The rebels moved about constantly but he knew of at least ten major cave systems that they used on a regular basis, and stayed close to, in case there was ever a raid on their encampment. He'd thought that all the moving around would ruin the family unit, but it didn't. Even though they spent a lot of time apart due to hunting or recruiting, David and his children were exceptionally close. The core group of rebels was an extended family unit that looked to David for leadership but Jack suspected they all stayed because of the close knit bonds they had formed with each other.

  "Will you go in with Daniel again this time?" David inquired.

  Jack nodded as he kept his gaze on the forest, his senses were on high alert as he searched for any hint of danger amongst the woods. He'd grown closer to David over the past couple of years, or at least as close as he could to a man he was going to betray. Jack shied away from the thought; it wasn't something he liked to linger on.

  More and more he was beginning to realize that he was the failure his father had always believed him to be. He just wasn't sure that was the bad thing he'd always thought it was. "I'll go in without Daniel if you'd prefer."

  David shook his head. "No one goes in alone, ever."

  It was David's number one rule, Jack knew that, but he'd prefer to keep them protected if he could. There was no reason for them to put themselves in jeopardy if they didn't have too, but of course he couldn't tell them that. It was Daniel's preference to be the first one to meet a new recruit. Perhaps it was inane curiosity that drove him, but Jack thought it was his way of proving to his father, and the others, that he would be capable of leading the rebellion one day.

  They were almost to the town, and the hotel where they would be meeting the newest recruit, when he caught a whiff of something else in the air. In the blink of an eye he had the bow off his back and an arrow nocked into it just as the first of his father's men burst from the woods. The guard never stood a chance as the arrow whistled through the air and struck its target. Daniel and Max just barely managed to dive out of the way of the next charging guard. David pulled his arm back and threw his knife forward with a deftness brought about by years of honing his hunting and survival skills.

  The knife hit its target but the metal wasn't enough to take the charging vampire down. Jack released another arrow but the man managed to evade it with a swift dodge to the side. The guard leapt forward and wrapped his arms around David's waist. They bounced as they crashed onto the forest floor. Daniel and Max were already back on their feet and running toward them as the guard snapped at David's throat. David managed to avoid the vampire's fangs by jerking his head to the side but the vampire's weight and strength were beginning to overwhelm him as he was pushed deeper into the leaves.

  Jack could let it end this way, he knew that. He'd taken down one guard; he'd been thrown off balance by the second, it wouldn't seem odd if he wasn't able to intervene in time. Daniel would try and assume the leadership role, and he would one day be a good leader, but he wasn't ready yet. The rebellion might just fall apart if David wasn't there to keep it going.

  That thought should have made his reaction time slower, it was what he'd come here to accomplish after all, instead it spurred him on. Yanking the stake at his side free of its holster, he launched himself onto the guard's back and drove the stake through sinew and bone to the deadened organ within the man's chest. The guard reared back, knocking him off as he clawed at the weapon protruding from his body. Jack pulled his foot back and slammed it into the stake, driving it the rest of the way through the guard's body.

  The vampire's eyes were open as he fell upon the ground. Jack stretched his hand out to help David up. David was breathing heavily, he stared at Jack for a long while before clasping hold of his hand. "Thank you," he said though his gaze was a bit more inquisitive and pointed as it met Jack's.

  Jack had to remind himself to pretend to take a deep breath as he wiped the sweat from his brow. He sometimes forgot to breathe around them, it was rare, and something that he didn't think they would notice, until now. David had seen something, or perhaps it was just the attack that had rattled him, but his eyes remained focused upon Jack as he took a step back.

  "Anytime," he assured him a bit too loudly and with a slap on the back. "That was a close one."

  "It was," David confirmed as he finally turned his attention to Max and Daniel. "Are you both ok?"

  "Yes," Daniel answered.

  "Are you ok?" David asked him.

  Jack nodded. "Yes."

