Isaiah denouncing the root of Evil to the Nation

  14 billion 200 million a year to the Debt Money System,

  Rolling back darkness in Nebraska—

  Shanghai water power cut off by Mao’s enemies

  I am a Rock, I am an Island radio souls cry

  passing north of Lincoln’s tiny bright downtown horizon;

  Square banks huddled under Capitol turret blinking red,

  electric tower steam-drifts

  ribboned across building tops

  under city’s ruby night-glow—

  Let the Viet Cong win over the American Army!

  Dice of Prophecy cast on the giant plains!

  Drum march on airwaves, anger march in the mouth,

  Xylophones & trumpets screaming thru American brain—

  Our violence unabated after a year

  in mid-America returned, I prophesy against

  this my own Nation

  enraptured in hypnotic war.

  And if it were my wish, we’d lose & our will

  be broken

  & our armies scattered as we’ve scattered the airy guerrillas

  of our own yellow imagination.

  Mothers weep & Sons be dumb

  your brothers & children murder

  the beautiful yellow bodies of Indochina

  in dreams invented for your eyes by TV

  all yr talk gibberish mouthed by radio,

  yr politics mapped by paper Star

  Thought Consciousness

  Form Feeling Sensation Imagination the

  5 skandhas, realms of Buddha

  Invaded by electronic media KLYL

  News Bureau

  & yr trapped in red winking Kansas

  one giant delicate electrical antenna upraised

  in midwinter Nebraska plains blackness

  January 1967

  I hope we lose this war.

  Lincoln airforce Base, Ruby, Gochner

  US 80 near Big Blue River,

  The radio Bibl’d Hour, Dallas Texas

  a great nose pushed out of the dashboard

  demanding Your Faith Pledge!

  Money your dollars support

  The Radio Bible Hour.

  You pledge to God to send

  100 or 10 or 2 or $1 a month to the

  Radio Bible Hour—

  The electric network selling itself:

  “The medium is the message”

  Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!

  Straight thru Nebraska at Midnight

  toward North Platte & Ogallala

  returning down black superhighways to Denver.

  January 8, 1967

  Wales Visitation

  White fog lifting & falling on mountain-brow

  Trees moving in rivers of wind

  The clouds arise

  as on a wave, gigantic eddy lifting mist

  above teeming ferns exquisitely swayed

  along a green crag

  glimpsed thru mullioned glass in valley raine—

  Bardic, O Self, Visitacione, tell naught

  but what seen by one man in a vale in Albion,

  of the folk, whose physical sciences end in Ecology,

  the wisdom of earthly relations,

  of mouths & eyes interknit ten centuries visible

  orchards of mind language manifest human,

  of the satanic thistle that raises its horned symmetry

  flowering above sister grass-daisies’ pink tiny

  bloomlets angelic as lightbulbs—

  Remember 160 miles from London’s symmetrical thorned tower

  & network of TV pictures flashing bearded your Self

  the lambs on the tree-nooked hillside this day bleating

  heard in Blake’s old ear, & the silent thought of Wordsworth in eld Stillness

  clouds passing through skeleton arches of Tintern Abbey—

  Bard Nameless as the Vast, babble to Vastness!

  All the Valley quivered, one extended motion, wind

  undulating on mossy hills

  a giant wash that sank white fog delicately down red runnels

  on the mountainside

  whose leaf-branch tendrils moved asway

  in granitic undertow down—

  and lifted the floating Nebulous upward, and lifted the arms of the trees

  and lifted the grasses an instant in balance

  and lifted the lambs to hold still

  and lifted the green of the hill, in one solemn wave

  A solid mass of Heaven, mist-infused, ebbs thru the vale,

  a wavelet of Immensity, lapping gigantic through Llanthony Valley,

  the length of all England, valley upon valley under Heaven’s ocean

  tonned with cloud-hang,

  —Heaven balanced on a grassblade.

  Roar of the mountain wind slow, sigh of the body,

  One Being on the mountainside stirring gently

  Exquisite scales trembling everywhere in balance,

  one motion thru the cloudy sky-floor shifting on the million feet of daisies,

  one Majesty the motion that stirred wet grass quivering

  to the farthest tendril of white fog poured down

  through shivering flowers on the mountain’s head—

  No imperfection in the budded mountain,

  Valleys breathe, heaven and earth move together,

  daisies push inches of yellow air, vegetables tremble,

  grass shimmers green

  sheep speckle the mountainside, revolving their jaws with empty eyes,

  horses dance in the warm rain,

  tree-lined canals network live farmland,

  blueberries fringe stone walls on hawthorn’d hills,

  pheasants croak on meadows haired with fern—

  Out, out on the hillside, into the ocean sound, into delicate gusts of wet air,

  Fall on the ground, O great Wetness, O Mother, No harm on your body!

