George the IIIrd, Rasputin, Stalin, Warren Harding, Herbert Hoover, Hitler, the 13th Dalai Lama’s Regent, Vice President Agnew,

  Ronald Reagan delayed hostage release till the Elephant party’s Inauguration Day

  George Bush peddled coke for the contras in streetcorner banks downtown Panama City!

  Scandals in Buddhafields? big mistakes in Hemispheres, on moons, Black Holes everywhere!

  Anyway, the national debt’ll approach 4 trillion any day say the homeless on Tompkins Square.

  July 12, 1990

  Poem in the Form of a Snake That Bites Its Tail

  Oleta (Snake) River!

  Heron, Manatee, Osprey

  Canopy of white red &

  black Mangroves

  fighting for survival against

  exotics introduced

  by Europeans

  Swamp fern covers the ground

  by this Primordial Tidal


  Brown detritus under the

  clear water

  feeds animals and trees in

  high and low tides

  pulled by the moon,

  cycles of lunar

  reproduction following

  waters flowing

  in and out the

  Intracoastal Waterway—

  Barracuda come

  in with the tides

  Heron we’ll see

  Brazilian pepper

  & Malalluca

  from Australia

  brought in by Mr. Gifford

  first Doctor

  of Tropical Agriculture


  to dry out the swamps

  & make truck farms

  to feed the Northeast 1900—

  Dade County

  tomatoes & cabbage today—

  Then real estate won

  out, that saved the




  This forest by Oleta River a tiny

  area untouched

  half a million


  Interconnected to the

  coral reefs

  (as nutrient-rich protective

  soup for fish


  with a rubber tire, mucus—

  soaked in the ooze

  Red mangrove

  seedlings growing on inland skirts

  at water edge

  roots like spindly


  First Indians Tequesta

  for 10–25,000 years—

  left behind shell


  to make dugouts

  Mikasuki and Seminole

  were Creek Indians forced down

  from North Carolina

  by Sen. Jesse Helms

  then driven inland from

  Northern Florida

  by the Army

  —Indian middens

  attest 100

  years’ occupation

  The Seminole

  more warlike than

  the innocent


  Quiet in a canoe

  Train whistle West

  & airplane above

  cottony clouds

  in blue afternoon

  Seminole and Mikasuki


  runaway slaves

  got in trouble with

  the whites—

  Abraham the Runaway showed Chief Osceola

  guerrilla gunpowder—

  Defied the U.S. Army—

  Govt. fought 2 wars

  against them—

  first 1820 Andrew Jackson

  fought in Florida

  pushed Indians south

  Second Seminole War

  transported 2,000

  Indians to Oklahoma

  around 1840, the Trail of Tears

  —200 managed to

  escape into swamp

  where white man had

  yet no use for

  the land


  from before Columbus

  & runaway slaves

  Strange & perpetual


  Otherwise we’re all exotics

  like the Brazilian pepper

  and Australian pine

  A brown heron

  flaps along the

  green surface

  to stand sentinel

  beak pointed out

  on a green lawn

  past the big rubber


  tall stalky legs

  rising halfway

  heavy slow

  on long wings

  the height of the big

  ficus’ leafy

  umbrella whose

  thready prop roots hang

  over the concrete

  bank down to the brackish

  water surface

  Kids’ & crows’ voices

  (crows here for the


  Water filled the

  coral, ojus,


  a product trucked

  out since

  the railroad came down,

  turn of the century

  Trains a mile long

  from rockpits now

  at the edge of

  the Everglades

  Mikasuki Indians now hold

  cultural events

  Steve & Billy Tiger

  painter & musician

  Seminoles more commercially

  oriented, invented Bingo on

  the reservation,

  On land they control

  untax’d cigarettes

  A local issue


  We depend on Everglades

  for water to

  sustain our days—

  Most of the body is

  made up of water—

  3–4 days without water

  we die—

  Everglades filters the

  water Dade Broward

  & Palm Beach County drink—

  (Tricounty fresh water—)

  But Brazilian pepper seeds


  and cause mumbo-jumbo

  growth at


  Exotic Malalluca trees—?

  The developers like it

  (it’s cheap)

  but they drink up water & their

  flowers cause allergies

  to Rochelle—

  Red mangrove

  stains the water

  properly its own color

  Are hyperindustrial White folks

  exotics to the planet now?

