Page 8 of Slade

  “We’re good,” Slade announced softly as he settled down next to her.

  She wanted to cry over him coming back to her, that grateful that he’d returned safely, and hadn’t abandoned her. She swallowed a sob. She blinked hard at the tears that swam in her eyes. Slade stretched out onto his back next to her, just inches away, and he took a deep breath.

  “Curl into me,” he demanded. “It’s cold.”

  Trisha didn’t speak, too afraid something in her voice would give away the fact that she was so emotional. She just lay next to him, listening to his breathing.

  “Fine. Don’t.” He had an annoyed tone in his voice. “Night.”

  Minutes had to have passed when she heard his breathing change, slowing, and guessed he probably slept. She waited a few more minutes to be sure before she inched forward, closing the distance. His hands were looped together behind his head to form a pillow. She pressed her body against his side, facing him. Her head rested down on his thickly muscled arm.

  He was very warm. She shivered, burrowing tighter against him until her body pressed against his firmly. She put her hand on his stomach. Suddenly the body against hers tensed. Trisha froze, her heart pounded. His breathing had changed.

  “Cold, Doc?”

  She hesitated. “I’m freezing.”

  He sighed. “See what I mean about how annoying you are?” He pulled down one of his arms and his hand closed over Trisha’s hand on his stomach. Then he pushed it lower. Her palm ended up covering a mound. “Feel that?”

  Trisha tried to yank her hand away from his pants but his over hers prevented her from doing that. He pushed her palm tighter against him.

  “Want to keep warm, Doc?”

  She clenched her teeth. “Want to let go of my hand?”

  “Rub me.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He chuckled. “I’d let you, sweet thing. There are a few problems with that. First off, you are loud. I can’t have you screaming out while I’m fucking you since we’re being hunted. You’d let them know where we are. Second problem is that if you want to lie against me and stay warm while you sleep, I want to sleep too. I can’t while you could take my pulse by how hard you make me.”

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  “There’s that option.” He laughed. “I don’t think that would feel good, Doc. I’d rather hear you scream in pleasure than in pain. But that still means there would be screaming. You’d give away our location.”

  His meaning sank in. Her mouth opened. “You…you…”

  “Not a back door kind of gal, huh? Good thing we found something we agree on. I’m not into that either. I’ve been assured by humans it’s tighter but I’m a pussy man. Now, either rub me or move away.”

  “Release my hand.”

  He didn’t. He moved it against him. “See? That’s not bad, is it? I would say that’s not hard but it really is, Doc.”

  Fury slammed into Trisha. “Fine. Do you want me to take care of your problem, Slade?”

  He hesitated. “If you hurt me, Doc, well, I wouldn’t advise it. I’d hurt you back.” His hand over hers eased up and lifted away.

  Trisha cupped her hand firmly over the outline of his thick, hard cock, trapped inside his pants. It felt impressive in length and girth. She moved, sitting up, and reached blindly for the front of his pants. His body stiffened next to her.

  “What are you doing, Doc?”

  “You want touched, right? Well, I’m going to, Slade. I have to open your pants to do that.”

  “Allow me,” he rasped softly. The amusement seemed gone from his voice now.

  Trisha lifted her hands. Slade moved and she heard a zipper. She could barely make out his shape. He lifted his hips and shoved his pants down to mid-thigh. Trisha couldn’t make out much but she knew when Slade freed his cock from his pants.

  She stared, trying to see. She could barely make out anything but it appeared he had nothing to be ashamed of, that was for sure. There was no missing that shadowy shape standing erect and proud. He was long and thick, just the way he’d felt. She hesitated, the idea of that inside her a little scary if they ever did have sex. He was bigger than anyone she’d ever been with. Her past number of lovers wasn’t impressive, just a few, but none of them compared to him.

  “Doc? We should get some sleep before we need to be moving on.” His voice was a soft growl. “I’ll zip up. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry. I am being a bastard. I was half asleep and just a tad too tired.”

