March, Lieutenant. The Martha Ann's navigation officer. He served fouryears in nuclear submarines and is an accomplished Scuba diver.

  Was murdered on the Starbuck.

  Martha Ann. The 101st Salvage Fleet's top search and salvage vessel.

  The ship is modern but designed to look very old. It has thesuperstructure of an older ship-a square boxlike shape to thesuperstructure and an old-fashioned vertical smokestack. Painted blackwith the usual red waterline; the paint used is a special compound thatappears to be rusted. On the stem is painted "Martha Ann-SEATTLE." Itsails with a small crew as the ship is completely computerized andcontrolled automatically.

  Mauser. Model 712 Schnell Fueur Pistole serial number 47405.

  Fifty-round clip. Has the ability to fire single shot or automatic.

  Pitt's choice of protection when he goes for a drive in the AC Cobra.

  Metford, Seaman. Crewman on the submarine Starbuck, mentioned inDupree's log that was recovered by Pitt.

  Moana Valley Lookout. A scenic lookout near the scene of the accidentwith the gray Dodge truck.

  Monitor. The ship that launches a Hyperion missile at the seamount inthe Pacific Vortex. Named after the famous Civil War ironclad.

  Moran, Delphi. Described as six feet eight inches tall.

  Has blazing golden eyes. His face is long and gaunt and framed by aheavy layer of unkempt silver hair.

  Moran, Dr. Frederick. Father of Delphi and grandfather of Summer.

  Called "The Oracle of Psychic Unity." Described as a giant with yelloweyes. Was one of the United States' great classical anthropologists.

  Moran, Summer. The most exotic woman Pitt has ever seen. She possesseseyes so gray, they defy reality, and her hair falls in an enchantingcascade of red, presenting a vibrant contrast against the green Orientalsheath dress that adheres to her curvaceous body.

  Granddaughter of Frederick Moran, daughter of Delphi Moran.

  New Century. A ship salvaged by the 101st Salvage Fleet off Libya.

  Oceanic Star. A Liberian freighter of 5,135 tons carrying a cargo ofrubber and farm machinery. Was reported missing in the Pacific VortexJune 14, 1949.

  The first sunken vessel that the Martha Ann spotted.

  Pants, Avery Anson. Singer of "The Great Bikini Ripoff," number twelveon the charts. A song played by Aloha Willie on radio station POPO.

  Papaaloa, George. Museum curator at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum ofPolynesian Ethnology and Natural History. Described as tall with whitehair. Has a wide brown face, jutting chin, large lips and misty browneyes.

  Pisces Metal Company. The company that was chartering the Explorer whenLavella and Roblemann disappeared in the Pacific Vortex. Also thecompany that owned the radio-transmitting facility on a remote corner ofMaui that was used to disrupt radio distress calls.

  Pisces Parent Corporation. Parent company of Pisces Metal Company.

  Plumeria. A plant that grows in Hawaii with a beautiful fragrance.

  Pitt also notices it is the scent that aummer wears. Riley, Lieutenant. The officer Paul Boland orders to issue the crew ofthe Martha Ann sidearms after the fog begins to cover the ship.

  Roblemann. A renowned surgeon who was experimenting with a mechanicalgill system so humans would be able to absorb oxygen from water.

  Romando Region. A region in the Pacific southeast of Japan where shipsdisappear. Could be compared to the Bermuda Triangle.

  San GabrieL The first ship to appear in response to the Lillie Marlene'sMayday call. After sending a boarding party to the Lillie Marlene, theyfind the crew dead and their bodies turned green, their faces meltedaway. When the San Gabriel attempts to tow the Lillie Marlene, the shipexplodes with a huge blast and sinks.

  Scopoinmine. Also referred to as truth serum. The liquid that was inthe syringe Summer tried to inject into Pitt.

  Scorpiom U.S. Navy ship. Mysteriously disappeared but was eventuallylocated.

  Selco-Ramsey 8300. The computer system that runs the Martha Ann. Selma Snoop. A small, blue, watertight, battery operated,direction-device. It helps navigate the Douglas C-54 to the seamountfor the rescue.

