Page 27 of Slade

  “Fine but remember you said you were going to take her out of my home tonight.”

  Slade stood and his gaze met Trisha’s. “You’re safe here and I’ll be back in a few hours when the sun goes down. I’m going to take you to my house. Get some rest.”

  “Okay. Hurry back.”

  Slade smiled. “I will. I’ll come for you soon.”

  Trisha cringed. She’d heard him say that to her before yet he’d never returned. Instead he’d avoided her by accepting a job overseeing Reservation. She watched him go, realizing she had to learn to trust him or she would always be afraid every time he walked away from her. She didn’t want to live that way.

  “Don’t look so fearful. You are safe here with me. You’re too skinny to draw my sexual interest, Slade has claimed you, and I’m too angry at what was done to my home to be aroused by your tempting female scent. He’ll be back for you.” Valiant growled low. “He knows I’d kick his ass if he left a human with me for more than a day. I have some cleaning to do. Relax. Sleep. Just don’t leave. There is a bathroom by the front door in case you need it. The intruders who breached my domain didn’t damage it. Brass is going to help me right everything.”

  “I am?” Brass stood in the doorway.

  Valiant nodded. “I’m bigger and I say you will help me.”

  “Works for me.” Brass winked at Trisha. “I’m going to go help the large feline clean up.”

  “I’ll be right here resting and not helping,” Trisha teased.

  Brass chuckled before he turned and followed Valiant out of the living room. Trisha finished her muffin and lay down on the comfortable couch until she realized her hands were still bloody from Harley’s wounds. She’d been so distracted by all that had happened, she hadn’t noticed it before.

  She stared at the dried blood and fought the urge to be sick. She stood and went in search of the bathroom, knowing it was a losing battle. Her stomach heaved and she barely made it in time before she lost her snack. Ten minutes later she stretched out on the couch. Exhaustion helped her fall asleep quickly.

  * * * * *

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Slade hung up the phone, his gaze meeting Tiger’s, and he blew out a deep breath. “Harley survived surgery. Justice sent a human team to back up Moon. Guard him with a few more of our men. He’ll be safe.”

  “We’ve heard from the authorities. They wanted permission to go to the crime scene but Justice is handling it with Fury’s help. We can’t allow them to go into the wild zone and I had one of our males sent to retrieve all of the doctor’s belongings. We don’t want any trace of her left there in case the police manage to talk Justice into allowing them to see where the attack took place.”

  “Thanks.” Slade leaned back in his chair. A hand lifted to run through his hair. “I could have lost her. Again.”

  “But you didn’t. This is why I don’t envy you for having a human.”

  “One day you might meet one you can’t resist.”

  “Don’t make threats.” Tiger glared.

  A grin curved Slade’s lips. “It’s not so bad.”

  “You’re going to be a father. You’re biased. Your woman has given you a miracle.”

  That reality kept making Slade’s heart race. “I am, but she is one to me before I ever learned of the baby that grows within her. I’m happy but worried. She’s not Species. Humans aren’t as tough as our women. I think of all the things that could go wrong.”

  “Stop. She’s a strong female of mind, if not of body. That matters.”

  “She is pretty tough.”

  Tiger snorted. “You should see your face.”


  “Nothing. It’s just obvious that you care deeply for her. You look proud and happy.” Tiger stood to pace the office. “They are never going to leave us alone and just allow us to live in peace.”

  Slade knew Tiger meant the humans who hated them. “I know but we can hope. I’ve been told that people fear what they don’t understand. Perhaps with time they will learn more about us and see that we aren’t their enemy. We’ve even segregated our lives from theirs for the most part to assure them they are safe. A lot of them fear we’re unstable or that we’d attack them without provocation.”

  “Perhaps that is the problem. Maybe setting up our own living environments wasn’t the best way to have them accept us.”