  Trisha’s hands shook slightly as she moved forward. One of her hands curled around Slade’s cock before he could cover it. She heard him suck in air. He was hard all right and hot. His skin was velvety soft wrapped over steel-hard thickness. She let her fingers and palm explore him. Slade’s breathing increased.

  “That feels so good,” he groaned.

  Trisha’s anger seeped away. He turned her on. She hated it but he did. She enjoyed touching him. She bit her lip and curled her other hand at the base of Slade’s cock. He shifted his legs, trying to open them wider for her to explore him. He softly cursed when his pants bunched at his thighs and wouldn’t allow it.

  “That’s good, Doc.”

  “Trisha,” she ordered softly. “Call me by my name or I stop.” She gripped his shaft more firmly, moving her hand against the crown of his cock to trace the rim.

  “Trisha,” he groaned. “That feels so good.”

  “I wish I had lotion.”

  “Me too, Doc.”

  She tore her hands from him. “My name is Trisha. Use it.”

  Slade sat up. “Want me to use your name?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Fine.” He moved away, shoved his pants and underwear down his long legs to his ankles, and lunged for her.

  Trisha gasped when he grabbed her. He yanked her up to her knees as he got to his. His hands left her arms and he grabbed her hips and lifted her, turning her away from him.

  “What are you doing?” Excitement and a little fear merged but she wasn’t protesting.

  “Put your legs between mine,” he growled in a rough tone, spreading his bare thighs apart to make room for her.

  Trisha twisted her head. “Why?”

  “Do it,” he rasped. “Now, Trisha.”

  Her heart started to pound. She had an idea what he would do. He was on his knees and he’d turned her until her back was to him. She shifted and fit both of her legs between his, which were spread apart. Her feet tangled with his pants at his ankles but she lifted them to hook over the material. One of his hands left her hip and his other hand slid to the front of her body. She tensed, her breathing increased, as he unfastened her pants. His chest pressed against her back as he lowered his head until his breath fanned her ear.

  “I’m going to fuck you, Trisha.” He growled when he stated it. “I’m going to sink so deep into your pussy that you will want to scream out my name but you can’t. Do you think you can keep quiet?” He shoved her pants down. Her panties were pushed down to her lower thighs next and all the material bunched together.

  Trisha’s breathing was shaky. She wanted Slade. “Yes.”

  He made another growling noise. One of his hands slid up her shirt and pushed her bra cup up. His hand gripped her bare breast and gently squeezed.

  “Bend over for me, Trisha. I’m going to fuck you the way I’ve wanted to since I saw you. I’m going to drive so deep into that wet little sheath of yours until you don’t know where I end and you begin. I bet you’re going to be so tight that you fist around my dick and I have to fight to move inside you.”

  She put her hands on the ground. She’d never in a million years have thought she’d have sex with a man in the middle of the night in the woods on her hands and knees. Then again, she never thought she’d want anyone as much as she wanted Slade. Her body screamed for him to enter her pussy and she knew he wouldn’t be disappointed with how he imagined she’d feel wrapped around his cock. He was so big it had to be a tight fit.
  His hand cupped her between her thighs firmly, massaging her clit first and spreading the wet heat of her desire. She moaned as his fingers explored her from her clit to her anus. He pushed a finger slowly inside her pussy, the sensation amazing as his thick digit pushed in deep, and Trisha arched her back as pleasure tore through her.

  “So wet, Trisha. So fucking tight too. I knew you would be.” He growled softly while he withdrew his finger and traced the seam of her pussy lips, before moving it away.

  “Slade?” She feared he’d change his mind, stop, and her body ached.

  “I can’t wait, need to be inside you too bad to stretch you more with my finger. I’m sorry but I’ve got to fuck you right now or I’m going to die.” He pressed the crown of his cock right at the entrance of her vaginal opening. His hand left her breast and he gripped her hips with both hands. “Quiet, sweet thing. Be real still. I’m going to be easy with you. You’re so tight I’m afraid I’ll hurt you and I don’t want that.”