  Stare close, no imperfection in the grass,

  each flower Buddha-eye, repeating the story,


  Kneel before the foxglove raising green buds, mauve bells drooped

  doubled down the stem trembling antennae,

  & look in the eyes of the branded lambs that stare

  breathing stockstill under dripping hawthorn—

  I lay down mixing my beard with the wet hair of the mountainside,

  smelling the brown vagina-moist ground, harmless,

  tasting the violet thistle-hair, sweetness—

  One being so balanced, so vast, that its softest breath

  moves every floweret in the stillness on the valley floor,

  trembles lamb-hair hung gossamer rain-beaded in the grass,

  lifts trees on their roots, birds in the great draught

  hiding their strength in the rain, bearing same weight,

  Groan thru breast and neck, a great Oh! to earth heart

  Calling our Presence together

  The great secret is no secret

  Senses fit the winds,

  Visible is visible,

  rain-mist curtains wave through the bearded vale,

  gray atoms wet the wind’s kabbala

  Crosslegged on a rock in dusk rain,

  rubber booted in soft grass, mind moveless,

  breath trembles in white daisies by the roadside,

  Heaven breath and my own symmetric

  Airs wavering thru antlered green fern

  drawn in my navel, same breath as breathes thru Capel-Y-Ffn,

  Sounds of Aleph and Aum

  through forests of gristle,

  my skull and Lord Hereford’s Knob equal,

  All Albion one.

  What did I notice? Particulars! The

  vision of the great One is myriad—

  smoke curls upward from ashtray,

  house fire burned low,

  The night, still wet & moody black heaven


upward in motion with wet wind.

  July 29, 1967 (LSD)—August 3, 1967 (London)

  Pentagon Exorcism

  “No taxation without representation”

  Who represents my body in Pentagon? Who spends

  my spirit’s billions for war manufacture? Who

  levies the majority to exult unwilling in Bomb

  Roar? “Brainwash!” Mind-fear! Governor’s language!

  “Military-Industrial-Complex!” President’s language!

  Corporate voices jabber on electric networks building

  body-pain, chemical ataxia, physical slavery

  to diaphanoid Chinese Cosmic-eye Military Tyranny

  movie hysteria—Pay my taxes? No Westmoreland wants

  to be Devil, others die for his General Power

  sustaining hurt millions in house security

  tuning to images on TV’s separate universe where

  peasant manhoods burn in black & white forest

  villages—represented less than myself by Magic

  Intelligence influence matter-scientists’ Rockefeller

  bank telephone war investment Usury Agency

  executives jetting from McDonnell Douglas to General Dynamics

  over smog-shrouded metal-noised treeless cities

  patrolled by radio fear with tear gas, businessman!

  Go spend your bright billions for this suffering!

  Pentagon wake from planet-sleep! Apokatastasis!

  Spirit Spirit Dance Dance Spirit Spirit Dance!

  Transform Pentagon skeleton to maiden-temple O Phantom

  Guevara! Om Raksa Raksa Hu? Hu? Hu? Phat Svaha!

  Anger Control your Self feared Chaos, suffocation

  body-death in Capitols caved with stone radar sentinels!

  Back! Back! Back! Central Mind-machine Pentagon reverse

  consciousness! Hallucination manifest! A million Americas

  gaze out of man-spirit’s naked Pentacle! Magnanimous

  reaction to signal Peking, isolate Space-beings!

  Milan, September 29, 1967

  Elegy Che Guevara

  European Trib. boy’s face photo’d eyes opened,

  young feminine beardless radiant kid

  lain back smiling looking upward

  Calm as if ladies’ lips were kissing invisible parts of the body

  Aged reposeful angelic boy corpse,

  perceptive Argentine Doctor, petulant Cuba Major

  pipe mouth’d & faithfully keeping Diary

  in mosquitos Amazonas

  Sleep on a hill, dull Havana Throne renounced

  More sexy your neck than sad aging necks of Johnson

  De Gaulle, Kosygin,

  or the bullet pierced neck of John Kennedy

  Eyes more intelligent glanced up to death newspapers

  than worried living Congress Cameras passing

  dot screens into TV shade, glass-eyed

  McNamara, Dulles in old life …

  Women in bowler hats sitting in mud outskirts 11,000 feet up in Heaven

  with a headache in La Paz

  selling black potatoes brought down from earth roof’d huts

  on mountain-lipped Puno

  would’ve adored your desire and kissed your Visage new Christ

  They’ll raise up a red-bulb-eyed war-mask’s

  white tusks to scare soldier-ghosts

  who shot thru your lungs

  Incredible! one boy turned aside from operating room

  or healing Pampas yellow eye

  To face the stock rooms of Alcoa, Myriad Murderous

  Board Directors of United Fruit

  Smog-Manufacturing Trustees of Chicago U

  Lawyer Phantoms ranged back to dead

  John Foster Dulles’ Sullivan and Cromwell lawfirm

  Acheson’s mustache, Truman’s bony hat

  To go mad and hide in jungle on mule & point rifle at OAS

  at Rusk’s egoic Courtesies, the metal deployments of Pentagon

  derring-do Admen and dumbed intellectuals

  from Time to the CIA

  One boy against the Stock Market all Wall Street ascream

  since Norris wrote The Pit

  afraid of free dollars showering from the Observers’ Balcony

  scattered by laughing younger brothers,

  Against the Tin Company, against Wire Services,

  against infrared sensor Telepath Capitalism’s

  money-crazed scientists

  against College boy millions watching Wichita Family Den TV

  One radiant face driven mad with a rifle

  Confronting the electric networks.