  "That was awesome!" Max declared as he slapped Jack on his shoulder. "Fine shooting!"

  "Yes, very fine shooting." Jack turned to find David staring at him again. Jack couldn't shake the feeling that he'd let something slip, but then David clasped hold of his forearm and squeezed it. "Let's go get this over with."

  Jack released a fake breath of relief as he fell into step beside David again. He'd just saved the life of the one man he'd been sent to destroy, and he didn't regret it at all.

  - CHAPTER 9 -

  The sun was just peeking over the horizon when Jack's eyes cracked open. The rays glinted off of the lake and forced his unadjusted eyes closed again. The dream lingered like a bad hangover as he rubbed at his eyes. He hadn't known it at the time but that day had been a turning point, the end of his staying hidden amongst the rebels. The funny thing was that even after he was discovered, even after David knew what he was, David had still never allowed him to walk into an establishment on his own, until Aria had been taken.

  Even then it had taken a lot of persuasion to keep David from coming into the palace with him. In the end it had been simple logic that had won out. Jack would be able to move through the palace much easier on his own than with a human in tow, even if he pretended that human was his blood slave. Not to mention how Aria or Max would react if they were to see David, or one of the other rebels with him. David had reluctantly agreed to let him go in alone to get David's daughter back, but Jack had walked in there feeling as if the man was right by his side.

  Jack shoved himself into a seated position and draped his arm over his knee as he studied the lake. He'd lived an extensive life but those early days amongst the rebels were the only days he would choose to relive, if he could. Pushing himself up from the bank, he wiped the dirt from his ass before grabbing his quiver and bow and slinging them over his shoulder.

  The town was still sleeping as he made his way around to the front of the tavern, climbed the steps, and opened the door. Hannah lifted her head from the table she'd been wiping down with a rag. His eyes locked with hers for a poignant second before she dropped her head and went back to cleaning. From the kitchen the clinking and scraping of pots and pans being washed could be heard. Ellen was singing about a war that had been fought three hundred years ago as she helped Lucas stack the chairs on one of the tables. The enchanting sound of her voice made him briefly forget Hannah as he was ensnared by the words.

  William had his elbows propped on a table, his hands were fisted, his chin rested upon them as he watched Ellen flit between the tables. His foot tapped along with the relaxed melody of the song. Jack shook his head to clear it of the song as he dropped into the seat across from William.

  William blinked at him and frowned as he sat back in his chair. "Where have you been?"

  Jack glanced at Hannah but though she was still focused upon the table he knew that she was listening. "Around," he replied evasively.

  William looked between them before shaking his head. The ringing of bells outside drew all of their attention to the door. Even the pans in the back stopped rattling as the sound of the bells drew closer. William rose from his chair. "What are you doing?" Jack inquired.

  William shook back his auburn hair and walked over to the door. He opened it a crack and peered out. The ringing bells faded into the distance as they moved past the building. The others went back to work when William closed the door. He threw the locks before walking over to one of the closed shutters.

; "Wait, no!" Ellen cried as William threw the shutter open.

  The sun's rays fell over Hannah's back, tables, and chairs as they spilled through the window. Hannah released a shrill scream, her hands clenched on the cloth she'd been using as she arched forward. William looked around in confusion as Jack leapt to his feet. He searched frantically, ready to kill whatever it was that had harmed her but he saw nothing beyond the window.

  "Close the shutter! Close the shutter!" Lucas shouted as he bounced around just beyond the range of the sun's rays.

  Jack leapt forward and wrapped his arms around Hannah as she slumped onto the table. Blisters instantly broke out on the palms of his hands and forearms from the heat coming from her body. Though he could feel his skin burning, he refused to release her as he tore her away from the light filtering into the building. A small sound of relief escaped her when he pulled her into the shadows and William closed the shutter again.

