“And that means?”

  “I’m on my way. It’s becoming automatic. Give me a little time, and I’ll be able to handle it.”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. And I’m giving you time, Allie.”

  “If you didn’t, I’d take it.” She swallowed to ease the tightness of her throat. Don’t show him how weak she was feeling. Or how gloriously triumphant. “I’m … grateful. You kept your promise.” She cleared her throat. “Not that I believe you did it for my sake. You keep telling me you have your own agenda. But it means everything to me so I thought I should— Or maybe not. You don’t care what I’m feeling.”

  “Don’t I?”

  “Oh, maybe a little. It’s that bonding thing.” She straightened her shoulders. “It doesn’t matter. But do you know what I want to do now?”

  “I can hardly wait to find out.”

  “I want to drive through the town and practice.”

  He chuckled. “Practice blocking?”

  “Yes. I know you said that my ability wouldn’t be more than seventy percent effective but maybe you’re wrong. I could be better than you think.”

  “You’re pretty cocky.”

  “I want to know. And I want to get better and better.” She felt as if she were glowing with excitement. “Okay, so I won’t be perfect. I might get very close. That’s almost normal, Mandak.”

  “As opposed to being a freak?”

  She made a face. “I’m trying not to say that word. You don’t like it.”

  “Since when did that matter to you?”

  “I don’t know. It just kind of snuck up on me.” She fastened her seat belt. “So take me for a drive. I want to show everyone that I won’t be ambushed anymore. I’m going to block the whole world.”

  “Seventy percent, Allie.”

  “For now.” She looked back at the restaurant as they pulled out of the parking lot. “I was able to block every single one of the people in the restaurant. It was shaky and messy, and I had to concentrate, but I did it. The woman in the SUV I blocked without thinking, automatic. It was … wonderful.”

  “I can see it was wonderful for you.” He smiled at her. “I’ll drive very slowly through town and we’ll see if you can collect any more scalps to hang on your belt.”

  “That’s not the right metaphor. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I just want to keep them from hurting me.”

  “Correction noted. More like a black belt in karate?”

  “Oh, I don’t care what you call it. I just want to see if I can do it.”

  * * *

  THEY HAD DINNER ON THE ROAD and didn’t come back to the lodge for another two hours.

  “You’ve been very quiet.” Mandak turned to Allie as he unlocked the door. “No triumphs?”

  “Several.” She smiled brilliantly. “And some of them automatic.”

  “Great.” He gazed quizzically. “But no exhilaration?”

  “Two ambushes. I had to fight them off. One I couldn’t get away from until we were over a block away.”

  “Seventy percent?”

  “Not this time. Less. But it sort of pricked the balloon.” She looked him in the eye. “But I’ll blow that balloon sky-high. I just have to work at it.”

  “Yes, you will.” He turned and moved down the hall. “Go to bed and rest. You deserve it. You’ve done a good day’s work. I’m proud of you.”

  “You are?”

  “Sure.” He glanced back at her strange tone. “What?”

  “Nothing.” She turned and headed for her bedroom. “It’s just that no one has ever told me that before. Good night, Mandak.”

  “Good night.” He watched her disappear into her room.


  He was touched and angry and protective and filled with half a dozen other emotions. They had all come out of nowhere during this singular afternoon. Or maybe it had happened before that, and it had just escaped him. Either way, it was a sign of softness that couldn’t be tolerated. She had come too close. He had to distance himself from her.

  He was reaching for his phone as he continued to the library.

  Lee Walberg answered on the second ring. “You took your time,” he said dryly. “You’ve put me off three times. I assume that you’re at last ready to let Natalie and me have a go at taming your little protégée?”

  “She doesn’t need taming. Well, maybe she does, but I’d defy anyone to do it.” He paused. “She needs careful handling. She’s vulnerable, dammit.”

  Lee was silent. “And your attitude is a bit peculiar for you, Mandak.”

  The softness Mandak was experiencing had clearly evidenced itself in those few words. “I’m just trying to give you a picture of what you’ll be facing with her.”

  “I appreciate the effort.” He hesitated. “And I’m wondering if you should have turned her over to us when I last talked to you.”

  “I couldn’t do that. She had too much to learn. She’s still not ready, but I’ve given her a start. She has time to learn the rest while she’s with you.”

  “We’re supposed to be her security blanket? Neither Natalie nor I can teach her what you can.”

  “I’ll still be around. Her skills will need constant refreshing. I’ve just decided it’s best that I cut down the personal interaction at present.”

  “Whatever you say.” He paused. “Natalie is looking forward to taking her into our lives. She’s been lost since Simon died.”

  “I know. But there’s no comparison between them. Allie’s going to be a challenge.”

  “We’re ready for it. Tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow.” He hung up.

  He looked thoughtfully down at his phone. Tomorrow. Moving to another stage of the game. Lee was probably right, he should have made the move sooner. Had he been fooling himself into thinking he needed additional time? The bonding sometimes had strange and powerful effects.

  No, he wouldn’t admit that he’d been influenced by emotion. He had only made a judgment and stuck by it.