  South wind A ship salvaged in the Black Sea by the 101st Salvage Fleet.

  Sphyma levini. Latin name for the hammerhead shark.

  Stanley, Lieutenant The Detection Room officer on the Martha AnrL Killedby the boarding party from the seamount.

  Starbuck. U.S. nuclear submarine. Built in San Francisco, the vesselfeatures a computer-designed pressure hull. Capable of cruising at onehundred twenty-five knots at two thousand feet below the surface.

  Total crew of sixty-three.

  Tan Maru A ship salvaged off China by the 101st Salvage Fleet.

  Thresher. U.S. Navy submarine. Mysteriously disappeared but waseventually located.

  Tripler Military Hospital. The location where Pitt lands the FHXhelicopter with the survivors of the attack on the Martha Ann.

  Described as a great concrete edifice perched on a hill overlooking thesouth coast of Oahu.

  Verhusson, Herbert. Nationally recognized film producer and owner ofthe Lillie Marlene, a ship discovered adrift in the Pacific Vortex.

  Vortex, Pacific. An area off Hawaii similar to the Bermuda Trianglewhere ships disappear with regularity.

  Thirty-eight ships are reported missing in the area.

  Described as a circular area north of the Hawaiian Islands.

  Waikiki Beach, Hawafl. The beach Pitt and Summer Moran walk on whenthey first meet. Also where Summer attacks Pitt. Pitt prevails andtakes Summer hostage, holding her in his hotel room. She escapesthrough the window.

  WiHie, Aloha. Late-night disc jockey on radio stationPOPO. Relays the riddle to Admiral Hunter that comes over hisfrequency.

  Yeager, Seaman G. Admiral Hunter's aide. Thinks Pitt is crazy after heshows up at the admiral's office dressed only in a bathing suit.

  York, Dr. Raymond. Head of the Marine Geology Department for the EtonSchool of Oceanography.

  Described as big, over six feet tall and wide in the shoulders. Hasperfectly spaced teeth and large hands.

  The Mediterranean CaperAdmiral DeFosse. French ironclad ship sunk in 1872 near Thasos.

  Albatros D-3. German-made World War I bi-wing airplane. Asingle-seater with a rigid spoked-wheel landing gear, a wooden propellerand fabric-covered wings.

  Powered by a single in-line engine. Painted bright yellow with blackMaltese crosses on the wings and fuselage. In the German Imperial AirService from 1916 to 1918.

  ABen Dive Bright. An aluminum-cased dive light waterproof to anine-hundred-foot depth. Pitt and Giordino use it to illuminate thelabyrinth so they can investigate.

  Alopeda areata. A skin disease that causes complete baldness. The realBruno von Till suffered from this disease.

  Athena. The donkey Pitt rode to town after escaping the labyrinth.

  Brady Air Force Base. The U.S. Air Force base in Greece where much ofThe Mediterranean Caper takes place.

  Brown's Nautical ac. The book of charts Pitt locates in the chart roomof the Queen Artemisia.

  c-133 cargomaster. The U.S. Air Force cargo planes stationed at BradyField.

  Clara G. British collier sunk in 1856 near Thasos.

  Clisenti automatic pistol The weapon carried by Colonel Zeno.

  Coelacanth. A fish thought to be extinct over seventy million yearsuntil one was found off the coast of East Africa.

  Confident, ILNLS. British ship famous for keel-hulling one of its crewafter he was caught stealing a cup of brandy from the captain's cabin.

  Diana Gaa An old tramp steamer that Gunn remembers Pitt using to locatethe mysterious seamount in pacific Vortex. Interesting, because if youread Pacific Vortex, that is not the name of the ship Pitt is aboard.

  Daphne. British gunboat sunk off Thasos.

  Darius, Captain. Member of the Greek Gendarmerie and Colonel Zeno'spartner. Described as two inches taller than Pitt and looking like achiseled stone colosSUS. Pitt estimates he must weigh at leas
t 260pounds.

  His face is miss proportioned and strikingly repulsive.

