Page 9 of Slade

  His cock began to ache. He was rock hard again, as if he hadn’t just emptied his seed into her until he’d wondered if any remained. She affected him in ways he didn’t seem to have the strength to control.

  He promised that he’d try to be a better man for her. First though, he needed to keep her alive. Rage built inside him at the males who threatened his female. Mine? Damn. I really have it bad for the sexy doc. I just wish she felt the same.

  Chapter Six

  “Hey, time to get up, sweet thing.”

  It was still dark when Trisha woke and Slade’s body wasn’t pressed against her side anymore. A hand took hers and he started to pull her to her feet. She groaned softly and stood, still groggy. She wasn’t sure how much sleep she’d gotten but it wasn’t nearly enough.

  “Walk about ten feet that way and do your thing.” He released her hand and turned her.

  “My thing?”

  “Morning piss,” he explained. “Hurry up. I already used the boy’s tree.”

  “I can’t see a thing.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I am pointing you in a direction where you won’t walk into something. Wake up, Doc. It’s an hour or so before dawn. We need to put more distance between us and them. I already climbed a tree on higher ground and saw they let their fire go out but I can still smell the smoke. They are out there. When it’s light they will have an easier time finding us. That’s why we need to get a move on.”

  “’Kay,” she sighed. “I don’t suppose there’s anything to eat?”


  She nodded and took a step away from Slade when he released her. She walked about twelve feet before she stopped and dropped her pants. She had to pee but it took her a minute to relax enough to squat. She wasn’t awake at all. She’d kill for an iced coffee and even a piece of plain bread. Her stomach rumbled when she thought about food. She hadn’t had anything since breakfast the morning before.

  She fastened her slacks and walked back toward Slade. She heard a chuckle somewhere to her right before hands gripped her.

  “This way. You’re going in the wrong direction. You aren’t a morning person, are you?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  “I guess you are one of those women who prefer to stay in bed and hit the snooze button on the alarm over and over again until the last minute.”

  “What’s wrong with that? I’ve gotten lax since I left hospital rotations to work at Homeland. I get way more sleep and I can’t say I’m sorry about it.”

  He laughed. “No snooze alarm this morning.”

  “Yeah. Just some running for our lives.”

  “That’s a good sum-up.” He took a deep breath. “Do you think you can walk for a while?”

  “I’m feeling better. Sore but better.”

  “Are you sore from the accident or from me?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” Trisha smiled. “You’re impressive but I can still walk just fine.”

  “Ready to go, sweet thing?”

  “Sure, lollypop.” She grinned, turning her head so he couldn’t see.

  “Lollypop?” He almost sounded insulted.

  “Because I want to lick you,” she replied sweetly.

  He growled and gripped her arm. “You’re only saying that because you know we have to leave.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Let’s go.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Trisha couldn’t see a thing. Slade kept a good hold on her arm, warning her when to step over something in their path. She stumbled a few times. Slade paused after the fourth time she nearly fell.

  “I’m going to carry you until the dawn. We’re moving way too slow.”

  “I’m sorry.” She meant it. He could travel much faster if she wasn’t with him, knowing full well she posed a danger to his survival.

  “Don’t worry about it. I know you have your limitations since you’re only human.” Amusement laced his voice.

  Trisha lifted her other hand and gave him the finger. “Can you see this?”

  “Maybe later, Doc. I’ll take that as an offer. I’m turning around for you to climb on my back and here’s the bag. If I have to carry you, you need to carry it.”

  He carefully put the bag over her head and arm so it rested on her back. He moved until she knew he waited in front of her. He crouched and she climbed onto his back. He lifted her as she gripped his shoulders and started walking.

  Finally, dawn broke and Trisha could see. “Put me down.”

  He stopped and released her knees for Trisha to slide down his back to her feet. They were in a sharp ravine that twisted out of sight. She stared upward on both sides. “That’s going to be a climb if this thing doesn’t end somewhere soon.”

