You didn’t wanna bomb!

  Who said bomb?

  Who said we hadda bomb?

  Who said bomb?

  Who said we hadda bomb?

  Who said bomb?

  Who said you hadda bomb?

  Who said bomb?

  Who said you hadda bomb?

  Who wantsa bomb?

  We don’t wanna bomb!

  Who wantsa bomb?

  We don’t wanna bomb!

  Who wantsa bomb?

  We don’t wanna bomb!

  We don’t wanna

  we don’t wanna

  we don’t wanna bomb!

  Who wanteda bomb?

  Somebody musta wanteda bomb!

  Who wanteda bomb?

  Somebody musta wanteda bomb!

  Who wanteda bomb?

  Somebody musta wanteda bomb!

  Who wanteda bomb?

  Somebody musta wanteda bomb!

  They wanteda bomb!

  They neededa bomb!

  They wanteda bomb!

  They neededa bomb!

  They wanteda bomb!

  They neededa bomb!

  They wanteda bomb!

  They neededa bomb!

  They thought they hadda bomb!

  They thought they hadda bomb!

  They thought they hadda bomb!

  They thought they hadda bomb!

  Saddam said he hadda bomb!

  Bush said he better bomb!

  Saddam said he hadda bomb!

  Bush said he better bomb!

  Saddam said he hadda bomb!

  Bush said he better bomb!

  Saddam said he hadda bomb!

  Bush said he better bomb!

  Whatdid he say he better bomb for?

  Whatdid he say he better bomb for?

  Whatdid he say he better bomb for?

  Whatdid he say he better bomb for?

  Hadda get ridda Saddam with a bomb!

  Hadda get ridda Saddam with a bomb!

  Hadda get ridda Saddam with a bomb!

  Hadda get ridda Saddam with a bomb!

  Saddam’s still there building a bomb!

  Saddam’s still there building a bomb!

  Saddam’s still there building a bomb!

  Saddam’s still there building a bomb!


  Armageddon did the job

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Armageddon did the job

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Armageddon does the job

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Armageddon does the job

  Armageddon for the mob

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Armageddon for the mob

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Gog Magog Gog Magog

  Gog & Magog Gog & Magog

  Gog Magog Gog Magog

  Gog Magog Gog Magog

  Gog Magog Gog Magog

  Gog Magog Gog Magog

  Gog Magog Gog Magog

  Ginsberg says Gog & Magog

  Armageddon did the job.

  February-June 1991

  Supplication for the Rebirth of the Vidyadhara Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche

  Dear Lord Guru who pervades the space of my mind

  permeates the universe of my consciousness,

  still empties my balding head and’s stabilized my wand’ring thought

  to average equanimity in Manhattan & Boulder

  Return return reborn in spirit & knowledge in human body

  my own or others as continual Teacher of chaotic peace,

  Return according to your vow to pacify magnetize enrich destroy

  grasping angry stupidity in me my family friends & Sangha

  Return in body speech & mind to enlighten my labors

  & the labors of your meditators, thousands from L.A. to Halifax

  to relieve sufferings of our brothers, lovers

  family, friends, fellow citizens, nations and planet.

  Remember your vow to be with us on our deathbeds

  in living worlds where we dwell in your tender perspective

  breathe with your conscious breath, catch ourselves thinking

  & dissolve bomb dream, fear of our own skin & yelling argument

  in the sky of your mind

  Bend your efforts to regroup our community within your thought-body

  & mind-space, the effects of your non-thought,

  Turbulent ease of your spontaneous word & picture

  nonmeditative compassion your original mind

  These slogans were writ on the second day of June 1991

  a sleepless night my brother’s 70th birthday on Long Island

  my own sixty-fifth year in the human realm visiting his house

  by the Vajra Poet Allen Ginsberg supplicating protection of his

  Vajra Guru Chögyam Trungpa

  June 2, 1991, 2:05 A.M.

  After the Big Parade

  Millions of people cheering and waving flags for joy in Manhattan

  Yesterday’ve returned to their jobs and arthritis now Tuesday—

  What made them want so much passion at last, such mutual delight—

  Will they ever regain these hours of confetti’d ecstasy again?

  Have they forgotten the Corridors of Death that gave such victory?

  Will another hundred thousand desert deaths across the world be

  cause for the next rejoicing?

  June 11, 1991, 2:30 P.M.

  Big Eats

  Big deal bargains TV meat stock market news paper headlines love life Metropolis

  Float thru air like thought forms float thru the skull, check the headlines catch the boyish ass that walks

  Before you fall in bed blood sugar high blood pressure lower, lower, your lips grow cold.

  Sooner or later let go what you loved hated or shrugged off, you walk in the park

  You look at the sky, sit on a pillow, count up the stars in your head, get up and eat.