  He actually is working for Bruno von Till and shoots Pitt in the thighin the underwater cave. Executed by Colonel Zeno.

  Dragonet fish. A vivid blue and yellow scaleless fish spotted by thedivers as they swim toward the underwater cave.

  Ea, Delphi. Mentioned briefly on page 186. We seem to have caughtClive on this one. When Pacific Vortex was finally published, he hadchanged the name to Delphi Moran.

  F-105 Starfire jet. The U.S. Air Force jets stationed at Brady Field.

  (The actual Air Force name for the F-105 was Thunderchief-its nickname"THUD.") First Attempt. N UMA search vessel that was being used for theexpedition to find a Teaser. Described as one hundred fifty-two feet inlength and displacing eight hundred twenty tons. Has eight crew membersand fourteen scientists on board.

  French Sureti. The French elite police who are assisting in crackingthe heroin-smuggling ring.

  Ganges River. 'the polluted river in India that Colonel Lewis says hewill settle for a drink from. Pitt offers him a Fix beer instead.

  Greek National Tourist Organization. The organization that operates thetour of the ruin of the theater where Pitt ends up when he escapes fromthe labyrinth.

  Hawk of Macedonia. Nickname for German flying ace Lieutenant KurtHeibert. Assigned to Jagdstaffel 91, he attained thirty-two victoriesbefore attacking a weather balloon and being downed. He was reportedlost in the Aegean Sea July 15, 1918.

  Hersong, Gustaf. The lanky six-foot-tall marine botanist on the FirstAttempt. Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till'shouse.

  Hypsarion. The mountain that is the highest point on the island ofThasos.

  Japanese 1-boat. Japanese submarine that Bruno von Till uses as thelaunching platform for the Albatros.

  Hidden inside the underwater cave, the submarine had been sunk by anAmerican destroyer off Iwo Jima in 1945, then raised by Minerva Lines in1951.

  Knight, Dr. Ken. Described as young, blond and well tanned, he has along, sparse yellow beard. A brilliant marine geophysicist.

  Lewis, James. Air Force colonel and commanding officer at Brady Field.

  Liminas, Greece. A small village six miles north, up the road fromBrady Field.

  Limpet mine. The type of underwater mine that Giordino wants to attachto the huH of the Queen Artemisia.

  Macrocystis pyrifera. A brown algae of the Phaeophyta family. The kelpis native to the Pacific coast of the United States. Spotted by GustafHersong in the underwater cave. He claims that it is fake, a plasticreplica.

  Mauser. The vest-pocket .25-caliber handgun that Giordino brandishes atInspector Zacynthus when he is planning to jail Pitt and Giordino.

  The gun belongs to Teri von Till, and Giordino discovered it taped toher leg.

  Maybach-Zeppelin. The 1936 German automobile that Bruno von Till sentto pick up Pitt to bring him to dinner at his home. A town car bodystyle with a divider between the passenger and the chauffeur. Thecoachwork is painted a deep multicolored silver, and the fenders andrunning boards are painted black. The tires sport a distinctivediamond-shaped pattern. Pitt ends up with the automobile.

  Mayday. The original name for the book The Mediterranean Caper,published in England as such. Also an internationally recognizeddistress call.

  Mediterranean Tenth Fleet. The U.S. Navy battle group that Pittrecommends operate the submarine recovered from the underwater cave.

  Minerva Lines. Bruno von Till's shipping company.

  His ships are described as decrepit rust buckets and feature a bigyellow M painted on the smoke funnels.

  Mini-Cooper. Tiny British automobile that Teri von Till drives. HerMini-Cooper is a British racing green model with an open top. Shepurchased the car in London and drove it to Greece from Le Havre,France.

  Moody, Airman second Class. The air policeman at the front gate themorning Pitt awakens early and decides to go for a swim in the ocean.

  Panaghia, Greece. The town near Brady Field.

  PBY Ca A twin Pratt and Whitney-engined flying boat. The call numbersfor the PBY in the book are PBY-086.

