Page 28 of Slade

  Trisha watched as Slade bent over, staring at her. She loved the passion that flared in his eyes. He did look hungry but it wasn’t for food. He wanted her. He tore off his shoes and socks before he dragged his shirt over his head. Trisha’s gaze slowly took in the sight he posed, appreciating his muscular arms and broad chest.

  Slade growled at her again and yanked at the front of his pants to get them open. “You could undress.”

  “I could but I’d miss the show.”

  His hands stilled for an instant but then he jerked his pants down his hips to kick free of them. He stood in his black underwear until he reached for the last item of clothing on his body. Trisha watched him shove the material down and bit her lip. Slade’s cock was thick, engorged with blood to an impressive size that most men would envy, and his need for her was unmistakable.

  He reached for Trisha’s shorts. She heard the material tear in his haste to tug them down her hips and legs. He threw them over his shoulder and just ripped her shirt open. It had already been destroyed when she’d cut pieces from it earlier to make strips for Harley’s injuries. She wasn’t wearing a bra and it caused a grin to spread across Slade’s rugged features.

  “No underclothing, Doc? I’m shocked but really turned on.”

  “I was taking a shower when those men arrived. Brass yanked me out and tossed clothes at me. My underwear and bra weren’t in the pile he shoved into my arms.”

  Slade’s grin died. “He saw you naked?” He growled as anger seemed to darken his eyes.

  “He was saving my life. I’m sure he didn’t even notice.”

  “Trust me when I say he noticed.” Slade grabbed her ankles and tugged her down the bed until her ass stopped at the very edge. “Anyone would note every exposed inch of you.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled and tried to sit up, wanting to kiss him.

  He used his hand, placed between her breasts, and pushed her flat onto her back. His hand slid down her belly, over her hip, and then both gripped her thighs to push them up. He spread them wide to gaze at the sight of her pussy. He knelt at the end of the bed to get a better look, licked his lips, and growled softly. Trisha looked down their bodies to stare at Slade’s aroused cock straining straight up inches from her pussy.

  “Aren’t you even going to kiss me before you take me?”

  “Yeah, sweet thing. I’m going to kiss you before I fuck you.” He pushed her legs wider apart and his heated gaze studied her body stretched out before him.

  Trisha tried not to feel embarrassed over his intense interest in every inch of her, especially when he lingered while staring at her exposed pussy. He scooted back to lower his head and gripped the inside of her thighs to hold them open. His hands shifted enough that Trisha realized what he planned to do. His breath was hot against her thigh right before his tongue teased her clit with strong licks before his mouth closed over the bundle of nerves, sucking with firm tugs. She came unglued.

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  His mouth withdrew from her sensitive flesh. “I told you I was going to kiss you.”

  “I thought you’d aim for my mouth.”

  He tilted his head, regarding her. “Do you want me to stop? I have to admit I don’t want to. I’ve been dying to taste every inch of you. Don’t deny me, sweet thing.”

  “Do you want to die? That’s what will happen if you do stop. Please continue.”

  He chuckled a second before his mouth and tongue returned. Trisha moaned louder as her fingers dug into the bedspread just for something to cling to while she arched her back. She thought she could handle the amazingly good sensations he created throughout her body with his mouth. That was right up until his tongue started to flicker over her clit rapidly and he started to growl deep enough to vibrate against it. Trisha tensed, wasn’t even sure if she was breathing anymore, and she came—screaming.

  Slade lifted his head quickly, gripped her hips, and pulled her toward him. His thick cock pressed against her pussy and he entered her slowly while she still reeled from the aftermath of the climax he’d just licked her into. She moaned as he pushed his broad shaft into her deeper, enjoying the feel of having her body stretched in a delicious way that left her feeling full and taken by the man she loved. His big cock felt amazing to her still-climaxing body.