  “I don’t know but think of all the lives that would have been taken if they could attack and pick us off one by one. It may not be the best way to get them to accept us but it’s the best way for us to survive. They don’t seem ready to be our neighbors just yet. At least not all of them. Time is something we need to learn how to live with each other. Some Species hate humans. Remember the reason Reservation is necessary.” He blew out a deep breath. “I’m glad I don’t have Justice’s job. Mine is to finish Reservation, to make it a safe haven for our people and to protect Trisha. Anything beyond that is more than I want to think about right now. Trying to handle our own people is difficult enough without trying to deal with the humans too.”

  “We’re going to have to tighten security again. I don’t know how we’re going to do it. Our men are already tired and overworked. We’re overrun with humans who may not be here just to do construction. Those males who attacked the cabin purposely took jobs seeking an opportunity to kill some of us. Justice is going to switch some of our men out to give them a rest. I’ll just be happy once we’re fully functional here and can close the gates to restrict which humans enter.”

  “It won’t be too much longer.”

  “I know.” Tiger leaned against the wall. “I’m just grateful your doctor wasn’t harmed and that she was able to save Harley. That was amazing. It would have destroyed you to lose her and hurt all of us if we’d lost him. Where are you on the whole issue of you being a danger to her? Do you still believe that you claiming her as your own will put her life more at risk?”

  “I’ve learned that she’s in danger whether I’m a part of her life or not. She chose to work with us. She’s dedicated. I’m just happy that she’s decided to give me a second chance. I won’t let her down again.”

  “I know you won’t.” A grin curved Tiger’s features. “Did you ever think you’d revolve your entire life around a human? Or a woman at all, for that matter?”

  “No.” Slade grinned back. “But this time I’m happy that I was wrong. This is the good kind of surprise that life threw my way.”

  “Don’t dump all the work on me.” Tiger growled. “I know you won’t want to leave her side but Brass did a fine job protecting her and I can’t finish Reservation without you. We’re a team. You can protect her and our people.”

  Slade nodded. “Securing Reservation will secure her safety. It’s one and the same now.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Trisha didn’t have to look to know it was Slade who rubbed her arm. She opened her eyes and he smiled.

  “Hi. Did you have a good nap?”

  She couldn’t resist reaching up to cup his face. The guy warmed her in every way just by looking at him and appreciating his pure masculine appeal. She smiled back at him.

  “It would have been better if you’d been sleeping with me and we were naked.”

  Slade’s smile turned into a flat-out grin.

  “I didn’t need to hear that,” Valiant growled.

  “Crap,” Trisha sighed. “We’re not alone, are we?”

  “Nope,” Brass stated.

  Trisha’s hand dropped away from Slade’s face. “I’ll sit up if you move to give me room.”

  Slade inched away, straightened and held out his hand to help her up. “It’s dark outside now.”

  She glanced around the living room, remembering she was in Valiant’s home. The home’s owner sat on a chair not too far from her and Brass had stretched out on a lounge chair in the corner with his long legs spread out. Slade pulled her to her feet.

  “Thank you for the hospitality and
for helping save me.” She addressed Valiant.

  “I’d say any time but I still have a lot of cleaning to do before my house is livable.” He did smile at her. “It was nice killing humans.”

  She just blinked. “I’m glad?” What can I say to that? She wasn’t sure. She hoped she passed muster on comebacks and figured she had when Valiant appeared amused. She turned her head and peered up into Slade’s face. “I’m ready to go.”

  He insisted upon carrying her since she didn’t have shoes and Brass followed them to a waiting SUV parked outside. Brass opened the back door for Slade to deposit Trisha on the back seat. Both men climbed into the front.

  “You need to crouch down when we drive closer to the main areas,” Slade ordered softly. “I’m going to park inside the garage when we arrive at my house. You can’t go near any windows or outside once we reach it. No one is to see you.”


  “No buts,” Brass growled. “You are to stay hidden. You trust us with your life and we both agree that would be the safest. No one is to know where you are.”

  “Fine,” she conceded, too shaken to argue the point. “Has there been any word on Harley?”

