object by creating an invisible barrier around it and reversing the magnetic charge. Instead of the object on the earth’s surface being negative you make it positive, when that happens the pull is no longer there. Because two positive magnetics repel each other, the object will now loose its weight, making it possible to lift. You can do this with any object. Even the two ton stones used to constructed the pyramids and the fifty ton stones of Stonehenge.”
Kyle added, “The aliens met with certain ancient Egyptians a long time before the pyramids where ever constructed and gave them this knowledge. The Egyptians then use the knowledge to build the pyramids. The aliens didn’t tell them to build it. They decided to do so on their own”
Bobby spoke “It wasn’t like a UFO was hovering over the pyramids while they were being constructed. Nor did every Egyptian who built the pyramids look up and see a UFO, in the sky”
Luke turned to Timmy “Did the Egyptians build the Sphinx for the aliens?”
“The sphinx is older then the pyramids. It’s the greatest of all mysteries. The head we see today was not the original head. It was reshaped at one point in its history. Could the head of the sphinx at one point been a gray alien? We don’t know for sure”
Bobby added, “If you look at the description people who have been abducted have given of alien writing you will find it greatly resembles Egyptian hieroglyphs. Does this mean the aliens were influenced by Egyptians? Of course not, but it’s the other way around. The ancient Egyptians who were taken onboard a saucer saw the writing and when they came back to earth, started writing the same way. They did not use the same symbols the aliens used, but symbols of there own creation. The Egyptian writing goes up and down. It shouldn’t surprise anyone alien writing goes up and down as well. Once again were seeing human behavior influenced by alien culture.”
Luke turned to Kyle “If the grey aliens gave the ancient Egyptians knowledge on how to make stones weight nothing why don’t they give us the same knowledge today? I don’t know how to make a stone weight nothing, neither does anyone I know.”
Kyle leaned forward a bit “We don’t need to know how to make stones weight nothing. We now have cranes that can move heavy things for us today. As a human race we have moved on to bigger things. The moving of stones was a big thing five thousand years ago, but today we’ve moved onto more complex things like CERN. Each time the aliens visit, the knowledge given to us is slightly ahead of our understanding. It’s done this way to challenge us to move forward. If the level of knowledge is too great it will be beyond out level of understanding and we will not benefit from it, rendering it pointless.”
Timmy agreed, “Knowledge on how to move a stone is nice, but we’re beyond that. The knowledge given to us isn’t to make our lives easier. It’s given to expand our minds, to push us into a higher learning. Much like if you talk to a five year old child like a seven year old, it pushes their mind to grow and learn in order to understand. The knowledge must be slightly more advanced then the people. Just enough for them to understand, but advanced enough to make them learn.”
Bobby added “A few decades ago aliens gave man knowledge about the laser, it has benefited us today. However, if such knowledge was given to the Egyptians or druids thousands of years ago, it would’ve gone to waste. What could they have done which such knowledge? Even today there’s a great deal of things the aliens could give to us, but because were not advanced enough to comprehend the magnitude of the information it would go to waste. However a few hundreds years from now, when mankind is smarter, the same information can be handed down, fully understood and used.”
Timmy added “The people of today could travel back in time and give knowledge of nuclear power to the knights of the medieval period, thinking it would benefit them and improve there lives, but what would they do with it? They wouldn’t be able to use it. There minds where not advanced enough to understand nuclear power. They would ask too many questions. The ancient Egyptians could not be given knowledge about steel, metal, electricity, because it would’ve been too much for them to understand. They knew how to cut the stones free from bedrock, but the knowledge on how to move them came from above.”
Luke looked to Sam “Did the Egyptians worship the aliens as gods?”