  Slade thrust into Trisha fast and deep, driving her over the edge of bliss again within minutes and caused her to cry out his name. Slade growled deep, pounded into her faster and threw back his head. She watched him bare his sharp teeth as he began to come inside her, swelling to the point of near pain, and he shouted out. His body jerked against her as he poured his heated release inside her.

  Trisha smiled when she opened her arms to Slade and he collapsed over her chest. They both panted while Trisha wrapped her legs around the back of his thighs and her fingers ran through his silky hair where his head rested between her breasts. His heavy breathing tickled her skin a little but she loved holding him too much to complain or ask him to turn his head enough to make it stop.

  “I told you a twin bed would work,” he chuckled.

  “Sure works for me in this position but I’m not sure how you’re going to sleep on your knees that way.”

  Slade turned his head a little and moved. He flicked his tongue over the side of her breast, causing Trisha to shiver. Her breast responded instantly, the tip growing taut. Slade opened his mouth, covered her nipple, and allowed his sharp teeth to scrape over it. Trisha arched against him. The erotic feel had her passion igniting all over again. He released her nipple and lifted his head to grin down at her.

  “Want to go again, Trisha?”

  “I do but I need food. How about we eat and pick up right here afterward?”

  Slade laughed. “Let me run you a bath. You soak while I make us something for dinner.”

  “Wait a minute. I’ve seen that kitchen. Maybe we should order takeout.”

  Slade straightened. He twisted his hips a little and it lifted Trisha’s ass from the bed. His hand slapped her ass hard enough for make her flinch but wasn’t painful.

  “I won’t poison you and we don’t have takeout food anywhere near Reservation. We also couldn’t trust them to prepare our food since we aren’t sure if they are friendly to us. I have plans that involve you being very much alive and healthy.” He grinned. “I think I can withdraw without hurting you now that the swelling is down somewhat. Come on, Doc. Bath and food, in that order.”

  Her legs clamped around his hips when he tried to withdraw his cock from her body. She glared at him. “Remember the rule? You’re inside me so calling me Doc isn’t acceptable. What’s my name, lollypop?”

  He shook his head at her but grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, Trisha.”

  “Lollypop?” Brass shouted from down the hall. They heard laughter.

  Heat flooded Trisha’s cheeks. “He heard everything we just said and did, didn’t he?”

  Slade shrugged. “It’s our hearing, Trisha.” He stressed her name. “It’s not really his fault, though he should have just laughed without making a comment.”

  “Sorry,” Brass yelled from the spare bedroom. “Lollypop.”

  Slade groaned as he gently withdrew his cock completely from Trisha. He stood and pulled her to her feet. “I’m going to have to kill him if he keeps calling me that.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Trisha looked around at the kitchen as Brass put away the last clean dish. Trisha sighed, rubbing her aching lower back with her hands.

  “It’s finally clean.”

  Brass frowned. “I told you to lie down two hours ago. You’re carrying a child. Slade would have helped clean this with me after he comes home tonight if you’d just waited.”

  “I couldn’t stand it,” Trisha admitted as she opened the fridge and grabbed a soda and an iced tea, handing the soda to Brass. “Look on the bright side. He’ll be surprised when he gets home.”

  “Or kick my ass for allowing you clean so much. Did we have to do the entire
house in one day? You need to take it easy. Slade is going to blame me if something happens to you or that child.”

  “Well, you couldn’t very well tackle all this alone and you did all the tough grunt work. You are the one who did all the scrubbing and heavy lifting.”

  “You’re holding your back. Is it hurting?”

  “A little.” She turned and suddenly sprinted away.

  She could almost feel Brass on her ass when she ran for the downstairs bathroom. She slammed the door, hoping it didn’t hit him in the face. She barely dropped to her knees before her lunch came up.

  The door opened behind her. “I warned you, woman. You’re sick now.”

  She couldn’t talk while that whole throwing her guts up thing stopped her. Brass gently gripped her hair and his other hand rubbed her back. She finally stopped when there was nothing left inside her stomach.