  August 20, 1991

  Not Dead Yet

  Huffing puffing upstairs downstairs telephone

  office mail checks secretary revolt—

  The Soviet Legislative Communist bloc

  inspired Gorbachev’s wife and Yeltsin

  to shut up in terror or stand on a tank

  in front of White House denouncing Putschists—

  September breezes sway branches & leaves in

  a calm schoolyard under humid grey sky,

  Drink your decaf Ginsberg old communist New

  York Times addict, be glad you’re not Trotsky.

  September 16, 1991

  Yiddishe Kopf

  I’m Jewish because love my family matzoh ball soup.

  I’m Jewish because my fathers mothers uncles grandmothers said “Jewish,” all the way back to Vitebsk & Kaminetz-Podolska via Lvov.

  Jewish because reading Dostoyevsky at 13 I write poems at restaurant tables Lower East Side, perfect delicatessen intellectual.

  Jewish because violent Zionists make my blood boil, Progressive indignation.

  Jewish because Buddhist, my anger’s transparent hot air, I shrug my shoulders.

  Jewish because monotheist Jews Catholics Moslems’re intolerable intolerant—

  Blake sd. “6000 years of sleep” since antique Nobodaddy Adonai’s mind trap—Oy! such Meshuggeneh absolutes—

  Senior Citizen Jewish paid my dues got half-fare card buses subways, discount movies—

  Can’t imagine how these young people make a life, make a living.

  How can they stand it, going out in the world with only $10 and a hydrogen bomb?

  October 1991



  No one liked my hair

  Mother pulled it toward the movies

  Father hit the top of my head

  Street gangs set it afire

  My dry hair, my

  short hair, black hair, drab hair

/>   my stupid hair—frizzled!

  Till I met John,

  John loved my hair

  Twined his fingers in my delicate curly locks

  Told me let it grow

  John buried his face in my hair

  kissed my hair

  Murmured endearments “Oh oh oh” to the top of my skull

  Patted me on the head

  Stroked me from crown to neck nape—

  Sat across from me on the subway and gazed at me lovingly—


  They were whispering, elbows leaned on the wide marble balustrade

  balcony lobby of the Majestic Theater—

  talking Jerusalem, Moscow, Ballet, Quasars, Interest rates—

  John came down from his seat, stopped at the top stair—

  sat down, hands on his ears in despair—“I’ve stymied my feet!”

  “What” they asked, “you’ve stymied your feet? Whazzat mean?”

  John nodded his head, eyes closed, hands against his head as before,

  “I’ve stymied my feet,” he repeated dolefully.


  John had AIDS.

  First, he began talking to himself.

  The psychiatrist said:

  “If you’re going to talk to yourself,

  do it in the form of poetry.”

  November 7, 1991, 8:30 A.M.

  A Thief Stole This Poem

  These days steal everything

  People steal your wallet, your watch

  Break into your car steal your radio suitcase

  Break in your house, your Sony Hi 8 your CD VCR Olympus XA

  People steal your life, catch you on the street & steal your head off

  Steal your sneakers in the toilet

  Steal your love, mug your boyfriend rape your grandmother on the subway

  Junkies steal your heart for medicine, they steal your credibility gap over the radio

  Cokeheads & blackmen steal your comfort, peace of mind walking Avenue A your laundry package

  steal your spirit, you gotta worry

  Puerto Ricans steal white skin from your face

  Wasps steal your planet for junk bonds, Jews steal your Nobodaddy and leave their dirty God in your bed

  Arabs steal your pecker & you steal their oil

  Everybody’s stealing from everyone else, time sex wristwatch money

  Steal your sleep 6 A.M. Garbage Trucks boomboxes sirens loud arguments hydrogen bombs

  steal your universe.

  December 19, 1991, 8:15 A.M.


  Birds chirp in the brick backyard Radio

  piano chopping gentle chords next door

  A rush of tires & car exhaust on 14th Street

  Delighted to be alive this cloudy Thursday

  February window open at the kitchen table,

  Senior Citizen ready for next week’s angiogram.

  February 20, 1992, 1:15 P.M.

  Deadline Dragon Comix

  After Lalon


  It’s true I got caught in

  the world

  When I was young Blake

  tipped me off

  Other teachers followed:

  Better prepare for Death

  Don’t get entangled with


  That was when I was young,

  I was warned

  Now I’m a Senior Citizen

  and stuck with a million


  a million thoughts a million

  dollars a million


  How’ll I ever leave my body?