  Trisha bit her lip as Slade pressed the thick tip of his cock against her pussy. She almost panted, aching so much it hurt. His cock entered her slowly when he slid into her an inch, then pushed in more. His shaft was wide and her body stretched to accommodate him. Trisha wanted more and pushed back against him. He gripped her hips, moved his body to match her movements but he didn’t allow her to take him inside her farther.

  “Slade,” she begged.

  “Don’t move,” he demanded. His hand left her hip and he gripped her around her chest. He pulled her up and she straightened. They were on their knees and her back leaned firmly against his chest again. “Ready, Trisha?”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she was but his hand gripping her hip jerked away. His palm suddenly covered her mouth just as he thrust into her hard and deep. Trisha screamed out in rapture.

  Slade’s hand muffled the sound. His hips pumped fast, hard and deep. He drove in and out of her pussy with a wild abandon that drove her insane. Pleasure notched higher, nearly unbearable, and she knew she was going to come. She’d wanted him for too long, dreamed of how it would be and the reality was much better than any fantasy. Just him hammering his cock inside her was enough to draw a climax from her.

  His hand around her chest slid down her body and dived between her thighs. His fingers found the magic spot, rubbing against her clit furiously as he pounded into her pussy harder from behind. She cried out again against his palm, panting, and her vaginal muscles clenched around the thick shaft.

  “Fuck,” he growled softly. “So fucking amazing.”

  Trisha didn’t even care that Slade had his hand over her mouth as long as he kept it clear from her nose to make certain she could breathe. She didn’t really care if she could get air or not at that moment. Nothing had ever been so good. The sexual satisfaction became more intense as Slade pounded faster into her body, hard enough that he nearly lifted her from the ground, and she screamed as she climaxed.

  Her insides were going insane, muscles clenching and shaking. She screamed again as pressure increased against her oversensitive vaginal canal, sending even more overwhelming ecstasy through her. Slade suddenly bit her shoulder and a muffled, vicious sound tore from between his lips, which were sealed around her skin. His hips jerked violently against her ass, grinding against her, until everything stilled except their heavy breathing. Trisha could feel heat seeping through her from the inside out from his hot semen as it filled her.

  Slade opened his mouth and released Trisha’s shoulder from his teeth. She felt nearly boneless and didn’t care that he’d bitten her. She didn’t mind the slight pain in that area. It didn’t hurt as much as softly throb.

  She was more in tune to the heat that continued to flood her pussy, coming from Slade. He’d continued to ejaculate as her vaginal muscles squeezed around his still-hard cock buried inside her welcoming body. She felt fused to Slade with the way their bodies seemed connected and she really enjoyed the feeling. She resisted the urge to collapse against him and stay there for a very long time.

  “Don’t move, Trisha.” Slade finally got his heavy breathing under control. “It will hurt if I try to pull out right now.”

  “I know,” she breathed. “You swell during sex. It’s a New Species thing.”

  “Every guy swells up for sex.” He chuckled. “We swell up at the base of our shafts right before we come and stay that way for a few minutes after.”

  A horrible thought struck Trisha. “You don’t have needles, do you? God. Tell me that little tiny needles aren’t stuck in me right now holding you there. Some animals have that trait. I know you’re canine but are you sure they didn’t mix you with anything else?”

  He laughed, causing his chest to shake against her back. “You crack me up. No. I don’t have needles. That would be a hell of a turn-off, wouldn’t it?”

  She relaxed. “Kind of.”

  His hand that had held her mouth brushed across her stomach. He pushed his hand under her shirt and his palm brushed across her skin to her rib cage.

  “I love being inside you.”

  Trisha turned her head against his chest. “I love you being there. Wow, Slade. Just wow.”

  He laughed. “I’m glad you enjoyed that.”

  “It wasn’t just me.”

  He licked her shoulder. Trisha started and turned her head toward Slade’s bowed one. “Why are you licking me?” His tongue flicked her skin over and over, creating a strange but not unpleasant sensation. Just odd.