  “He’s in critical condition but he’s tough and made it through surgery,” Slade informed her softly. “Moon is sure he’ll pull through. You saved him, Doc.”

  “Good work, Trisha. I was sure he was gone.” Brass gave her a grateful look. “I would have been devastated losing my friend. He’s a brother to me in my heart.”

  Trisha leaned back and relaxed, thrilled that her friend would survive. “He’s tough and we all know how tough all you guys are.” Her stomach chose that moment to grumble. She chuckled. “I’m starving.”

  “We’ll get you fed when we get to Slade’s house.” Brass turned on the seat to continue to watch her. “We won’t be able to get your clothes to you immediately. The cabin is a total loss and I’ve been informed that they removed your stuff but it is damaged or dirty. I’m afraid you will have to wear Slade’s until we can get you more or have yours cleaned.”

  “Loss is right,” Slade sighed. “Tiger sent a man out to pull the truck out of the living room and a large portion of the loft totally collapsed. The entire structure is unstable. Those assholes driving a full-sized work truck through the front of it just made more construction nightmares for me. It’s going to have to be leveled and another one built.”

  “Is there anywhere else I’ll be stashed or will I be staying at your house for a while, Slade?” Trisha hoped he’d keep her close.

  “You’re going to be living with me. The house is far enough away from the hotel area and the new buildings being put up that there’s no reason for anyone to come there. We just don’t want you peeking out windows or stepping outside just in case anyone gets nosy. At night we can take you for short walks outside to give you a break from being contained. We remember how it is to long to be outside. Brass is going to stay with you when I’m at work and Moon should be returning sometime in the next few days. Justice will send a replacement for him to the hospital soon. We didn’t want to bring in a new guard for you since the less people who know about your pregnancy, the better.”

  “But all my guards will be New Species, right? So that’s totally safe. They wouldn’t leak any information about the baby.”

  “True,” Brass agreed. “But Justice is playing it safe. You’re important to us, Trisha. You are our first conceiving female.”

  She frowned, not liking the term. “You make me sound as if I’m a horse.”

  Brass turned to face forward in his seat. He mumbled something that made Slade laugh.

  “What? That’s not fair. You know I couldn’t hear that! Come on, guys. Play nice with me.”

  Slade cleared his throat. “He said something to the effect that with our dicks it wasn’t a bad analogy.”

  Brass laughed. Trisha rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Some people are full of themselves.”

  Slade glanced back at her and his teeth flashed when he grinned. “Want a reminder when we get to the house? Maybe you’re forgetting my size and you need a visual reminder.”

  “I’ve seen horses when I worked for a veterinary hospital. You wouldn’t be getting near me if you actually resembled one from the waist down.” She paused. “But you are larger than anyone else I’ve ever been with. Does that sooth your manly pride?”

  Slade growled. Brass chuckled. Trisha grinned from the back seat until she was ordered to crouch down. It was dark outside, she didn’t see the reason for hiding, but she didn’t want the men to growl at her, something New Species seemed to love to do when they were irritated or emotional. Slade pulled into his garage and she heard the automatic garage door come down. He was the one to open the back passenger door.

  “Are you going to sleep there or are you going to come inside the house?”

  She flipped him off and sat up. Trisha glanced around the garage. It was a double garage and a Jeep sat on the other side of the SUV. It was a tight squeeze to get out until the door closed as Slade led her into the house.

  “Oh. My. God,” Trisha gasped.

  Slade spun around to face her. “What?”

  She gawked at the kitchen. “You’re a slob!”

  Trisha curled her lip at the piles of dirty dishes in both sides of the sink. The stove… She forced her gaze away from it, guessing that would need to be power washed. The floor… Her feet were bare and she could feel the dirt. Her gaze flew to Slade’s, realizing he just watched her silently, frowning.

  “You are a slob,” Brass groaned softly. “Ever hear of soap and water, man?”