  Here comes a duck

  that flies, sings & runs

  but doesn’t do any

  of them well

  El pato vuela, canta

  y corre, pero

  ninguno de las tres

  los hace bien.

  Big yellow hibiscus faces

  with red noses—

  Venetian sailors


  venereal disease

  to New World

  now Millennial events

  speed up?

  Get off fossil fuels

  for transport

  Get off oil addiction

  Plastics could be


  Zero Growth regenerative

  recycling as for

  thousands of years

  with the Tequesta

  Get off this disposable


  & water! dont mess

  up the Oleta River Dont

  play with the big Snake

  Can live without air

  8 minutes

  Can live without water

  2–4 days

  can live without food

  40–50 days—

  Survive, clean up our


  Clean up water

  Grow enuf food to

  keep everybody


  Instructors: any

  indigenous populations

  Indians, Africans,

  Tibetans, Bedouins


  Chernobyl began

  the question—

  How much can the

  Government lie?

  (Miami Herald pervasive

  and controlling—)

  Locally the Seminoles may

  be the Gurus.

  With Steven Bornstein

  November 16, 1990

  Mistaken Introductions

  or this marvelous hi Lama followed

  in here by screaming madwoman

  charging she was betrayed 10 years ago

  on one of the moons of Saturn

  or, I want to introduce you to this

  universe which unfortunately

  doesn’t quite exist.

  We set up luncheon at Rizzoli

  for the Tibetan photog who

  hadnt prepared his

  slides, it was a disaster—

  May I introduce you to your

  prospective son-in-law—

  unfortunately today he’s drunk

  unshaven but a good

  businessman tomorrow

  It’s a magnificent hotel

  just this week there’s no

  water to flush the toilet

  above the 10th floor

  where you’re staying and

  we had a fire in the elevator

  January 7, 1991


  CIA Dope Calypso

  In nineteen hundred forty-nine

  China was won by Mao Tse-tung

  Chiang Kai-shek’s army ran away

  They were waiting there in Thailand yesterday

  Supported by the CIA

  Pushing junk down Thailand way

  First they stole from the Meo tribes

  Up in the hills they started taking bribes

  Then they sent their soldiers up to Shan

  Collecting opium to sell to The Man

  Pushing junk in Bangkok yesterday

  Supported by the CIA

  Brought their jam on mule trains down

  To Chiang Rai that’s a railroad town

  Sold it next to police chief brain

  He took it to town on the choochoo train

  Trafficking dope to Bangkok all day

  Supported by the CIA

  The policeman’s name was Mr. Phao

  He peddled dope grand scale and how

  Chief of border customs paid

  By Central Intelligence’s U.S. A.I.D.

