IcebergAndursson, Golfur. Chief gillie, or river warden, for the Rarfur River.Described as having a stern face with sea-blue eyes. Gray hair flowingaround a broad forehead like a helmet on a warrior in a Flemishpainting. An old man, age somewhere beyond seventy years, wearing aworn turtleneck sweater. He rescues Pitt, who has collapsed from thelong walk from the staged helicopter crash. Andursson takes him in aLand Rover to his home and allows him to use his radio transmitter.

  Pitt radios Admiral Sandecker, who sends help by plane.

  Arnarson, Sergeant. Policeman who patrols the village where Pitt istaken after the helicopter crash. Is murdered and his identity assumedby phony policeman.

  Described as having been five foot nine and one hundred seventy pounds.

  When Dr. Jonsson confirms his size, Pitt notes he is probably dead andone of the phony policemen is wearing his uniform.

  B-92. USAF reconnaissance bomber that flies at twelve hundred miles anhour. The plane Pitt takes from Iceland to Disneyland.

  Boyle, Jack. Australian coal tycoon. Member of Hermit Limited.

  Brady. Texan and white-jacketed steward on the Catawaba.

  Cashman, Sergeant Sam. Does freelance hydraulic work on the blackLorelei executive jet that attacks Pitt and Hunnewell. When Pittrecovers the landing gear of the crashed jet, it has the initials S.C onthe part, and the initials lead him to Cashman. He is assigned toEighty-seventh Air Transport Squadron. A former crop duster inOklahoma, he is also the pilot of the Ford Trimotor that flies therescue team to the staged helicopter crash.

  Castile, Pablo. President of the Dominican Republic who is targeted tobe assassinated by Hermit Limited killers inside the Pirates of theCaribbean ride at Disneyland. Plot is foiled by Pitt and NavalIntelligence.

  Catawaba. A Coast Guard supercutter. Commanded by Lieutenant CommanderLee Koski. The control room is described as science-fiction spacemovie. From floor to ceiling, the four steel bulkheads stand buriedbehind a mechanical avalanche of computers, television monitors andinstrumented consoles. Endless rows of technically labeled switches andknobs, garnished by enough colored lights to fill a casino marquee inLas Vegas.

  Has air-search radar, surface-search radar scanners, the latestLoran-type navigational equipment of medium, high and ultra-highfrequencies, not to mention computerized navigation plotting. Manned byseventeen officers and one hundred sixty enlisted men. The ship costbetween twelve and thirteen million and was built at the North gateshipyards in Wilmington, Delaware.

  Chloral hydrate. Substance Pitt suspects was slipped to the passengersand crew of the Lax to knock themout prior to the fire. This explains why the crew was still at dutystations.

  De Croix, Joan. President of French Guiana who is targeted to beassassinated by Hermit Limited killers inside the Pirates of theCaribbean ride at Disneyland.

  Plot is foiled by Pitt and Naval Intelligence.

  Devonshire, Clarence. Master inspector at Lorelei Aircraft Limited.

  Disneyland. Amusement park in Anaheim, California.

  The location Hermit Limited chooses to assassinate the heads of FrenchGuiana and the Dominican Republic. Plot is foiled inside the Pirates ofthe Caribbean ride by Pitt and Naval Intelligence.

  Dover, Lieutenant Amos. The Catawaba's executive officer. Described aslooking like a big bear; his voice seemed to growl from somewhere deepwithin his stomach.

  Dupuy, Roger. French millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.

  Ford Trimotor. 'the famed Tin Goose. Powered by three 200-horsepowerengines, with one directly in front of the cockpit and one on each wing.Described as having a corrugated aluminum skin.

  Fyrie, Kirsti. Kristjan Fyrie's twin sister.

  Fyrie, Kristjan. Described as a genius, adventurer, scientist, legend,the tenth-richest man in the world before age twenty-five. A kind andgentle person untouched by his fame and wealth. Wears a beautifullyhand-crafted ring inlaid with eight different semiprecious stones nativeto Iceland, each carved in the likeness of an ancient Nordic god. Ateighteen, when a seaman on a Greek freighter, he jumped on the coast ofMozambique. He caught the diamond fever and began diving in the watersoffshore as all the ground leases were tied up.