Sam said, “Ancient Egyptians could only see them as gods, there would’ve been no other way. They didn’t understand the concept of alien life or other planets. In fact, they didn’t even know they were living on a planet. They believed the land they lived on was flat. The concept of galaxies and solar systems was beyond them. If they saw any other life form in the sky they would’ve believed it to be a god. They wouldn’t call it an alien. To call it alien would imply they understood about life on other planets. Stories of alien visitation were handed down from one generation to the next over hundreds of years, however the word alien was never used, they called them gods. Even the ancient Greeks had their gods. They spoke of Apollo flying through the sky on a chariot. Of course they called it a chariot, they wouldn’t call it a flying saucer or UFO. Those are names we use today. The term UFO means unidentified flying object. Well, the Greeks gave it their own name. They called it a chariot. They could easily have called it a UFO as well. We say saucer, they say chariot. Apollo was their teacher, giver of knowledge. Sounds like what aliens do today. Could Apollo have been an alien? Could all Greek gods have been aliens? We read stories from ancient Greece today thinking they were just made up, but maybe we’re reading stories of aliens and not know it. Descriptions of angels have been described as descending from the heavens on clouds, could this be a description of an alien coming from the sky? If the angels cured someone of an ailment it was called a miracle. A miracle is something in which cannot be explained. Maybe the aliens knew how to cure an illness, like doctors can today. However, long ago, people would not know how to describe advanced medicine, so they called it a miracle. Most religions today have their origins in alien visitation. That’s why most people when they pray look up. Why do people believe gods are in the sky? Because that’s where the saucers came down from, that’s were they were first spotted. Moses heard the voice of god while on the Mount Sinai. Could he have been talking to an alien? Could aliens have written the Ten Commandments given to humans to have order in our lives? Maybe, maybe not, but the questions are out there. Could the Buddha have been an alien who was disguised as a human to teach us? Could Jesus have been an alien sent to enlighten mad with truth? Maybe when Jesus spoke of god he was referring to an alien creator? Maybe Jesus wasn’t performing miracles to help ill people, he just understood modern medicine more then the people of his time. Maybe when the Greeks spoke of Apollo at the top of Mount Olympus, they were speaking of an actual alien who sat at the top of a mountain. Its also been said by the Greeks on many occasions the top of Mount Olympus could lift straight up into the sky. Could they be referring to a UFO lifting up into the sky? We may never know, all of these are questions that we don’t have to answer, but we should take the opportunity to learn from the teachings of religious teachers to become a better people and live in a better society.”
Timmy added, “Throughout the years many have questioned the theory about ancient astronauts only to be laughed at. Soon history will record they were right. They were on the right path. At one time black holes and parallel universes were only found in comic books and science fiction movies. Scientists’ decades ago wouldn’t give the time of day to talk about parallel universes. Now, they are seriously looking into them.”
Bobby spoke “The ancient Egyptian people looked to the sky worshiping the alien as gods waiting for their return. The interesting fact is the pharaohs wanted the same love given to the aliens directed towards them as well. So they altered their own body and face to match that of the gray alien as much as possible. The pharaohs didn’t know exactly what the grey alien looked like because they had never seen one for themselves, but they heard stories past down from generations about there large eyes, and large sized heads. So the pharaohs used black eye ma
keup to make their eyes look bigger and oval in shape, they reshaped the heads of their youth to look bigger and wider then an average human.”
Timmy added. “It’s not like every pharaoh met with an alien while they were alive, but stories about visitors from above were passed down from generation to generation until it became a legend and they were called gods. Much like how religions of today were created long ago”
Kyle added, “If you notice most religions have a powerful connection with the stars and sky, because that’s where the aliens came down from. The people of today still look up to the stars without realizing the origins of their faith.”
“Interesting “ Luke said as he nodded his head. “Never saw it that way before” Luke looked over to Sam “Skeptics say the Egyptians pushed the heavy stones over wooden logs and up a massive ramp and the stones where just as heavy back then as they are now. That your story of the stones weighting nothing is false. How do you respond to those skeptics?”
Sam nodded and answered “The pyramids where build in just fifteen years, forty-four stories tall. Two and a half million