Her teeth grated together as she took some time to tether her temper. Forcing a smile to her face, she turned to meet Calvin as he strolled away from the hall of willing humans. The potent scent of his cologne wasn't enough to cover the other scents of blood and woman wafting from him. She couldn't stop her nose from wrinkling as he approached her. The smell of sex on him was the first real proof she'd ever truly had as to what went on in those other rooms.

  She wasn't a prude, her entire life had been spent running through the legs of patrons and listening to the sounds that came from the rooms above at night. Even still, she didn't like him touching her at any time; she wanted it even less right now.

  "Ah Hannah." Panic flitted through her as he held his arms open and continued to smile at her with that sickeningly sweet smile. "It's so good to see you."

  She was bracing herself to endure the inevitable fact that he was going to hug her when Jack stepped in between them. The smile on his face was anything but sweet as he held Calvin's gaze. Calvin didn't appear to know what to do with himself as he stopped walking but his arms remained open. Slowly, his mouth closed and his arms fell back to his sides.

  Hannah glanced between them apprehensively. She took a step forward to try and intervene in some way. It had been the wrong move to make as Calvin's eyes shot toward her and honed in on her still swollen lips. The only thing that shocked her more than the flash of red that shot through Calvin's eyes was the low growl coming from Jack.

  Hannah felt as if she were trapped between two tigers as she looked toward Ellen. Her friend looked just as stunned as Hannah felt as she remained unmoving by the door. Hannah caught the mineral scent of the heightened testosterone levels pulsating within the building. Stepping forward she nudged Jack a little out of the way. Jack shot her a disgruntled look she chose to ignore as she forced a smile to her face.

  "It's good to see you too Calvin," she lied smoothly.

  She hadn't been expecting it but he snatched hold of her hands and pulled her toward him. The sound that escaped Jack was something that was part wolf protecting its mate and part something so primal that she'd never heard the likes of it before. Her hands were rigid within Calvin's grasp as his eyes became two crimson orbs. Jack's eyes glistened like rubies in the candlelight as he ruthlessly met Calvin's gaze.

  "Release her," Jack said in a tone of voice that brokered no argument.

  A muscle twitched in Calvin's cheek but his hands slid away from hers as he took a step back. "There is something that I must discuss with Hannah, it will only take a minute but it's an extremely important matter."

  She had no idea what it was he wanted to discuss with her, but she wasn't willing to upset him for a second time today. She could always claim that she had chosen the prince's side earlier because he was a prince and she couldn't go against him and his friend, there was no such option now. Jack and William would leave, but Calvin would still be here, and she wasn't going to do anything that might jeopardize her family or Heath.

  "It's ok Jack," she managed to force out. "Calvin is an old friend."

  It was a blatant lie. Even when she'd been a little girl and he'd had no interest in her, she still hadn't liked the man. He'd always made her skin crawl. The thought of having him touch her was enough to make her want to walk into the day and keep going until she couldn't walk anymore.

  "Is he?" Jack's eyes were still red as they flickered toward her.

  She kept the phony smile on her face as she released a tiny laugh that sounded like nails on a chalkboard even to her. "Of course."

  Jack's hand twitched toward her but fell back to his side as she rested her hand on Calvin's arm. She silently pleaded with him to remain quiet as Calvin wrapped a hand around hers triumphantly. She suppressed a shudder, and struggled against the urge to rip her hand away from his grasp. Her stomach threatened to spill its recently consumed contents onto the ground. Calvin's touch had always repulsed her but now her body seemed to be rejecting it on a whole new level, and as her gaze lingered on Jack she realized it was because of him.

  Oh crap. She was in over her head already and she didn't understand how it had happened at all. One crisis at a time, she told herself. She had to deal with the most important predicament right now as she turned her smile up even more for Calvin.

  "That we are dear," he replied with a smug look at Jack that caused Jack's upper lip to curl.

  "I see, well it seems as if you are in good hands then. If you'll excuse me, I must be getting back." He didn't wait for a response before turning on his heel and striding purposefully toward the doors. Hannah bit her tongue before she called out for him to come back, to not leave her with Calvin, as Ellen opened the door for him and then stepped back inside.

  "It appears the young prince isn't used to having someone chosen over him, my dear." Hannah swallowed as she forced her attention back to Calvin. The hand he wasn't holding curled into a fist but she was able to keep her temper. "Some people are far more spoiled than what you are used to." Like you, she thought. "And far ruder. I will make sure you get back to the tavern safely."

  "Thank you Calvin, but Ellen is still here and I'm sure we'll be fine."

  "Nonsense you never know who might be wandering the streets at night."

  She forced a laugh as she pat his hand. "We know everyone in town Calvin."

  "And lately riffraff have been entering it too."

  There wasn't even forced laughter left within her as his eyes latched onto her mouth and his hand clenched around hers. Fear of him slithered through her as his smiled faded away. She'd always been careful not to rock the boat around him, but she felt like she'd just flipped the canoe and plunged herself straight into frigid water.

  "I think it's best if you stay away from such unsavory and spoiled people from now on." His grip had started to grind the bones in her hand together but she forced herself not to react, not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry out. "If you know what is good for you, and others," he added with a pointed glance at Ellen. "Don't you think?"

