O Spirit.

  Sir spirit, forgive me my sins,

  Sir spirit give me your blessing again,

  Sir Spirit forgive my phantom body’s demands,

  Sir Spirit thanks for your kindness past,

  Sir Spirit in Heaven, What difference was yr mortal form,

  What further this great show of Space?

  Speedy passions generations of

  Question? agonic Texas Nightrides?

  psychedelic bus hejira-jazz,

  Green auto poetries, inspired roads?

  Sad, Jack in Lowell saw the phantom most—

  lonelier than all, except your noble Self.

  Sir Spirit, an’ I drift alone:

  Oh deep sigh.

  February 10, 1968, 5–5:30 A.M.

  Chicago to Salt Lake by Air

  If Hanson Baldwin got a bullet in his brain, outrage?

  If President Johnson got a bullet in his brain, fast Karma?

  If Reader’s Digest got a bullet in its brain would it be smarter?

  March ’68, P. 54 “Report from Vietnam, The foe is Hurting”

  … “The dismal picture of 1965, when I previously visited Vietnam,

  has been reversed: The Allies are winning, and the enemy is being hurt,”

  wrote “The distinguished military Editor of the New York Times”

  The Dinosaur moves slowly over Chicago.

  Arrived on United Airlines just in time all wrong.

  Anger in the back of the plane cabin, anger at Reader’s Digest

  Hanson Baldwin’s “Allies”? Hanson Baldwin’s “The Enemy”?

  Arguing with a schizophrenic is hopeless. A bullet in the brain.

  Mr. Baldwin suggests more bullets in the brain to solve his Vietnam Problem.

  Hanson Baldwin is a Military Ass-Kisser.

  Dead Neal was born in Salt Lake, & Jim Fitzpatrick’s dead.

  Flowers die, & flowers rise red petaled on the field.

  Anger, red petal’d flower in my body

  Detroit’s lake from a mile above chemical muddy,

  streams of gray waste fogging the surface to the center,

  more than half the lake discolored metallic—

  Cancerous reproductions the house flats rows of bee boxes, DNA Molecular Patterns

  microscopic reticulations topt w/Television Antennae

  and the horizon edged with gray gas clouds from East to West unmoved by wind.

  They fucked up the planet! Hanson Baldwin Fucked up the Planet all by himself, emitted a long Military gas cloud Dec 26 27 28 1967 in NY Times.

  “Purely military considerations” he told TV—

  Till Gov. LaSalle sd/ the Prexy cdnt be peaceful till election time,

  as Baldwin nodded agree.

  A bunch of fat & thin Schizophrenics running the planet thoughtwaves. Shit, Violence, bullets in the brain Unavailing.

  We’re in it too deep to pull out.

  Waiting for an orgasm, Mr. Baldwin?

  Yes, waiting for an orgasm that’s all.

  Give ’em all the orgasms they want.

  Give ’em orgasms, give Hanson Baldwin his lost orgasms.

  Give NY Times, give Reader’s Digest their old orgasms back.

  It’s a gold crisis! not enuf orgasms to go round

  “I take care of other people’s business” said th’ old man sleeping next seat,

  Wallets & pens in his inside pocket green tie black suit boots,

  “Ever since the world began Gold is the measure of Solidarity.”

  Golden light over Iowa, silver cloud floor, sky roof blue deep

  rayed by Western Sun set brightness from the center of the Solar System.

  Neal born in Salt Lake. Died in San Miguel, met in Denver loved in Denver—

  “Down in Denver/down in Denver/all I did was die.”

  J. Kerouac, ’48

  Airplanes, a pain in the neck. Thru Heaven, a heavy roar,

  vaportrails to the sun moving behind Utah’s valley wall.

  Give Heaven orgasms, give Krishna all your orgasms, give yr orgasms to the clouds. Great Salt Lake!

  Fitzpatrick sobbed a lot in New York & Utah, his nervous frame racked with red eyed pain.