  After five months of diving, he found diamonds and with the help of theblack natives formed a company to mine them commercially. Within twoyears of the find, he was worth forty million dollars. After that, hemined manganese off Vancouver Island and brought in an oil field inPeru. His parents died in a fire when he was very young. Only knownrelative is a twin sister. After sex change, assumes Kirsti Fyrie'sidentity.

  Grimsi The vessel Pitt, Tidi Royal and Admiral Sandecker borrow to lookfor the black jet that attacked Pitt and Hunnewejl. Owned by OskarRodheim, the old forty-foot fishing boat is not what it appears. It ispowered by twin 420-horsepower Sterling gas engines and has atop-of-the-line Fleming six-ten fathometer.

  Described as having a square wheelhouse, perched just five feet from thestern. A very old boat-as old as the antique compass mounted beside herhelm. Her mahogany deck planks are worn smooth, but she still is strongand true.

  Hadley, Seaman First Class Buzz. Coast Guard radar operator who noticesthe iceberg on radar and notifies Lieutenant Neth and Ensign Rapp.

  Hermit Lindted. An evil consortium led by Oskar Rodheim that secretlymerges the great mining companies from the northern border of Guatemalato the tip of Chile.

  Howard, Dorothy. An attractive red-haired British actress present atthe poetry reading at Oskar Rodheim's mansion.

  Hull, Captain Ben. Described as a great bull of a man, tan-faced, withlong blond sideburns. Head of the rescue crew on the Ford Trimotor thatpicks up Pitt at Golfur Andursson's house and then flies to the stagedhelicopter crash to aid the survivors.

  Hummek Hans Von. Small, rotund, lively, with a bald head. Germanmillionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.

  Hunnewefl, Dr. Bill. Ph.D. in oceanography. Employed by NUMA and apassenger on the helicopter Pitt lands on the Catawaba. Tours theburned-out hulk of the Lax with Pitt and is flying in helicopter fromthe Catawaba to Iceland when the helicopter is attacked by a blackBritish-made executive jet. After Pitt downs the jet by smashing itwith the helicopter's rotor blade, Pitt and Hunnewell crash in theocean.

  Hunnewell is badly shot in the left arm but dies on the beach in Icelandfrom a bad heart. A member of Hermit Limited, the consortium arrangedby Oskar Rodheim to take over Central and South America.

  Jonsson, Dr. Treats Pitt after helicopter crash and pronounces cause ofdeath for Hunnewell.

  Kelly, F. James Thin, distinguished, with silver hair and beard.

  American billionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.

  Kelly, Sam. Older brother of F. James Kelly. Described as around-shouldered heavy character in his middle seventies, with blue,knifing eyes deep set in a wizened face. Dies of an apparent heartattack at the staged helicopter crash.

  Kippell Don The chief of the Naval Intelligence Agency. Described asshort and almost as broad as a chair. Bald and with gray eyes. Heshows up at Admiral Sandecker's office with orders signed by thesecretary of defense for Pitt's reassignment. Pitt is ordered to assistNaval Intelligence by spotting the Hermit Limited killers at Disneyland.

  KosK Lieutenant Commander Lee. Forty-one years old. Has served inCoast Guard eighteen years. Described as very short with blue eyes andshaggy wheat-colored hair. Conlmander of the Catawaba, the CoastGuard's newest supercutter.

  Lax Yacht owned by Kristjan Fyrie that is discovered inside the icebergby Pitt and Hunnewell. Supposedly had fifteen people on board includingeight engineers from FYrie Mining Limited. When it was last sighted bya Standard Oil tanker before Pitt finds it in the iceberg, its locationwas six hundred miles off Cape Farewell, Greenland.

  Dam Chief of park security for Disneyland.

  Described as a big, taR, pipe-smoking man whose eyesstare out at Pitt from behind fashionable rimless glasses.

  Lillie, Jerome P. IV. Naval Intelligence Agency officer who poses as acab driver when he meets Pitt. Part
of the Lillie beer family of St.Louis, Missouri. Is also one of the people rescued from the stagedhelicopter crash.

  Lorelei Mark VM-Bl6O8. The black executive jet that attacks thehelicopter Pitt and Hunnewell are flying.