  Unable to take the pressure on her bones anymore she attempted to tug her hand free. "Let go," she hissed when he refused to release her.

  "I said, don't you think?" he asked again instead. Everything in her screamed against capitulating to his request but her hand was being crushed and his gaze remained locked upon Ellen as he smiled sweetly and waved his fingers at her. "Such a pretty girl, it would be a shame if something were to happen to her. She's not as able to defend herself as some of the rest of us."

  "Yes!" Hannah blurted as her knees threatened to give out and a bone in her hand cracked.

  "Yes what?" he inquired as his attention finally came back to her.

  "Yes, it's best to stay away from such people."

  The pressure on her hand blessedly eased as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. Hannah recoiled from him, but there was nowhere for her to go as he still held her hand. She didn't know if she was more tempted to scream or cry as frustration and fury crashed through her in equal waves. It was taking everything she had not to launch at him and claw his eyes out but it would only get her thrown into jail or even worse, forced into wedlock with this bastard. She'd take a jail cell any day over letting this creature touch her, but she knew she wouldn't be alone in that jail. Her loved ones would be with her, possibly even just their bodies.

  "Now, let's get you back where you belong and to the people you belong with." Before she could protest he took hold of her brutalized hand again and tucked her arm into his. "I think I might even enjoy some of your fine ale tonight."

  "Why?" she asked before she could stop herself.

  "Why, what my dear?"

  "Why, me? There are other single women in town."

  Hannah was unable to stop herself from flinching as his index knuckle stroked over her cheek. "There are, but few are as lovely as you." That was the whole reason that he was so determined to have her with him. She forced herself not to look at Ellen, who she knew was just
as beautiful if not more so than she was. "And none of them are as strong as you."

  "I am defective as well," she reminded him.

  That smug smile made her feel like kicking him. "You are, but you're not growing older, you can move faster than a human, you have fangs, you are able to heal yourself, and you have strength. I could live with your defect being passed on to one of our children." A dull ringing began in her ears at the mention of children with him. It wasn't Jack she was in over her head with, she realized. "But only one."

  She couldn't bring herself to ask what would happen if it was passed onto more than one, she was afraid she already knew the answer. She didn't know what to say or do, but she wasn't given a chance to find her voice as he turned her toward Ellen and led her outside with Ellen close at her side. Though he continued his idle chitchat on the way back to the tavern, it was Ellen that responded to him as Hannah walked like some kind of demented wooden puppet beside him.

  Illumination from the lanterns and candles within the tavern windows danced across the sidewalk, the laughter drifting from inside was a stark contrast to the depression she felt weighing on her soul. Calvin pushed the door open and bowed with a sweeping gesture for her and Ellen to go ahead of him. Hannah made it five steps through the door before she froze. The throbbing in her hand was nothing compared to the stake that seemed to slam through her heart.

  Jack's eyes lifted to her arm entwined with Calvin's, he didn't smile, didn't even acknowledge her before his head bent back to the cards in his hand. It was what was sitting in his lap that made her feel as if the top of her head was going to blow off. Millie, the waitress, giggled and pointed at his cards as she turned to flash her thousand watt smile at him. Jack smiled back at her when she pressed a kiss against his cheek.

  "It seems as if you've been replaced already my dear."

  Though Calvin whispered the words near her ear she found it wasn't him she was thinking about kicking in the balls. It took all she had to turn toward him and speak in a normal tone. "There was nothing to replace. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to change before the night gets into full swing."

  Calvin surveyed her and when his eyes came back to hers she saw the satisfaction in his gaze. Apparently she was keeping her cool even better than she thought as he gave her his first real smile of the evening and nodded. "Of course, hurry back."

  "I will." Hannah spun on her heel. She kept her shoulders thrust back, her chin held high as she glided across the room toward the stairs. She greeted the patrons as she went and kept her damaged hand in the folds of her skirt as some of them insisted upon shaking her hand or grabbing hold of her arm.

  It wasn't until she was safely out of view of the saloon below that she burst into motion and fled with inhuman speed to her room. She crashed through the door and spun to slam it shut as she battled against the hot wash of tears that filled her eyes. Trapped, she'd never felt more trapped, humiliated and infuriated in her entire life.

  All she could do was stand in the middle of the room with her good hand fisted as her body trembled. There was no way she was going to be maneuvered into marriage with Calvin, and there was absolutely no way she was going to let that other baboon downstairs touch her again. She didn't care what she had to do, but whatever it was she was going to find a way to get them both out of her life. Even if she had to drive a stake through their hearts herself.

  - CHAPTER 8 -

  Jack didn't look up again but he felt it when Hannah strode past the table and across the room. He heard the patrons calling out greetings to her but she disappeared upstairs a few minutes after her arrival. He could feel William's gaze boring into him from across the table as he tapped Millie on the butt and urged her off of his lap. He'd succeeded in trying to appear as uncaring as possible but now he just wanted to get Millie away from him.

  "Thanks for being my good luck charm." He flashed a grin that he knew would disarm any exasperation from the woman and it didn't fail to do so now.