  Venice, November 1967

  War Profit Litany

  To Ezra Pound

  These are the names of the companies that have made money from this war

  nineteenhundredsixtyeight Annodomini fourthousandeighty Hebraic

  These Corporations have profited by merchandising skinburning phosphorus or shells fragmented to thousands of fleshpiercing needles

  and here listed money millions gained by each combine for manufacture and here are gains numbered, index’d swelling a decade, set in order,

  here named the Fathers in office in these industries, telephones directing finance,

  names of directors, makers of fates, and the names of the stockholders of these destined Aggregates,

  and here are the names of their ambassadors to the Capital, representatives to legislature, those who sit drinking in hotel lobbies to persuade,

  and separate listed, those who drop Amphetamines with military, gossip, argue, and persuade

  suggesting policy naming language proposing strategy, this done for fee as ambassadors to Pentagon, consultants to military, paid by their industry:

  and these are the names of the generals & captains military, who now thus work for war goods manufacturers;

  and above these, listed, the names of the banks, combines, investment trusts that control these industries:

  and these are the names of the newspapers owned by these banks

  and these are the names of the airstations owned by these combines;

  and these are the numbers of thousands of citizens employed by these businesses named;

  and the beginning of this accounting is 1958 and the end 1968, that statistic be contained in orderly mind, coherent & definite,

  and the first form of this litany begun first day December 1967 furthers this poem of these States.

  December 1, 1967

  Elegies for Neal Cassady


  Elegy for Neal Cassady

  OK Neal

  aethereal Spirit

  bright as moving air

  blue as city dawn

  happy as light released by the Day

  over the city’s new buildings—

  Maya’s Giant bricks rise rebuilt

  in Lower East Side

  windows shine in milky smog.

  Appearance unnecessary now.

  Peter sleeps alone next room, sad.

  Are you reincarnate? Can ya hear me talkin?

  If anyone had strength to hear the invisible,

  And drive thru Maya Wall

  you had it—

  What’re you now, Spirit?

  That were spirit in body—

  The body’s cremate

  by Railroad track

  San Miguel Allende Desert,

  outside town,

  Spirit become spirit,

  or robot reduced to Ashes.

  Tender Spirit, thank you for touching me with tender hands

  When you were young, in a beautiful body,

  Such a pure touch it was Hope beyond Maya-meat,

  What you are now,

  Impersonal, tender—

  you showed me your muscle/warmth/over twenty years ago

  when I lay trembling at your breast

  put your arm around my neck,

  —we stood together in a bare room on 103d St.
r />
  Listening to a wooden Radio,

  with our eyes closed

  Eternal redness of Shabda

  lamped in our brains

  at Illinois Jacquet’s Saxophone Shuddering,

  prophetic Honk of Louis Jordan,

  Honeydrippers, Open The Door Richard

  To Christ’s Apocalypse—

  The buildings’re insubstantial—

  That’s my New York Vision

  outside eastern apartment offices

  where telephone rang last night

  and stranger’s friendly Denver Voice

  asked me, had I heard the news from the West?

  Some gathering Bust, Eugene Oregon or Hollywood Impends

  I had premonition.

  “No” I said—“been away all week,”

  “you havent heard the News from the West,

  Neal Cassady is dead—”

  Peter’s dove-voic’d Oh! on the other line, listening.

  Your picture stares cheerful, tearful, strain’d,

  a candle burns,

  green stick incense by household gods.

  Military Tyranny overtakes Universities, your Prophecy

  approaching its kindest sense brings us


  to the Great Year’s awakening.

  Kesey’s in Oregon writing novel language

  family farm alone.

  Hadja no more to do? Was your work all done?

  Had ya seen your first son?

  Why’dja leave us all here?

  Has the battle been won?

  I’m a phantom skeleton with teeth, skull

  resting on a pillow

  calling your spirit

  god echo consciousness, murmuring

  sadly to myself.

  Lament in dawnlight’s not needed,

  the world is released,

  desire fulfilled, your history over,

  story told, Karma resolved,

  prayers completed

  vision manifest, new consciousness fulfilled,

  spirit returned in a circle,

  world left standing empty, buses roaring through streets—

  garbage scattered on pavements galore—

  Grandeur solidified, phantom-familiar fate

  returned to Auto-dawn,

  your destiny fallen on RR track

  My body breathes easy,

  I lie alone,


  After friendship fades from flesh forms—

  heavy happiness hangs in heart,

  I could talk to you forever,

  The pleasure inexhaustible,

  discourse of spirit to spirit,