  Farewell Sir Jim, in shiny heaven, bodiless as Neal’s bodiless …

  Brainwash cried Romney, the Governor of Pollution,

  Michigan’s Lakes covered w/green slime

  — “The people now see thru the Administration’s continuous brainwashing.”

  Chi Trib Mar 16 ’68 AP dispatch

  Mind is fragments … whatever you can remember from last year’s Time Magazine, this years sunset or gray cloudmass over Nebraska,

  Leroi Jones’ deep scar brown skin at left temple hairline …

  … Don McNeil emerging from Grand Central w/6 stitches in Forehead pushed thru plateglass by police, his presscard bloodied.

  Deeper into gray clouds, there must be invisible farms, invisible farmers walking up and down rolling cloud-hills.

  “A hole in its head” … another World, America, Vietnam.

  The Martians have holes in their head, like Moore’s statuary.

  & if Dolphin-like Saturnian tongues are invisible & their ecstatic language irrelevant to the Gold Supply

  We’ll murder ’em like 100,000,000 Bison—

  Do the Buffalo Dance in the Jetplane over Nebraska! Bring back the Gay ’90s.

  Gobble gobble sd/ Sanders

  & Turkeys’ hormone-white-meat drumsticks poison the glands of suburban kiddies Thanksgiving.

  On their bicycles w/ poison glands & DDT livers, hallucinating Tiny Vietnams on TV.

  Clouds rifts, Gold orgasms in the West,

  Nebraska’s Steppes herding broken cloud-flocks—

  Sun at plane’s nose, izzat the Missouri breaking the plains apart? Council Bluffs & Great Platte gone?

  Oh Rockies already? Snow in granite cracks & gray crags.

  Hanson Baldwin covered w/ Snowflakes.

  Red oxide in air & earth, sunset flowers in clouds, Anger in the Heart,

  “Croakers & doubters” … Napalm & Mace: Dogs!

  Earth ripples, river snakes, iron horse tracks, car paths thin

  —Wasatch peak snows, north crags’ springtime white wall over desert-lake brightness—

  Salt Lake streets at dusk flowing w/ electric gold. Beautiful Million winking lights!

  Neal was born in Paradise!

  March 30, 1968

  Kiss Ass

  Kissass is the Part of Peace

  America will have to Kissass Mother Earth

  Whites have to Kissass Blacks, for Peace & Pleasure,

  Only Pathway to Peace, Kissass

  Houston, April 24, 1968

  Manhattan Thirties Flash

  Long stone streets inanimate, repetitive machine Crash cookie-cutting

  dynamo rows of soulless replica Similitudes brooding tank-like in Army Depots

  Exactly the same exactly the same exactly the same with no purpose but grimness

  & overwhelming force of robot obsession, our slaves are not alive

  & we become their sameness as they surround us—the long stone streets inanimate,

  crowds of executive secretaries alighting from subway 8:30 A.M.

  bloodflow in cells thru elevator arteries & stairway glands to typewriter consciousness,

  Con Ed skyscraper clock-head gleaming gold-lit at sun dusk.


  Please Master

  Please master can I touch your cheek

  please master can I kneel at your feet

  please master can I loosen your blue pants

  please master can I gaze at your golden haired belly

  please master can I gently take down your shorts

  please master can I have your thighs bare to my eyes

  please master can I take off my clothes below your chair

  please master can I kiss your ankles and soul

  please master can I touch lips to you
r hard muscle hairless thigh

  please master can I lay my ear pressed to your stomach

  please master can I wrap my arms around your white ass

  please master can I lick your groin curled with blond soft fur

  please master can I touch my tongue to your rosy asshole

  please master may I pass my face to your balls,

  please master, please look into my eyes,

  please master order me down on the floor,

  please master tell me to lick your thick shaft

  please master put your rough hands on my bald hairy skull

  please master press my mouth to your prick-heart

  please master press my face into your belly, pull me slowly strong thumbed

  till your dumb hardness fills my throat to the base

  till I swallow & taste your delicate flesh-hot prick barrel veined Please

  Master push my shoulders away and stare in my eye, & make me bend over the table

  please master grab my thighs and lift my ass to your waist

  please master your hand’s rough stroke on my neck your palm down my backside

  please master push me up, my feet on chairs, till my hole feels the breath of your spit and your thumb stroke