  "Hannah! Hannah, look at me!" Jack laid her on her side and rested her head in his lap. He anxiously brushed the strands of coffee colored hair away from her face. Her skin was paler than normal, her jade green eyes exceedingly vivid as they briefly met his before they rolled back into her head and she passed out.

  "Is she ok?" Lucas demanded as he rushed forward.

  "What just happened?" William inquired dully.

  Jack had no idea what had just happened as he pulled his hands away from her to examine them. The blisters were already beginning to fade from his palms and forearms but they were still red and swollen. His attention shifted to her back. Fury and confusion rolled through him at the sight of her scorched and raw alabaster skin. Parts of her dress were stuck to her flesh and to his utter disbelief there was actually black singe marks on her skin.

  "Is she ok?" Lucas demanded again as he knelt before Jack.

  "What the hell just happened?" William asked again in a more assertive tone of voice.

  Jack glanced from her, to the window, and back again. "A legend is born," he muttered as realization hit him.

  "What?" William inquired.

  Jack shook his head and slid his arms carefully underneath her. A small moan escaped her, her head fell against his chest, but she didn't stir when he lifted her from the ground. She felt exceptionally delicate and fragile within his arms, like a wispy flower that could be plucked from the earth too easily.

  "Get me some blood," Jack commanded Lucas in a clipped tone.

  Lucas glanced at the door and shook his head. "I can't."

  "I'll go," Ellen volunteered and ran for the door.

  Jack took a step away from the light that filtered in from the open door before she dashed outside. "Where's her room?" he demanded. Lucas pointed toward the stairs and then dashed up them. "Get me some towels and a bucket of cold water."

  William was still the color of snow but he managed a brief nod at Jack's order. "Is she going to be ok?"

  "She'll be fine," Abe said from the doorway of the kitchen though he was wringing his hands as he looked on with troubled eyes. "Come help me with the bucket."

  Jack rapidly carried her upstairs and down to the last room on the right. Lucas swung the door open and took a quick step back to let him pass. Jack strode into the room and almost came to an abrupt halt as he took in the stark surroundings. Like his room, the walls were wood, but there were no paintings or pictures hanging on them. A simple bureau was pushed against the wall next to the full size bed but there was only a hairbrush and comb sitting on top of it. For a second he doubted that anyone slept in this seemingly cold space, but the closet door was cracked open far enough to reveal her clothes hanging inside.

  Shifting his hold on her, he reached down and pulled back the plain white comforter on the bed. The scent of apple blossoms drifted up from the sheets to assail him and though he'd had no thought of it happening, his fangs sprang free as the urge to taste her rocked him. He came to an abrupt halt as he savored in the scent of her fragile body and bent closer to her limp form.

  His hands clenched on her as a step sounded from behind him and he caught Lucas's scent. Throwing his shoulders back, Jack forced himself not to turn and yell at her cousin. He carefully placed Hannah face down on the bed and sat beside her to pull back the frayed remains of her dress. Bits of material stuck to her flesh as he tried to ease it away from her blistered and bubbled skin.

  "Awful," he whispered as he finally succeeded in pulling most of the cloth away.

  "I don't understand what just happened." He looked up at William as his friend set the bucket of water down beside him and placed some towels on the nightstand.

  Jack turned and looked over his shoulder at Abe and Lucas hovering in the doorway. "What was it she said that had settled in this town? Unwanted vampires?"

  "Undesirables," Abe answered. "The Undesirables settled this town."

  "And all of you have something wrong with you?"

  "Almost all of us."

  Jack's hand rested in the unmarred hollow of her back as his gaze returned to her. "And with her it's the fact that the sun burns her."

  "For the both of us," Lucas said. "Neither of us can tolerate the direct rays of the sun. We inherited it from our mother's."

  Jack grabbed hold of a towel and dipped it into the icy bucket of water. He rang the water from it and ever so carefully dabbed at the charred skin on her back. The water helped to loosen some of the pieces of material from her skin and he pulled it away from her more easily. A small moan escaped her; she flinched away from him but didn't awaken as he continued to minister to her. He resisted the urge to stroke her cheek in order to soothe the lines furrowing her brow.