  The whole operation, Newspapers say

  Supported by the CIA

  He got so sloppy & peddled so loose

  He busted himself & cooked his own goose

  Took the reward for an opium load

  Seizing his own haul which same he resold

  Big-time pusher a decade turned grey

  Working for the CIA

  Touby Lyfong he worked for the French

  A big fat man liked to dine & wench

  Prince of the Meos he grew black mud

  Till opium flowed through the land like a flood

  Communists came and chased the French away

  So Touby took a job with the CIA

  The whole operation fell into chaos

  Till U.S. Intelligence came into Laos

  I’ll tell you no lie I’m a true American

  Our big pusher there was Phoumi Nosovan

  All them princes in a power play

  But Phoumi was the man for the CIA

  And his best friend General Vang Pao

  Ran our Meo army like a sacred cow

  Helicopter smugglers filled Long Cheng’s bars

  In Xieng Quang province on the Plain of Jars

  It started in secret they were fighting yesterday

  Clandestine secret army of the CIA

  All through the Sixties the Dope flew free

  Thru Tan Son Nhut Saigon to Marshal Ky

  Air America followed through

  Transporting confiture for President Thieu

  All these Dealers were decades and yesterday

  The Indochinese mob of the U.S. CIA

  Operation Haylift offisir Wm. Colby

  Saw Marshal Ky fly opium Mr. Mustard told me

  Indochina desk he was Chief of Dirty Tricks

  “Hitchhiking” with dope pushers was how he got his fix

  Subsidizing traffickers to drive the Reds away

  Till Colby was the head of the CIA

  January 1972


  N.S.A. Dope Calypso

  Now Richard Secord and Oliver North

  Hated Sandinistas whatever they were worth

  They peddled for the Contras to ease their pain

  They couldn’t sell Congress so Contras sold cocaine

  They discovered Noriega only yesterday

  Nancy Reagan & the CIA

  Now coke and grass were exchanged for guns

  On a border airfield that John Hull runs

  Or used to run till his Costa Rican bust

  As a CIA spy trading Contra coke dust

  They discovered Noriega only yesterday

  Nancy Reagan & the CIA

  Ramón Milian Rodríguez of Medellín Cartel

  Laundered their dollars & he did it very well

  Hundreds of millions through U.S. banks

  Till he got busted and sang in the tank

  It was buried in the papers only yesterday

  When Bush was Drug Czar U.S.A.

  Milian told Congress $3,000,000 coke bucks

  Went to Felix Rodríguez, CIA muck-a-muck

  To give to the Contras only Hush Hush Hush

  Except for Donald Gregg & his boss George Bush

  Buried in the papers only yesterday

  With Bush Vice President U.S.A.

  Rodríguez met Bush in his office many times

  They didn’t talk business, they drank lemon & limes

  Or maybe they drank coffee or they smoked a cigarette

  But cocaine traffic they remembered to forget

  It was buried in the papers only yesterday

  And Bush got in the White House of the U.S.A.

  Now when Bush was director of the C.I.A.

  Panama traffic in coke was gay

  You never used to hear George Bush holler

  When Noriega laundered lots of cocaine dollar

  Bush paid Noriega, used to work together

  They sat on a couch & talked about the weather

  Then Noriega doublecrossed his Company pal

  With a treaty taking back our Panama Canal

  So when he got into the big White House

  Bush said Noriega was a cocaine louse

  The Cold War ended, East Europe found hope

  The U.S. got hooked in a war on dope

  Glasnost came, East Europe got free

  So Bush sent his army to Panama City

  Bush’s guns in Panama did their worst

  Like coke fiends fighting on St. Marks & First

  Does Noriega know Bush’s Company crimes?

  In 2000 A.D. read the New York Times.

  January-February 1990


  Just Say Yes Calypso

  When Schwarzkopf’s Father busted Iran’s Mossadegh

  They put in the Shah and his police the Savak

  They sucked up his oil, but got Ayatollah’s dreck

  So Thirty years later we hadda arm Iraq

  Though he used poison gas, Saddam was still our man

  But to aid the Contras, hadda also arm Iran

  Mesopotamia was doing just fine

  Till the Ottoman Empire blew up on a mine

  They had apple orchards in Eden and Ur

  Till the Snake advised George Bush “This land is yours”

  The Garden foul’d up, brimstone came down

  In the good old days we had plenty

  The British & Americans & Frenchmen all

  Took concessions in the Garden So the Garden took a fall

  Got addicted to Emirs and their fossil fuels

  Police state Sheiks & Intelligence ghouls

  The Sphinx lost his nose, acid ate the Parthenon

  Pretty soon the Persian Gulf is dead and gone

  The Saudi desert bloomed with oil pipe lines

  To push the auto industry It’s yours & it’s mine

  L.A. and Osaka got a habit on gas

  In a bullet-proof Caddie you can really move your ass

  L.A. & Osaka got a habit on gas

  In a bullet-proof Caddie you can really move your ass

  From a Mickey-Mouse war on cocaine & crack

  We dropped a million bombs on the kids in Iraq

  How many we killed nobody wants to tell

  It’d give a lousy picture of a war they gotta sell

  When they wave a yellow ribbon & an oily flag

  Just say yes or they’ll call you a flag

  April 25, 1991

  Hum Bom!


  Whom bomb?

  We bomb’d them!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb’d them!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb’d them!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb’d them!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  You bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  You bomb you!

  What do we do?

  Who do we bomb?

  What do we do?

  Who do we bomb?

  What do we do?

  Who do we bomb?

  What do we do!

  Who do we bomb?

  What do we do?

  You bomb! You bomb them!

  What do we do?

  You bomb! You bomb them!

  What do we do?

  We bomb! We bomb you!

  What do we do?

  You bomb! You bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  We bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  You bomb you!

  Whom bomb?

  You bomb you!

  May 1971


  For Don Cherry

  Whydja bomb?

  We didn’t wanna bomb!

  Whydja bomb?

  We didn’t wanna bomb!

  Whydja bomb?

  You didn’t wanna bomb!

  Whydja bomb?