  Built by Lorelei Aircraft Limited in Great Britain and powered by twinturbine engines.

  Mahani, lban. Iranian millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.

  Marks, Sir Eric. British millionaire. Member of Hermit Limited.

  Matajic, Dr. Len. Works for NUMA studying currents below ten thousandfeet. Has a camp on an ice floe in Baffin Bay with partner JackO'Riley. Disappears after he recognizes the Lax under a different name.

  Mundsson, Bjarni. Boy who finds Pitt and Hunnewell on the beach afterthe helicopter crash and goes for help. Son of Thorsteinn Mundsson,farmer.

  Mundsson, Thorsteinn. Farmer and father of the boy who found Pitt onthe beach when he was injured in the helicopter crash.

  Nagel, Colonel. The Air Force commanding officer atKeflavik Air Base, Iceland, and commanding officer of Sam Cashman.

  Neth, Lieutenant Sam. Pilot of the huge four-engined Coast Guard patrolplane in the prologue. He is reading a paperback when told that aniceberg has been spotted.

  Newporter Inn. Location in Newport Beach, California, where Pitt waswith a gorgeous sex-mad redhead a week before he flew out to theCatawaba. Also where he tells the cab driver he wants to go in the lastsentence of the book.

  Novgorod A Russian trawler crammed with the latest and mostsophisticated electronic detection gear Soviet science has yet devised.

  It also allegedly contains the codes and data for their entire WesternHemisphere surveillance program. Supposedly crewed by thirty-five menand women, it is said to have remained off Greenland for three months.

  The story is a lie Pitt fabricates to explain to the captain of theCatawaba why he needs to land on his ship.

  O'Riley, JadL NUMA employee. Studying current flows below ten thousandfeet with Dr. Len Matajic on an ice floe in Baffin Bay. Disappearsafter being told by Matajic that he recognized the ship they went on asthe Lax.

  Rapp, Ensign James. Copilot of the Coast Guard patrol plane in theprologue.

  Rodbeim, Oskar. Described as a tall, snowy-haired,distinguished-looking figure, fairly young, late thirties, with his facestrong and lined by years of ocean gales and salt air. His eyes are acool ice-blue above a strong, narrow nose and a mouth that looksgoodnaturedly warm. Owner of Rodheim Industries, a fishing company thatuses boats painted blue and flying a red flag with an albatross.

  Early in Iceberg, he is engaged to Kirsti Fyrie and they are planning tomerge their companies. Pitt warns that the combination of the twocompanies will give them control of the North Atlantic. NavalIntelligence file 078-34. Alias Max Rolland, alias Hugo von Klausen,alias Chatford Marazan. Real name Carzo Butera. Born in Brooklyn, NewYork, July 15, 1940.

  Royal Tidi. Admiral Sandecker's personal secretary.

  Can type one hundred twenty words a minute for eight hours without ayawn. Described as long-bodied with smiling brown eyes and fawn-coloredhair. When Pitt wakes up after being wounded and brought to Reykjavik,she is wearing a red wool dress that clings to her precision-shapedhourglass figure. Described as five foot seven, one hundred thirty-fivepounds, thirty-six inches around the hips, an astonishing twenty-threeinches around the waist and the bust a probable thirty-six C-cup. Allin all, a figure that belongs on the center spread of Playboy.

  Sloan, Lieutenant Jonis. Chief ice observer aboard the four-enginedCoast Guard patrol plane that spots the iceberg. Tosses a gallon jar ofred dye on the iceberg.

  The stain is later chipped off, leading to the identification.

  Snorrils Restaurant. Located in Reykjavik, Iceland, it is where Pittfirst meets Kirsti Fyrie. Described as having a buffet table with overtwo hundred different native dishes. Pitt counts over twenty differentsalmon dishes and nearly fifteen of cod. Pitt raves about the raw curedshark meat.

  Surtsey. Icelandic for submarine. The new name of the Lax.

  Svendborg, Gustav. Radio operator of the burned-out hulk Pitt findsinside the iceberg. His chair was literally burned out from under him,and his corpse is described as a scorched form curled up in a fetusposition, the knees drawn up to the chin and the arms pulled tightlyagainst the sides.

  Tamareztov. Russian KGB agent opposed to Hermit Limited. Described asa short, stocky man with thinning hair, brown eyes and a limping gait.