  "I didn't know," William muttered.

  Unreasonable resentment swelled within him. William hadn't meant for her to be burned, there was no way he could have known what would happen, Jack himself had never seen anything like it, but even with all that reason Jack's hand fisted as he studied his friend. On purpose or not, William had caused it.

  William's eyes widened, he took an abrupt step back from Jack and began to edge his way toward the door. Jack shook his head and turned his attention back to Hannah as another small moan escaped her. "Is she going to be ok?" he grated through his clenched teeth.

  "When we do get burned we usually heal quickly enough. I'm sure she'll be fine," Lucas murmured.

  Jack nodded as he dipped the towel into the water and dabbed at her back again. A small mewl escaped her, her left hand fluttered on the pillow while her right hand was beneath her stomach. Ellen burst into the room, an armload of blood clutched against her chest as she rushed toward them. Jack leapt up and grabbed the blood from her before she could get too close to Hannah. He was aware that his posture was defensive but he did nothing to change it as he remained standing in front of Hannah.

  Ellen frowned at him as she tried to step around him to get at her friend. "I can help…"

  "I'll do it," he grated. Her forehead furrowed but she retreated back to stand beside her friends. Jack studied them for a minute but Hannah's soft whimper brought his attention back to her. Placing the bags on the table beside the bed, he sat beside her again and picked up the towel. The sight of her beautiful skin so badly brutalized made his mouth curve into a snarl even as he dipped the towel back into the water and tenderly dabbed at the burns again.

  When he had succeeded in removing the last bits of the dress from her flesh, he wet the clean towels and gently placed two of them over her wounded body. He glanced over his shoulder at the others but they had already left the room. The door was still open but when he focused his senses upon the hall, he didn't hear them out there standing nearby.

  Grabbing hold of a bag of blood, he tore a chunk off the corner with his teeth and placed it against her lips. It was awkward trying to get her to drink in her position but he managed to have her swallow some of it. Placing the bag on the table he turned back to her and brushed the silken hair back from her face. She was even paler than normal, something he hadn't thought possible before sh
e'd been burned, but he understood the pallor of her skin a lot better now.

  He traced her lips with his finger before jerking his hand back. What was wrong with him? Shaking his head he forced himself off of the bed. He grabbed hold of the wooden rocking chair in the corner and placed it beside the bed. Settling into it, he folded his arms over his chest. As long as she was defenseless, and in need of his help, he wasn't going anywhere.

  - CHAPTER 10 -

  Hannah's eyelids felt extremely heavy as she tried to lift them. Her back felt like someone had taken a torch to it and she dimly recalled the heat of the sun burning through her clothes and blazing over her back. Memory finally assailed her as she remembered the shutter being thrown open and she'd once again known the misery the sun could inflict upon her.

  A small moan escaped her; she winced as she moved an inch. Cool hands pressed against her cheek and then something was lifted from her back. She heard water sloshing around before the delicious feeling of something icy being placed on her back caused a groan of pleasure to escape her. She finally managed to open her eyes and blinked in surprise at the pair of pewter eyes staring back at her. Black stubble shadowed Jack's square jaw as he leaned closer to her. His scent of earth and man engulfed her and she was assailed by a feeling of security even though she was lying on her stomach and almost incapable of movement.

  The moment of security faded away with the realization of everything he'd just witnessed and everything he now knew about her. Shame threatened to swamp her but she tilted her chin up as she met his gaze. She'd be damned if she let another man make her feel ashamed again. She refused to be beaten or broken by the rejection she knew was coming.

  "So now you know," she murmured.

  His gaze had been focused on the towel he was laying across her skin but he slowly turned his head to look her in the eyes. "If you had told me about this it never would have happened."

  "It's not exactly something that I tell every stranger I meet."