  Pit of Hades. A vast underground labyrinth with a hundred differentpassages and only two openings, an entrance and a hidden exit which is aclosely guarded secret.

  Portuguese Man-of-War. Jellyfish with long purplish tentacles that thedivers spot when they are swimming toward the underwater cave.

  Primacord. It looks like string or rope and can be made in anythickness. It reacts like a burning fuse, only more rapidly. Pittfeels it was used to sever the cables on the First Attempt.

  Queen Artemisia. The Minerva Lines freighter that is carrying heroin tothe United States. Pitt sCUBAs out to the ship and searches it, findingno one.

  Queen Jocasta. The Minerva Lines freighter that will deliver the herointo the United States. The Queen Artemisia is a decoy.

  Remick, Sophia. The artist who painted an amateurish painting thathangs in the captain's cabin of the Queen Artemisia. The inscription onthe painting reads: "To the captain of my heart from his loving wife."

  Scyla Italian brig sunk in 1876 near Thasos.

  Sea of Tethys. A great sea that millions of years in the past coveredTibet, India and Central Europe. All that remains of the Sea of Tethystoday is the Black, Caspian and Mediterranean seas.

  Spencer, Lee. The red-bearded marine biologist on the First Attempt.

  Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.

  Star gazer. A bottom-dwelling fish with stony eyes and grotesquefringed lips spotted by the divers as they swim toward the underwatercave.

  Teaser. Fish thought to be extinct over two hundred million years untilone is spotted by Pitt at the end of the book. Gunn believes it mightbe one of the first mammals. It might have tiny scales and a smoothporpoise like skin or perhaps even a kind of furry hide like a sea lion.

  Thasos Strait. The body of water between the island of Thasos and theMacedonian mainland.

  Thasos, Greece. An island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea.

  Thomas, Stan. The short runty ship's engineer on the First Attempt.

  Dives with Pitt into the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.

  U-19. German submarine sunk in 1918 off Thasos. A model of the U-19 isin Bruno von Till's study.

  Von Stroh-elm, Erich. Shaven-skulled German actor mentioned on page245.

  Von TM Bruno. Described as being heavyset with a round, typicallyGerman face featuring shaved head, shifty eyes and no neck. Claims heflew with the Hawk of Macedonia, Kurt Heibert, but is actually hisbrother, Admiral Erich Heibert, commander of Nazi Germany'stransportation fleet. Wanted for war crimes. The actual Bruno von Tillwas murdered in England by Erich Heibert.

  Von Till, Teri. Around thirty years old. Her figure is described as abeguiling mixture of grace and firmness.

  Dark brown eyes and shoulder-length black hair. She has a smallpockmark beside her right temple. Was married to a motorcar salesmanwho raced cars and was killed in the crash of his supercharged MG.

  Before Pitt has his way with her on the beach, she claims she wascelibate for almost nine years. Half Greek and half German. Born inGreece but raised in England.

  Alleged niece to Bruno von Till but actually a substitute. Real nameAmy.

  Whaleboat. The First Attempt's shore boat was described as twenty-sixfeet in length and with double ends. It was powered by a singlefour-cylinder Buda engine.

  Willie. Bruno von Till's driver and assistant. Biondhaired. Wearssilver-rimmed spectacles. Wears jackboots with hobnails. Pitt puncheshim in the nose, breaking it, for spying on him and Teri making love onthe beach. Is killed when the weather balloon rigged with explosivesblows the Albatros from the sky.

  Woodson, Omar. The expedition photographer on the First Attempt.

  Dives with Pitt on the underwater cave below Bruno von Till's house.

  Zacynthus, inspector Hercules, Federal Bureau of Narcotics' Friends callhim Za
c. An American described as a tall, thin man with large, sadeyes. Has uncommonly even teeth and smokes a pipe. Has neatly styledhair.

  Zeno, Colonel Polyclitus AnaxRmander. The Greek Gendarmerie inspectorwho poses as a Greek National Tourist Organization tour guide and takesPitt and Giordino into custody after they search Bruno von Till's study.Described as having a broad, white-toothed smile beneath his greatmustache.