  “Don’t follow me into a bathroom,” she groaned. “This is so embarrassing.”

  “You are carrying a child. Morning sickness happens.”

  “Not this early.”

  “Maybe you are sick because you worked too hard today. Do not do it again, Trisha. I forbid you to lift another finger. Let this be a lesson.”

  “That or I’m experiencing early morning sickness because nothing about this pregnancy is going to be ordinary. I wish some New Species women had given birth so I’d have an idea of what to expect. Maybe it’s normal to get morning sickness at this early stage while carrying a New Species baby.”

  “I’m going to help you up. Are you done with being ill?”

  She nodded. “I need a toothbrush and toothpaste.”

  Brass helped her to her feet by supporting her weight. “I’ll go get the things Slade brought for you this morning. I saw those things inside one of the bags. Are you going to be okay while I go retrieve them?”

  “I’m fine. Thanks.”

  She turned and studied her reflection in the mirror after Brass left her alone. She looked pale and drawn. Maybe I did overdo it today. She’d just wanted to clean the house. If she didn’t know better, it almost seemed as if she had an uncontrollable nesting urge, something common that some pregnant women experienced. She also tended to clean when she was nervous or worried—both emotions she experienced.

  Brass returned and opened up a new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. He stood there, refusing to leave, as Trisha scrubbed her entire mouth. She hated being sick. When she was certain she didn’t have bad breath or a lingering smell, she washed her face. Brass handed her a towel, acting as though he were a lady in waiting. She grinned at that amusing concept, dried her face, and handed the towel back to Brass.

  “Thank you.”

  He nodded but suddenly bent, scooped her into his arms and straightened to walk toward the stairs.

  “Put me down. I can walk.”

  “You have outdone it and I’m taking charge. You’ll follow my orders.”

  “I will not. Come on, Brass. I’m fine.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Kiss my ass.”

  “I’m ready to spank it.”

  “You don’t ever touch her ass,” Slade snarled. “What is going on here? Why are you carrying her?”

  Brass turned with Trisha in his arms, staring at Slade, who glared at him. Brass tensed.

  “She wanted to clean your house. I told her I would do it alone but she wouldn’t listen. She felt the need to help me. She just suffered morning sickness and I’m taking her to your room to rest.”

  Slade’s anger faded and his gaze softened when it met Trisha’s. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Can you have him put me down? He won’t listen to me. He thinks I can’t walk or something.”

  Slade dropped the briefcase he carried and kicked the front door closed behind him. He approached Trisha and opened his arms. “I’ll take her.”

  “She’s all yours.” Brass handed Trisha over.

  “I’m so lucky.” Slade laughed.

  Trisha put her arms around Slade’s neck. “I’m not helpless, you know. I can walk and everything.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Kiss my ass.”

  “And this is where you walked in,” Brass snickered. “See why I was threatening to spank her?”

  “Yes,” Slade said, nodding, still staring at Trisha. “I’ll spank your ass and then kiss it.”

  She laughed, not expecting him to be playful with her. She was glad he wasn’t angry that she’d cleaned the house and had probably overdone it. “That sounds kinky.”

  He smiled and climbed the stairs. “Brass, will you please make dinner?”


  “I’m going to shove her into the bathtub and try not to drown her for being so stubborn.”

  “Good luck with that.” Brass laughed.

  Trisha glared at Slade. “That’s not funny.”

  “Sure it is.” He carried her into their bedroom. He finally put her down on the bathroom counter. “And next time you decide to clean the house while you’re pregnant I might not be joking about shoving you under the water.”

  She watched him turn on the faucets, loving Slade’s bathtub. He had a garden tub and a separate shower. Slade tested the water and then turned toward her while the tub filled.

  “How was your day, honey?” Trisha batted her eyelashes at him.

  He grinned. “Fine, sweet thing. I’d ask how your day was but I already know. Do you feel better now that the house is clean?”

