living on Mars who were skeptics. Our land rover would’ve landed on Mars, some Martian would’ve seen it and reported it back to his own people. A skeptic Martian would say, oh come now there’s no life on other planets. You didn’t see any alien vehicle. That blue planet next to us doesn’t have life; we’re the only planet in the universe with life. It’s all a conspiracy”

  The group laughed.

  Timmy spoke “Look at the billions of planets are in our galaxy. And there are tens of billions of galaxies. To put things in perspective, there are more stars in the universe then grains of sand on the entire earth. Skeptics tell us out of the tens of billions of planets in the universe this earth is the only one with life. If we discovered space travel, why can’t other planets? There just farther ahead of us because they been around longer.”

  Sam agreed, “Thousands of years ago, science was in its youth, but it was to free to practice. The Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians made tremendous gains in there studies, then the Roman Empire collapsed and religion took over, suppressing science. Since the year three hundred to about the fifteen hundreds there were no breakthroughs in science, there could’ve been but religion suppressed it with the penalty of death. But look at what we have accomplished in just the past hundred years since the church lost its power. Cars, flight, radio, Internet, electricity, space travel. Imagine were we would be right now if science had not be suppressed since the year three hundred. What mankind has accomplished in the past few decades alone, we should’ve accomplished hundreds of years ago. If we had, imagine where we would be in terms of space travel now. We might be traveling to other worlds. We would be the aliens to other life forms”

  Luke looked over to Timmy “If aliens are so much more advanced, why don’t they stop world wars?”

  “Same reason why when a photographer who goes out in the forest to photograph wild habitat doesn’t stop insects from killing other insects, or animals from attacking other animals. He’s there to observe and document, to learn how the animals live in their world. Same thing when red and black ants go to war. We record it and watch it on TV in order to learn. If we got involved we would be disrupting their way of life. What we could learn about them would be altered. Sometimes when a smarter species watches another, you don’t get involved, you just study. The greys feel the same way about us. They know they can’t get involved in everything we do. If they did life on earth would not evolve the right way. The experiment would be altered. Evolution needs to happen at a certain speed, any disruption will hamper it. As humans we are young, we will make mistakes, but we are learning. We learn from good and bad times. But we need the bad to happen so we can learn from it. Sometimes the greatest thing a parent can give their child is freedom to fail. If you hold your child’s hand through life, they’re never truly free. In our freedom to fail comes the freedom to learn. Scientists knows you can not alter the experiment or the findings won’t be accurate.”

  Luke looked over to Kyle “You would call the aliens scientists?”

  He nodded “Yes that’s what they’ve always been, scientists who travel the universe looking to learn and understand. In the future when man has achieved enlightenment on a planet wide scale we will travel the universe and send out scientists not warriors. The longer you live, the smarter you become. The longer a society lives, the smarter they become ”

  Luke turned to Sam “Have aliens ever given mankind knowledge on how to build things?”

  Sam answered, “They’ve given us hints. They point us in a direction. They don’t tell us what to do with the knowledge, but its up to us to use it as we see fit. Its like they point us towards the answer, we then have to work through the steps to find the question. A math book in high school will have the answers in the back. It is then up to the student to figure out and understand how to get from the question to the answer. Life is all about steps, not just quick answers. You learn more from your travels then the destinations. You learn more if you figure something out for yourself. Answers can be given to you, but it would mean nothing. Ever wonder about CERN.”

  “CERN is the laboratory for particle physics,” Luke said.

  “The scientists at CERN are working towards a goal. Aliens could’ve told the scientists what the answer is right away without them having built CERN, but it would mean nothing, we would not have learned anything from it. Mankind needs to learn on they’re own over time. A few hints can point you towards the building of CERN, but mankind had to build and work on it. Mankind needs to understand the steps as they discovery them. The final answer cannot just be handed to mankind, only hints.”

  Timmy added, “At CERN an accelerator fires little particles just under the speed of light. They collide with each other. The results are studied and recorded. It cost over nine billion to build. Why did we spend so much money building something so complex when there was a chance it might not work? Unless some of the scientists involved knew something a head of time. CERN exists because they want to reach a goal, but could mankind invest so much time and money in a goal that might not be achieved? But what if they knew something before building it? What if they knew the goal was truly possible? As any scientist, you carry out an experiment when you believe in the goal, but can you risk spending so much money on something that might not give you any answers? However, CERN was built. The money was spent; countless scientists have dedicated their lives to working on it. Almost as if they knew something going in. As if they knew for certain there goal was achievable, they just had to figure out the steps. Complex steps mind you”

  “So, aliens told scientists to build CERN?” Luke asked.

  Timmy answered “No, its up to man to decide. Mankind took it upon themselves to seek the answers and understanding in CERN. They could’ve sought out the answers elsewhere.”

  Sam added, “CERN is our modern day pyramids. The complex knowledge about CERN could never have been given to a society like the ancient Egyptians so long ago. A race needs to learn over time, like walking up a flight of stairs. You cannot skip any steps. Or the information on the next level would not make sense. The complexity of CERN is achievable by modern day scientists because they have studied the findings of yesterday’s scientists. We are learning, step by step, one generation at a time. The aliens can point in the right direction. Give us a hint. Let us know we’re on the right track, but they cannot just hand us the answers of the mysteries of the universe. We wouldn’t be able to make any sense of it, however if we learn at our own pace. Then anything we come discover will make sense.”

  Bobby added, “Its like the scientists who are trying to reverse engineer the UFO in the secret base in the desert, it next to impossible, because the saucer’s system is so complex. The technology is light years ahead of ours. There’s so much man has to learn about science first before they can understand the complex parts of an alien saucer. Much like how a child in grade school can learn about chemistry and thinks he knows everything, but if he looks at a university textbook on chemistry, it would be beyond his level of comprehension. The child will have to study chemistry at each grade level year after year until one day when he’s in university; he will then be able to make sense of the textbook which was complex in his eyes when he was a child.”

  Timmy spoke “Within time, scientists will make massive breakthroughs, they will then be able to look at the saucer and understand how it works. We can reverse engineer anything made by man decades ago because the scientists of today are equal to the scientists of yesterday, but if someone from the future travels back in time by three hundred years with a device, the scientists of today would have a difficult time understanding how it works. They will be missing three hundred years of information.”

  Luke looked to Sam “Are aliens talking to hundreds of scientists around the world each year?”

  Sam shook his head no “Not every scientist, In fact aliens might contact only one or two scientists every few hundred years. Its not like aliens are hanging out on earth everyday. They only intervene when nee
ded. There could be hundreds of years between visits. The visits themselves could occur during the night where the individual believes the encounter was a weird dream. Anything more and they run the risk of interfering with mankind’s development.”

  “So the scientists don’t even know they’re being visited by aliens?” Luke asked.

  “Not all the time” Timmy answered “In most cases the ideas are placed in their minds while they sleep, when the scientist awakes they believe they had a mental breakthrough in their dreams. You hear scientists all the time say to their colleagues, I figure something out while sleeping, woke up and had to write it down. What they don’t know is the idea was given to them while onboard a UFO”

  Luke turned to Kyle “You wrote in your book that aliens told you how the pyramids where build, by reversing the magnetic pole?”

  Kyle nodded “The earth’s core is a magnet, a positive charge. Everything on the earth’s surface is a negative charge. Because the earth’s core is so large and everything on the surface is small the positive core pulls everything down. Causing us to remain on the earth’s surface. The aliens understood you can reduce the weight of any