  Allen Ginsberg says, I’m

  really up shits creek


  I sat at the foot of a


  and he told me everything

  Fuck off, 23 skidoo,

  watch your ass,

  watch your step

  exercise, meditate, think

  of your temper—

  Now I’m an old man and

  I won’t live another

  20 years maybe not another

  20 weeks,

  maybe the next second I’ll

  be carried off to


  the worm farm, maybe it’s

  already happened—

  How should I know, says

  Allen Ginsberg

  Maybe I’ve been dreaming

  all along—


  It’s 2 A.M. and I got to

  get up early

  and taxi 20 miles to satisfy

  my ambition—

  How’d I get into this fix,

  this workaholic show

  biz meditation market?

  If I had a soul I sold it

  for pretty words

  If I had a body I used

  it up spurting my essence

  If I had a mind it got

  covered with Love—

  If I had a spirit I forgot

  when I was breathing

  If I had speech it was

  all a boast

  If I had desire it went

  out my anus

  If I had ambitions to

  be liberated

  how’d I get into this

  wrinkled person?

  With pretty words, Love essences,

  breathing boasts, anal

  longings, famous crimes?

  What a mess I am, Allen Ginsberg.


  Sleepless I stay up &

  think about my Death

  —certainly it’s nearer

  than when I was ten

  years old

  and wondered how big the

  universe was—

  If I dont get some rest I’ll die faster

  If I sleep I’ll lose my

  chance for salvation—

  asleep or awake, Allen

  Ginsberg’s in bed

  in the middle of the night.


  4 A.M.

  Then they came for me,

  I hid in the toilet stall

  They broke down the toilet door

  It fell in on an innocent boy

  Ach the wooden door fell

  in on an innocent kid!

  I stood on the bowl & listened,

  I hid my shadow,

  they shackled the other and

  dragged him away

  in my place— How long can

  I get away with this?

  Pretty soon they’ll discover

  I’m not there

  They’ll come for me again, where

  can I hide my body?

  Am I myself or some one else

  or nobody at all?

  Then what’s this heavy flesh this

  weak heart leaky kidney?

  Who’s been doing time

  for 65 years

  in this corpse? Who else went

  into ecstasy besides me?

  Now it’s all over soon,

  what good was all that come?

  Will it come true? Will

  it really come true?


  I had my chance and lost it,

  many chances & didn’t

  take them seriously enuf.

  Oh yes I was impressed, almost

  went mad with fear

  I’d lose the immortal chance,

  One lost it.

  Allen Ginsberg warns you

  dont follow my path

  to extinction.

  March 31, 1992

  Get It?

  Get beat up on TV squirming on the ground for driving irregular

  Get bombed in Philadelphia by helicopters with your little babies

  Get kicked in the street by Newark police and charged w/riot

  Get assassinated by a jerk while FBI sleeps with itself

  Get shot by a stringer for the CIA & blame it on Fair Play for Cuba Committee

  Get bumped off by an errandboy for Cuban drug kingpins,
friend of the Feds & Dallas cops

  Get caught paying off Contras with coke money while Acting U.S. Drug War Czar

  Get busted for overcharging Iranians on secret warplane sales

  Get convicted of lying to Congress about off-the-shelf dirty wars in Central America

  Get 12 billion dollars for a drug bureaucracy and double the number of addicts

  Get a million people in prison in the land of the free

  Get the electric chair & gas chamber for unpopular crimes

  Organize Citizens for Decency Through Law rob your own phony bank several billion dollars get sent to jail

  May 1992

  New York

  Angelic Black Holes

  By Andrey Voznesensky

  Soul to crotch the streets commit hara-kiri,

  Burnt-out stores chessboard moonlit households,

  The City of Angels stares into black holes—

  See down through Earth to scorched Nagorno-Karabakh.

  How long is the tunnel of pain?

  Does God need Welfare?

  Even so, remembering the sheen on Peredelkino’s black gooseberries,

  Rodney King’s name sounds Russian, rodnik for ground-spring.

  As for me who crapped up my own homeland

  How lay the blame on anybody else?

  Rain & ashes seal my lips.

  The two superpowers left the Little Man supersufferings.

  Us—blown to hell. You—immolate yourselves in flame?

  Any light at the end of the tunnel of pain?

  Translated by Allen Ginsberg and Nina Bouis

  May 17, 1992

  Los Angeles


  Research has shown that black people have inferiority complexes regarding white folks

  Research has shown that Jews are exclusively concerned with financial lasciviousness

  Research has shown Socialism to be a universal failure wherever practiced by secret police

  Research has shown that Earth was created 4004 B.C., a Divine Bang

  Research has shown that sparrows, bees, lizards, chickens, pigs & cows exhibit signs of homosexual behavior when in prison

  Research has shown Southern Baptist Inerrancy Confession the most virulent form of Christian Truth

  Research has shown that 90% of people going to Dentists have bad teeth

  brush your teeth violently 3 times a day after meals wear away the roots

  Research has shown that Hollywood makes the best films ever, the sexually degenerate