  “Tons, minus the whole tossing my guts up part.”

  He winced. “I’m not kissing you.”

  “I brushed my teeth.”

  He stared at her mouth. “Let me rephrase that. I’m not kissing your mouth. Let’s get you out of those sweats if you want a kiss.” His gaze lowered. “Those seem really big on you. Are those rolled at the waist?”

  “You’re hugely tall and I can’t help it if you have really long legs. I would wear my shorts but someone tore them last night.” She lifted her shirt to show him the waist of the pants she’d had to manipulate to fit her body better.

  He smirked. “You could just go without clothes.”

  She smirked right back at him. “Sure. I could do that. Of course, I’m sure Brass would get to see a whole new side of me. Two of them, actually.”

  His eyes narrowed and his mouth tensed, not liking that thought at all. “Wear any of my clothes you want.”

  “I thought that’s what you might say.” She grinned.

  “Rolled sweatpants look very sexy on you. In fact, I insist that you wear them all the time when you’re not with me inside our bedroom. I really love it when you wear my clothes.”

  Slade edged her off the counter until she stood and lifted the large T-shirt over her body. His hands brushed her breasts, which instantly responded to his touch. He knelt in front of her, smiled, and gripped the waist of the sweats.

  “I’ve been waiting all day to see this.” He tugged down the pants.

  Trisha burst into laughter at the shocked expression on Slade’s face seconds later. “You waited all day to see me wearing your boxers?”

  His eyebrows rose. “You’re even wearing these?” Two of his fingers hooked the fly of them and wiggled them inside the parted material against her skin. “I guess there are advantages.”

  “Stop that.” She yanked at his hand, pulling his fingers out. “I would have sewn that closed if I’d found a needle and thread. It seems you don’t own either.”

  His eyes widened. “Those are mine. Don’t mess with my boxers. What would I do when I wear them if you sew all of them closed?”

  “Pull them down.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “I have to get you clothes.”

  “And here I thought you were trying to get me naked.”

  He gripped the boxers and slid them down her legs. “Thanks for reminding me. Get into the tub.”

  “But I thought there would be touching and kissing and…”

  He stood and reached
for his shirt. “There will be but inside the tub.”

  She glanced at the bath and grinned. “Oooh!”

  Slade laughed as Trisha climbed into the tepid water as the tub filled. She turned her head and watched as Slade started to remove his clothes. She loved seeing him naked and enjoyed watching as he stripped everything off with a big grin on his handsome face.

  “Want to turn the water off, Doc? It will overflow soon if you don’t.”

  She twisted the faucets and had to move out of the way to make room for Slade to climb inside the tub. It was a tight fit as he sat down behind her. Slade opened his knees and lifted Trisha back until she sat snug between his thighs. She leaned back against his chest.

  “This feels great but not really conductive to kissing and more.”

  “I’m sorry. Let me fix that.”

  She turned her head and looked at him to find him grinning again. He reached up and grabbed a bottle of baby oil from a built-in shelf on the wall.

  “Baby oil?”

  He laughed. “I usually put it on my skin to soften it while I soak. I get a lot of calluses naturally on my hands.” He showed her his fingertips. “But that’s not the use I have for it right now.”

  Trisha watched him pour baby oil over his fingers before they slipped under the water. She gasped as they slid between her parted thighs and moaned when his fingers spread her, rubbing her clit. A louder moan came from her when he stopped to breech her pussy with one of his digits.



  She elbowed him.

  Slade chuckled before his hands caressed her body until he gripped her hips. He lifted her and she bit her lip as he eased her down onto his stiff cock until he filled her pussy. She sank deeper as her body lowered all the way until she sat completely over his lap.

  “Better, Trisha?”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  He thrust up into her. “You’re a doctor. Did you fail a test on anatomy? That’s not where I am.”

  “Fuck you,” she moaned.

  “No, Trisha. That’s what I’m going to do to you.”