  “I broke the skin. Sorry. I guess I should have been lecturing myself about keeping quiet. I bit you to keep from howling.” He licked her again. “You just felt too good and you’re so tight it drove me out of my mind. I had to fight to hold off coming until you did. It was too good, feeling your pussy squeezing me. You taste delicious too. Ummm.”

  “You think my blood tastes good?”

  He chuckled and lapped at her shoulder. “It’s an acquired taste. And yeah, you taste really good.”

  “Stop it. You don’t have the urge to take a bite out of me, do you?”

  She shifted away from his mouth. There was still a lot she didn’t know about New Species. She knew they could eat raw meat, that some of them continued to eat it from years of habit from having it tossed inside their holding cells. Did they crave human flesh? She experienced a little fear at that thought.

  “That sounds fun.”

  “You don’t eat people, do you?”

  It was a nice sound when Slade laughed. “It won’t be your shoulder that I’d want to eat, Trisha. It sure as hell wouldn’t hurt either.” His laughter died. “I think I’m relaxed enough now to try to separate us. We do need some sleep. We need to get away from those men. I climbed a tree when I checked the perimeter of our camp a little while ago. They are two ridges over. The idiots lit a fire. I would go pay them a visit they wouldn’t live to regret if I thought leaving you alone would be safe.”

  “You’d kill them?” She wasn’t surprised by his statement.

  “Bend over, sweet thing. And relax your muscles.”

  He had ignored her question. She nodded and bent, forcing her body to relax. Slade slowly withdrew from her. She could feel every inch of his still-rigid cock as he withdrew from her pussy. Her body quivered, still oversensitive. Slade chuckled as he backed away from her.

  Trisha turned after she straightened her clothing and fastened her pants. She heard Slade zip up after he righted his own clothing. He lay down on his back on the ground.

  “Come here, Doc. Use my chest for a pillow and curl up with me. It will help keep you warm if you snuggle one of your legs between mine.”

  She sighed as she crawled toward him and lay down with Slade. He was large and warm. “Can’t you call me Trisha now?”

  His body shook under her face as he laughed. One of his arms slid around her waist. “Nope. I’ll only call you Trisha when I’m inside you.”

  She shook her head. “Jerk.”

  He laughed again.

nbsp; So much for good intentions. Slade held Trisha tighter against his body. She’d touched him, all bets were off, and he couldn’t say he regretted taking her. It embarrassed him how little restraint he had when it came to the sexy doctor. Just her hand on his stomach when she’d pressed against him had his cock roaring to life. The blood had rushed from one head to the other. He’d lost the ability to think. He’d taken her more as an animal than a man.

  He ran his tongue over his fangs. The taste of her blood still lingered there and he ignored his cock stiffening yet again from wanting her. He turned his head enough to brush his nose through her hair. Her scent called to him and drove him a little insane. Possessive feelings stirred inside his chest and it scared him worse than anything he’d ever experienced. He’d marked her with his bite and had come so hard, so much inside her, that he’d marked her that way too. He’d never experienced anything like it as more and more semen had jetted out of him into her, the pleasure so strong he’d nearly collapsed under the sheer force of it. Only worry that he’d hurt her had kept him up.

  She was a smart human, a doctor by profession, and what did he have to offer her? Sex? A bad disposition? Crude words with animalistic sex? His eyes squeezed closed. She deserved more than that from a male. He couldn’t ever be the type that she’d be proud to have claim her.

  Damn. Open mouth, insert foot should be my motto in life. Once again he’d probably made her believe he was a total asshole. He’d earned it after the way he’d demanded she touch him. He just needed her that bad. Wanted her even worse. And having her only made the desire stronger to take her again, to keep taking her.

  Her breathing assured him she slept. Otherwise he’d be tempted to roll her, strip her naked, and fuck her for hours. He really longed to have her stretched out bare under him, wanted access to every inch of her skin to lick and taste. To explore until he knew her body as well as his own.

  The idea of spreading her legs and feasting on her pussy made him drool. He swallowed hard. The scent of her desire drove him out of his head but to taste it? To have her crying out his name while he licked her to climax sounded heavenly.