  please master make me say Please Master Fuck me now Please

  Master grease my balls and hairmouth with sweet vaselines

  please master stroke your shaft with white creams

  please master touch your cock head to my wrinkled self-hole

  please master push it in gently, your elbows enwrapped round my breast

  your arms passing down to my belly, my penis you touch w/ your fingers

  please master shove it in me a little, a little, a little,

  please master sink your droor thing down my behind

  & please master make me wiggle my rear to eat up the prick trunk

  till my asshalfs cuddle your thighs, my back bent over,

  till I’m alone sticking out, your sword stuck throbbing in me

  please master pull out and slowly roll into the bottom

  please master lunge it again, and withdraw to the tip

  please please master fuck me again with your self, please fuck me Please

  Master drive down till it hurts me the softness the

  Softness please master make love to my ass, give body to center, & fuck me for good like a girl,

  tenderly clasp me please master I take me to thee,

  & drive in my belly your selfsame sweet heat-rood

  you fingered in solitude Denver or Brooklyn or fucked in a maiden in Paris carlots

  please master drive me thy vehicle, body of love dops, sweat fuck

  body of tenderness, Give me your dog fuck faster

  please master make me go moan on the table

  Go moan O please master do fuck me like that

  in your rhythm thrill-plunge & pull-back-bounce & push down

  till I loosen my asshole a dog on the table yelping with terror delight to be loved

  Please master call me a dog, an ass beast, a wet asshole,

  & fuck me more violent, my eyes hid with your palms round my skull

  & plunge down in a brutal hard lash thru soft drip-fish

  & throb thru five seconds to spurt out your semen heat

  over & over, bamming it in while I cry out your name I do love you

  please Master.

  May 1968

  A Prophecy

  O Future bards

  chant from skull to heart to ass

  as long as language lasts

  Vocalize all chords

  zap all consciousness

  I sing out of mind jail

  in New York State

  without electricity

  rain on the mountain

  thought fills cities

  I’ll leave my body

  in a thin motel

  my self escapes

  through unborn ears

  Not my language

  but a voice

  chanting in patterns

  survives on earth

  not history’s bones

  but vocal tones

  Dear breaths and eyes

  shine in the skies

  where rockets rise

  to take me home

  May 1968

  Bixby Canyon

  Path crowded with thistle fern blue daisy,

  glassy grass, pale morninglory

  scattered on a granite hill

  bells clanging under gray sea cliffs,

  dry brackensprout seaweed-wreathed

  where bee dies in sand hollows

  ant-swarmed above

  white froth-wave glassed bay surge

  Ishvara-ripple on cave wall

  sea birds

  skating wind swell,

  Amor Krishna Om Phat Svaha air rumble at



  Sand castles Neal, white plasm balls round


  Skeleton snaketubes & back

  nostrils’ seaweed-tail dry-wrinkled

  brown seabulb & rednailed

  cactus blossom-petal tongues—

  Brownpickle saltwater tomato ball

  rubber tail Spaghettied

  with leafmeat,

  Mucus-softness crown’d Laurel thong-hat

  Father Whale gunk transparent

  yellowleaf egg-sac sandy

  lotos-petal cast back to cold


  Bouquet of old seaweed

  on a striped blanket, kelp tentacle spread

  round the prayer place

  Hermes silver

  firelight spread over wave sunglare—

  The Cosmic Miasma Anxiety meditating nakedman

  —Soft Bonepipe!