  Dark blue eyes met hers. “I waited for you to be able to see but we need to climb now. I want out of this. It was good for carrying you but we’re better off on higher ground.”

  I had to open my mouth, she thought but she nodded. “After you.”

  He shook his head. “After you. I want to be able to catch you if you fall.”

  That made sense to her. She took a deep breath. Slade pointed and Trisha nodded, turned, and saw a lot of brush on both sides. She grabbed hold of a root and started to climb. The ground became rocky in some places but she kept finding handholds with the vegetation. Slade stayed right behind her. Her foot slipped once and Slade grabbed the heel of her shoe, stopping her from sliding. She turned her head.


  “Keep moving, sweet thing.”

  “You got it, lollypop.”

  “Knock that off.”

  “Right back at you.”

  She gave her attention to where she climbed and kept moving. Her hands hurt but she tried to ignore it, knowing their lives were at stake. The light got stronger as the sun rose and the chilly air turned into a warm, sunny morning, causing Trisha to sweat.

  Trisha knew her relief showed clearly when they reached the top and she groaned. She felt as though they’d been climbing forever. A hand suddenly grabbed the back of her slacks and yanked her down. Trisha gasped as she collapsed to her knees. Slade crouched at her side.

  “Stay down,” he ordered, flashing her an irritated look. “We’re higher, easier to spot, and your blonde hair is too visible.”

  “Sorry. This stuff isn’t my forte.”

  “Unfortunately, it is mine. Take a break, stay down, and be quiet. I’m going to scout the area.”

  “Sure. You do that.” She was exhausted as she just spread out on the ground, not caring how much dirt she sprawled over. She put her arm under her head. “I won’t move.”

  Slade snorted. “Women.”




  “Doc, knock it off.”

  “While you’re scouting, I don’t suppose you could find a local coffee shop and bring me back an iced mocha coffee, could you? Maybe a muffin? Or a donut?”

  Teeth flashed at her when he suddenly grinned. “I’ll do my best.”

  Trisha watched him leave. He stayed low. She studied the sky, deciding it would be really hot when the sun rose completely. She could just feel it. She sat up a few minutes later and carefully looked around, spotting ridges below. They were at a high point all right. She lay back down, hoping Justice North had sent out the National Guard to rescue them. She wanted a hot shower, clean clothes, and food. She yawned.

  She hadn’t gotten enough sleep. She was a pro at taking cat naps. She’d done it since med school. Being an intern could be a sleepless existence. She had learned to sleep under extreme conditions. She just hoped that training helped her survive on so little sleep and the grueling pace they needed to keep to stay ahead of the men hunting them.

  * * * * *

  “Don’t make a fucking sound.” Something jabbed hard into Trisha’s stomach.

  Her eyes flew open and she stared in fear at the hairy man wearing fatigues who stood over her. His sho
tgun shoved tighter against her waist, digging into her stomach, and his feet were planted wide apart above her. She stared right up between his spread legs and couldn’t miss the fact that he had a tear in the seam of his pants to reveal a section of red underwear.

  “Where’s the animal man?”

  Trisha met the man’s gaze as her heart began to pound from terror. He means Slade. Obviously the men who’d tried to kill them were definitely anti-New Species. She breathed hard, terrified. He’d shoot her in the gut if he pulled the trigger and that would be a horrible death. If he fired, she hoped he hit major arteries to make her bleed out quickly. With the gun pressed into her skin at that angle, she figured the hole the weapon blast made would finish her off quickly.

  “You deaf, bitch? Where is the animal-man?”

  “He abandoned me,” she lied. “I slowed him down too much.”

  The man leered at her breasts. “Stupid fucking animals. I would have at least fucked you first. Get up slow. You’re the doctor, right?”

  She managed a nod despite her shock that he’d know anything about her. “I’m Dr. Trisha Norbit.”

  “You a vet or a real doctor?”


