t make them smart, they just think they are. No one ever admits to being dumb. It’s the one thing all humans have in common. Grey aliens avoid people who are opinionated loud mouths. You can get a lot more done with a calm, rational, educated scientist then a hot headed opinionated loose cannon”

  Luke nodded “Why did the aliens choose you four individuals at such as young age?”

  Timmy answered, “Aliens work with scientists on advancement in technology in the world of science, but they choose a wide variety of everyday people to tell their story from an emotional point of view, to help the world become enlighten.”

  Bobby added “All types of people have been selected by aliens over decades, from farmers to seniors to, married men and women to teenage kids. The aliens want different kinds of people from all walks of life telling the same story. If all witnesses were from the same country or age, skeptics would just write it off.”

  Luke turned to Kyle “In your opinion why don’t scientists come out and tell people aliens are real?”

  “They want to work in private. If the world knew scientists worked with aliens you might have some crackpot with a gun who doesn’t like the idea of aliens on earth and might go after the scientists. The military will be in a difficult position. They would have to stop anyone from getting too close to the location were the aliens were kept. This could lead to a messy problem were the military might have to defend the location by shooting or arresting humans in order to protect aliens. The media will be all over it. It would raise the question, who should the military protect, humans or aliens? The scientists would not be able to walk out their front door to go to work without the media surrounding them asking countless questions about their job everyday. They wouldn’t even be able to enter the front door of their office building without the countless protestors standing outside demanding to see the aliens. In the end, it’s better if it’s kept quiet.”

  Sam spoke “Some people will get nervous and will ask questions, like are the aliens stronger then us? Can they take us out with a super weapon? Even though the aliens are peaceful, the answer is yes they are smarter and stronger. However they don’t mean us any harm, but you can’t control the few humans who might panic and want to go to war like the General did.”

  Kyle nodded “If the aliens did mean war. They would’ve came after us hundreds of years ago when man had no weapons to fight back with. Why wait until man had nuclear bombs and jet aircrafts? There has been no war because war is not who they are. They come in peace.”

  Timmy added, “If they were not peaceful, we would not be here today”

  Luke turned to Kyle “What about videos and pictures of UFOs, how many of them are faked? Which ones do you believe?”

  “Of course the vast majority of them are not real.” Kyle said “We cannot believe every single picture is real, however we cannot rule out every single picture without even taking a look at it. We cannot believe everyone who’s taken a picture of a UFO is lying, only looking for fame. Some take pictures believing they truly are photographing a UFO, but it turns out to be a plane or a star. It happens all the time. In the photographers heart they believed it to be a UFO, but in time its proven not to be the case. In fact over ninety five percent of all photos can be explained logically, but every so often a video or photo cannot be explained. Not all of those people are looking for fame, in fact a lot of people who claim to see a UFO don’t find fame at all, they only find ridicule and laughter. They embarrass their families. Friends stop talking to them. So, where is this fame they’re looking for? People don’t make money off of UFO pictures. The fame turns out to be shame, but yet they still come forward anyways because in their hearts they believe they truly saw something. In some rare cases they truly have.”

  Sam nodded and Luke looked over to him. “I’ve seen many cases where people have told stories of alien abductions and end up losing their families and jobs. Family members and friends stop talking to them. Children are taken out of the home. They end up moving to a new town. It’s not like blockbuster movies are made every time someone sees a UFO and that person ends up becoming a millionaire. The majority of the time, it’s the complete opposite.”

  Timmy added “You might ask yourself, why do we label someone who claims to have seen a UFO as crazy? The answer is clear, because we have been programed by society to do so. You and a friend could be walking down a street one morning and see someone approaching you. The individual looks like a perfectly calm and intelligent person and your friend next to you points them out and says, see that person approaching us; he claims to have seen a UFO. Automatically you see that person differently. You think they’re crazy and avoid them. We have been taught to think this way.”

  Bobby agreed, “How many people have seen a UFO and not come forward out of fear of being labeled crazy? Sadly only one out of ten will come forward. The rest are afraid to speak”

  Timmy spoke “Even if ninety nine percent of all UFO sightings turn out to be something other then a UFO, that still leaves one percent. And that one percent means there’s something out there. Can every single sighting throughout time be wrong?”

  Sam looked at Luke “There was a time when the mega mouth shark was thought to be urban legend. For decades sailors would see it and skeptics would tell them they were wrong. Telling them it was nothing more then a trick of the light making the mouth look bigger then it really was. Science even said it couldn’t exist. Until one day one was caught and all the skeptics stood back and said, oh look at that, I guess it does exist, and they walked away, but what about all the people who did see it? Now their stories are suddenly true? Society now has permission from the skeptics to start believing? Why do we need to wait for skeptics to tell us if something is true or not? Millions of people are seeing things in the sky and one or two skeptics saying it’s not real. Are we to believe the skeptics?”

  Bobby added, “If someone tells you they’ve seen a UFO and you believe them, does that makes you crazy as well?”

  Kyle agreed “It is frustrating when a skeptic who wasn’t there in the first place tells someone what they saw. How do they know?”

  Sam added, “However it’s good that we do have skeptics. They stop the scam artist from taking advantage. There are some l
iars out there who will try to rip off the public with fake UFO footage. Skeptics are like defense lawyers. People may not like them, but they are needed. Before there were defensive lawyers’ innocent people were found guilty right away without a proper trial. So we do need to have defensive lawyers and skeptics to balance things out”

  John turned to Bobby “In your book you claim the grey aliens came from Zeta Reticuli. Skeptics say a object can’t travel that far so quickly”

  Bobby responded “Why is the idea of space travel over great distances so impossible to believe? We as humans have been to the moon, we landed a rover on Mars, and satellites have traveled to planets as far away as Saturn. The idea of traveling into outer space is possible for us. We’ve proven it to ourselves. We are in our infancy with space travel, were as the gray aliens have been traveling the universe before the dinosaurs walked the earth. They’re further ahead in the research into space travel. Just because we can’t travel faster then light, doesn’t mean they can’t.”

  Timmy added “We as humans want to find life on other planets, but what if that life has found us first”

  Sam laughed a bit “Can you imagine if there were aliens