  Musical Sea-knee gristlebone rubber

  burp footswat beard ball bounce

  of homosexual Shlurp ocean hish

  Sabahadabadie Sound-limit

  to Evil—

  Set limit, set limit, set limit to


  Limit birdcries, limit the Limitless

  in language? O Say

  Can You See The Internationale

  Mental Traveller Marseillaise

  in waves of eye alteration Politics?

  ’Tis sweet Liberty I hymn in freeman’s sunlight

  not limited to observe No Nakedness signs

  in silent bud-crowded pathways, artforms

  of flowers limitless Ignorance—

  Wet seaweed blossoms froth left, sun breathing

  giant mist under the bridge,

  gray cliffs cloud-skin haloed

  Yellow sunlight of Old

  shining on mossledge, tide foam

  lapped in harmless gold light—

  O Eyeball Brightness shimmering! Father Circle

  whence we have sprung, thru thy bright

  Rainbow horn, Silence!

  So sings the laborer under the rock bridge,

  so pipes pray to the Avalanche.

  Big Sur, June 16, 1968 (grass)

  Crossing Nation

  Under silver wing

  San Francisco’s towers sprouting

  thru thin gas clouds,

  Tamalpais black-breasted above Pacific azure

  Berkeley hills pine-covered below—

  Dr. Leary in his brown house scribing Independence Declaration

  typewriter at window

  silver panorama in natural eyeball—

  Sacramento valley rivercourse’s Chinese

  dragonflames licking green flats north-hazed

  State Capitol metallic rubble, dry checkered fields

  to Sierras—past Reno, Pyramid Lake’s

  blue Altar, pure water in Nevada sands’

  brown wasteland scratched by tires

  Jerry Rubin arrested! Beaten, jailed,

  coccyx broken—

  Leary out of action—“a public menace …

  persons of tender years
… immature

  judgment… psychiatric examination …”

  i.e. Shut up or Else Loonybin or Slam

  LeRoi on bum gun rap, $7,000

  lawyer fees, years’ negotiations—

  SPOCK GUILTY headlined temporary, Joan Baez’

  paramour husband Dave Harris to Gaol

  Dylan silent on politics, & safe—

  having a baby, a man—

  Cleaver shot at, jail’d, maddened, parole revoked,

  Vietnam War flesh-heap grows higher,

  blood splashing down the mountains of bodies

  on to Cholon’s sidewalks—

  Blond boys in airplane seats fed technicolor

  Murderers advance w/ Death-chords

  thru photo basement,

  Earplugs in, steak on plastic

  served—Eyes up to the Image—

  What do I have to lose if America falls?

  my body? my neck? my personality?

  June 19, 1968

  Smoke Rolling Down Street

  Red Scabies on the Skin

  Police Cars turn Garbage Corner—

  Was that a Shot! Backfire or Cherry Bomb?

  Ah, it’s all right, take the mouth off,

  it’s all over.

  Man Came a long way,

  Canoes thru Fire Engines,

  Big Cities’ power station Fumes

  Executives with Country Houses—

  Waters drip thru Ceilings in the Slum—

  It’s all right, take the mouth off

  it’s all over—

  New York, June 23, 1968


  Always Ether Comes

  to dissuade the



  or N2O recurring to

  elicit ironic

  suicidal pen marks—

  Parallels: in Montmartre Rousseau

  daubing or Rimbaud arriving,

  the raw Aether

  shines with Brahmanic cool moonshine

  aftertaste, midnight Nostalgia.

  June 28, 1968

  Swirls of black dust on Avenue D

  white haze over Manhattan’s towers

  midsummer green Cattails’ fatness

  surrounding Hoboken Marsh

  garbage Dumps,

  Wind over Pulaski Skyway’s

  lacy networks

  Trucks crash Bayonne’s roadways,

  iron engines roar

  Stink rises over Hydro Pruf Factory