  “Doesn’t matter,” he cut her off. “Get your ass up. One of my boys is hurt and it’s your lucky day. Usually we kill traitors of our country but I need you. Guess it don’t matter what kind of doctor you are as long as you know how to set a bone and stitch up the skin.”

  Traitor of their country? She gawked at him. The guy was obviously a fanatical freak. Great. She sat up when he pulled the gun a few inches from her shirt and he took another step back. Trisha carefully rose to her feet and put her arms up.

  “You got any weapons besides your tits?”

  “My…” She stammered and glared at him. “No.”

  The man shifted the shotgun, kept it cradled inside the crook of his arm, but trained on her. “Lift your shirt slowly and show me you don’t got a gun hidden in your waistband.”

  She did it, pulling her shirt up to her ribs and slowly turned until he could verify she wasn’t armed. She met his gaze when she’d done a full circle. It took a lot of control not to glance around to see if she could spot Slade but she didn’t dare. She prayed he’d see the man with the gun and not walk back to her.

  “Let’s go. Bill? Tom? You still got my back?”

  “Yes, sir,” a male called out from the left.

  “Sure as shit, Sully.” The voice spoke from the right.

  Trisha glanced around her but she didn’t see anyone but the man in front of her with the gun. He grinned, revealing yellowed, crooked teeth.

  “Some of my boys are with me. We usually travel in packs of four. It will be the last thing animal-man ever does if he decides to save you. He won’t be back for you though unless he gets an itch in his dick.”

  Trisha refrained from curling her lip in disgust. He was the lowest form of humanity, in her opinion. From the sound of his voice and the things he said, he honestly thought very little of Slade. He didn’t even know him and it had to be his prejudice against all New Species. He might be a moron but unfortunately he held a gun on her.

  “Move it.”

  A plan struck Trisha. She took a step and limped badly, dragging her foot a lot, and made a big production of wincing. The man with the gun uttered curse words that made her wince.

  “You’re injured? Goddamn it!” He roared the words.

  Trisha had to resist smiling at the idiot. He’d been worried she’d make a loud sound but he’d just shouted. Slade would have heard that for sure. Hell, anyone within a mile heard him, she guessed. She bit her lip hard and watched him as she paused limping.

  “It happened when you guys caused the SUV to crash.”

  He looked furious. “Tom? Get out here.”

  Tom probably didn’t have to shave yet from the looks of his pink skin and he had the narrow body of a pre-teen. He stood nearly as short as Trisha’s height of five-foot-three. He gripped a handgun and a large knife had been strapped to his camouflage clothing, making him appear as if he were a twelve-year-old dressed up as an Army guy for Halloween. The faint lines displayed near his mouth were the only signs that gave away his true age, putting him in his mid-twenties.

  “Yes, sir?” Tom’s voice came out unusually deep, probably something he did on purpose to sound more masculine. Green eyes fixed on Trisha, lowered to her breasts, and that’s where his attention stayed.

  She wanted to cross her arms over them but was afraid to move for fear of being shot. The jerk leered at her. She glared at him but he didn’t seem to care since he probably didn’t notice her anger. He wasn’t looking at her face. That would mean he’d have to stop gawking at her breasts.

  “How far is Pat from us?”

  “A mile, sir.” Tom licked his lips and rubbed his free hand on the top of his thigh. “That the animal lover, sir? Bet she did him.”

  “Shut up,” the man in charge ordered. “Look at her. She’s pretty. She isn’t some ugly no-account who can’t find a real man like us. Get on the radio and tell him that we’re coming in slow with her because she’s limping.”

  Tom finally dragged his attention from Trisha’s breasts to look at the older man. “Sure thing, Sully.” Tom appeared anything but happy as he disappeared into thick brush.

  “Let’s go.”

  Trisha remembered their names. Sully. Tom. Bill. She could identify two of them so far if she lived long enough to reach the authorities. She really wanted them arrested. She concentrated on that silent plan as she slowly limped along, purposely dragged her foot, and made a show of nonexistent pain. If she slowed them down it would give Slade more time to get away. He could look for help and send back the police to her.