  But tonight the responsibility for Allie was still his own. She’d had an emotional and exhausting day, and he needed to make sure that she was not suffering from it. He moved down the hall and quietly opened her bedroom door.


  The warm, golden light from the hall fell across her bed.

  She was sound asleep, and she looked like a weary child.

  He could see the streaks of the tears she’d shed on her cheeks. She had been crying, tears she hadn’t wanted him to see.

  Tears of joy?

  Or tears of frustration and pure emotion?

  It could be either. Or both.

  And it was he who had caused those tears. He’d had the power to sway her and make her do as he wished.

  Not that she would admit it, he thought ruefully. She was still all fire and rebellion.

  And he would miss that fire. She had belonged to him in a very special way that might never happen again in his lifetime.

  She stirred and made a sound.

  She must sense that he was there, watching her. She had wonderful instincts.

  Okay, I’m leaving. Just checking to see if you’re safe and ready to be tossed into the big, bad world out there.

  And he was the one who was going to do that tossing, he thought bitterly.

  He closed the door softly behind him.

  Louisville, Kentucky

  “Blank!” Camano violently threw the last security video across the room. “All of them blank for that night the car entered the garage. The son of a bitch had to have erased them.”

  “What about the flight info?” Gina asked from across the hotel room. “You said the airlines should have records.”

  “Nothing. I even turned Navarro loose on the guy who schedules the private jets. If he knew anything, he wouldn’t talk.”

  “Then we might as well go home,” she said. “We’ve been in this boring hotel for days. You have to admit I’ve been very pat
ient.” She coaxed. “I’ve kept you amused, and I’ve helped you with those security videos. I’m sure that Teresa will turn up soon. She loves me, and she’ll want to come home to me.”

  “You fool, she’s not going to go running back to you. She’s not alone out there. Whoever took her will keep her.”

  “I’m not a fool,” she said gently. “If you can find another way to find Teresa, then I’ll be here for you. But the databases have come up negative and there is no William Montgomery. Now this road is blocked, too. Why not take a deep breath, then go home and try to think of another way?”

  “You’re not worried about finding her at all, are you?”

  “No.” She smiled. “I told you, she loves me. I’ve made sure of that over the years. It was no problem. As soon as I realized that she was special and could be of value, I started paying her extra attention. She was starved for it. Now she comes when I snap my fingers.” She stood up and got her suitcase out of the closet. “And there’s no way she’d do anything to hurt me.” She started packing. “Which means she’ll do nothing to hurt you. You have to understand that. As long as you make me happy, and I stay with you, then there’s no way she’ll be a witness against you.”

  “That sounds remarkably like blackmail,” he said silkily. “And that’s a dangerous road, Gina.”

  “Blackmail? Heavens no. I just wanted to make you feel better.” She crossed the room and kissed him. “In every way. It’s not as if you won’t want me to stay with you. Did you know that Antonio sent me to one of the houses in Quito for six weeks to be taught all kinds of exciting variations? When I came back, I made it so good for both of us.” She rubbed against him. “I know so many ways, and I’ve shown you only a few.”

  He was getting hard.

  Little bitch. She knew it.

  She smiled and stepped back. “Anything you want. Teresa? No problem.” She returned to her packing. “Just be patient.”

  She’d almost convinced him. He’d never realized the determination and power she wielded beneath that sexual domination that was her stock in trade. He was beginning to wonder about her influence on Casali.

  And that determination could be turned against him as well.

  He might do better to get rid of her.

  But not now, not when he was so hot for her. Not when she held the key to that freaky kid.

  Gina was right, all the ways were blocked. Try to find another way to locate Teresa. “I’m not good at patience. You’ll have to show me it’s worth it.”

  “Oh, I will.” She smiled at him. “Go make yourself a drink. I’ll do your packing for you.”

  He went over to the window and looked out at the jets taking off from the airport across the street.

  Streaks of light.

  Booming thunder of sound.

  Teresa had probably taken one of those jets, and now she thought she was safe from him.

  I’m not giving up, you little freak.

  I’ve got my ace in the hole.

  No matter how long it takes I’m going to find you.

  * * *

  “GET UP ON YOUR FEET, ALLIE.” Mandak was standing in the doorway of the gym. “Exercise is over. Shower and pack a bag. We need to leave in an hour.”

  “Where are we going?” She jumped up and ran her hand through her short curls. “And what’s the hurry?”

  “You have people to meet.” He turned and started to leave. “It’s rude to keep them waiting.”

  “Don’t you leave me hanging like that.” She was after him in a heartbeat. “What people? Why?”

  “Two people you’ll like very much. I’ll explain on the way.” He smiled. “As to why, you graduated yesterday. I’m cutting you loose. You need to go forth and conquer.” He was walking down the hall as he spoke. “Hurry.”

  She stared after him in bewilderment. Then she slowly turned and went toward her bedroom. His words were swirling in her head. Graduated. Cutting you loose. Go forth and conquer.

  He meant that he was leaving her.

  Why did that send panic racing through her?

  And that strange, hollow loneliness?

  It was what she wanted. Independence, to be on her own.