  Rescued from fake helicopter crash. Pitt fulfills the promise he madeto him by-returning and rescuing him as well as bringing him a bottle ofvodka.

  Thorp, Chief Ordered by Koski to have his men ready to secure Pitt'shelicopter the minute it touches down on the Catawaba.

  Ulysses Q-55. Helicopter Pitt flies and lands on the Catawaba.

  Described as a craft capable of nearly two hundred fifty miles an hour.

  Ybarra, Jesus. Doctor at the San de Sol Hospital in Veracruz, Mexico.

  He is the doctor who performs a 165 sex change on Kristjan Fyrie.

  Member of Hermit Limited.

  Zirconium. Purified zirconium is vital in the construction of nuclearreactors because it absorbs little or no radiation. Atomic numberforty. Substance Fyrie allegedly found in vast quantities and was onhis way to the United States to negotiate with defense contractors aboutwhen the Lax disappeared.

  Raise the Titanic!

  Alhambra. U.S. Navy vessel present at the Titanic recovery site.

  Amanda. The hurricane that hits the Titanic after she is raised.

  Registers force fifteen on the Beaufort scale.

  Known as the "Great Blow of 1988," the hurricane cut a swath acrossthree thousand miles of ocean in three and a half days before slamminginto the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. Estimates of damage ran ashigh as two hundred fifty million dollars. The death toll from thestorm ran from 300 to 325 people.

  Antonov, Georgi. Soviet general secretary. Smokes a pipe.

  Archangel, Soviet Union. Location where the ship containing Joshua HaysBrewster was bound when he wrecks on Novaya Zemyla. Awaiting rescue, heexplores the island and finds byzanium. Saving one sample, he turns therest over to his employer, Societe des Mines de Lorraine.

  Bailey, Dr. Cornelius. Doctor who performs the autopsy on Henry Munk.

  Described as an elephant of a man, broad-shouldered, with a thrustingsquare-jawed face. Sandy-colored hair falls down to his collar. Hisbeard is cut in a Van Dyke.

  Balboa Bay Club. Club in Newport Beach where Pitt first meets GeneSeagram.

  Banque de Lausanne. Bank in Switzerland where Marganin claims Prevlovis stashing money. The account number is AZF 7609. The name on theaccount is V.Volper, an anagram of Prevlov.

  Barshov, Peter. Professor from the Leningrad Institute of Geology whobriefs Prevlov about the mine on Novaya Zemlya. Described as havingleathery hands and graying hair and smoking a meerschaum pipe.

  Bascom, Chief. U.S. Navy chief on the Samuel R.Morse. Described as having the face of a canvas-weary prizefighter andthe body of a beer keg. Nicknamed "Bad Bascom."

  Beaufort Sea Expedition. Prior NUMA expedition that Sandecker refers towhen explaining how he selected the crew for the Lorelei Current DriftExpedition.

  Bednaya Mountain, U.S.S.R. Mountain with the byzanium mine on NovayaIsland.

  Beecher's Island U.S. Navy aircraft carrier dispatched to the Titanicsite.

  Beesley, Alexander. The scientist who discovered byzanium in 1902.

  Bigalow, John L. Commodore, K.B.E R.D R.N.R.

  Was a young deck officer on the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic. Lastsurviving crew member of the Titanic.

  Described as having deep blue eyes. "The few strands of hair on hishead were pure white, as was his beard, and his face showed the ruddy,weathered look of a seafaring man." Presents Pitt with the flag fromthe Titanic he had snatched as she was sinking. Pitt later hoists thepennant when the ship is raised. Dies after Titanic is raised and isburied at sea.

  Bloeser, EmesL Former owner of the L
ittle Angel Mine.

  Boleslavski, lssak. Great Russian chess master mentioned by Prevlov toMarganin as they try to determine what the Sicilian Project is.

  Boleslavski favored a chess strategy named the Sicilian Defense.

  Bomberger. A new vessel constructed especially for deep-water salvage.

  Boosey-Hawkes. The company that manufactured the comet found on theocean floor by the Sappho I and later identified as coming from theTitanic. The company is described as a very reputable and very fineBritish firm. The comet was made in either October or November 1911.