  They mostly traveled downhill. She stumbled a few times but Sully never lifted a finger to help her. He kept the gun trained on her, followed close behind, and didn’t say a word. Trisha guessed that if Slade didn’t get her help she probably wouldn’t be alive much longer than the time it took for her to patch up the injured man. They’d probably shoot her the way they had Bart when they no longer had a use for her.

  They left the thick brush finally and she spotted a clearing with a tent set up and the fresh remains of a small fire. Trisha smelled food and her stomach rumbled. A coffeepot sat in the dead ashes of the crude fire pit they’d built with stones in a circle. Trisha paused, turned her head, and met Sully’s mud-brown eyes.

  “He’s inside the tent so get your ass in there and help him. Pat, we’re here and the doctor is coming in. Don’t go blowing her brains out before she can tend you.”

  Trisha limped toward the tent but nearly screamed in real pain when a fist grabbed her hair from behind and yanked her body back. She stumbled and collapsed to her knees, forcing Sully to release her. Tears blinded her for seconds as she grabbed the back of her head, guessing he’d torn out some of her hair. She looked at Sully in shock when she could see him past the tears.

  He had his gun pointed at the tent. “Pat? Call out now.”

  Trisha shifted her attention to the tent when no one answered. The tent door had been zipped closed. Sully inched forward and leaned down. He unzipped the tent flaps and jumped back, shotgun pointed inside as he eased back a little more.

  “Pat? I want you to call out now.”


  “Bill? Tom? Call out now,” Sully roared.

  “Here, sir,” Tom yelled. He stepped out of the woods about twenty feet from where Trisha and Sully were.

  Another man, in his forties, balding, with a pot belly, stepped out from the woods across the camp. Trisha guessed that had to be Bill. He nodded at Sully. The three men glared at the tent. Sully nodded to Tom and jerked his head at the tent, keeping his shotgun trained on the opening.

  Tom moved forward, shoved his handgun into his shoulder holster, and unfastened the large hunting knife on his thigh. He gripped it firmly and crouched to the side of the tent. He reached out with his left h
and and jerked up the zipper, opening the flap to peer inside.

  “He’s gone.” Tom gasped.

  “Didn’t you raise him on the radio?” Sully sounded pissed.

  “No, sir. He didn’t answer. I thought maybe he was sleeping or taking a shit. He can still get around pretty good even with his arm all busted.”

  Sully spun to point his gun at Trisha. “When did the animal abandon you?”

  She swallowed. “He took off sometime during the night. I fell asleep with him there but when I woke right before the sun rose he’d abandoned me.”

  “He’s far from here.” Bill had a deep voice with an accent that hinted at him being Texan or maybe Southern. It was hard to nail down. “As soon as he stopped carrying her he would have taken off like the wind. They can move, Sully. He’s probably put ten miles on us by now. Another team will get him for sure though.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Sully lowered the gun he held. “Let’s spread out and find Pat. Think he’s delirious? He had a fever this morning.”

  Bill nodded. “Could be. I told you one of us should stay with him. We’ve been gone since dawn and he could have made some time. One of us will have to stay here with the woman and she can work on him when we find him.”

  “We should have carried him out,” Tom muttered. “I told you he could die. What if he gets himself killed out there?”

  “I ain’t going to blow that fifty-thousand-dollar reward because Pat is a fool who couldn’t watch where he was going.” Sully’s tone came out harsh.

  Bill nodded as he stared at Trisha were she remained sitting on ground. “I’ll stay with the woman while you two split up and search for Pat. I’d guess he would go downhill since it’s easier to travel that way. Maybe he panicked and is hunting for another team, thinking someone will pack him out or maybe he thought he could head to the highway to flag down a motorist.”

  “Fuck!” Sully yelled. “Why don’t we just forget him, kill the bitch, and go track our animal? I want that fifty-thousand-dollar reward for one of those animal bastards.”