  “I’ve been working sixteen hours a day and sleeping six for the three weeks I’ve been here. Give me a break.” Irritation flashed on his face. “There’s not someone to hire to clean my house. I don’t get days off to do it myself.”

  “Wow. You did this in just three weeks?” Trisha shook her head. “I can’t wait to see the rest of the house.” She hoped her sarcasm wasn’t too noticeable.

  “You could sleep in the woods,” Slade teased. “At least there’s not a truck sitting inside my living room. You only lasted in the cabin for what? Twenty-four hours? It has to be torn down it’s in such bad shape. At least mine just needs cleaned.”

  “Kiss my ass.” Trisha stuck her tongue out at him.

  He suddenly grinned and his gaze raked slowly over her body. “I’d love to, Doc.” He snapped his sharp teeth at her.

  Brass chuckled when Trisha backed up.

  “Keep those babies away from my backside.” She shook her head. “It wasn’t an actual request.”

  “I don’t know how you sleep with humans,” Brass chuckled. “Way too fragile. One of our women would love being bitten.”

  Slade nodded but he kept the grin in place. “I know but she’s cute. What could I do? She wanted me badly.”

  “Stress on the word wanted.” Trisha shot him a dirty look and walked past him through a dining room.

  “Uh-oh,” Brass chuckled. “Someone’s in the dog house.”

  “I don’t have one.” Slade laughed.

  The dining room was obviously not a room Slade ever used since it was basically clean, minus the dust issue. The living room was another story. It might have been a nice coffee table if she could see the surface but dirty dishes, empty beer and soda cans and an overflowing ashtray littered it. She frowned, studying Slade.

  “You smoke?”

  He shrugged. “Sometimes I do when I have a few beers. I’ve been trying to get past the horrible taste of them. Human male bonding seems to demand we drink some of them together after work and smoke too.”

  “Well, please don’t while I’m here. The smell of cigarettes will make me sick.”

  “I won’t smoke inside the house.”

  “Smart man. It’s really bad for you.”

  She glanced at the living room before she moved on. The downstairs contained a full bathroom, a family room that wasn’t used and an office th
at was. She opened her mouth but closed it after noticing every surface covered with papers or discarded drinks. It amazed her that a man owned so many dishes. She headed for the stairs when the main floor tour ended.

  “Are we going to go look at every room?” Slade followed behind her.

  “Yes. I want to know where I’m living and what I’m dealing with. I’m starting to miss the seventies.”

  Brass laughed.

  “What does that mean?” Slade glanced at them.

  “I’ll explain later.” Brass snorted.

  There were two bathrooms and three bedrooms on the second level. One of the bathrooms opened from the hallway. The second bathroom was located inside the master bedroom. It was a large room with a twin bed. She frowned at the small mattress and turned to glance at Slade but said nothing. She checked out the other two bedrooms next. One room had nothing more than a twin bed and a dresser. A weight set and a treadmill dominated the last room. She closed the door and met Slade’s gaze.

  “So where are you going to sleep? Brass gets the spare room and you only have a twin bed. I’m not sleeping on the floor. I guess you could sleep on the couch or on your weight bench.” She put her hands on her hips.

  Slade blinked a few times, a confused look on his features. Brass chuckled and Slade shot him a dirty look before frowning at Trisha.

  “I’m sleeping inside my room on my bed and you are sleeping on my bed with me. I know it’s small but we’ll fit. Trust me.”

  Her gaze roamed his body. She hesitated. “I’m not sleeping on the bottom. The only way we’re both going to share that bed is if one of us sleeps on top of the other. You’ll crush me.”

  Slade suddenly moved. “Let me show you how it will work. Good night, Brass. Make yourself at home. There’s plenty of food in the fridge.”

  “Hey,” Trisha protested when Slade grabbed her. He ignored her objection as he scooped her into his arms. “What about dinner? I’m hungry.”

  Slade growled. “I’m hungry too.” He walked into his master bedroom and kicked the door closed behind them. He strode to the narrow bed and gently lowered Trisha on top of it.