  Now that she had a start on blocking and handling the horror of the memories, she surely didn’t need him.

  But she felt like she needed him. She felt like she’d always need him.

  “Hurry,” he said again. He had paused to look over his shoulder.

  “I’m hurrying.” She ran down the hall and threw open her door. Move. Shower. Pack. Get out of here. Worry about her curious reluctance to leave Mandak later.

  Forty-five minutes later, she was walking out of the lodge onto the porch.

  “Excellent.” Mandak took her duffel. “Very quick. But then I knew you’d be eager for a fresh start.”

  “Of course.” She followed him to the car. “That’s the lure you held out to me when you picked me up out of that forest in New Jersey. A new start…” She didn’t look at him as she got into the passenger seat. “But I somehow thought that we’d already started.”

  “Only the preliminaries. I told you that you’d have to begin college soon.” He pressed the accelerator. “But, first, we have to have you tested so that you can be admitted. I don’t anticipate any problems since you have that photographic memory. But besides being very young, you may have to have a little coaching.”

  “Again? What else have we been doing during these weeks?” She snapped her fingers. “Oh that’s right. Karate. Guns. Knives. No college would accept that curriculum.”

  “They should. No subjects would prove more useful.”

  “Not in your world?”

  “Nor in yours, Allie.”

  “New start. Perhaps someday…”

  “Perhaps. In the meantime, I’ll see that you keep on with your lessons in those subjects.”

  “You will?”

  He nodded. “Two or three times a week. I’ll set up sessions with a teacher I trust.”

  “Why not you?”

  “I’ll be busy. So will you.”

  “You said you were cutting me loose.” She looked out the window. “I won’t see you again?”

  “You know better than that. You need reinforcement for the blocking, and I’m the only one who can do that for you. You’ll see me every now and then. And I’ll be there when you have a special need.” He added quietly, “And remember, I have an agenda. That’s never changed. That’s why we came together. That’s why I’ll always be there in the background until you’re ready for me.”

  “I’ll never be ready for you,” she said jerkily. “I’m going to work at making it all about me now, Mandak.”

  “Then enjoy every minute of it.” He smiled. “And the people you’re going to be living with from now on will help you to do that. Lee and Natalie Walberg are great people who know how to live life to the fullest.”

  “I’m going to be living with them? Why?”

  “It’s part of your cover. Dantlow approves wholeheartedly. Check with him. You’re supposed to be their niece, who will be staying with them while you go to the university. Lee and Natalie both taught at the university before they retired. Now they do a little tutoring but principally are involved with their hobbies. Lee collects rare books and Natalie is an artist.”

  “They won’t like me.” She frowned. “I don’t know anything about either one of those things.”

  “They’ll teach you. Their house is just down this block.” He cruised to a stop at the curb. “The red brick with the ivy.”

  The house was a small, elegant Tudor with beautifully crafted paned windows and a rich oak brown door. Allie had never seen a house that spoke more of home. “It’s … lovely.”

  “They like it.” His gaze shifted to her face. “And so do you.”

  “I used to dream of living in a house like that. It’s … welcoming.”

  “Yes, and so are Lee and Natalie. Give them a chance, Allie.” He paused. “You can’t read t
hem. I made sure that your relationship would be perfectly normal and free of tension. I thought you’d want that.”

  “Yes, but it’s scary.”

  “No more than it would be for the rest of us.”

  “You said to give them a chance. Why should I? Have you got them under your thumb like you do Dantlow?”

  “When you get to know them, you’ll realize that Lee and Natalie only do exactly what they want to do. At present, they want to help you. But don’t believe me. You’re a smart girl.” He grimaced. “And very suspicious. I’m sure you’ll find out for yourself.”

  “I’m sure I will, too.” But she desperately wanted to believe that the Walbergs would be everything Mandak said they were. It would be almost too good to be true.

  He glanced at the house. “There are Lee and Natalie coming out the front door. They must have seen us and gotten impatient.” He started to get out of the car. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  “No.” She put her hand on his knee. “Stay here. I’ll go alone.” She jumped out of the car and smiled recklessly at him. “New start, Mandak.”

  He nodded and leaned back in his seat.

  But it was a frightening new start, she thought, as she forced herself to go up the flagstone walk toward the man and woman waiting at the front door. They were a handsome couple in their early sixties. They looked their age but appeared very fit, and Natalie Walberg’s shining white hair was cut stylishly and she was fashionably dressed in slacks and a scarlet tunic.

  Allie stopped a few yards from them. For an instant, she wished she’d let Mandak come with her.

  What should she say?

  What could she say? Go for it. “Hello, I’m Allie.” She took a deep breath. “What do we do now?”

  Lee Walberg laughed. “Hell if I know.”

  “Pay no attention to him. He’s feeling a bit awkward.” Natalie’s face lit with a smile so kind and loving it took Allie’s breath away. “What do we do? You come into the house and we give you a soft drink and we start to talk.” She threw the front door open wide. “And I say welcome home, Allie.”


  The dream of a lifetime.

  And it was Mandak who had made this fragile, tentative, dream come true.