  "Anytime handsome," she said as she blew him a kiss.

  Jack watched her walk away but his thoughts were no longer on her. Anger still festered in his chest as he finally met William's gaze across the table. He hadn't told his friend anything about what had occurred at the donation center but William had been staring questioningly at him ever since he'd returned.

  It wasn't often he was in a bad mood but he'd still been seeing red when he'd stormed back into the tavern. Millie's attention had helped to salvage some of his pride, but it hadn't cooled his ire anywhere near as much as he'd thought it would. Instead his foot was beginning to tap, and despite his every intention not to let it happen, he felt his gaze slide toward the stairs.

  "Jack." He reluctantly turned back to William. A hundred questions seemed to be reflected in his friend's eyes but he didn't ask any of them. "It's your turn."

  He glanced at the full house in his hand and tossed it on the pile of coins in the middle. "I fold."

  A muscle twitched in William's cheek but he didn't say anything more as he turned to the other two humans playing with them. It had become quieter inside the bar when Calvin had entered, and like last night the noise didn't return to its higher levels. Ellen retreated to the stage in the corner and lifted the flute to her mouth, but even the mellow music that flowed forth didn't relieve the tension in the room.

  It certainly didn't ease his. He knew that Hannah didn't want to be with Calvin, that much was obvious, but he didn't know what had happened to him earlier. The mere thought of the man touching her had been enough to make his blood boil. His normally jovial attitude had vanished in an instant and something almost primal had surged forth to take its place. He'd had to fight the urge to tear Calvin's throat out. That pleasant thought caused his fangs to prick and lengthen even now.

  Shit, he thought. What is wrong with me?

  He needed a few minutes to gather his thoughts and regain control of himself. His gaze slid back to the stairway but she had yet to reemerge and he didn't think she was going to help calm him down anyway. In fact, he was certain that she was the one thing that might completely unravel him.

  Pushing away from the table, he rose to his feet. "I'm going for a walk."

  "Want me to join you?" William asked as he pulled his winnings toward him.


  Jack gave Calvin a brief wave before walking out the door.


  He'd spent more than a few hours swimming in the soothing, cool water before pulling himself onto the sandy shore. Lying by the lake, with his hands behind his head, he studied the stars and moon as they shifted across the sky. The water drying on his skin and the wind tickling over him helped to relax him further. He hadn't lain down and simply studied the night sky since his time in the woods.

  The moon drifted further across the sky and though he knew he should get back to see what was going on, to see her, he remained where he was upon the spongy ground. He was reluctant to leave the lake that reminded him of the peace he'd found amongst the rebels in his first years as part of their movement. The chirrup of the crickets and the mellow lapping of the water against the shore lulled him into a fitful sleep.

  On his two year anniversary with the rebels in the woods he was given a new quiver of arrows, a flask of whiskey, and a slap on the shoulder. Aria reluctantly handed him the quiver, but her hand remained on the strap as she eyed the newly made arrows with longing.

  With a sigh, she released the strap. "If you would prefer for the arrows to go to someone that can put them to good use, I'll be happy to take them off your hands," she said with a teasing gleam in her eyes.

  He took a threatening step toward her but she just laughed. "You're as frightening as a teddy bear Jack," she told him as she danced away, somehow managing to snag one of the arrows from his quiver.

  He'd never thought he'd see the day that someone compared him to a teddy bear but he found that he liked it. The twins seemed to have decided that he was their favorite person to torment, a fact that Da
vid, Daniel, and Max found endlessly amusing. It made him feel as if he really was at home here, as if he actually had a family amongst the rebels. He knew that they thought of him as family, but he was merely the wolf in a herd of sheep. He shook his head and tossed the quiver onto his shoulder before she could somehow manage to pilfer anymore of the finely crafted arrows.

  "I'd like to go into town," David told him. "Neil says he's found another candidate for the rebellion, a young man about your age."

  "I'll go with you," Jack volunteered immediately. He'd taken to making all of the trips into town with David. He worried his father might decide he was dead, or had failed, and try to send another vampire to infiltrate the rebellion. He didn't know what he would do if such a thing happened, but he did know that he wasn't about to let another vamp into this encampment.

  "I thought you would. Max and Daniel will be joining us as well."

  Jack glanced over at the two blond men that were looking over their supplies. He'd grown fond of the two of them over the past couple of years. Daniel was a likeable, easy going fellow whose fingers were almost always stained black with the coal that he used for his drawings. Max was one of the most charming people he'd ever encountered, with a smile that melted all of the young girl's hearts. The girls were always fluttering around him as he regaled them with his stories and teased them by tugging on their hair. Jack hadn't missed the fact that Aria had begun to hang on Max's words too, though he doubted anything would come of it. He didn't think Max would risk ruining his friendship with Daniel by messing around with his little sister.

  Jack fell into step beside David as they made their way toward the small town closest to their newest encampment in the woods. There wasn't much left for him to discover about the rebels but he was reluctant to leave the people he had met here. He was even more reluctant to hand them over to his father. He kept telling himself he'd go back next week, but next week had stretched into all of this year.